TYCE 6 (4 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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I watched as Angelique digested my words. I couldn’t re
ally read her facial expression, so I had no idea what she was thinking.

“I alm
ost, excuse me, we almost got hurt behind some nonsense.” She pointed at Khari. “I’m not blaming you Tyce. I know you didn’t mean for that to happen and I know you made things right and rescued us, but that shit was scary.”

“I know it was, and everybody involved is dead. You know how I get down. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you or Khari. This is a big job I’m takin’ on and I need your help. No craziness, n
o bullets, no danger. All bullshit and personal things aside…I need my whole team with me on this one and that includes you.” I adjusted Khari in my arms.

After several long seconds passed, Angelique finally responded to my request. Her chest rose and fell slightly as she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“I’m sorry Tyce…but I can’t.”

It’s About Time


Peck stared at his steamy naked reflection in the wide bathroom mirror. He looked down at the various female products on the low counter in search of some lotion that didn’t have glitter dust in it. He found a bottle of Dove in the corner behind a silver can of expensive mousse. He went about the business of moisturizing his skin which brought his many tattoos to life. The process was repeated until his entire body, including his ass was baby soft to touch. Peck gave himself another look before he opened the door and walked into the spacious bedroom.

“Come here.” Sabrina wa
ved him over seductively.

He was anxious to join her on the bed and finally break the seal on her pussy. Initially they both agreed to put sex on the back burner and get to know each other first b
efore getting physical. The wait was over and as he took in every light brown square inch of his girlfriend’s body, his dick responded to the sexy view.

“Hmmm, I guess not all white boys have small dicks.”
Sabrina eyed his tool lustfully.

Peck eased onto the bed next to his beauty. “Oh I didn’t send the package
, but I was more than happy to accept it.” He rubbed his smooth balls.

“Hands off…allow me.”
Sabrina licked her lips.

“You’re not the only one who’s been waiting for this
shit.” She scooted her frame south.

Peck let Sabrina take the lead for the moment as he leaned his back against the soft pillows with his dick bobbing slightly in the air. Closing his eyes was not an option. He wanted to
replay the important moment over and over again in his head. He fixed his eyes on his lover’s pretty face as her glossy lips hovered above the head of his cock.

Time seemed to stand still as Sabrina stroked his thick shaft while she took him into her hot wet mouth. Peck let out a deep sigh
as he felt her tongue swirl around his neglected cock. He watched in awe as she sucked his pole with genuine passion. The feeling of sexual ecstasy spread throughout his body.

Normally if he had
to wait so long to have sex, he would be about to bust an early nut. Now he was calm, erect, and supremely confident. As Sabrina slapped his throbbing dick against her tongue giving it a spanking, he was grateful that he had taken the advice of Tyce. His boss knew about the long awaited sexual appointment and offered his expertise to his young Jedi.

He’d given Peck a Viagra pill earlier in the day and told him not to tell Sabrina he took it. According to Tyce, women should never know what men have to do in order to perform like a rock
star. All they needed to know was that you were ready to slide in and do some damage. How, or why wasn’t important. If they thought your stiff dick was solely because of them…then just sit back and enjoy the ride. Honesty was not the best policy in that case. There were some things you just keep to yourself and that was what Tyce told him.

After Sab
rina gave her man oral pleasure, she moved her body north and straddled his midsection before placing all of him inside or her. At first she didn’t move. She planted her palm in the middle of his chest and let her round ass rest completely on his dick. The slick walls of her tunnel welcomed him in and then she began to grind back and forth into him with a rocking motion.

Soft moans and deep sighs escaped her
lips. The sounds of pure pleasure echoed in the dimly lit room as the two hungry lovers fed on each other throughout the night. When Peck and Sabrina finally ended their erotic journey they cuddled under a thin sheet to cool off. Peck was grateful that his woman had not only climaxed, but had done so four times. He could tell that Sabrina was satisfied with his sexual skills and her warm limp body lying next to his was evidence of that fact.

Boss Lady


Quiana was easy on the eyes indeed. She had that exotic look that made you wonder what she was mixed with. Looking at her full on, you couldn’t tell what ingredients had been stirred together to produce such a stunning woman. The average man would have succumbed to her looks and tried to take it to a physical place, but not me. I had discipline when it came to women. Quiana was just the woman I had to work with in order to secure my financial future. I needed that 25 million and my crew needed that money. Five million dollars apiece would definitely provide a nice cushion to my crew and their families.

I loved each member of my squad. Peck was now involved with my sister and
if my intuition was correct he would be my brother in law in no time. Sway was a real friend. That was my ace right there. I’d never met another man as serious and ready to get it in as he always was. He wasn’t your typical thug and possessed a quiet commanding charisma most men lacked. Sway made Omar look inferior when it came to friendship and putting in work in the field. Dallas and Sabrina were holding down their spots in impressive manners too. Those two women could teach a seminar to weak ass niggas who claimed they were as hard as granite, but folded under pressure like cloth napkins.

I made it my re
sponsibility as the head of my team to make sure that everybody got paid and went home safe. I wanted for them what I wanted for myself. My goal was for me and every member of my crew to be wealthy. Not rich…but wealthy. Being rich would get you a first class ticket with the best airline to fly anywhere you could dream of going. Being wealthy would get you to that same destination, however, you’d be flying in your own fucking plane.

And that was my focus as I waded into the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean for my second meeting with Quiana. She was already there enjoying the waves and sunshine in another skimpy bathing suit. That time she wore dark sunglasses that hid her captivating eyes.

“It’s nice to see you again Tyce. How are you?” She ran her hands over her slick wet hair.

“I’m straight and you?”

“I can’t complain.” She shot me a smile. “Thank you for coming out to meet me on such short notice. I don’t want to take up too much of your time because I know you
have a lot of work to do.”

s cool, don’t sweat it, I always make time for business. You said it was important so I dropped what I was doin’ and came here. So wasup?”

Quiana moved closer to me. “You asked me to find out who
the other contracted crew was and now I know.”

“Who is it?”

“More like who is he? His name is Jax.”

“Jax.” I ran the
name through my mental rolodex.

“I never heard of him.” I looked at her squarely.

“That’s because he’s like you. He stays below the radar. His crew mostly does high end jobs outside of L.A. He has that don’t shit where you eat mentality, but he’s making an exception for this one. I guess the payday is too much to pass up.” She reasoned.

“You got some stats?”

“Yes.” Quiana answered. “He’s 32, black, six two, and has a really bad mean streak. There are two other main members of his team named Bishop and Rachel. Bishop is the muscle and the lady handles the logistics along with Jax. They normally specialize in banks, kidnapping for ransom, and underground financial heists involving foreigners and immigrants.”

I listened closely. “Anything else I should know?”

“Just that he’s the real deal and he and his team are going after the same case of diamonds as you are. I have supreme confidence in you and I will do what I can to help. I handpicked you because I know you’re the best at what you do. You’ve been winning since birth and all those victories have been self-generated. You’re an amazingly talented man. You were built for this life.”

Quiana was right,
built for it. The addition of competition just made it that much more interesting for me. I never ran from a fight. I was the type who ran to a fight. Jax would just have to live with his first loss because I was coming in first on that shit.

However, underestimation was a costly mistake
made by over confident stupid niggas. From the gate I gave Jax and his crew my respect, but that didn’t mean I was impressed. I planned to find out exactly who me and my friends were up against.

“Alright boss lady.
I appreciate you gettin’ the scoop for me.” My body swayed slightly as a small wave hit my hip.

“You’re welcome.” Quiana paused and bit her bottom lip. “Ummm
, this may be a little presumptuous of me, but after everything is over I would like to fuck you.”

I lowered my eyes. I was caught off guard by her forwardness
, but I didn’t alert her to that.

“Is that right?”

“Yes. You see I’m extremely picky when it comes to men. Which means I don’t get fucked much, but you are just my type. We can celebrate a job well done while we’re naked in a pent house suite. No strings, no drama, no witnesses, and no commitment. Just sex between two sexy people. Don’t say anything yet…just think about it. Will you do that for me? Can you and your magnificent dick consider fucking me?”

Damn, Quiana was as shy as a stripper on the main stage on a Saturday night. She was a woman used to getting what she wanted. Putting her in her place and telling her I wouldn’t fuck with her might have caused a little friction. At the moment, Quiana was too important to piss off. For the sake of me and my crew, I had to keep her happy. If that meant letting her think I was going to knock the cob webs off her pussy…then so be it.

At the end of it all,
when the lights went out and the dust settled…Jax would know that my name was Tyce. And Quiana would just have to imagine what my dick felt like…after she paid me.

thank you for the compliment, and I will think about it. Fuckin’ a woman of your caliber in a luxury suite might be fun.” I folded my arms and looked down at her shocked face.

“Might be fun?” She cocked her head and smiled.

“Yeah, I mean cuz most gorgeous women like you are lazy in bed. The think their looks excuse them from puttin’ in work. They barely suck dick, they can’t move right, they’re boring, and most of them think that a nigga like me is lucky to get a sniff. So, that’s how some women act. It’s like they’re doin’ me a favor. So yeah, it might be fun if you fuck like an ugly girl.” I nodded my head.

“Tyce Adkins, I assure yo
u that I may be a beauty, but I fuck like a beast.”

“I guess we have somethin’ in common
, cuz I’m a beast between the sheets too.”

“And so I’ve heard. Don’t forget Mr. Adkins, I do my homework before I make a decision.”

“Me too.”

After that I walked out of the waist high water and returned to the dry sand. I left Quiana in the shallow end of the ocean with her lusty thoughts. I had got what I came for, so there was no need to stay longer. As I made my way back toward the parking lot, I asked myself a few questions.

Who was Jax? Should I tell Dallas about what Quiana just said to me? Did my new fiancé need to know that another woman wanted to fuck me even if I wasn’t going to do it?

Something Jazzy


Life was becoming more and more interesting by the second. Ranae and I were pushing the envelope on our sex life and we were about to reach a new financial level in about three weeks. Sure, I had money I never dreamed I would have. Running with Tyce had definitely paid off dividends. I was never a greedy man, but I was starting to see what Tyce meant when he said you can never have too much money.

With the cash from the diamond heist, my two children would be set up real nicely. Although I didn’t tell Ranae any of the details involved with the job, she did however know how much I was getting paid. She and I agreed to set aside two million dollars of that money in an interest bearing account that the kids could access on their twenty first birthday
s. So, to me the next job was very important. My family needed the money.

I walked out to my cobble stone drive way and looked around my
neighborhood satisfyingly. If someone would have told me a few years ago that my family would live in a pricey location, I would have laughed in their face. A community with no crack heads, no helicopters, and no overwhelming holice presence was a residential upgrade. I liked my new spread, and I fell in love with my driveway all over again when Peck pulled up into it.

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