Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (17 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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is Mayra?”

is my personal slave. She has been taking care of me since I was a
baby. Mayra is the only one allowed to touch our bowls and goblets.
She will be allowed to touch the baby too.”

she isn't allowed to touch me?”

Only the King touches the Queen. That is a very strict rule.” He
looked so serious.

the doctor . . . ?”

is a very limited exception. I won't let anything happen to you,
ever. You can count on me. I will always be there for you.” He
looked so strict that I automatically nodded back at him.

eyes widened as I remembered something. “I have to clean up the
floor where I was sick.”

already did. It was gone before baby was born.” He didn't want to
waste time talking about her. “The time has come to choose a name.”
His eyes rested on the baby again.

does your name mean?”

looked surprised at my question. “It means rescuer or helper.”

That was the name I gave you in my head from the very beginning. Aid
means to help or to lend a hand. That is what you did for me. It is
the perfect name for you.”

smiled, “I never liked it.”

you saved me.”

was the best decision in my entire life.”

baby cried and Aide looked at me like he was unsure what to do.

to start breast feeding I thought. I rolled him so he was facing just
me. I offered him my breast just like I did with Aide in the throws
of passion. The baby latch on to it stronger than I would have
thought possible.

drinking.” I told Aide excited. We both watched him drink. He laid
his little hand on my breast like he was holding it in place. I was
crying for happiness again.

still needs a name,” Aide reminded me.

do you suggest?”

was thinking.

little loved one needs a beautiful and strong name.”

like that. Let's pick Little Loved One.” His eyes said he meant it.

we can't do that to him. The other children will pick on him.”

wouldn't dare.”

when he deals with men later he won't be taken seriously. No, he
needs a strong name.” I ran a finger along his soft fat cheek. “We
can't look at our little baby and give him a name that fits today. He
needs a name for the future. For his future.”

right. My mother did that. That was why she gave me my name. She
hoped I would be a friend to her. She was lonely.”

can image that. If no one is allowed to talk to me, I'll get very
lonely too.”

understand that but I have a very good reason for that rule. The
others would take advantage of you. It happened repeatedly in our
history. This rule solved that problem. I will punish you if you
break it, severely.”

rolled from my eyes but I nodded at him.

still think Little Loved One is a very good name.” He changed the

one day he won't be so little anymore. It won't fit then. Let's save
that name for when we have a girl.”

want to have another child?” He gave me the feeling that I could
have knocked him over with a feather.


of course but most women say 'no' after giving birth. The pain looked

yes but we got out little angel out of that. I want to have a little
girl too but first when he is older. We can name our little girl that
but this little guy needs a name that suits him. He is strong and he
will get even the stronger. Maybe something in that direction.”

want to have another child and you talk about that now? Most women
complain practically their entire life about the pain of childbirth
and you had it so hard, even before childbirth. How can you want to
go through that again?”

was only a day out of my life. The pain is already forgotten. I even
thought that it would be a lot worse. Plus you were there for me.”

I didn't help.”

you did. You listened to me. Giving me space to breath when I needed
it and bathing me and most importantly you held my hand. I needed
that. Thank you.”

love you, Melissa.”

baby let go of my breast and started trying to shove his adorable
little hands into his mouth. He turned and twisted to me.

little seeker is still hungry,” I sat up and pick up the baby and
cooed at him for a moment as he cried. I laid down with my back
against Aide chest and gave the baby my other breast. Aide's arm shot
around us protectively.

that my grandson that I'm hearing?” A voice came on the intercom.

jumped, completely startled. Aide rubbed my arm up and down to calm

father it is.”

is the little lad?”

Aide answered him.

he have a name?”

he does.” Aide was smiling widely at my confused face. “His
mother just named him Seeker.”

a fine name. Your mother and I will be visiting you three. We will
dock on to your craft in two days. Take care of my grandson until
then. Congratulations to both of you.”

you, Father.”

the voice was gone. I felt very vulnerable laying in bed completely
naked, leaning up against a completely naked man as a completely
naked baby sucked at my nipple.

mother will come. You can talk to her.” He smiled brightly and then
his smile faded. “She just won't understand you. She speaks a
different language than yours.”

she speak your language?”

hasn't been able to learn it. We have sounds in our language that are
different from anywhere else. She and my father have never been able
to talk like we are now.” He looked sad at the end.

didn't she teach you her language?”

father forbid it.”

your parents love each other?”

they do. Where there is no love, there can be no child.”

is different on earth. Your way is better.” I gently pet Seeker's
little head while I stared at him. He looked just like Aide. With his
purple eyes and his hair was the same reddish brown. He was big for a
newborn baby and so hungry. “Have you ever seen anything as
beautiful as he is? He looks just like you.”

was laughing at me again.

think it was better when you didn't understand me. You didn't laugh
at me then.”

shaking got a lot worse.

stop that. Make yourself useful and get me something to eat.”

stopped shaking and I worried that I had overstepped a line. “Of
course, Melissa. I should have thought of you sooner. I'm sorry. We
will go to dinner and show off our baby. I will get your clothes.”
He got my original clothes, the ones I had wore before I was

He had
trouble dressing me because the baby refused to let go of my breast.
In the end I had stick my little finger in his mouth to get him to
let go. Aide quickly laced me up while I sang to the baby who
promptly fell asleep in my arms.

was pretty easy.” I smiled at the sleeping baby in my arms.

thought that was easy?”

could still be screaming.”

opened the door and we walked out as a family to the dining room. All
the slaves that past us dropped to floor after peeking at the baby.
We had never pasted this many on the way to anywhere so I assumed
that they were trying to meet us so they could see the baby.

intercom announced us. King Aideyoung, Queen Melissa and Prince
Seeker. I wondered if it did that every time we came in and that I
just hadn't noticed it before because I couldn't understand it.

I was
all smiles as I walked in with the baby in my arms and Aide had his
hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he was beaming with
pride. He men all laughed and congratulated him. The women gave a
collective awe.

three of us sat down on the throne. Aide started right in feeding me,
satisfying my hunger. I drank more water than ever before and Mayra
had to bring more water and food. The baby woke up and needed to be
fed again too. I was embarrassed to feed him here with everyone
watching, and they all were – men and women alike.

continued to feed me. I was sucking more and more eagerly from his
finger. I felt him shift in his chair. I was making him uncomfortable
in a good way. His finger in my mouth and the baby sucking on my
breast and Aide strong chest were driving me nuts.

I'm sorry but I think I need you again. Don't be mad.”

slipped his little finger into the baby's mouth and he let go and
Aide held him in his arms and I sang a lullaby to him. Seeker fell
asleep in his hands and he smiled at the baby before he gave her to
Mayra who had already cleared away all of our dishes.

grabbed me under my arms and laid me down on the table with a
devilish smile. He let go of me to open his pants. He stuck a finger
into me. I was already very wet for him. He grinned even bigger and
thrust into me, rocking my body forward.

cried, repeating how much I love him and told him how good it felt to
have him inside of me. I didn't scream or moan as I usually did. This
moment was just so precious. I was whimpering under his strong
movement. I looked down because I wanted to see him thrusting into me
and disappear only to be removed and driven back into me. There was
milk was dripping out of my breast. I looked up at Aide. He opened
his eyes as I looked at him. He followed my gaze to my breast. His
mouth was on it in an instant. He was sucking the milk out of my
breast just as expertly as his son could. My hands flew to his head
and dug into his hair. It felt different when he did it.

hands moved to my hips holding me tightly in place to receive his
penis again and again as he thrust. His mouth was attached to my
breast. I sobbed enjoying being so connected with him. My pleasure
was building and my breathing became louder and louder. I came loudly
still whimpering under him.

He let
go of my breast and threw his head back as he too came inside of me.

wiped my eyes and laid my arms around him as his own breathing

so sorry. I don't know what overtakes me. I just needed you so. At
this rate we will have a new baby every other week.”

laughed again.

can't get pregnant while you are breastfeeding, Melissa,” he
whispered into my ear.

you sure? I thought that was a myth?”

works here. A good thing too or you probably would be.”

whimpered again as he pulled out of me. He reached for the sponge in
the bowl of water that a new slave was holding out to him.

cleaned my breasts first. My nipples were sticking out obscenely. He
stared at them for a long time as he grinned happily. He washed in
between my legs. After he washed himself, he helped me to my feet but
I couldn't stand anymore.

He sat
down and drew me to his chest. Mayra brought him the baby who was
still asleep.

I fell
asleep on his chest.

couldn't have slept very long because the baby was still sleeping
when I woke. I looked up at Aide and felt my face go scarlet.

that normal?”

do you mean?”

a woman to be so wanton after giving birth.”

Melissa, that is just you.”

wrong with me?” I was so embarrassed again.

only a woman who truly loves her husband could act like you do. I am
so glad I found you. I feel that you and no other woman in the whole
universe could love me as much as you do. A man in my position can
never know if a woman loves him or his title. You were already
pregnant with our love child when you found out that I was King.”
He had such a serious look in his eyes.

you have a father. Normally the father in the King and the son is a
Prince.” I laid my hand on the baby's head.

normally that is true but because my family has control over so much
of the universe, my father and I divided up the universe in two. I am
so glad I got the half with your planet. When the meteorites started
falling and killing so many on your planet we went to see if we could
find some survivors for the men on board. Girls are very seldom born.
Most people have one child a son. I would love the idea of having a
daughter. There hasn't been a princess in over ten generations.” He
smiled as he looked deeply in my eyes.

try to give you a daughter too. We are definitely on the right
track.” I glanced over at the table.

laughed and became very serious again. “One day when my father dies
I will have control over the whole of the universe. I am glad that I
have son to share that burden with me.”

pulled the baby out of his arm and held him close to my heart. “But
we have to let him be a little baby first.”

course, Melissa.” He was laughing at me again.

that mean that I am the Queen of the Universe?”

with my mother.”

sounds like a lot of responsibility. What if I mess up?”

sole job of a Queen is to obey the King. That and to provide an heir
but you already did that. You can't mess it up. You are doing
everything perfectly.”

burst into tears.

What's wrong.”

I disappointed you so that time when I didn't listen to you and we
all took off.”

you have already been punished for that and forgiven. I know you
won't do it again. And I heard you fight against the women and
comfort the other woman. Even when you were bad you felt bad about it
and you took your punishment so well. You are truly the Queen and a
good role model for the others.”

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