Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (13 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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pushed him down to the sofa. In truth, I pushed and he willingly sat.
I pushed his shoulders down too. He was still smiling as he laid down
completely for me. I straddled him as I climbed on top of him. This
was just like the first time I had taken him in the bathtub.

hand moved to the appendix between my legs. He rubbed me to
readiness. He had been ready since I removed his pants. I lowered
myself onto him and cried at the beauty of our joining. I lovingly
rubbed his face until I couldn't stand it anymore and I had to
concentrate on achieving an orgasm for both of us. I raised myself up
high and lowered myself again. I was gaining speed as my need grew.

supported me by holding my hips. I had my hands behind me on his
thighs as I breathed deeply intensifying the feeling. My eyes were
closed but I peeked now and then to see if he was also enjoying
himself. I think he was.

came, screaming his name. My heart was pounding so loudly, that I was
afraid it would pound out of my chest. I laid down on him unable to
hold myself upright anymore.

wrapped his arms around me as I slowly settled down. Then he flipped
me over and he was on top thrusting into me. I smiled at him, loving
his strength. He was so good at everything he did, especially this. I
loved being loved by him. I came again and then again as he filled

picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. I was in the tub
enjoying the water in seconds. This was a kind of life that a person
easily got used to. I told him I loved him many times.


again. Why couldn't we just leave the bathroom door open? My throat
burnt and I felt so disgusting. He came in with me again and rubbed
my back again. His murmuring didn't help. My fears of being poisoned
were just too strong. I sobbed and sobbed and every time he had me
back in our nice warm bed I had to throw up again. It was worse than

could see that my tears were killing him but I was just so sad to be
dying now that I found him. I was finally happy. I didn't want to
give him up.

made me stay in bed all day. He brought me food but I refused to even
look at it. He was very patient but I just couldn't be good for him.
That made me sad too.

evening I didn't feel good either. The poison was just to strong. It
had taken a strong hold on me, even when it wasn't in my system
anymore. I guess permanent damage was being done to my stomach and my
kidneys and everything else.

night he laid down next to with an arm around me and his hand resting
on my upset tummy.


day 5. I was in bed, or the bathroom, sick all day.


morning started out the same as the last few had but with the
exception that he carried me to the doctors. I had so hoped that the
red beam would help me but it didn't I was just as sick as before. I
sobbed a lot. I wanted to be better and be able to make love with
Aide again. I probably had to just face it, I was probably dying.

stayed in bed all day again. I listened to music and wrote a little
in my diary but nothing interesting was happening to me.

slept next to me. He would probably get bored with me soon. I was too
sick to be of any fun to him.


I felt
fine this morning. He kept an eye on me like he expected something
soon. I smiled at him a lot, trying to reassure him. He was caring
for me like was a little child. His favorite chore was still brushing
my hair. He smiled as he did that. He dressed me after that.

watched him as he got dressed too. He sure was beautiful. Aide held
his hand out for me to take. He wasn't pulling me around behind him
anymore. This was more like he was asking me to dance. I laid my hand
in his and we went off to breakfast.

I eat? Was I finally feeling better because I hadn't eaten. Would
this cause a fight? I was so hungry. I was even willing to once again
have fruit pudding. I worried about the nutritional pyramid as we
walked to the dining room.

others, who were already there, bowed as we walked in. A few of the
women looked surprised to see me. I could only guess what had gone
through their heads. They would have assumed the worst. The truth,
that he was caring for me, would be too hard for them to believe.

He sat
down and pulled me onto his lap. He grabbed my water and held it up
to me. I had been drinking water out of the sink faucet. I shook my
head. Aide didn't make a big deal out of it. He set down my goblet
and pick up a bowl. He scooped some pink pudding up with his finger
and held it out to me.

I shook my head. Again he didn't flip out. I had been pretty sure
that I was about to get another spanking. He turned to Francesca's
man and started talking to him as if nothing had happened. He even
seemed to be very happy as he talked.

women were all staring at me. I had just gotten away with something
that usually brought punishment with it. They were all curious. The
truth was, so was I.

leaned into his chest and his arm moved protectively around me. His
hand rested on my knee. There was nothing sexual about us anymore. We
were like an old couple. I missed our passion but I guessed it was
good that he still wanted me to be with him when I was sick. He had
proved that.

he had eaten he looked at me again and held up the bowl. His right
eyebrow shot up. I shook my head. He shrugged and set it down. He
pushed on my bottom until I was standing up. Well, maybe the sexual
part could start up again. I smiled at him and he laid an arm around
my shoulders as we walked out

went to his throne room and sat again. I had to wonder how he got
such strong muscles when all he did every day was to sit. He spun me
unto his lap. His mood was still great, even playful. If I didn't
feel so weak I would probably be hinting at going to bed with him.
The first person to speak with him was an older man. I hadn't seen
any older people here at all. He was the first. I guessed he was
twice as old as I was.

talked to each other and smiled. Aide looked at me with so much love
that I blushed and smiled back at him. The older man looked thrilled.
They talked for a while. Usually the others talked and he listened
before he made a decision. But this was friendly chit chat. The man
bowed and left. Everything was normal after he left. The peasants
were still amongst themselves. I smiled and tried to guess what was
wrong. The ship was huge and I had never seen him finished with the
people lined up. Those who didn't get a turn came back the next day.

went about his work while I let my mind wonder. The other woman had
also said that she went to work with her man. Did they take us with
because they feared that we would run away or because it hurt them to
be away from us too? I liked that thought.

A man
came in. It was the man I had seen the first day at the lab. The one
who had been so fascinated with my gum. Which wasn't in my stuff
anymore. He either realized that it was rubbish or he kept it as a

He was
carrying a box with him. He butted in front of the people's whose
turn it was. He babbled a bit as he grinned. Aide looked excited too.

opened his box and showed Aide something. Aide jumped up and set me
to the side. The doctor came in, smiling too. Aide sat down and the
doctor stepped forward he took one of the bug looking things out of
the box. He put it into a gun like thing.

were all smiling as the doctor held the gun thing to Aide's ear. Aide
jumped up and covered his ear. The doctor took the gun away but the
bug thing was still in his ear, his ear not his earlobe. The hard
part on top. Aide was obviously in pain. He paced up and down,
shaking his head. Aide wrapped his arm around me and sat me down on
his throne. They wanted me to go next.

please don't. I'll be good. I'll eat lunch. As much as you want but,
please, don't.” I raised my hands up to stop them. The doctor was
coming closer to me with his bug gun. I was bawling and begging them
to stop.

removed his hand from his ear.

doctor was trying to get at my ear but I was too wild.

don't. Aide, please stop him.” I covered up my ears with my hands,
begging with my eyes so he would understand me.

reached out and stopped the doctor. The doctor looked a little mad. I
noticed that he had one too. Who would want something in their ear
that looked like a bug?

men argued but Aide remained firm. Once the men had left, Aide picked
me up and sat down on his throne again. I snuggled in close to him,
still shaking. “Thank you,” I whispered.

held me tighter to him. Slowly I stopped shaking but I still held
onto him tightly. I hoped I hadn't embarrassed him overly much. “I'm
sorry, I embarrassed you.”

looked at me and nodded before he pulled me in close to him. I laid
my head down on his chest.

it was time for lunch. Aide gave me an odd look and held his hand out
again. I took his hand and followed him slowly to lunch. We walked in
and most of the others were already there. Aide keep his eye on me
like he expected something. He was probably worried that I would pass
out or something. It had been a while since I had eaten anything.

sat and reached for my goblet I shook my head. He looked surprised.
He spoke aloud to the other men. They all seemed thrilled at his
announcement. He looked at me again, his eyes were narrowing in on
me. He picked up a bowl and held it to me. I shook my head. His was
on his feet in seconds. He pulled me out of the room. He wasn't
gentle anymore. I had a feeling like he had understood me before. Was
he taking me to the doctor's again. To get one of those bug things?

wasn't, he took me back to our room. He made the door close and laid
into me with words, scolding, yelling and waving his finger in front
of me. I knew what he was saying. He was mad because I refused to

know your mad but you don't understand what is going on. Every time I
eat I get sick. I'm finally feeling a little better and am so hungry
but I just can't eat. Either I can't tolerate your kind of food or
someone is poisoning me. I don't want to be sick anymore.” My hands
flew to my face and I sobbed.

He was
silent as he tried to pull my hands away from my face. He was so
strong that I didn't have a chance. I squinted my eyes shut in a last
ditch effort to avoid him. I felt him stroking my cheek. I peeked to
see how mad he was. Between us, I was long overdue for a spanking. I
had it coming but maybe for different reasons than he thought.

He was
laughing at me. He thought I was being funny. I looked at him
confused. What had I done that he thought was so funny. He was
hurting my feelings. I hung my head and cried. He picked me up and
brought me to bed, lying me down on my back. He was still talking to
me but he wasn't scolding anymore. I was avoiding his eye. He rolled
me to the side and opened my skirt up in the back. He lowered the
skirt a little and started kissing my stomach.

He was
acting very odd. Normally he opened my bodice first when he wanted
to, you know. He met my eyes. He was playful enough but he usually
started in a little differently. I laid my arms around his neck. He
looked in my eyes for a while. His fingertips gently started opening
my bodice. He was still laughing to himself.

wish I could understand you. Then I could know what I'm doing wrong.”

stopped undressing me and looked at me. I faked a smile and wondered
what was going through his head.

kissed me very passionately. He had my complete attention. I pulled
him closer to me. It was all the invitation he needed. He removed my
clothes very quickly. He was out of his in a flash too. He kissed me
all over but especially on my stomach. This was new.

No, it
wasn't he had been rubbing my stomach and resting his hand on it the
whole time I had had a stomachache.

stomachache is better now. You don't have to worry about it.”

had him laughing again. What was I saying that he thought was so
funny? I looked away from him again. I was just being over sensitive
again. He wasn't laughing at me probably a word that sounded
especially funny to him. I was trying so hard not to cry that I
didn't notice that he had moved away from me. This was all too much
for me.

sorry. I don't know why I'm crying again. I'm so sorry. You will want
another woman now, won't you? I understand. I would be getting on my
nerves too. I'm sorry. I won't put up a fight when you put me to the
side. I love you and I want what is best for you. I guess, I'm just
not it.” I sat up on the bed and wiped my tears away. I reached
behind me and grabbed my clothes. He stopped my hand.

walked around the bed and I tried to pretend like I wasn't crying. I
even faked a smile for him. “Melsa, . . .”

hadn't fooled him. He looked very worried. I still avoided looking in
his eye.

he said loudly.

looked at him. He smiled at me as I did. He pointed at me and said my
name again. Then he pointed at my stomach. Then he laid his arms
together and rocked them back and forth. Then he pointed at my
stomach again. He looked in my eyes while the wheels turned in my

you saying . . .? That . . .? A baby? And you are happy about this?”

went back to kissing my stomach. That looked like he was happy with

baby? What does that mean? On earth it would mean a bigger car and
buying lots of baby stuff, a car seat, diapers. But here. Things are
so different here. What would a normal day with a baby look like
here? I haven't even seen a child here, much less a baby. What if the
baby is big like you? Can I even give birth to it? What if I die
giving birth? Is that the reason why I am here? To make children? As
soon as I do, you won't need me anymore? Do your kind even love their
children or have they all been sent off somewhere? Do I get to keep
it or are you going to take it away from me? Oh, that would break my
heart. I think I already love it.” I was hysterical and crying

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