Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6) (2 page)

BOOK: Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6)
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“We are your family too now.” He mentally slapped himself. Now she might look at him as family making a relationship between them taboo. What the hell was wrong with him?

“That’s sweet of you to say.”

“Has anyone shown you around yet?”

“No, we’ve not had the time to go anywhere and Lista is on bedrest.”

“Please, allow me to show you and the boys around.” Tylar knew they were a package deal and he truly didn’t mind the thought of becoming an instant father. The boys would be fun to teach all the things to that he had learned from his father.

“I’m sure you have other things you need to do.”

“No, I have the rest of the day off since you are saving me so much time by helping me. I’ll call these companies in while you get the boys ready. Once that’s done, we can go.”

Careena gave in and went to call for the boys who were playing in the yard. She came running back in clearly upset. “What‘s wrong?”

“They’re gone. The boys left the yard and I don’t see them.”

“I’ll go after them. Don’t worry about a thing. Just wait here in case they come back.” He hurried outside around the corner where he stripped down to his underwear. They were a special material that stretched when he transformed. Tylar let his demon out and the change took him over.

His senses were sharp even in his more human form but as a demon his senses were amazing. The scent of the two young ones was strong. That meant they hadn’t been gone long. His demon moved along the trail they had left behind. Scent and a trail he could visibly see lay in front of him and he ran fast as the wind. A shriek ripped the air as he drew near. An animal lay growling at the two boys who cowered in front of it. They were terrified and frozen in their position unable to move.

Tylar growled at the burbury, an animal similar to a polar bear only lavender in color. The twins stared at him even more frightened if that was possible. “No fear.” His demon demanded. Moving forward he positioned himself between them and the burbury.

The animal was injured and in pain which wasn’t a good combination. The burbury stared at him aware that he was a bigger and baddest predator that he shouldn’t mess with. Tylar looked closely seeing a big horre tree thorn sticking from the burbury’s paw.

“Trust.” He grunted as he moved forward and squatted holding out his hand. Burbury’s were smart animals and he watched amazed as the animal put his injure paw in his hand. Fast as a shot he pulled out the thorn before the burbury had time to think about the pain. He palmed the thorn so he could dispose of it later. The burbury made a funny noise then turned and lumbered away.

When he turned back the twins stood staring at him. He immediately changed back to human form. “You’re one of Razar’s brothers.” One of the twins accused.

“I am. Now I need you to keep this as our little secret.”

“Can Razar turn into a hero too?” The other twin asked.

“Yes, all our people can.”

“Will we be able to do it too if we stay?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think so but I can teach you to fight so you can be a hero also.”

“Really?” They asked with one voice. Excitement shone in their eyes and smiles were on their faces.

“Yes, but only if you keep this a secret.”

“We promise.” The twins said in unison.

“Now we need to go back to the house where I can get dressed before we show your mother you’re alright.” The twins ran ahead of him but he kept up easily even in human form. While he dressed just out of sight of the windows on the back of the house, the boys ran in to their mother. Dressing quickly, he followed the path the twins had taken into the house. As soon as he entered Careena threw herself into his arms hugging him.

“Oh thank you.” She said her eyes bright with tears. As he stared at this beautiful creature it amazed him that she could be his.

“It was nothing. They just wandered out of the yard. I think they learned their lesson when they saw how worried you were.”

“That’s never bothered them before, at least not for long.”

“Things change as a male grows. Why don’t you let me escort you three to my hover car? The boys will enjoy riding in the back because the roof and sides are transparent. Everything they see here will be new. Would you like to see the countryside first or the town?”

“I think the town so I know where to shop for necessities.”

“We do have some stores, but most things like that are ordered in advance and delivered to the door.”

“I don’t know if I like that or not. Somethings aren’t the same when you look at them online.”

“Those things are what the stores are for. That and the small social interaction they provide for those without families or those looking for mates.”

He glanced at her and it looked like she wanted to ask something but decided not to. Had she wondered if he was mated? “Since we’re both single maybe we should hang out there.” It surprised him that she blushed like a young girl. She had two grown daughters and two young sons so he’d assumed she wouldn’t be embarrassed easily. Seems he was wrong.

Pulling up to the general store he parked near the door since there weren’t many cars out front. Many families ordered by com or ordered directly through Tylar’s team. There purchases were delivered to them so they never had to come here at all. He rushed around the car to help Careena out then the boys. “Stay close to us and don’t touch anything without asking, alright boys?” They both looked at him seriously and nodded. They were adorable and he wanted to smile at them but he knew that might encourage bad behavior. Lista had told him they were ornery then explained that meant they often got in trouble.

Right now after the burbury incident they were on their best behavior and he wanted to keep it that way. They entered the store, he came in here often but he watched to see what Careena thought of it. “They seem to have a good selection of things. What do I need to do to buy something?”

“You just pick what you want and Boviar or whoever is working in here will scan it. You will run a tab up to your monthly allowance on all things purchased from the store or online.”

“That sounds simple enough.”

“It is and the boys have an allowance too. Everyone that becomes a citizen has one.”

“We are citizens?”

“Yes, you became citizens when you agreed to move here.”

“I’m glad you brought us here. This is so helpful, I was never any good at learning from books. My best way has always been hands on.”

Tylar immediately thought if something else she could do with her hands and his cock got hard. He was a bastard to have these thoughts when he was shopping with her and her kids. Unfortunately thinking it was wrong didn’t make it stop. They looked around the store for almost an hour and Careena had only found a couple items.

“Where to now?” She asked as she carried her package and he herded the boys to the car.

“We have a café here. Is that the right term for a place that serves food? They have a human female there that cooks many Earth dishes with both Earth and Oison ingredients.”

“That sounds interesting.” She said hesitantly.

Tylar helped them into the car and he drove about a half mile down the road. As he helped them out of the car he noticed a delicious smell in the air. “That smells good. To be honest, I’ve not eaten here yet. I’m glad that I was able to come and bring you and the boys with me.” He shot her a smile that Lista said all his brothers had. She called it panty melting and right now he hoped she was right. It did seem to make Careena flustered.

“It does smell good. Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells.”

The boys ran ahead of them. They must be hungry, but they were growing boys. “Tylar!” They yelled together as they found a table. “Let’s sit here.” They all did with the boys on either side of their mom and Tylar across from her.

“What can we order?” One of the boys asked. Given time he was sure he would be able to tell them apart.

“What do you want? Can you read the menu?”

“Hamburgers.” One boy said. “French fries.” The other one added.

“Then that’s what you shall have.” Tylar said. It occurred to him he should have asked Careena if it was alright. “You don’t mind do you?” He whispered to her.

“No, I think I’ll have that too.”

“We’ll make it unanimous.” Tylar said as he motioned for the waitress.

“What can I get you all to drink?” She asked. They gave her the drink and the food order. “Would you like an appetizer?”

Tylar looked at Careena not sure what that was. “Why don’t you bring us the nachos?” He was relieved his female had stepped in. “You will love these.” She assured him.

By the time they were through eating and Tylar had finished off everyone’s leftovers, he was stuffed himself. “I can’t believe you managed to finish everything.” Careena said, her expression awed.

In his estimation today had gone well. He drove them home and Careena asked him in so he literally had his foot in the door. Once they were in the house the boys went to their room to play leaving him alone with their mother. That was a dream come true. They talked until it was time for the boys to get ready for bed then he left but she agreed to let him show her around some more the next day.

Four days went by with them seeing each other every day after he got off work before he finally managed to get a kiss. It started off chaste but it heated up quickly. She reacted to him letting him know the attraction wasn’t one sided. He pulled away not because he didn’t want her but because he respected her.

“I didn’t expect that, Tylar. I’m a little old for you, I think.”

“My kind look younger than they are. I bet I’m not as young as you think.”

“Still, I have children. You’ll want to start a family someday with someone that is beginning too. Just like you are.”

“You think I object to your children? I don’t.” He had been about to convince her of his sincerity when his com went off. Looking at the message he knew Careena would want to go. “Lista is in labor. I’ll take you to her. I know you’ll want to be there.”

Since they didn’t know how long they might be staying and it might even be all night, the boys packed their PJs and then he carried both of them to the car so they wouldn’t get dirty. “They are small but that’s still impressive. I would have carried one of them.”

“I am here to take care of you. Never forget that.” He was pleased she didn’t fight it like some of the other mates had. She just nodded.

They made it to his parent’s house where Lista had been staying since the baby had dropped. A doctor was there, it was one of the new human females. She was telling Lista to relax between pushing. Lista looked rough with sweat dripping down her face and pain splashed across it. Maybe he would reconsider having many more children. He wasn’t sure he could handle seeing a female much less his mate in pain like this.

“I’ll take the boys out in the yard to play. This can’t be much fun for them.”

Careena smiled at him. “Or for you either.” He smiled back, she had caught him.

“Just call us when the baby comes.”

The back yard at his parent’s house was an endless playground. Once they had been freed from the prison and found the sources of income, they had bought any toy that drew their eye. A few items had been added for younger children now that the grandchildren were on their way. The twins squealed with delight the second they stepped in the yard. The area he’d brought them too was geared toward adults because it was an obstacle course but it had areas adjusted to females or even children. They were small for some of the obstacles like the walls but there were places they could go around those obstacles. His new sister, Geena, loved the course and surprisingly had no trouble running it.

Tylar would enjoy teaching the boys how to run the course and it wear their energetic butts out. Two hours later, he was as tired and dirty as they were but they had loved every minute of it. He followed behind them as they made their way to the house. It was time to shower but he wasn’t sure what the boys would wear once they were clean. Luckily their mom had kept the best of the clothes they had out grown at each age. It shouldn’t surprise him since they had had so little that she would save anything that might be usable in the future. It would take her some time to realize they had whatever they needed now.

The boys took a shower by themselves and he went to another bathroom to clean himself up. When he was done he checked on the boys but they were already done too. They went to the kitchen where his mom had filled plates for the three of them.

“Do you really think the boys can eat that much?” He asked as he looked skeptically at the food on their plates.

“We’ll see.” She said as he leaned in to hug her and kiss her cheek. The boys came over to kiss and hug her too and thank her for the food.

The three of them dug in to the delicious food Tylar’s mother had made. It was similar to a pot roast from Earth but used Oison raised produce and meat. It amazed him what those little boys could put away. It seemed his mother was a good judge of children even human ones. Careena came in looking tired and once she smelled the food, hungry. His mom set a plate full of food in front of her right away.

“Thank you.” She said with a smile. “It’s hard to watch her having such a hard time. The labor has stopped for now and she’s sleeping.”

That alarmed Tylar. “Is that normal?”

“It happens. The doctor isn’t worried, not yet anyway. She says we’ll wait and see what happens. If it doesn’t start back up on its own in a prescribed amount of time, she’ll induce labor.”

That seemed to calm everyone down. The doctor was trained for this, especially taking care of a human giving birth. They were certain that everything would be alright.


Chapter 2


Fighting Fate


Careena worried over her youngest daughter. Her oldest daughter was emotionally disturbed and she felt guilty for feeling relieved that they were getting a break from her. Narcissi was just too demanding which now with Lista trying to deliver a baby and the twins packed full of energy and excitement was more than she could handle. She wanted to be close to all her children but sometimes she got so mad at Narcissi she just wanted to snatch her bald.

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