Tyler's Undoing (2 page)

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Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Sports, #Gloves Off Series

BOOK: Tyler's Undoing
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Scoffing, I planted my feet on the mat and got into stance, clenching my fists tight. I knew the bell was about to ring, and I was going to be ready.

“Actually,” I began, “we were just discussing how long it would take to knock that smirk off your face. He said two minutes . . . I disagreed.”

Justin opened his mouth, but before he could get one word out, the bell rang and I swung. My fist connected with his jaw so hard, his head snapped to the side, and he flipped backward onto the mat. Total knockout.

I leaned over his limp figure and added, “My mistake, I told Pops it would only take fifteen seconds.” I glanced up at the monitor on the wall and smirked. “It was actually under three. Well, thanks for the great fight. I learned a lot.”

“Ladies and gentleman, winning by TKO is your champion for the night. . .”

When the announcer held my hand up in the air, I didn’t hear anything else. I was too hyped up, endorphins pounded through my veins.
This is what it’s all about. This is what being a winner feels like.

It was a drug and I was on the best fucking high of my life.



“Please tell me we’re going out tonight, Ty?” Todd asked, rubbing his hands together. “I think I’m in the mood for a blonde with huge fucking tits, a tight ass, and a strong, Texan accent. Maybe she can show me how she does it cowgirl style.”

We were back at the hotel so I could shower and change clothes. Unfortunately for him, I already had my night planned out, and it didn’t include Todd reversing his cowboy. “Sorry, but I can’t go tonight,” I replied, pouring me a shot of Patron. I tossed it back and poured another one; it went back so smooth.

Todd’s eyes went wide. “Why not? Come on, these Texas girls are so fucking hot.”

“Not as hot as what I have coming to me,” I gloated.

Groaning, he ran his hands through his hair and straightened up his gray suit jacket. He knew who I was referring to. “Fine, I’ll go see if the twins want to hit the town tonight. Have fun with Gabriella.”

Oh, I intend to.

Drinking the last of his whiskey sour, he set the glass down and headed for the door. “I’ll see you in the morning, bright and early. Our plane leaves at ten so be ready.”

“Got it,” I replied. It was a good thing I could sleep on the plane—there wasn’t going to be any sleeping tonight.

After Todd left, I fetched my phone out of my gym bag and noticed two missed text messages.

Just landed.

I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. What room number?

It had only been one week since she left the note on my pillow saying goodbye. I didn’t know if she’d actually come back to me, but when she called two days ago saying she wanted to see me again, I couldn’t pass up the chance.

I just hoped she wasn’t getting attached to me. I didn’t need that. Her brother, Matt Reynolds – former Heavyweight Champion and my best friend – has always tried to keep her from dating fighters. If he ever found out I was fucking her behind his back, he’d kill me. As his friend, he trusted me to watch over her. Regrettably, I couldn’t be trusted with her heart.

I texted her back and told her the room number, so she could come right up. I had enough time to pour myself a double shot of Tequila before a gentle knock sounded on the door. When I opened it, Gabriella stood there dressed in a skin tight navy dress, her midnight colored hair falling just past her shoulders, with a small smile on her face.

Now that she’d been training to be an MMA fighter, her arms were toned to perfection and her body was hard as a rock. Yet she still had the perfect amount of curves to get me hard in a fucking instant.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, pulling her inside.

Setting down her bag on the couch, she then turned and wrapped her arms around my neck, her eyes troubled. “Tyler,” she began hesitantly, releasing a heavy sigh. “As much as I wanted to believe this could work, I don’t think we’re going to be able to do it anymore.”

She tried to look away, but I grabbed her chin and pulled her back. “Why, what happened? In your letter you made it sound like this was what you wanted.”

“And I do,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders. “But I don’t see how I’m going to keep it up with my schedule. Matt’s strict with my coming and going, and if I don’t do as he says, he’ll start asking questions. The last thing I want is for him to be angry with you.”

Narrowing my gaze, I stepped back and crossed my arms over my chest. “You weren’t too worried about that before. What else is on your mind, Gabriella? Is it because I still fuck other women?”

Halfheartedly, she chuckled and rolled her eyes. “No, jackass. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to all of this. Honestly, I think it’ll be best for us both to keep the other weekend as a wonderful memory. I have too many guy problems right now as it is.” She sat down on the brown leather couch and the pressure she was under came out in her sigh.

I never understood why Gabriella wanted someone like me when she could have anyone she wanted, someone who wanted to be with her and only her. I wasn’t that guy. I cared about her, but love wasn’t what I wanted.

“Who’s giving you problems?” I asked, sitting down beside her.

“Well, let’s see,” she began, “I wouldn’t exactly call this a problem, but Bradley wants to see me again. He’s actually going with me to Aspen to see Ashleigh. Apparently, things got a little crazy when I arrived home from Vegas that fateful morning.”

Bradley was the guy she dated before me. I knew eventually things would change between us, and she would want something more than what I could give her. Hopefully, he could do that for her. She needed something real. As long as she wasn’t with another fighter, all would be good.

“What happened when you got home?” I questioned.

Closing her eyes, she tilted her head back and rested it on the couch. “I honestly don’t know the details, Ashleigh wouldn’t tell me everything. When I got back to my apartment she wouldn’t come out of her room. I called Colin to come help me get her out, but he said he couldn’t because she’d broken up with him.

“She said she made a mistake. After that whole baby scare in Vegas, it really messed her up. I think she’s in love with Ryley but too afraid to admit it.” She finally opened her eyes and looked over at me. “Colin’s her safe place, he’s someone who won’t hurt her. Ryley, on the other hand, is the wild card, the one who ignites the fire deep inside.”

I shook my head. “Then why doesn’t she just get in touch with Ryley and talk it out? It’s obvious they’re both miserable.”

“You would think, but Ashleigh told me not to say anything to him about her and Colin breaking up. Believe me, it’s hard as shit keeping a secret, especially one that huge, from Ryley. Ashleigh said she wanted to be alone for a while. That’s why she left for Aspen.”

“So basically you don’t want me to say anything, is that it?” I confirmed.

Nodding, she looked down at her clasped hands. “Yes, please. I don’t know what’s going to happen between the two of them, but I figured it’s best to stay out of it. Hopefully, she’ll tell me what’s going on when I get out there.”

“And Bradley is going with you,” I stated.

Biting her lip, she peered up at me and nodded again. “I guess you can say he’s
safe place. He keeps a certain someone away from me . . . kind of.”

Now that she was training, I knew she was around a lot of the other fighters. The only other one I knew who was trying to get her was Paxton Emerson.

“Please tell me it’s not Paxton,” I warned. “You need to stay the fuck away from him. Being with me is one thing, but guys like him are a completely different story.”

When Gabriella was in Vegas, my fight had been against Paxton. With the way he looked at her, I knew something was going on. I told him then to stay away from her but obviously he didn’t understand what I meant. It looked like I needed to change that.

Gabriella smiled and moved closer, biting her lip provocatively. “Oh, I think I’ve done pretty well in that arena, don’t you think? Plus, he’s friends with Kyle. That immediately puts him on my shit list.”

Kyle Andrews was my enemy. Now that Gabriella’s brother retired, his Heavyweight title was up for grabs, which meant Kyle and I would most likely be fighting for it at the end of the season. That fucker was going down.

“What is he doing to bother you?” I asked through clenched teeth.

Tentatively, she shrugged her shoulders. “He keeps asking me out. But don’t worry, I tell him to fuck off every time. It’s like he enjoys tormenting me. The part that really pisses me off is that he comes to me when he knows my brother isn’t around. I’m pretty sure it’s Kyle’s way of getting under my skin.”

“Do you want me to handle it?”

Mischievously, Gabriella smiled and climbed onto my lap, straddling my waist. “Actually, my body is the only thing I need you to man handle.” She squeezed her legs and released, relaxing into my lap. “If this is the last time we’re going to be together, I want to make it good. Pax will eventually get a clue and leave me alone. If not, you are more than welcome to kick his as—if I don’t do it first.”

I planned on doing it anyway.

Lifting her dress above her thighs, Gabriella rocked her hips against mine. My dick got hard as I watched her lick her lips. She was going to fucking kill me. As much as I hated the fact this was our last time together, it was actually for the best. She knew it, and I knew it.

Gripping her neck, I pulled her down to me and bit her lip. “Making it good is something I
promise you.”



“ALL RIGHT, SON, I’m leaving everything in your capable hands. I trust you to keep everything in order,” Jake advised, standing by the front door of his club.

Jake Montgomery was my boss and the Labyrinth had always been a second home when I wasn’t in the ring. For years, I’d been a bouncer at the exclusive club. Jake had a thing for the Roman era, so the whole building was made to look like a Roman cathedral. I swear he must’ve watched
one too many times.

For this particular weekend, I was going to be its owner while Jake left on his business trip. He trusted me, and I wouldn’t let him down. In fact, I was ready for him to leave so I could plan the fights.

“Now get out of here before you miss your flight. I won’t let the place burn down,” I promised.

Jake was in his early fifties and always pristine in his blue power suits and salt and peppered hair perfectly slicked back on his head. Most night club owners I knew were worthless douche bags who only cared about themselves and making money, but he actually cared about his employees. We were all he had as far as family.

After he met my father and found out about my MMA fighting, he started holding fights at the club because he knew it would help get me noticed. I owed him so much.

Taking one last look at the empty club, Jake picked up his brown leather suitcase and opened the door. “I’ll be back Sunday night,” he warned, pointing a finger at me. “And no fighting for you this weekend. I’m sure once you see the list you’re going to want to partake, but it’s your job to run the club.”

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