Two Scholars Who Were in Our Town and Other Novellas (24 page)

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Authors: S. Y. Agnon

Tags: #Short Stories (Single Author), #Fiction, #Jewish

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Kerchief / The kerchief – a central symbol throughout this tale – is revisited by Agnon most famously in his story, “The Kerchief”, in
A Book That Was Lost
Lulav and citron / The palm-branch and citron (
) used as part of the Sukkot celebration (cf. Lev. 23:40)
Robber chief / This element is taken from the legends of the Ba’al Shem Tov
A certain cave / Cf. Agnon’s “Fable of the Goat”, in
A Book That Was Lost
Two thousand ells / The Sabbath boundary outside of which one is forbidden to travel
Shaddai / Playing off the homonym:
(Hebrew for “The Almighty”) being one of God’s Holy names and the Polish
, meaning: Sit!
Took off my shoes / One is forbidden to wear leather shoes on Yom Kippur
Buczacz / Agnon’s hometown in Eastern Galicia, today Western Ukraine, and the setting for this story’s opening
Rabbi Akiva / cf. Pesachim 112a
Him who hath light in Zion / Isaiah 31:9
Adar / Hebrew month corresponding to February-March
Kohen / Descendent of the priestly caste
Slaughterer-and-inspector / Responsible for the production of kosher meat
Ketuvot / Talmudic tractate dealing with laws of marriage contracts
Alfasi / R. Isaac Alfasi of Fes, known as Rif (1013-1103), medieval Talmudic commentator
The King hath brought… / Song of Songs 1:4. Rabbi Gershon is the central character of Agnon’s earlier story
(“The Banished”), which is set around 1815. Based on this fact we can speculate that “In the Heart of the Seas” is set around 20-30 years later
Rabbi Shmuel Yosef / Agnon’s own name; the author has retrojected himself as a character into his own story
Stryi / A town about 135 km. west of Buczacz
Esther / Agnon’s own wife, Esther
Marx (1889-1973), similarly retrojected into the story
Rabbi Avigdor / One of the protagonists of the earlier mentioned story
Oh that the salvation… / Ps. 53:7
Draw me… / Song of Songs 1:4
Strypa / A left tributary of the Dniester River, runs through Buczacz
Rabbi Meir the Miracle Worker / A charity fund to support residents of the Holy land, named for the 2nd century C.E. rabbi of the Mishnah
All the rivers… / Ecclesiastes 1:7
Rabbi in Yaslovitz / Da’at Kedoshim – Based on actual case of R. Avraham David Wahrman (1770-1840), who left the Yaslovitz rabbinate to take up a position in Bucazacz in 1813. The tale is related in Agnon’s story “
Da’at Kedoshim”
in his volume
Ir uMelo’ah
Sambation / According to ancient Jewish legend the Sambation River marked the place beyond which the Ten Lost Tribes were exiled
Baal Shem Tov / R. Yisral ben Eliezer (d. 1760), called the “Master of the Good Name”, mystic and founder of Hassidut
Buried in earth outside the Land / cf. Shabbat 153a
Zaddik / Lit. “righteous one”, title used to designate a Hassidic Rabbi
Heman and Asaph and Jeduthun / I Chron 25:1; Bava Batra 14b names them as among the authors of Psalms
Head of Esau / Esua was the brother of the biblical Jacob. According to legend (Targum Yonatan to Gen. 50:13) his decapitated head was buried in the Cave of Machpelah, i.e., the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron
Iyar / Hebrew month corresponding to April-May
Chained / An
is a woman unable to obtain a halakhic divorce, in this case as her husband has gone missing with no evidence of his death or whereabouts, leaving her “chained” to him and unable to remarry
Rabbi Meir of Primishlan / Hassidic rabbi (1783-1850)
What is thy name? / Gen. 32:28
But once the wine went in / Sanhedrin 38a
Stambul / i.e., Istanbul
Mămăligă / A porridge made out of yellow maize flour, traditional in Romania and Moldova. It is similar to the Italian
Shulhan Arukh / 16th century Code of Jewish law by R. Yosef Karo
Hear O Israel /
Shema Yisrael
(Deut. 6:4), central declaration of faith and a twice-daily Jewish prayer
For with thee… / Psalm 130:4
Hakham / Sage; title amongst Sephardic Jews for a scholar or rabbi
Eight verses / Jonah 2:3-10
The Land must be exceedingly good / Numbers 14:7-8
I have forsaken my house / Jeremiah 12:7
Afterwards the Children of Israel / Hosea 3:5
Oh that the salvation / Psalm 53
Evil husks / Kabbalistic idea of the
(shells or husks) represent evil and impure forces within our non-redeemed world
Minyan / Prayer quorum of 10. Careful readers will note that even without Hananiah they were ten men, a mystery planted by Agnon into the story
Boys and girls who flung themselves into the sea / Gittin 57b
Jonathan ben Uziel / Mishnaic rabbi and author of translation of the Prophets into Aramaic
This is the people… / Isaiah 43:21
I will bring them back… / Psalms 38:23
The counsel of the Lord… / Psalms 25:14
Sennacherib and Nebuchadnezzar and the wicked Titus / Non-Jewish rulers responsible for the destructions of the First and Second temple in Jerusalem, and exiles of the Jewish people
Section of Song /
Perek Shira
is a poem-like collection of Biblical and Talmudic verses of praise to God placed in the figurative mouths of the heavenly bodies, the elements of the natural world, the various members of the vegetable, animal, bird, marine and insect kingdoms. The text appears in authoritative editions of the prayerbook, but is not part of the liturgy. Author and date are unknown but the work may go back to Talmudic times
The voice of the Lord… / Psalms 29:3
My help cometh… / Psalms 212:2
For a small moment… / Isaiah 54:7
And the ransomed… / Isaiah 35:10
Burnt a garment and covered the blood / The blood of a slaughtered animal or fowl must be covered over with earth or ash, cf. Lev 17:13
Setting aside part of the Sabbath loaf / Numbers 15:20
Come Ye Forth and See
Tze’nah u-Re’nah
, late 16th century Yiddish anthology of Jewish writings organized around the weekly Torah portion. Written for women, the work was immensely popular and widely distributed
Song for the Sabbath Day / Psalm 92; central passage in the prayers for welcoming the Sabbath
And his Land doth make… / Deut. 33:42
Go to the ant… / Prov. 6:6
Hosannah willows / Willow branches used as part of the rituals of the concluding day of the Sukkot festival; the meaning here is – in the Land of Israel they, too, have actual this-worldly food to eat
Students’ riot /
Schiller gileif
, anti-Semitic riot led by Jesuit seminary students
Godfather /
; the one who holds the baby on his lap during the circumcision
Who has hallowed… / Blessing recited at circumcision
Rolled the light away… / From the evening prayer
Stambul / Istanbul, then the capital of the the Ottoman Empire
Desire of the Days /
Hemdat Yamim
, kabbalistic work detailing various customs and laws of the holidays
Holy Tongue / Hebrew
Rabbi Joseph Karo / Renowned halakhist and mystic (1488-1575), author of the
Shulhan Arukh
Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai / 1st century mishnaic rabbi and mystic, purported author of the Zohar. The 33rd day of the Omer (Lag BaOmer), the anniversary of his death, is marked by pilgrimages to his grave in the Galilee region of northern Israel
Karaites / Sectarian movement which broke from Rabbinic Judaism, rejecting the Oral interpretation of the Torah
Moses ben Maimon / Maimonides (1135-1205), gretaets medieval rabbinic figure, author of the encyclopedic Mishenh Torah, also known as the Yad HaHazakah (‘The Mighty Hand’)
Rabbi Hayyim ben Attar / Talmudist, kabbalist and author of the popular Torah commentary Or HaHayyim (‘Light of Life’) (1696, Morocco – 1742, Jerusalem)
Grave of Job / The Eyüp Sultan Mosque in Istanbul, holds the tomb of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, not the Biblical Job, a 7th century figure whose tomb was mistakenly conflated with that of the Biblical Job
Ordination of the Sages / R Naftali ben Yitzhak HaKohen Katz of Ostrowo, Ukraine (1660-1719), rabbi and kabbalist, died in Istanbul en route to the Land of Israel
The Additions to the Zohar / Tikkunei Zohar, a collection of mystical hymns, part of the collection of early kabbalistic literature
Woman who is waiting for him to marry… / Cf. Deut. 25:9
Isaac Luria / Known by the acronym Arizal (1534-1572), preeminent medieval kabbalist
Moshe ben Nahman / Nahmanides or Ramban (1194-1270), leading Spanish rabbi, philosopher, halakhist and exegete. Arrrived in the Holy Land in 1267
Rakkath / Cf. Josh. 19:35
May it be my lot… / Shabbat 118b

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