Unbearable (Undescribable) (29 page)

Read Unbearable (Undescribable) Online

Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Unbearable (Undescribable)
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I text Micah asking him if he can meet me at Marcus’s
shop in a couple of hours so I can drop off the truck and then place my phone
on the bathroom counter.

I get out of the shower and dry off. Coming into
our bedroom, I see Angel sitting on the bed talking on the phone.

“Okay. Thanks.” There’s a pause. “Love you too,”
she says as she hangs up.

I go into the closet, wondering who she was telling
‘I love you’ to. “Who was that?” I ask, pulling a shirt off of the hanger.

“It was Holly.”

I bet she just ratted me out. “What
did she want?” I prod, trying to not sound like I’m prying, but instead just
generally curious.

“Not much.”

I pause before I put a pair of basketball shorts
on. Holly must not have said anything about it. She knows I was extremely
pissed earlier. I doubt she’s going to make it harder on Angel. Maybe she was
checking to see if I had ratted her out.

I bend down, grab my gym bag, and walk out of the
closet. “I’ll be back later.”

“Okay,” she says as she walks into the bathroom
closing the door behind her.

I turn around and make my way to the garage as I
dial Micah’s number.


I turn into the neighborhood
Holly had given me the address to earlier. She found out where Jessica lives,
and I am tired of this over the phone bullshit. I know this is not the smartest
thing I have ever done, but I don’t have many options on how to stop this.

I get out of the Tahoe and look over the house.
There is not one light on. Even the neighborhood seems dark. I make my way up
to the door and knock on it without hesitation.

What do I plan to do?
I don’t know.

I just know I need this to end. It is driving me
nuts. No matter how much I try not to believe that he’s cheating, the pictures
still get to me no matter how old they are. I have always known that Slade
slept around but I have tried not to dwell on it. That is very hard to do when
it is being shoved in your face every day.

“Jessica,” I yell as I bang on the door.


I wish she would just open the door so I can tell
her she is full of shit and that I don’t believe a fucking thing she says. Of course,
nothing is ever that easy.

But I am not leaving until I know for sure that she
is not here. I walk around the side of the house and come to the side gate. I
place my face up against the window there and try to look around. I frown when
all I see is the back of dark curtains.
“Jessica.” I bang on the window. Still nothing.

I spin around and walk toward my Tahoe, pulling out
my cell. Holly picks up on the second ring.

“Did she answer?” she whispers.

“Why are you whispering?” I slam the Tahoe door

“Because Micah is in the other room on the phone
with Slade.”

“He’s supposed to be at the gym,” I say, putting it
in reverse.

“They are discussing a case,” she explains.
“Anyway, did she answer? Did you beat her ass?”

“I wish. I don’t even think she was home.” If she
was then she must enjoy sitting in the dark.

“Well, that sucks. I found out where she works, you
can call them tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Holls, for helping me out.”

She is silent for a few seconds. “Yeah, no
problem,” she says in a way that has me thinking there
a problem.

“I’ll see you at the Longs’ party tomorrow,” she tells
me before she hangs up.

I park the Tahoe in the garage and look over at all
the boxes that still sit on one side. I still haven’t wanted to go through them
and the fact that someone broke Nadia’s window has pissed me off because now I
have to drive the Tahoe everywhere. I walk into the house and fall onto the
bed. I just want to sleep.

I stand in the middle of the
Longs’ living room, trying to enjoy their Halloween party. The only good thing
so far is that I was right about Vivian keeping my glass full. I look down at
my third glass of wine as I slowly swirl it. I feel like my life is doing the
exact same thing. Something is wrong with Slade. Like seriously wrong. He
wouldn’t touch me last night. He was very short with me this morning when I
tried to talk to him before I came over to help Vivian set up for the party.

I asked if it was work and he ignored me. I dropped
it. He didn’t even try talking to me when he got back from the gym last night.
I lay down and tried to go to sleep but as soon as I did my phone started going

I wanted to ask Slade what in the hell his problem
was, but I was not in the mood to suck up or dig any deeper into the cause of
his bitchiness. I was too busy trying to ignore all the messages that Jessica
was sending me. She hasn’t sent any more pictures since the video I received
two days ago but she is still texting me.

Messages consisting of how much Slade likes his
the word she keeps using, and how mine will never be enough. One second she has
me laughing because she is not very original and the next minute she has me
wishing I could hit her over the head with a full bottle of wine.

I still don’t know why we haven’t seen her out and
about anywhere. Holly has been trying to locate her and she is nowhere to be
found. I even called her work this morning, and they said she was on vacation
but would not tell me where. Holly checked her Facebook and the bitch got smart
and made her profile private.

Just my luck!

If I could have my way, we would just settle this
face to face. Meaning I would knock the shit out of her. But no, the bitch
wants to hide behind a fucking cell phone.

It’s like she knew I went to her house last night.
She always knows what I’m doing, and I don’t know shit.

“He’s so hot.” I look over to the strawberry blonde
who has interrupted my thinking and now stands too close in my personal space.
I give her a tight smile as I take a step away from her.

“You don’t agree?”

I look to where her eyes are, and realize they are
on Josh. “Yeah, he’s cute.”

She licks her nude colored lips like she’s a bitch
in heat and about to attack. “He’s dating my best friend,” I say, trying to
calm her raging hormones.

She shrugs. “I didn’t come here for him anyway,” she
states before looking around the room. “I’m Natalie, by the way.” She gives me
a big smile.

“Sam.” I say as a knot forms in my stomach wondering
whom she could be here for. “Who are you here for?” I try to sound like her
answer won’t affect me, when I already know it’s going to.

“Only the hottest guy in town,” she replies happily.

I grip my wine glass so tightly you can see my
knuckles turning white. I take a deep breath and loosen my hold on the glass a
little. “Well, good luck with your search,” I say as politely as I can muster
before I walk off.

“Oh, I don’t need luck.” She turns to look at me
with her hazel eyes. “Slade and I have history. The kind of history he will
want to repeat.” She gives me a wink before she turns and walks off toward the

I stand there, contemplating following her into the
bathroom and taking her by the hair before shoving her face first into a wall.
But after a deep breath I realize I’m in no mood to fight one of Vivian’s
friends in their bathroom at their Halloween party.

I turn my back to the bathroom and walk over to
where Josh is talking to an older man that I have seen a few times up at the

“Hey, Sam,” he says as I approach. “You remember
Randy?” He gestures to the man in front of him.

“I do.” I nod my head and reach out my hand. “How
are you doing?” I try to say cheerfully.

He just nods toward me, then looks back at Josh,
and continues talking as if I had never walked up.
attorney who thinks his shit doesn’t stink. This house seems to be full of

I turn around to find Holly when I see Slade coming
toward me. His face mirrors mine, expressionless. I just stare at him. I
fucking hate that every woman I look at has had sex with him. I hate that I
have a memory burned into my head of Bridgette going down on him. And I also
hate that I’m so fucking sick I saved it to my phone. Although I have not even
looked at it since the first time I opened it, and even then, I only watched
the first five seconds of it. If I remember correctly the video was several
minutes long. But I still hear her moans and his words to her every time I
close my eyes.

I feel my body temperature rise when Natalie comes
up behind him. She puts her hand on his shoulder and turns him around. I just
stand there immobilized as I watch her place her fingertips on his chest. He
doesn’t waste a second as he pushes her hands away and takes a step back. I
don’t know why I don’t feel any better about the exchange, in a way it just
pisses me off more when she smiles brighter and pushes her tits up into his
face. Like that is going to help her get into his pants. I can see it now; her
going down to her knees and kissing his feet as she begs for him to take her,
just like Bridgette had.

And the thing is that Slade knows any girl would
bend over backward for just one night with him. I know he would never cheat on
me, but I hate that they throw their bodies in his face, reminding him what he
could get his hands on.

Her smile drops a bit before her eyes slide to mine
then back to him.

I turn my back to them as if I could not care less
what they are talking about.

“Hey, Sam,” Tate says coming up to me with a
brunette on his arm. His pirate costume looks well in place but the little Bo
Peep on his arm looks a little frazzled.

“Where have you been?” I snap, looking from the
girl to him again. Shit! He’s just as bad as Slade.

The brunette gives a naughty smile then bites her
lip, looking down to the floor. My eyes fall to her exposed knees and see the
red marks from where, no doubt, ten minutes ago she was down on them.

“We were busy,” Tate answers, clearly not affected
like the woman on his arm.“Why? Did you need something?” He frowns then looks
over to where Slade is standing. Tate looks between us a few times, his mouth
now set in a hard line.

I shake my head and release a sigh. “I’m just

I’m tired of everything.

Tired of Jessica calling me. Tired of her talking
about other women who want him. It wouldn’t be so bad if these women weren’t
proving her right.

I pull my ringing phone out of my purse and see
that it’s a text from Jessica. I swear it’s like the bitch is watching me.


Just can’t take him anywhere, huh?
Imagine how the women are when you’re not around. I wonder if he pushes them
away as fast when there is no one to see them put their hands on him.


I look around the room quickly, but don’t see her.
She could be here though and I would never know. Everyone is dressed up. Some
are wearing masks, or have their faces painted, and some are wearing wigs.

I place the phone back in my purse, not even bothering
to respond. I feel like screaming my head off, but I know that’s what she
wants. She wants me to fall apart. She wants
to be the reason that
Slade and I don’t last. Well fuck her and her constant annoying calls and

“Excuse me.” I turn away from Tate and his “friend”
to find Slade is heading straight for me with an unreadable look on his face. I
search for the strawberry blonde and come up with nothing.

When my eyes fall back on his, he looks down to my
purse then back up to me and I know he just saw me reading the message on my

I continue to walk past him and down the hallway. I
just need to get some fresh air. I make it past the second door when he grabs
my hips and spins me around.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, steering me into a room,
his strong hands all but shoving me backward.

“It’s nothing.”

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