Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (6 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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recognized a few of the others. They were the women from before with
the men who had chosen them. My rescuer moved past everyone with me
still in his arms. It was a little embarrassing, knowing that my
flaming red bottom was sticking out from under his arms. He sat down
in the same spot as before, in the middle of the U. When you walked
into the door you were opposite of him. After he sat down and
adjusted me on his lap the way he wanted me. The others all sat down.
Okay, there was obviously some form of hierarchy at work here. All
the men had their women on their laps. I noticed a few had red
behinds like mine when I came in. A few men didn't have a woman on
their lap. Somehow I felt sorry for them.

I gave
myself another mental shake. There was a name for what I was feeling.
I was a classic case even. I was suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
By definition it was when your capturer gives you simple things that
he could just as well withhold and you get appreciative. Like water
and hair brushes. Here I was, sitting on his lap and not trying to
run away and after being beaten up from him all day. That couldn't be
normal or healthy.

of the women were talking amongst themselves. One was telling how she
had been beaten and tricked into having sex with her man. All the
women listened to her. They all nodded along having experienced
something very similar. They talked of being brainwashed and about
escape. I listened and took in everything. Then everyone started in
talking and making plans.

think we are on a ship. The walls are all concave. I have a steady
boat feeling. If we escape we have to reckon with water. That would
explain the moving water in the bathtubs,” I said.

women all looked shocked about something. It took me a second to
realize that they were looking behind me. I turned and looked too. He
looked madder than when I had bitten his tongue.

no, not again.” My shoulders slumped.

wasted no time turning me over his knee and starting in. Again I
tried to be as quiet as possible but he spanked even harder when I
was quiet. I cried until it could only be called bawling. I gave up.
This time it only took about two minutes to get to that point. I laid
over his knees totally defeated. He gave me a couple more spanks
after that but that generally seemed to be his quitting signal. I had
to keep that in mind for the next time, which would probably still be
today. Just thinking that sent a new wave of tears through me.

turned me on his lap so I was looking at him. He still looked so mad.
First he pointed to the others and then to me. He laid a finger on
his lips and shook his head. He was trying to tell me that I wasn't
allowed to talk to the others.

I was
so shocked by that. I hadn't expected it. All the others were allowed
to talk to each other but me. That hurt. Why was he being so cruel?
He pointed to me and then to his lips again while he shook his head.
He wanted to know if I had understood him. I took a loud gulp of air
and nodded. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed unto his chest.

wrapped an arm around me, then he started talking to the man sitting
next to him as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He sat
there happy and I sat with my crimson bottom facing out to the crowd
for all to see. I sobbed even more, feeling sorry for myself.

food was being served behind me. I guessed the meal had had to wait
until after my spanking. He picked up a bowl of food and offered it
to me. I turned away from him. I wasn't hungry anymore and didn't
want to have anything to do with him anymore.

gave me a sharp smack on my bottom that sent my hands to my backside.
My breasts pressed forward when I did that. That made him smile and
me cry again. He held the bowl up to my nose. I didn't smell it.
Instead I shook my head again. He exchanged the bowls for the next
one. I turned to the table and circled my hand over all the bowls and
shook my head no. I couldn't eat after being spanked like that. Even
if I had already stopped crying. I was already getting used to it. I
had only cried for a couple of minutes. That sadden me all the more.
I hung my head.

lifted my head, pointed to me again and then back to the food. He
shook his head and pointed to himself. Then he raised his opened hand
up high, like he did when he spanked me.

eyes widened in disbelief. “Damned if you do and damned if you
don't.” My hand flew to my mouth. I had spoken aloud. I cowered on
his lap waiting for the first blow. His hand had still been raised
when I was dumb enough to say something.

happened. I slowly opened my eyes and peeked at him. He was watching
me and his hand was on his other knee. He didn't look like he was
going to attack me. He moved me so I was sitting sideways over his
lap with my bottom on both of his knees. Once I was all settled he
picked up the first bowl. He stuck his finger in it and held it up to
my mouth. I smelt it. It smelled good like fruit. I nodded.

finger moved closer to my mouth. He tapped my lips. I looked at him
confused. He opened his own mouth and stuck his finger in and sucked
it clean. He dipped his finger back into the fruity cream and held it
to my mouth. I opened my mouth and he put his finger in it. I sucked
it clean.

said something and nodded at the group. They started eating.

rescuer was definitely the leader of this group. I could see half of
the room in this position. The other men were trying to feed their
women the same way. This was normal to them. They all ate with their
fingers. My rescuer had his finger ready, full of food, waiting for
me to take again. I did and he smiled. I was still too sad to smile
back. I looked at the others. One woman stuck her finger into one of
the creams and fed herself. Her man flipped her over his knees and
spanked her. Is that what I had looked like over his knees? It looked
worse than I thought. Like a little girl be punished by her very
angry father.

kicked and screamed. Her bottom had been white before he started.
This was her first one. My heart went out to her. I tried to look
away again but he held my face in her direction. I closed my eyes and
tears flowed out. His hand moved to my bottom and pinched it hard.

eyes flew open and I bounced on his lap, much to his enjoyment. I had
to watch the poor woman scream and cry as she kicked and pounded him
with her fists. All the while she begged him to stop and that she
would never do it again, that she didn't know better. I cried along
with her. My rescuer wiped the tears from my eyes. He tasted it and
looked very surprised by the salty taste. He turned my head back to
the spanking in front of us. The woman was at the giving up phase.
She sobbed so heartbreakingly as she laid void of life over his lap.
He was still spanking her but he had slowed down. His hand landed on
her bottom and her body bounced with the blow. She wasn't moving her
body, the impact was. He finished and pulled her to his chest. He let
her cry on his shoulder. Her bottom was facing into the room like
mine had just been. Is that what I looked like from behind? Was my
bottom also filled with his hand prints?

finger was by my mouth again. I ate the way he had taught me. All the
women did. We were all afraid. Any one of us could make a mistake
that would inadvertently earn us one of those brutal spankings.

rescuer continued to talk with the men left and right of him. He
simultaneously fed me without paying that much attention to me. We
both ate from his finger. That would have normally disgusted me but
this constant contact between us made him seem so familiar to me.

smiled at me like he was finished and ready to leave. I tapped him on
the shoulder. I hoped my simple request wouldn't get me into trouble.
I looked him in the eye and made my hand motion for drinking water.
He snapped his hand and a naked serving woman stepped forward. He
said something to her. She disappeared. I looked him in the eyes
again and nodded my thanks.

looked at me very seriously. I matched his stare. My water goblet was
brought forward. He took it from her and gave it to me. I could feel
everyone's eyes on me as I drank. I gave it back to him. He raised it
a little and I nodded. Yes, I wanted more, a lot more. The woman
poured and he took it again. He gave it to me and I quickly drank it
again. I nodded that I wanted more. He laughed and said something to
all the men. I figured that I was the butt of the joke because they
all laughed as I drank again. I blushed but I still needed more
water. He hardly looked at me as he took my goblet and gave it to the
woman. She refilled it and he gave it back to me. I drank half in one
gulp and the other half in the another gulp. I gave it back to him
and shook my head.

He set
me on my feet floor and stood up after I did. Everyone else stood.
The men reached out to their women and pulled them to their feet.

rescuer took me by my hand and pulled me out of the room. He stopped
just outside of the door and tenderly laid his hand over my womb. He
made a worried look. “I think I'm fine now. Just don't go so fast.”
His eyes had been so expressive that I had forgotten that he couldn't
understand me. He spoke and the intercom answered him right away.
That meant that the intercom person was always listening. That it had
heard everything. I leaned into the wall totally embarrassed. After
the intercom person was finished, he picked me up and carried me
again. He must have thought that I was too weak to walk. Too weak to
walk but not to weak to spank, huh.

took me back to the room where I was when I first arrived here. The
doctor was in there with a naked woman over his knees. His was
spanking her with all his might and she was screaming profanities at
him. They probably weren't going to be finished soon.

rescuer laid me down in the water again. He washed me gently while I
had to listen to the woman scream and swear. It was probably a good
thing that they couldn't understand us. He smiled at me like this was
the most normal thing in the world. What planet was he from, I asked

gentle cleaning was making me feel better. This was taking a toll on
me more than I realized.

woman was still crying and I could still hear the steady blows he was
giving her but it was slowing down. I exhaled when he finally
stopped. My rescuer washed my face gently. I wish I always knew the
right thing to do so he would never spank me again. I shook myself
again. Like I said, Stockholm syndrome. After a bit the doctor came
over and my rescuer explained to the doctor what was wrong. He
pointed to the area between my legs. The doctor got out his half
circle ray beamer thing and started at my feet again. The warmth felt
good. My rescuer stood off to the side and held my hand. The doctor
continued along. My female parts felt a lot better after the beam had
passed over it. I sighed in relief. My rescuer stroked my cheek bone
and gave me a look of pity.

beam continued on, it went over our joined hands and up further over
my head and hair. Now that I wasn't afraid of it, I enjoyed it. My
muscles felt so warm like I had just been massaged. My rescuer lifted
me out again and held me in his arms. He stood still looking at me. I
felt so loved. His eyes were saying things. After he decided I was
dry he spoke to the doctor and carried me out of the room. I got a
glimpse of the woman. She seemed to be hiding in the corner. The
doctor was kneeling on the floor talking to her in soft tones.

rescuer proudly carried me through the halls. I hoped that it was
bedtime. I was getting very tired. He brought me into our room. He
still had me in his arms. I thought that he would lay me down on the
bed but he brought me into the bathroom instead. He picked up my
brush and went to work brushing it, smiling as he worked. He really
liked this chore.

A few
minutes later he laid the brush down. He took my hand in his and
brought me out to the bed. I saw my backside for a second in the
mirror. It was all healed again. No longer a bright angry red but a
pale white. I felt so very thankful that he had allowed me that.
Sitting on his lap was so nice but it had been accompanied with pain.

I was
eager for sleep but when I looked down at the bed I saw the blood, my
blood from before. It was so much. I wept at the sight of it even
though I had already been fixed. I turned away from the bed. Reality
had returned. I didn't want to eat off of his finger or drink from a
cup after he had touched it. I didn't want him to hurt me, in any of
the ways that he already had. I wanted to go home.

He let
go of my hand and did something with the bed. He turned me so I could
see that the blood was gone. The blanket had disappeared. He looked
so worried about me. This Stockholm thing was very hard to fight. He
petted my hair with one hand and my cheek with the other. I took a
step back away from him. I didn't even know his name. He didn't know
mine either. This was scaring me. Maybe I would feel better if I knew
his name and if he knew mine.

pointed to myself. “Melissa.” I pointed to him and shrugged my

stepped in closer, he wanted to kiss me.

darted away. He smiled thinking I was playing a game with him.

I moved my hands showing I meant all of me. “Melissa.” I pointed
to him again and shrugged my shoulders.

intercom came on again and spoke to him. Great, I had forgotten about
that. Big brother was listening. Whatever it had said it made him
happy. He reached out and pointed at me. He tried to say my name. It
was too hard for him. I had to wonder what language didn't have a 'M'
sound. I couldn't think of any. It came naturally like when you ate
something that tasted very good. A child's first was usually mama.

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