Unbearable (Undescribable) (13 page)

Read Unbearable (Undescribable) Online

Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Unbearable (Undescribable)
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“No problem.” He turns to Kip. “Come on, it’s in
the garage.”

I duck my head and walk myself back to the bedroom.
I don’t want to see him drive off in it. I don’t want to have to say goodbye to
one more thing. I know it’s just a car, but it is no longer mine. Which means
the only vehicles I have now are my mom’s Tahoe and my dad’s cars. I don’t want
to drive them. Maybe I will buy myself a new car.

I sit on the edge of the bed and my thoughts drift
to my mom again. She crosses my mind every second of the day. Getting away from
Tulsa did not help at all. Work did help though, and I kept myself busy last
night. I cleaned more than usual and spent more time talking to customers. I
found myself laughing at their stupid jokes, some I didn’t even understand, and
I told Holly I would work every night this week. It bothers me that for some
reason that place feels more like home than Slade’s house.

“What are you doing?”

I look up to see Slade standing in front of me in a
pair of black dress slacks, a crisp white shirt, and a black tie. It makes my
mouth water and my heart stop. He cracks a little smile as I sit there staring
at him.

I clear my throat. “I was wondering why you’re not
at work.”

“I took an early lunch.” He bends down and kisses
me on the forehead. “I have to go back now.”

“Okay,” I say, folding my hands in my lap.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply before he walks out to
head back to work. Once he leaves, I lie back down and close my eyes. I need
more sleep.



I walk out into the garage
and slide into my car. I smile brightly knowing her car is gone. I didn’t ask
Josh how he knew Kip. He had the money and that was all that mattered to me.
That and the fact that Angel is now driving safer vehicles.

I make my way back to my office. I’m really
surprised by how slow work is right now, especially since I spent a week in
Oklahoma. I think my dad is taking it easy on me so I can focus my time on
Angel, and although that’s great, I have always lived for work.

I pass Rose on the way to my father’s office. I
approach his open door and knock on it lightly. He looks up from his desk as he
holds his phone over one ear. Lifting one hand, he signals for me to step

I walk in and sit down in one of his seats as I
look out his windows. I can see the Arch and it makes me grin. It reminds me of
last month when I took Angel there. I would give anything to see the same big
smile on her face that she had when we stood out in the pouring rain, to hear
that giggle as I spun her around. She just seems to have a black cloud over her,
and no matter how I try to break her free from it she won’t allow me.

My father gets my attention as he hangs up his
phone. “What are you up to?” he asks, tilting his head to the side as he stares
at me.

“Work,” I respond. “Although I don’t seem to have
much to do. Why is that?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, I didn’t even think
you were going to come in today.”

Should I have stayed home with her?
In actuality,
I think she wanted to be alone. All she has been doing is pushing me away every
chance she gets. I know I told her I would push back, but I think right now the
best thing to do is step back.

“I have a few clients I need to contact,” I say,
standing from the chair and exiting his office. I’m here to work and that’s
exactly what I’m going to do.

I walk into the house and
quietly make my way back to the bedroom, first stopping by my office to drop
off the papers that I had needed to pick up for a client this morning. Entering
the bedroom, I find Angel in the same place that I had left her not two hours
ago. I place my phone on my nightstand seeing that it’s a little past ten on
this Saturday morning.

After undressing, I lie down next to her and pull
the covers up over both of us. I place my hand on her back and lightly rub it.
I release a sigh. We have been back home for two weeks now and not much has
changed between us. She still seems distant. I feel like she has completely
shut me out. Every time I try to talk to her about something, she changes the
subject. We have gotten in a few fights over her feelings regarding her mother,
or the two houses she owns, or the cars her father left her that are still in
Tulsa. She just shuts down and turns away from me. I want her to talk to me,
but all that leads to is us fighting with one another.

Another thing that has been pissing me off is that
she’s working so much at the bar. It’s like she is avoiding everything except
work. She has worked almost every night these last two weeks, and I’m getting
tired of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m spending time with her, it’s just the time
we do spend together feels like it’s weighed down with complications that she
doesn’t want to bring up. She won’t talk about her mother or all of the boxes
we brought back that are still in the garage. She hasn’t opened any of them.
They are just pushed over to one side and out of the way. I know she’s avoiding
them and I’m okay with that. She will get to them when she is ready. Courtney
has tried to bring up her father’s house a few times. Courtney keeps asking her
what she’s going to do with it, and she just shrugs. So, I have stepped back
and am going to give her the time she needs to make a decision.

I pull my hand away and lay back, looking up at the
ceiling. I am so fucking horny, I feel like I’m going to explode. I haven’t
even tried to have sex with her but I feel I’m at a breaking point. How long
can a man resist his sexy as fuck girlfriend? All I have to do is think of her
and I’m hard. And yet, when I get home, she has already left for work.

Fuck, the smell of her perfume hits me and I can’t
think straight. Visions of her underneath me are all that my mind can focus on.
I have relieved the tension in the shower more times then I can count, but it
hasn’t helped me one fucking bit. Nothing can compare to her soft hand, her hot
mouth, her tight pussy. I reach down into my boxers and readjust my now hard
cock. I don’t know how much longer I can resist. I’m afraid the next time she
touches me I’ll explode.

I lean up and kiss her on her cheek. “Good night,
Angel,” I whisper before I lie back down and pull her close to me.


I open my eyes to see Slade
sleeping, and he has one leg slung over mine and one arm wrapped around me. I
inhale his scent and it makes me throb between my legs. I need a release. My
body is wound up so tight it is going to break, and if he refuses to give me
what I need, I plan on doing it myself. Although, that’s not what I really want.
I need to feel connected to him again, and sex is as intimate as two people can

I place my hand on his smooth chest. I slowly run my
hand downward between our bodies. As I take his dick into my hand, he pulls me
closer to him, letting out a small moan. I smile when I feel it start to harden
in my palm.

“Wake up, baby,” I say, bending down to place small
kisses on his smooth chest.

“Angel,” he mumbles, keeping his eyes shut.

“I want you.” I’ve needed him for so long now. We
still have not had sex since the first night at my mother’s house. I keep
trying to tell myself that it has nothing to do with me, that maybe he is just
busy or preoccupied, but even those thoughts don’t erase the doubts that he no
longer wants me.

His eyes remain closed as his hand travels its way
upward to the back of my neck, where he grabs a hold of my hair. I close my
eyes and suck in a breath as he pulls my head back. Then I feel him shift our
bodies so that he is lying on top of me. I open my eyes to see him looking down
at me.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he whispers with a small
smile on his face.

“Good morning.” I run my hands down his side and
grab his ass. “I heard you leave this morning.”

He nods. “I had to run to the office for a few
things.” He reaches up and brushes his knuckles down my cheek. “Then when I
came home and found you still sleeping, I couldn’t walk away.” He leans down
and places his head in the crook of my neck as he rains soft kisses on me. Then
he pulls away and looks down at me. “How was work last night?” He releases his
hand from my hair.

“I don’t want to talk about work.”

“I still think you should quit.” His baby blue eyes
bore into mine almost as if he is trying to break me.

I hold back a sigh. I refuse to quit the only place
that makes me feel like
anymore. I love him and I love that we are
living together, but that does not mean I have to give up everything I had
before him.

“I’m not quitting.”

“I think you would be happier just staying home.”

I’m sure this is every woman’s dream, to have a man
who wants to take care of them. I know he’s not trying to be controlling or
tell me what I can and can’t do. He just honestly thinks I need to stay home
and grieve for the rest of my life.

“I’m happy right now,” I say, digging my fingers
into his ass. “I would be even happier if you were inside of me.”

He lays on top of me for a few long seconds. I
think he’s going to get off me when he instead shifts his body up a little bit.
He smiles as he places his hand between my legs. I spread them further to give
him as much space as he needs. I lean my head back and close my eyes. I could
almost cry at the relief that rushes over me as he glides a finger into me. I
almost combust right then with just the feel of him finally touching me. It’s
been too long since he has shown any interest in me sexually and I can’t hold
back the moan.

His face falls to the crook of my neck. I feel his
tongue touch my skin as he works his way to my earlobe. “I love how fucking wet
you get,” he whispers, making me shiver.

“Please don’t make me wait. I want you,” I say,
arching my back as my hands try to pull him toward me.

“What is it that you want, Angel?” I lift my hips
as he pushes a second finger into me.

I take in a deep breath before I can speak. “I want—”
The sound of the doorbell cuts me off.

“Fuck,” Slade swears softly as he removes his
fingers. “I’ll go get it. Stay right here.” He gives me a light kiss and gets
out of bed. He grabs a pair of shorts out of his drawer and grabs a t-shirt off
the foot of the bed as he leaves the room.

I lay there looking up at the ceiling. I don’t
think I have ever been this sexually frustrated in all my life.

I reach over, grab his pillow, and hold it over my
head. I release some frustration as I yell into it, giving it all I have,
screaming as loud as I can. Knowing no one can hear me. I scream until I feel
somewhat relaxed and slightly lightheaded.

I throw the pillow to the floor and continue to lay
there with my eyes closed. Trying to figure out what I can do to make him be
aggressive again. I’m in desperate need of the rough, toss me around, push me
up against a wall, show me who’s in control, sex! The kind that leaves you
shaking and panting. It is obvious that I’m the one who is going to have to
spice it up and get us back to that point.

“Are you going to get out of bed today?”

I open my eyes and sit up, pulling the covers up to
my chin when I hear Courtney talking.

“What are you doing?” I take in a deep breath,
trying to control my heartbeat as I see Holly is standing next to her as well.

“Slade said you were in here,” Holly says as she
plops down on the edge of my bed.

“How long were you two standing there?” I ask,
letting go of the sheet a bit, but not letting it fall, since I

“Long enough to see you scream into a pillow,”
Courtney says as she joins Holly on the bed.

“I was letting out my frustration because you two…interrupted

Courtney gives me a look that says she doesn’t
believe me.

I narrow my eyes at her.

“Well, sorry about that,” Holly says. “We came over
because we picked a date for Vegas and have decided where we are going to

Thank God. Holly has had the hardest time choosing
anything when it comes to her wedding. That’s all her and I talk about. I have
spent a lot of time looking up things on the Internet with her while at work
this week.

“Okay. What’s the plan?” I ask, letting my back
fall against the headboard.

“We go on the twentieth of January, which is a
Thursday, and come back Sunday.”

“That sounds good,” I agree. “Where are we going to

“Planet Hollywood.”

“That sounds good to me.”

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