UFOs in Reality (17 page)

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Authors: T.R. Dutton

BOOK: UFOs in Reality
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However, something quite unexpectedly wonderful did result from that meeting. As I packed away my belongings, a man and a woman came over to me with some very interesting news. They were, then, the owners of Torbay Holiday Motel and the adjoining permanent chalet and caravan park
Beechdown Park, located between Paignton and Totnes. A resident of the Park had claimed to have had a weird experience involving the sudden appearance of an object on the adjoining hillside one night, when walking his dog. He had written a full report of the incident for MoD, but had received a dismissive answer. Would I like to investigate this event? Of course, I would! My contact, Mr. Graham Booth, posted to me a copy of the report, first sent to MoD, after consulting with the witness. After reading the very detailed report, I got in touch with the witness, the late Mr. Fred Lewis-Goodwin
From the time of our first meeting, Fred and I got on very well and his sudden death in 2001 was a great blow.

On the evening of February 11th, 1998, Fred L-G, a resident of Beechdown Park, had set out to walk his dog shortly after 8 pm GMT. He had walked some 150 yards (metres) to the wire fence separating the Motel grounds from the adjacent grassy hillside to his left. Further along the fence was a style, which had to be climbed over to get into the field beyond. As he had reached the fence, his greyhound-lurcher dog had stopped abruptly and ‘pointed’ with its nose towards a location on the hillside. It then sat upright with ears cocked, staring intently at something Fred couldn’t see. It was a bright moonlit night and, with the moon situated above the hillside to the left of the witness’s position, the silvery grey dog had looked very strange in that lighting and in that upright position. Then, in a matter of a few seconds, an object had materialised where the dog was pointing, in a position about 45 degrees to the left and about 40 feet (12m) away. Fred had watched in disbelief as he’d seen dark lines drawn quickly in the air to form the framework of a large rectangular box. In the next instant ‘blinds’ had seemed to be drawn across the framework to form the base, top and sides of the box. The estimated dimensions of the box were 10’ (3m) long, 4’ (1.2m) wide and 3’ (1m) deep and it had seemed to be skewed about 45 degrees to the viewing line. It had had a dark grey (charcoal) colour in the moonlight and, as the still unbelieving witness watched, two circular apertures, each about 6” in diameter, had formed in the long side visible to him. These had been centrally located. The lateral spacing between them had been about 6 feet (2 metres). The apertures had glowed brightly orange-yellow and they began pulsing in unison. The object had then raised itself to a height of about 2 feet above the sloping ground, as the changed moon shadow had confirmed. The rate of pulsation then increased, from about 90 to something like 300 cycles per minute, causing Fred to drag his still-mesmerised dog further along the fence to a safer distance from the object. Wave-like small disturbances had been visible in the air above each corner of the box throughout this early stage. Another change of the witness’ position along the fence had been made when the object had begun to climb steadily uphill, maintaining its orientation and height above the ground as it climbed.

A patchy hedge ran across the hillside about 100’ (30m) above the witness’ position and a power line, feeding a homestead at the right-hand edge of the field, also crossed the field just below the hedge-line. This power line was mounted some 20-30 feet (6-10m) above the ground on wooden posts. As the object had moved beneath the power line, Fred had noticed that a flood-light mounted on the residence to his right had suddenly flared and then dimmed – and he’d thought it was a ”goner”. But the light had been restored as the box moved on, still climbing the hill at the same pace. On reaching the embankment on which the hedge was growing, the object had then climbed over the embankment by passing through a large gap in the hedge. It had then moved sideways following the line of the hedge until it had reached an open gateway, next to another hedge. This was roughly at right-angles to the original one and providing the boundary of the field beyond the gateway where the box had become stationary. With the two apertures still pulsing out bright light, the box had then remained motionless for about 15 minutes before a very dramatic change had occurred. Suddenly, it had become a brilliant ball of white light. This had then climbed uphill from the gateway just a short distance and had then hopped over the adjacent hedge before moving very rapidly to the right, to be lost to the witness’ view.

This experience had, to say the least, made a big impression on the worldly-wise Fred Lewis Goodwin. When I met him during September of that year, I found him reading up on Quantum Mechanics in the hope that he might find a solution to the problem therein. He was as sure as I was that he had seen a demonstration of advanced technology. It had seemed almost as if this ‘thing’ had been drawn out in the air by some sort of computer graphics system, but his overwhelming impression had been that it had materialised “from another set of dimensions”. So, he had come to terms with the idea that he had witnessed other-worldly technology. He had been particularly incensed by the MoD’s ‘brush-off’ and had written a scathing letter in reply. He had noted that the site of the event had been beneath major civil air routes and the object, whilst sitting in that gateway, could have been monitoring the radio and TV emissions from major masts mounted on the hillside above Marldon, situated only a few miles away. The masts were in clear view from that hillside. I had checked out the timings of the event as given by Fred L-G and found them to be consistent with the AT’s predictions for that day. A marked-up graph for the Torbay area, centred on Torquay, is given as Fig. 30, below.

This had impressed Fred and he’d wanted to know more about the work I’d done. I passed on copies of papers I’d written and he soon became conversant with them. In fact, he was keen to engage in regular skywatches from his site and promised to call me by ‘phone if he ever saw anything again. From where I live on a hillside in Torquay, situated at 500’ above sea level, I was able to see the top of Fred’s hill beyond another, intervening, hill crest. On several occasions thereafter he called me to check out lights in the sky he had been watching outside in the Park. Unfortunately, I can’t remember ever having been able to confirm anything. Then, in August 2000 he told me he had been sitting out on a bench adjacent to the Motel, during a late dog-walk, when he had seen two pulsating lights, side by side, move steadily up the same hillside, hop over the hedge embankment, as before, and then to continue climbing until they were lost to view behind the curved surface of the hill crest. The time of this event was again congruent with my predictions. On another occasion, in daylight, he had seen a long, black, javelin-proportioned, pipe-like object hurtle overhead, beneath the overcast, heading towards the sea.

During filming for Part 3 of my
video trilogy
‘We are DEFINITELY not Alone’
, I introduced Fred to
Roy Rowlands
, my friend and video co-producer, and he consented to be interviewed at the location. In view of his death in 2001, I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to record Fred Lewis-Goodwin’s personal account of the 1998 happening for posterity’s sake. I imagine Fred also became widely known in America as a result of a coast-to-coast radio broadcast he shared with me on August 12th, 1999 – but more about that later, in PHASE 6.

Fig 30



Before going on to share the results of the following studies, it is important to explain that during initial selection of the data from which the Astronautical Theory was eventually derived, no events involving encounters with occupied craft were considered. In fact, they seemed at that time to be very rare occurrences, and accounts like that of George
were thought to be highly imaginative. But this attitude was forced to change when such CE3/4 cases came to be considered in detail after formulation of the Theory. The selected cases to be considered in this chapter will be examples of processed
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3)
, when witnesses have found themselves to be observing and interacting with not only strange aerial craft, but also their occupants. The scenario presented by such accounts is one in which mutual interaction has occurred between humans and extraterrestrials.

As stated previously, over the years, the author has successfully processed more than 1000 selected UFO reports through the AT software. Relatively few of those cases were of the CE3/CE4 varieties, so it has been a difficult task to select a small number of them for inclusion in this book. Those in the database did not include George Adamski’s reports, which have been studied independently and the surprising outcome of those investigations will be presented later.

Encounter in South-West Wales.

During the late 1970s the region of
in South Wales became a targeted region for strange UFO activity. As well as I have been able to ascertain, many strange happenings were reported during the period November 1976 and September 1977. ( A prolonged visit was made to the area in the summer of 1978, when all activity seemed to have ceased.) Two books were published during 1979, from which I was able to obtain more information. One was the
Pugh and Holiday book, ‘The Dyfed Enigma’
and the other was a book with the title
‘The Welsh Triangle’ by Peter Paget [14]
. Both these sources gave details of the event about to be described and analysed.

At about 9 pm. GMT on the night of March 13th, 1977, a young man called Stephen Taylor was returning to his home, walking alongside the NATO installation at Brawdy Airfield. It was a fine night and he noticed a strange light with an orange halo in the sky. He had called on some friends and they’d all laughed about the light. He had then continued his journey home still walking alongside the perimeter fence of the airfield. Suddenly, he was startled when a dog raced out of the darkness towards him. Then he noticed that the lights of the base and of a farm he had usually been able to see from that position were not visible. It seemed to him that a large black dome-shape with a dim glow at its base was responsible for this blocking of his view. The object seemed to be occupying part of a field in a position opposite the entrance to the oceanographic research station installed within that secure base. As he leant on the entrance gate to light up a cigarette, the witness heard the sound of someone standing close beside him and turned to look. Presumably by the light of his match or lighter, he could make out a skinny human-like figure, about six feet tall. The figure was clad in an all-over silver suit, but had no helmet, only a small box over its mouth with a tube running rearwards from it. The creature had large human-like eyes and high cheek bones. To escape, the witness remembered taking a wild swing at the visitor and running furiously until he arrived at his home, about three miles (five km) away. Fig. 3
shows that the timing of the events, on that date, fitted the AT predictions for that area very well.

The features of this happening are similar to others reported in various parts of the world. Silver-clad, tall, human-like creatures seem to represent one variety of the visiting explorers from space. But, as will be shown, even though the varieties differ, they all seem to be working to the same game-plan when interacting with us. Generally, the AT is able to demonstrate that the strategy used by all the different kinds of entities is common to all their activities. It seems that each entity represents a contingent of some kind of
‘united galactic study group’
and the human species is being given special attention. Therein may lie the reason underlying the alleged encounters with human-like ETs.
Perhaps humans have been bred by the other species for the purpose of making contact with Earth-dwellers less traumatic for the people being investigated?
Given such circumstances, it could be that other galactic species have been similarly bred by a ‘master race’ species for interactions elsewhere in our galaxy. The predominance of one kind of ET would nicely explain why the AT seems to model all the activities taking place.

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