Unbearable (Undescribable) (26 page)

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Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Unbearable (Undescribable)
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“You ladies ready?” Jeremy asks, peeking his head

“Yeah,” I say grabbing a case of Bud Light.


A few hours later, I’m
showing Jeremy how to check out a customer with a credit card when Micah walks
in. “What’s up?”

I look behind him to see if Slade is with him as
well. “Where’s Slade?” I ask when I don’t see him or his car parked outside.

“He had to meet with a client,” he says as he eyes
Jeremy. “I’m Micah.” He reaches out his hand to Jeremy.

“Jeremy.” He shakes it. “I’ve heard a lot about you
and Slade,” he says with a laugh.

“Really?” Micah smiles to Holly.

“Yeah. All you hear about is men when you work with
two women,” he teases as I roll my eyes. I have never said anything directly to
him about Slade. He overhears conversations Holly and I have because he’s a
nosy son of a bitch.

“I can imagine. How long have you worked here?”
Micah asks as Holly hands him a bottle of water.

Jeremy starts to fill him in on how it’s his second
day and this is just his part-time job.

“See.” Holly bumps my hip with hers. “Everyone
likes him.”

I roll my eyes. “You and Micah do not count as

“Who says?” She pretends to look shocked making me
laugh out loud.

“I can’t stay long, babe,” Micah says to Holly. “I
have to go back up to the office. I just wanted to stop by and see you. You
seemed a bit upset this morning after you spoke to your mother.”

I smile at how thoughtful Micah is to Holly. She
lets out a long sigh. “Yeah, she was letting me know she reserved a catering
company for the wedding. And that I needed to come over tonight so we can look
at cakes.”

Micah tilts his head to the side. “I thought you
wanted to look at a few more places before you chose one?”

“I did, I also told her I have plenty of time, I
don’t have to pick out everything today.” She places her hands on the bar top, letting
out a breath.

“Just call the place and cancel,” Micah says, not
concerned about her mother’s plans.

“I can’t do that. She will freak.”

“It’s not her wedding, baby.” He places his water
on the bar.

She turns to look at me. “If only it were that

I tighten my lips to hold in the laughter. I
actually agree with Micah on this one. If she allows her mother to run the
show, the wedding will not be the one she wants.

Micah picks up his bottle of water as his phone
rings. He answers it and then informs us he has to go back to work.

“And that is how you close
up the day shift,” I tell Jeremy, entering the office to grab my purse from a
drawer in the desk. I’m thankful this is the last time I have to train him. I
overheard him telling Micah that he plans on working nights. I couldn’t hide
the huge smile on my face since I had promised Slade no more night shifts. “Do
you think you have everything down?” I ask, placing my purse over my shoulder.

“I think so.” He leans up against the desk. “But I
think I may need one more training session.” His smirk causes me to scowl.

“What do you need help with? I’ll try to help you
to understand it better.” I would much rather get this over now than have to
share another one of my shifts with him.

He shakes his head with that smile still on his
lips. He pushes off and slowly walks around to where I’m standing behind the
desk. “Maybe you need some training.”

I take a step back. “I know how to do everything.”
I swallow nervously as he takes another step toward me.

“I’m sure you do,” he says as his eyes fall on my

I grab my keys off the desk and turn to leave. I
spin back to face him when I feel his hand on my ass. “Excuse me,” I snap,
furious he would touch me.

He holds up my bar towel with a smirk on his face.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to take these home with you.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. He
couldn’t have been coming onto me. It was just me being paranoid. I nod,
feeling somewhat silly, and mumble a goodbye over my shoulder as I walk out.

As I’m heading to the truck, I pull my phone out of
my back pocket to check my phone…. Nothing!

And it’s actually making me nervous that I still
have not heard back from Jessica since I sent her that picture of me and Slade.
I’m hoping she just got the hint and realized that I don’t believe her

“Angel.” I jump when I hear Slade call for me. He
chuckles as he’s getting out of Micah’s truck.

“What are you doing here?” I ask walking over to

“Micah had to come over to the house, so I had him
bring me up here to pick up my Angel.” He wraps his arms around me and leans
down to kiss me.

“You guys coming in?” Micah asks walking past us.

“I don’t want to go back in, I’ve been there all
day,” I whine with my lips still on his.

“I figured so.” He pulls away from me. “No. We’re
going to head home. Thanks for the ride Micah. We’ll see you later,” he calls
out as he throws an arm around me and takes the keys from my hand. He steers me
over to the passenger side and opens the door for me before giving me another
long kiss.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I thought that we could
have a nice quiet evening at home tonight?”

I look over at him smiling. “Not at all.”

“Good.” He links our fingers together on the center




I throw my keys onto the
kitchen counter as I walk by. I then follow Angel into the bedroom. She tosses
her purse and phone onto the bed and goes to head out of the room when I grab a
hold of her wrist.

She jumps and hisses in a breath. “What’s wrong?” I
ask, stepping up to her.


I frown, looking down at my hand around her wrist.
I catch sight of her trying to pull her sleeves down as far as they will go. I
release her wrist and push her sleeve back to reveal the cuff marks from last

“Angel, why didn’t’ you tell me?” I grab her other
hand and move the sleeve up as well.

She shrugs. I shake my head at myself. I had no
idea it was that bad. “I’ll never do that again.” I let go of her hand and
start to walk away.

“What?” She grabs my upper arm. “Why?”

“Because I hurt you,” I say through gritted teeth.

She releases my arm and lets out a sigh. “But I
liked it.”

“You liked that I hurt you?” I ask, frowning.

She looks down to the floor then back up to me.
“I’ve never been afraid of the power your body can have over mine, Slade.” She moves
closer to me. “And I know you liked it, too.”

“I do like dominating you. That is no secret.” I
grab a hold of her wrist and hold it up between us. “But to leave bruises like
these?” I knew better than that.

She gets a naughty smile on her face. “What are you

“Let me even the score then?”

“How do you plan on doing that?” I back away from

“Let me use them on you.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“Oh no.” I give a hard laugh. “You will not catch
me in a pair of handcuffs.” I quickly duck into the bathroom and she follows

“Not even if I’m the one to put them on you?” She

I shake my head quickly. “Nope.”

“Well, that’s not fair.” She places her hands on
her hips.

I pull my shirt off and unbutton my jeans. “You
probably wouldn’t even know what to do if I gave you a chance to be in charge.”
I joke.

Her mouth falls open as if I offended her. “Oh, I
can think of a few things.”

“Well, that’s all you are going to be doing….” I
finish undressing then look to her. “Thinking.”

She huffs and spins around before I enter the shower.
I laugh to myself as the thought of her using the handcuffs on me. That is not
even a possibility. I’m too big of a control freak, especially when it comes to
her. And even with all the shit I have done—fights and partying—I have never
been arrested.

Once I get out of the shower
and dress I find her in the living room watching TV. I just sit down next to
her when the doorbell rings.

I stand up from the couch and go open the door. I
hold in a sigh when I see Tate standing on our porch. “What are you doing
here?” I place a hand up on the door.

“Just thought I would come by and say hello,” he says,
not making a move to leave.

“Hi, Tate.” Angel squeezes her way beside me. “Come
on in.” She turns to walk back in and narrows her eyes at me.

I step aside, allowing him to come in and then I
slam the door shut.

“Did I come at a bad time?” Tate asks, looking at

“No. No at all.” She smiles at him brightly.

I plop down on the chair in the kitchen when Tate
speaks. “Have you heard anything about the break-in?”

“No. I spoke to the Sheriff the other day and he
said they have had no more reported break-ins in this neighborhood.” I take a
sip of the beer that Angel sits down in front of me.

“Maybe it was just some random person thinking we
weren’t home,” Angel suggests. “We keep all our vehicles in the garage and it
was early morning. The power was out.” She shrugs. “They just happened to have
picked our house.” I think she’s trying to convince herself more than us.

“You’re probably right,” Tate says before he slides
his eyes to mine. I know he is thinking the same thing as me. It was someone
who knows us, someone who had a reason for wanting in this house. I just have a
feeling that whatever they wanted, they did not get, which is a plus.

“I’ll be right back,” Angel excuses herself.

Once we hear her close our bedroom door, Tate
speaks. “Did you tell her about our talk?”

“No. She already suspects I think you want her, but
she doesn’t need to know I confronted you about it.”

He nods his head as she enters the kitchen now
holding her phone. “Did you have to work today?”

“Yes, I worked at the repair shop.”

“I can’t believe Marcus still owns that shop,” I
say. I had figured Missy’s brother Jacob had taken it over from his dad by now.

Angel looks at me. “You know who Missy’s father is?”

“Yes, that shop has been in business forever.
Marcus’s dad was the one who started it.” I take a sip of my beer. “I don’t
know him all that well, but me, Micah and Josh went to school with Jacob, who
is Missy’s brother.”

“Were you guys friends with him?” she asks as she
takes a seat.

“No. Marcus was very strict with Jacob. He went to
school and then went home. He started working up there at the shop at a very
young age.” He was not allowed to go out like we were. We had a few classes
together, but not enough to be considered friends.

“So, how are things going up at Larry’s?” Tate asks,
changing the subject.

“It’s good.”

She starts to tell Tate about how worthless she
thinks her boss is and how Holly runs that bar. By the expressions on his face,
I can tell that he already knows everything she is telling him. And I do not
like that one bit.


I sit on the couch in the
living room as I stare up at the urn on the fireplace mantel. It has been four
weeks since my mother passed. The loss of her has not gotten any easier.
Everything seems back to normal for the most part, up until this morning that
is. I hadn’t heard from Jessica since I sent her that picture of Slade and me kissing
over a week ago. Well, I received something back, and it was once again of him
in bed with another woman. I can’t make out the woman, but you can clearly see
they are having sex. The worse part, they’re in Slade’s bed, well the bed that
we now share. Everything looks the same: the curtains, the sheets, and the
bedspread—everything down to the pillowcases. I immediately pulled it all off
the bed and started washing everything. I know it was a long time ago and I know
I’ve washed them since then. I just felt like it would make me feel better to
wash them again.

No such luck!

All I do now is walk into our room and picture all
the women he has had in there and it bothers me. I want to burn it all, but
that would raise some questions about my sanity. And I still don’t want Slade
to know what is going on between Jessica and me.

I lie back on the couch and pull out my phone. I
look at the picture again. Slade is lying on his back and he has his hands on
the woman’s hips as she lies on top of him. She has long dark hair up in a ponytail
and her chest is pressed against his. I don’t know who in the hell is taking
these pictures and I don’t dare ask. It’s no secret that he likes more than one
woman at a time, so I’m guessing there’s another naked chick behind the camera

I exit out of it and slam my phone down on my lap.
The worst part is that I saved it to my phone. I don’t know why, but I guess to
keep it as a reminder that Jessica is a bitch who is trying her hardest to piss
me off. I mean, what is she really trying to gain from these? Does she want me
to kick her ass? Does she want me to break up with Slade? She has to know that
if for some crazy reason Slade were to break up with me, she would not be his
next choice.

Just then, my phone beeps and I look at it. I grit
my teeth when I see it’s from Jessica as well, and this time she has sent me a
video. This day just keeps getting better and better.

I push play and watch the scene before me play out.
Of course, the woman in bed with him is Bridgette. Slade must be the one taping
because the camera is facing downward as Bridgette is on her knees, straddling
his legs. Her short blonde hair falls over her face, making it hard to see her,
but you can hear her suck in a breath before she places her lips around the top
of his dick, and then her head bobs up and down.

“Fuck,” I hear him hiss from behind the camera.

I literally feel like the wind is knocked out of me.
All feeling has been taken from me, my body is numb, but I can’t look away.
It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. I know how the scene in front of
me is going to end, yet I can’t stop watching. I keep hoping he might push her
away or tell her to stop.

I see one of his hands reach up and push her hair
out of her way. I hear him let out a long breath and then the camera faces up
toward the ceiling.

“Don’t want to film it after all?” comes her voice.

“No. I’d much rather enjoy this than worry about
taping it.”

She lets out a laugh and then I hear them shuffle
around. I feel my throat close up as tears sting my eyes when I hear them
moaning and their bodies slapping together.

I hold down the off button until it shuts my phone
off completely. I stand from the couch and throw my phone where I was just

“Fuck that,” I say aloud, brushing the tears off my
face harshly. I don’t think I have ever been so pissed in my life. I turn and
head to our bathroom. I turn on the water and wash my face. I feel the urge to
put bleach in my eyes to try to erase my memory of that God-awful scene.

I wipe off my face and stand in the doorway of our
bathroom. I look over at our freshly washed sheets and it is all of a sudden
not going to work for me. I storm over to the bed and tear everything off of it
once again and haul it all outside to our trashcans that set on the side of the
house. Once there, I dust off my hands and jump in Nadia. I’m going to buy us
all new sheets and a comforter. Hell, I would prefer a new bed and mattress.

As soon as I get out on the highway, I turn my
phone back on and call Holly to fill her in on what I got today.

“What are you going to do? You need to send her a
dirtier picture of you and Slade together.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” I say,
shaking my head to myself. “My luck, she would post that shit online or
something and Slade would have a fucking fit.”

“Hmm, so what is your plan?”

“I guess I plan on doing nothing this time. I don’t
want to receive any more pictures or videos of him having sex. Maybe if I just
ignore her, she will quit bothering me with it.” I doubt that, but I can dream
can’t I?

“So, you’re just going to let her win?” she asks, irritated.

“I don’t see it that way. Slade is mine, not hers.”
I grind my teeth in frustration. I would much rather shove our relationship in
her face than give up, but what other options do I have?

“True. I just hate that she won’t leave you alone.
You could change your number,” she offers.

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