Unbearable (Undescribable) (42 page)

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Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Unbearable (Undescribable)
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I remain silent and take a few more bites of my ice
cream before Slade comes to stand in front of me. “You look bored, Angel.”

I shake my head no, as I change the channel, not
really seeing what’s on it.

He leans over and snatches the remote from my hand.
I look up at him scowling. “Hey, I was watching that.”

“No you weren’t” He then reaches down and grabs my
hand, pulling me to stand. My body slams into his and he wraps his arms around
my waist, pinning me to him. “Let’s go out tonight,” he suggests with a smile
on his face.

I look up to the clock. “It’s past nine, Slade.” He
just got home from work. There is no way that he wants to go out tonight.

“I know. The bars don’t close until two.”

“You have to work tomorrow,” I remind him. He has
been working weekends as well, spending them locked in his office.

He shakes his head. “No. Today was my last day.” He
smiles brightly. “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I stayed late tonight to get
everything taken care of for my time off.”

I feel a grin spread across my face. “That’s great,
baby. But we don’t have to go out. We can just stay home and relax.”

He unwraps his arms from around my waist and places
them on my shoulders spinning me around. “Go get dressed.” He swats my butt
playfully. “We are meeting everyone out at the bar,” he states.

I turn to face him. “You invited everyone out?” I
ask excitedly.

He nods. “I haven’t seen you much lately and I want
to start off my vacation right. I thought a night out was just the perfect

I rise up and kiss him on the cheek. “That does sound
perfect.” I take off for the bedroom to change my clothes.

“I am so glad to be on
Christmas vacation,” Micah says as he throws back Holly’s lemon drop. “I swear,
I think I’m going crazy.” His gaze slides to Holly and she rolls her eyes at

“I’ve refrained from calling you on many occasions,”
she says to him, sitting back in her seat.

“Well, that hasn’t stopped your mother from calling
me. She needs to leave me alone. I could not care less what kind of flowers
thinks we need to use, let alone the centerpieces,” he growls before looking over
at her.

Holly laughs it off. She has been dodging her
mother’s phone calls. I can’t even count how many times a day her mother emails
her magazine articles of what is trending with celebrity weddings. Not one of
them is what Holly wants. She finally started ignoring them.

“Well it’s going to be gorgeous no matter what you
end up choosing,” I tell her with a smile.

“I just have one request,” Courtney chimes in as
Josh places his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t make me wear a peach dress,” she
whines. “I have nothing against peach, it is just not my color.”

Holly giggles. “No worries, Courtney. There will be
no peach at my wedding,” she assures her.

Holly has asked Courtney to be a bridesmaid. She
was more than excited since Josh is in the wedding as well.

I push my chair away from the table and stand up.
“I’ll be right back,” I say before walking away from the table and heading over
to the other side of the bar, towards the back. As I make my way down the
hallway, someone hooks their arm through mine. I look over to see Missy smiling
at me.

“You have been quiet tonight,” I say, tightening my
arm around hers.

She shrugs. “I don’t see the fun in bars.”

“Then why did you come out with us?” I question.

She looks up, giving me a sly smile, and it makes
me laugh out loud.
The things we will do for love.

I go to speak but get cut off when I run into
someone. “Oh, I’m—” I stop as I realize I am face to face with Jessica.

She stands across from me wearing a shocked

“Jessica.” I stiffen, before unwrapping Missy’s arm
from mine.

She crosses her arms over her chest, smoothing her

“What a surprise seeing you here considering I’ve
been looking for you everywhere else,” I say sweetly even though my chest is
pounding. I’ve wanted to see this bitch for the longest time. Of course I find
her in a bar.

“Yeah. What a coincidence,” she replies dryly
before a smile plays across her face. “Tell me, Sam. Have you been missing my

I feel my blood run cold at her comment and I fist
my hand down by my side. “Actually,” I start as I take a step towards her,
“I’ve been meaning to ask you how you got those.”

She lets out a laugh and then looks me in the eyes.
“Let’s just say that you are not the only girl in town who has spent the night
with Slade, but you know that.” She waves a hand carelessly in the air.

I should have known she wouldn’t tell me but I had
to ask. I let out a long breath as a thought enters my mind. “So, what you’re
saying is, you’re the only one in town that he

“You think you’re so lucky?” She narrows her eyes
at me. “That you have him right now. Well, I’m here to inform you...enjoy it
while you can because when you walk in on him underneath another woman, everyone
in this town will once again be laughing at you for your stupidity.”

I take another step closer to her and feel a small
hand grab my shoulder. I shake it off. Nothing is going to stop me. I have been
waiting for this opportunity. Hell, I even went to her front door hoping she
was there. I’m going to take full advantage of this no matter how much it
pisses me off.

“I guess you don’t mind everyone laughing at you,”
I retort. “With the constant phone calls you made, which just made you look
desperate. And the constant pictures and videos made you look pathetic.” She
gasps and her mouth falls slightly open. “Let
something since you can’t take a fucking hint. Give up! He didn’t want you then
and he sure as hell doesn’t want your ass now. He’s never going to want you.
Even if our relationship does end, it will not be an opportunity for you to get
a piece of him,” I say flatly.

She reaches up and slaps me across the face.

It’s funny, that is the second time I have been
slapped in the last couple of months. But this time feels different. My head
doesn’t snap to the side. I don’t feel a sting or any pain. The room that was
just filled with constant noise is now silent. All I see is Jessica standing
before me with a look of hatred on her face. And all I can think of is just how
much the feeling is mutual.

I take all of that hate, the frustration over all the
unanswered questions I have—how she got the pictures, what she thought they
would accomplish—and decide
is where I’m going to funnel that
negative energy. I never thought Slade would change for me, but he has proven
to me daily that I’m the only one that he wants, and that is something I’m
going to fight for. So, I’m going to beat her ass.

She spins around, giving me her back as she goes to
walk away. Her movement has me snapping out of my thoughts. I reach up and pull
her hair. It snaps her head back and has her stumbling until her back hits the
wall. I rear back and scream out as I punch her in the nose. She slides down
the wall as her screeching voice now fills my ears. She holds her nose as blood
runs between her fingers and down over her chin.

I loom over, looking down. “You hit like the bitch
that you are. If you ever touch me again, I’ll break more than your nose.”

She stands and leaps toward me. I trip over our
tangled feet and go down onto my back. The momentary lack of oxygen doesn’t’
slow me down. She lifts both of her hands to hit me and I push her chest,
rolling her onto her back. I punch her nose again and she shuts her eyes,
crying out as her hands start flying toward my face.

I don’t even try to block them as I’m too busy
hitting her. I don’t know how many hits I get in when I feel a strong arm wrap
around my waist before I’m jerked away from her. I kick my legs out hoping to
make contact one last time. I smile when my heel cuts the side of her arm. Out
of the corner of my eye I notice the twins that I remember from the bar—the
ones that offered to join Slade and I in bed—walk up and help her to her feet,
just as I feel cold air on my skin and hear the door slam shut, cutting off my
view of them.

I quit trying to squirm when the arm tightens around
my waist, and someone yells in my ear. “Stop.” I hear Slade’s voice come from
behind me. “You drive,” he barks out before I hear a set of keys rattle.

He opens the back door of the truck and tosses me inside
before he climbs in beside me.

The front doors open and Tate jumps behind the
wheel while Missy gets into the passenger seat.

“Why did you stop me?” I demand, facing Slade.

He turns to look at me with a hard expression. “We
are going to act like you didn’t ask that stupid question.”

“What?” I yell. “I was standing up for myself. She—”

“You want to go to jail?” He leans over getting
into my face. “Because that’s what happens when you start a fight in a bar. Not
to mention Missy was in there and she is underage,” he barks, pointing a finger
at her, huddled in the passenger seat.

Who cares about that? She didn’t have one drink.
All she would have had to do was leave. “I’ve seen you get into a fight at a
bar before. Hell, you even got in a fight at my mother’s funeral. So don’t act
like you’re some saint!” I shout, pissed.

 He ignores me and leans up, pulling his ringing
phone out of his back pocket. “Hello?” he snaps. “Yes. We are on our way to the
house.” I sit back and take a few deeps breaths, trying to calm down.

“Well make sure it doesn’t go any farther.” He
hangs up and throws his phone down beside him as Tate pulls into our driveway.
I get out of the car, slamming the door and storming inside, not bothering to
tell Tate or Missy bye.

I make my way to the bedroom, kick my heels across
the room, and start stripping my clothes off. Slade storms in and slams the
bedroom door.

I go to walk past him but he grabs my arms and
spins me to face him.



“Don’t touch me,” she seethes.

I tighten my grip. “Just what did you think you
were going to accomplish?”

“You wouldn’t understand,” she spits out.

“Try me.”

“Let some guy come up to you and give you
mental picture of me fucking other guys and see how you react.” She tries
jerking her arms out of my grasp, but she has no luck. “As if I don’t already
have enough reminders already.”

“Fuck,” I hiss, pushing her back against the wall.
“Don’t say that to me,” I warn.

Her eyes narrow. “Then don’t ask me for a reason.
You don’t know what happened.” Her voice rises. “The bitch slapped me. I sure
as hell wasn’t going to run away crying.” Her chest rises and falls quickly as
her perfect, perfect plump lips suck in air.

“She slapped you?” I lift my hands to cradle her

She jerks her head from my grasp. “Like you care.”

“Of course I fucking care!” I snap.

She releases a hard laugh. “Oh, I can tell,” she says
sarcastically as she once again tries to go into the bathroom.

I walk up behind her, grab her again, and stomp
over to the bed where I throw her down. She fights me but I push her over onto
her stomach with ease. Once she is flipped over, I place my body on top of her while
pinning her wrists down by her head.

“I’m so tired of your smart ass remarks,” I grit
through my teeth.

She tries to wiggle her body underneath mine as she
yells, “Stop, Slade!”

“Not until you tell me what you mean by that. You
really think I don’t care what you do? Or what happens to you?”

“I’m just angry that the bitch had the nerve to
piss me off. And that you made me leave when I finally had the chance to beat
her ass,” she barks as she continues to fight me.

I growl deep in my chest as she wiggles her naked
ass against my jeans, making my cock harden. Her feistiness has always turned
me on. “Well, I have an idea on how to release that frustration.” I tighten my
hands around her wrists as I push my hips into her ass.

She arches her back and lifts her head up off the
bed. “No,” she hisses.

I lower my head down to her neck and bite down on
it as she cries out. “We can play this game if you prefer, Angel.” I kiss the
mark from the bite.

“What game would that be?” she asks, sounding

I smile at her question. She
want to
play. “Where you make me dominate you. Where you beg me to tie you up and fuck
you until you beg me to stop.” She releases a whimper as she tries lifting her
hips. “You want me to do that to you, don’t you?”

She doesn’t answer as she breathes heavily. “I’ll
fuck you until you have no madness left. You will be nothing but a shaking mess
unable to think of anything other than my cock filling you. My body dominating
you.” I lick my lips. “It has me hard just thinking about it.” I move my hips
back and forth. “All you have to do is tell me, and it’s yours.”

I watch her face as she closes her eyes and lets
out a long breath. “Yes, I want that.” Her body trembles as she speaks.

I smirk. “What is it you need exactly?”

“I need you to fuck me.”

Without a word, I slide her left hand up to the
left side of the bed and reach for the fabric that hangs from the bedpost. I
tie it tightly around her wrist. I then reach over to the other side and do the
same. Placing my hands on her hips, I pull her further down the bed to where
her arms are fully stretched.

I get up off of the bed and walk to the closet.
Returning, I straddle her back. “Lift your head,” I order.

She raises it as much as her body will allow and I
place the scarf around her eyes, tying it securely behind her head. “Slade?” she

I choose not to respond as I lift her hips, putting
her ass and pussy up in the air. I sit back on my knees and look at her wet
pussy in front of me. She moves her legs and pulls on her bound arms.

Reaching down I grab my hard cock in my hand and
give it a few long strokes as I continue to stare, knowing she is at my mercy,
just how we both prefer it.

“Please, Slade?” Her voice is desperate.

I reach up and slap her across the ass, causing her
body to jump. “Is that what you want?” I growl as I place my body up against
hers. “Want me to punish you?” I spank her again when she doesn’t answer.

She squeals in response. I reach down and grab
myself and slide into her slowly. Her body relaxes with the relief my cock
brings being inside of her. I pull out and go even slower as I enter her this

“Is this my punishment?” She breathes. “You going
slowly when you know I want it fast?” She moves her head side to side as she
tries to remove the scarf that restricts her vision.

I slide my hand up the base of her neck, wrapping
her hair around my fingers. Pulling her neck back, I lift her head up off the
bed, causing her to hiss in a breath. “I assure you, Angel, this is not going
to be a punishment,” I growl and feel her pussy tighten around my cock. “It’s
going to be just how we both want it…hard and fast.”

I pull back and slam into her as her wet pussy
allows my hard cock to slide in and out with ease.

As I fuck her and her cries and whimpers fill the
room, everything else disappears. It doesn’t matter what happens between us,
this is where we can let go and forget everything else.


“What happened?” I ask
Courtney on the other end of the line.

“What do you think happened? I threatened the
bitch.” She all but shouts. “I told her that I had evidence of her slashing the
tires on Slade’s truck and—”

“You what? Courtney you can’t lie about that.”

“Yes, I can. The bitch is fucking stupid. I told
her that your boss had a camera on the back parking lot and that you didn’t
turn it in because you wanted to use it against her.”

I roll my eyes. “Well, I highly doubt she believed
you, but thanks.” I pull the pie out the oven and turn off the timer. “Did she
happen to mention how she got all the pictures and videos?” I ask, covering the
pie to keep it warm.

“Yep. Those two girls that are twins. The toothpick
bitches, as I have decided to call them. They are Bridgette’s cousins.
Bridgette sent them the pictures and they gave them to Jessica,” she explains.

“But that one girl in the first video was a
brunette. Bridgette wasn’t in that one.” Well, I guess she could have been
the camera.

“That was one of the twins before she cut and bleached
her hair blonde. Who knew they weren’t true blondes?” she says sarcastically.
“Anyway, if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about Jessica any more. And I’m pretty
sure the twins are now scared shitless of you because they just stood there as
you fought with Jessica.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because we all saw it happen. Well, we didn’t see
Jessica slap you. Missy came running back to the table. By the time she spoke
and we looked over to you, you were pulling Jessica’s hair.” She laughs. “I
swear I’ve never seen the guys move that fast,” she tells me through her
laughter. “The twins were right beside you guys the entire time.”

“Oh.” I never saw them. “I’m surprised the cops
weren’t called.”

“You guys weren’t on the main floor and Slade took
you out the back. No worries about the cops,” she assures, sounding positive.

“Well, I’m glad that that has come to an end. I
don’t want to ever think about that bitch again.” I pull out a sack to load up
some of the food.

“Me too.”

“I’m going to get off of here. I’ll see you in a
little bit. And Courtney? Thanks for everything.”

“No problem, sis. You know I got your back,” she says
before hanging up.

I place my phone in my back pocket and take a drink
of my coffee, putting Jessica and last night behind me. Well, everything about
last night except for Slade and I in bed. That I want to remember forever. It’s
crazy how that man knows what I want without me having to say it. Although he
does like to hear me beg for it.

I have been going nonstop since six-thirty this
morning. Today is Christmas Eve, and we are going over to the Longs’ this
evening. They wanted to have Christmas with the family tonight. That way
everyone can stay at their own houses tomorrow morning since we all fly out
tomorrow night. We’re supposed to have a mini blizzard late this evening, so
Vivian didn’t want anyone to have to go out in that in the morning.

“Are you almost ready, Angel?” Slade hollers from
the bedroom.

“Yes,” I answer.

“Good,” he says now standing right behind me.
“Because I need to give you something.” He smiles.

“Tonight? Don’t you want to wait until tomorrow

He shakes his head. “Come here.” He takes my hand
and pulls me into the living room. “Have a seat and wait right here.” He guides
me to sit with his hands on my shoulders. “Now close your eyes.”


“Close your eyes, Angel.”

I let out a breath and close my eyes. I open them
as soon as I hear the front door open and shut. “Slade?” I call out to a quiet
house. “Slade?” I stand to look around the living room. I walk into the
kitchen, down the hallway to our bedroom. Nothing! “Slade?” I call out louder.

I hear the front door open again and I run into the
living room and sit down, quickly closing my eyes.

“Are your eyes still closed?” he calls out.

“Yep,” I reply with a smile.

I hear him walk into the living room before he
speaks. “Okay. You can open them.”

I open my eyes to see him on his knees before me as
he holds a huge pink box with a big silver bow in both of his hands. “What is
in that?” I ask with a little laugh. I have never seen a box so big in my life.

“Open the lid.” He lifts the box a bit, as he
arches his eyebrows.

I bite my bottom lip as I lean up and lift the lid.
I gasp when I see what is inside.

“Slade,” I squeal looking up to him. “He’s
beautiful.” I look back into the box and smile at the little fluffy puppy that
is staring up at me. It’s white and black with the prettiest blue eyes I have
ever seen on a dog before.

I reach in and pick it up out of the box. I place
it in my lap and it instantly starts to lick my face.

Slade laughs. “He is a she,” he corrects me, “and
she is an Alaskan Malamute.”

“I love her.” I lift her up so she is face to face
with me. “You’re so pretty. Yes you are,” I coo as her tongue licks my nose.

I giggle, gathering her back on my lap. “What made
you get a puppy?”

“Well, funny story.” He gives a little laugh as he
reaches over and takes her from me. “I had lunch with Dad and Micah last week.
While I was walking to my car, we passed by a pet shop. This little girl was in
the window.” He rubs the top of her head. “It was love at first sight.” He
looks up at me with a serious expression on his face. “Just like how it was
with you.”

I give a little laugh. “Love at first sight? With
me?” I arch an eyebrow.

He leans down and places the puppy on the floor.
She lies down at his feet, looking up at him with those adorable puppy eyes.

He turns to face me and places his hands on either
side of my face. “Do you remember that toast I made, ‘life after you’?”

I bob my head. “I remember asking what kind of
toast that was and before you could answer the blonde girl showed up.”

He frowns confused.

“You know the one that had the friend who was a
gymnast?” I roll my eyes. “The two you took home that night.”

He lets out a laugh. “Angel, I didn’t take anyone
home that night.”

“I heard you tell her that was the best night for

He shakes his head. “I made that toast because I
knew the second I saw you that my life was never going to be the same. I
promise I didn’t take her home. I did, however, drive you home and place you in
your bed.”

I smile and lean in to kiss him. Just as our lips touch,
the puppy barks. I pull back with a laugh. “Oh, do you want to give him kisses
too?” I lean down and pick her up. “Give Daddy kisses.” I place her in front of
his face, and she starts licking his nose and lips, making him laugh.

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