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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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Shareef jaudon









Write now books

co    los angeles, ca

















October 2013




Shareef Jaudon


Write Now Books


L o
s  A n g e l e s, C A

D e n v e r, C O



Text copy written 2013 by Shareef Jaudon


~Freaky Shit


“How do you like your new pool?”

Sway took a sip from his cold Heineken bottle as he looked at Ranae. She
was climbing up the chrome ladder with a million beads of cool water glistening off her naked body.

“I love it! Are you kiddin’
me? I’ve always wanted a pool. Even when I was a little girl. Shit, we always had to go swimming at the punk ass YMCA. Nobody I knew had a pool in the backyard in the hood.” She sucked her teeth.

Sway looked around at his expansive backyard proudly. “We ain
’t in the hood no more.” He grinned.

“You got that right.” She sat her sexy
self next to him in a lawn chair to let the hot sun dry her wet body.

Sway sat the bottle on the small table b
etween them. “Ok, now that I have you all wet and shit…how bout we pick up the conversation we started a few weeks ago.”

“What conversation?” Ranae played dumb on purpose
as she smiled sheepishly.

Sway rubbed his bare chest and smiled. “You know what I’m talkin’ about. The conversation that involved us becoming swingers.”

Ranae leaned back in the chair crossing her legs at the ankles. “Ohhh, that conversation.” She chuckled.

“Yeah, that one.” Sway looked over at her.

“Well, I was talkin’ to Angelique a while back and we happened to get on the subject. We were laughing and reminiscing about the time me and her got into a fight when I thought you were fucking her.”

“And…” Sway raised his eyebrows.

“And, the conversation switched to what I saw when I walked in her sex club. I told her I was shocked at what I saw, but at the same time the shit kinda turned me on. So, I started asking about the whole swinger thing and she started to school me.”

Sway shifted in his chair. “And what did she say about it?”

Ranae’s eyes got seductively lower. “Well, she said that a lot of couples, more than you know, are in the lifestyle. I guess they get into it because they want to express themselves sexually within their relationship. Older couples, younger couples, and everything in between. She suggested we talk about it and establish some rules. She also suggested we talk and see what we wanted to get into.”

Sway rubbed the curly hair on his head. “I knew you two talked about more than jus’ shoes and shit. Women are way
freakier than men. Y’all jus’ won’t admit it.”

Ranae smiled. “Of course we are.
Its jus’ that some women are sexually constipated and don’t act on their true fantasies. They’re all backed up with sexual shit and won’t push it out.” She chuckled. “But that’s not the kinda woman you’re married to. I’m a freak and you know it. I lick ass and swallow cum. Shit, I’m porn star material baby.”

“Shit, that’s one reason why I never cheated on you. You definitely handle your business in the sex department. You keep a nigga interested. But what kinda shit do you wanna get into as far as the swinger scene?”

Ranae took a second to ponder her husband’s question. She took a sip of his beer and sat the bottle between her legs to cool off her hot coochie. All of the new sex talk was making her tingle.

, I wanna have a threesome with a girl, a guy, and a foursome with another couple. I say if we’re gonna do it…then let’s really do it. How else will we know what we like and don’t like if we don’t try everything?”

Sway suddenly became more intrigued by the dialogue. Ranae never ceased to amaze him. The one thing amongst many that he loved about her was the fact that she kept him guessing when it came to sex. He never knew what she would come with next.

“Let me get this straight. You’re ok with seeing me fuck another woman?” He stared at her.

“Yep. That bitch ain
’t me! I know you don’t love her. It’s jus’ sex. I think it will turn me on to see you with another chick. But the question is…can you handle seeing me with another dick between my legs? Can you handle that?”

Sway gruffed. “I’m not the jealous type. That nigga, whoever he is can’t do your body like I can. I put years of research into that body. I know it inside and out, front to back, so nobody can please you like me. I think as long as he can satisfy you and turn you on with me watching-and I wanna be there flat out…that shit would turn me on too.”

“Really?” Ranae stroked the bottle neck between her thighs.

“Yeah. I mean, I never get to see you like that. I’m always the one with you. I never get to see you from the other side of things doin’ your thing.”

Ranae grinned. “And you know I would put on a show for you cuz I know you’re watching my every move. Angelique told me it’s not cheating as long as both people are open and obey the rules they set up. It’s when you go outside the guidelines that shit gets fucked up. Like if you decide to go one on one with a bitch, or I hook up with another nigga behind your back. No, everything has to be with the both of us or not at all.”

“I agree.” Sway nodded. “So
, what you wanna do?”

Ranae fondled her breasts and twisted her nipple slightly.

“Well, how do you feel about going to Angelique’s club tonight? She’s having a foam party.”

“Word?” Sway licked his lips.

“Yep. And she said she would introduce us to some people who she thinks will be perfect for us to start with. Oh, I wanted to ask you about one more thing.”

“Damn, you’re jus’ full of questions today? Wasup?”

“Ummm, Angie said she could get us some mollys. You wanna try some. She said it would help loosen us up and make us all extra horny.” She winked.

Sway grabbed his drink. “That’s ecstasy right?”

“Yeah, but it’s the pure form without all the extra crap. She said they were the shit! You game?”

Sway grinned. “Like my boy always says, I stay ready so I don’t have to get ready.”

Ranae got up to grab her towel letting her plump ass feed her husband’s hungry eyes.

“Well, get ready for some freaky shit. But, first we need to discuss the rules. My number one rule is no unprotected sex. I don’t want no lil
’ babies runnin’ around here from some random ass person. Second, no anal sex period. My ass is reserved for you and you only. Oh, and no playing in separate rooms. I wanna see everything and I know you do too. Cool?”

“I’m cool with that
, but we need a code word so we know something is wrong. What do you think it should be?”

mmm, well Angie told me when she and Tyce were together and they did shit like that their code phrase was, ‘I bit my tongue’, and if either of them said that they would know something was up.”

Sway smiled.
“I like that. I bit my tongue. That shit is smooth. Alright then, we’ll use that one.”

Ranae did a little happy dance
as she swayed her hips to an imaginary beat. She cat walked over to Sway’s chair and rubbed his curls seductively.

“I’ll drop the kiddos off with my mom so we can get ready to party! I wanna let the freak out.
Its BYOB so we’re gonna need a big ass bottle of vodka. We’re about to turn it up baby!”

~Check Up


My plate
was definitely full lately. I had a new fiancé and a new job. I was now working for Quiana Satchell with a 25 million dollar pay day at the end of the shift. However, I did my homework on my new employer just like she did her homework on me and my crew. It was times like this that made me grateful for the women in my life… my mom, Pamela, in particular. I put my car keys in the pocket of my white shorts and leaned back on the couch with a sigh.

“So what did you find out about Quiana?” I looked at my mom seriously.

“Well, you sure know how to pick ‘em son. This woman is top notch. She’s 35, unmarried, no kids, and her credit score is phenomenal.” Pamela sat her customary afternoon lemonade on the coffee table coaster.

“Does she have a record?” I quizzed.

“Nope. Not even a speeding ticket.”

I rubbed the deep waves in my hair. “Naw, a woman like that in the kinda business she says she’s in, knows how to keep her nose clean.”

Pamela nodded. “It’s the stupid criminals who go in and out of jail. That’s why I don’t doubt that she is on the level. What kind of job does she want you to pull off?”

“I don’t know all the details yet
, but she said the payday is 25 million.”

“Wow. That’s a lot of money.”

“I know, and it’s gonna take me and my whole crew to pull this off.”

Pamela leaned in closer to me to emphasize her point.

“You have to promise me you’ll be careful ok.”

“You know me mom, I’m always careful.”

“I know you are sweetie, but if you do this you have to promise me to be extra careful. I’ll do whatever I can to help you and keep you and everyone else safe. You’re engaged now and you’re a father. The last thing you need to do is be reckless. If you see or feel that something isn’t right…pull out.”

I looked at her concerned blue eyes. “I will mom.”

“I mean it Tyce. You don’t know this woman.”

“I know mom.”

She had a point which is why I was doing my research on Quiana. But so far, she was a ghost in the criminal world. I hadn’t told the crew about the job offer yet. The only other person that knew what was up was Dallas and I knew that she could keep a secret. I left Pamela’s house with a bit more information on the mystery woman than I had before. I had to assure my mom that I would be careful several more times before she finally gave me a kiss on my cheek and let me leave. As I was cruising down the California streets bumping Jadakiss…my phone rang on my lap. I turned the music down and reluctantly answered it. To be honest, I knew that call was coming eventually.

“Hello.” I answered in a calm tone.


“Calm down, I…”

“Calm down! Calm down! After all her lies and other bull shit you go and cop the bitch a fuckin’ ring! You got shot in your back not your fuckin’ head! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

I tried to jump in the conversation but she kept spilling out words nonstop like a damn auctioneer.

“Ay, calm down, you aint gotta come at me like that I…”

“Fuck that!”

I looked at the phone as the dial tone sounded.

Damn, instead of here comes the bride…it was here comes the drama.



Tyce was a genius when it came to crime. He made sure he did his homework and covered every damn detail seen or unseen. He was on top of his shit, but that studiousness didn’t apply to his everyday bills. He hated paying them. Having the money wasn’t the problem. It was actually taking the time to call people and shit like that. That’s why I handled everything as far as the house was concerned. That’s exactly what I was doing when he walked into the kitchen looking sexy as a hell wearing all white from head to toe like he was in a Clorox bleach commercial.

I put the pen on the table next to the pad and laid my hand flat. My new five carat round vvs diamond sparkled and glinted on my finger.
And that was just the center stone. Throughout the platinum ring were smaller princess cut diamonds that brought the total weight to around seven carats. It was definitely an eye catcher.  I couldn’t go anywhere without women stopping me every ten feet to gaze at it admiringly. However, the one woman I actually wanted to see it up close and personal was Angelique. I hoped my chunky rock blinded her ass when she finally saw it. She’d be walking around with a Seeing Eye dog if she stared too hard once I put it in her jealous face.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate the woman. I’d come to terms with the fact that she was going to be around forever being that she was the mother of Khari. But-I, Dallas Mitchell soon to be Dallas Adkins was going to be around forever as well. So she would just have to get over it. Tyce didn’t confirm it; h
owever I knew that she was hotter than fish grease when she heard the news of our engagement. I could hear it in his voice when I asked him about it earlier today. He didn’t get a chance to tell her himself before his mom Gloria spilled the beans. She was Angelique’s number one fan, but at the end of the day it didn’t matter who was backing who. The only person who could make a decision about his future marital status was Tyce…and he chose me!

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