Unbeatable Resumes (28 page)

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Authors: Tony Beshara

BOOK: Unbeatable Resumes
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Led team for penetration testing and security analysis, resulting in a major contract award.

Represented AdvancePCS on industry standards committees.

PGP/Network Associates Inc., Dallas, TX

Apr. 2000–Dec. 2001

Senior Security Consultant/Project Manager

Managed NAI Global Services Center, providing managed firewall, anti-virus, and VPN security services for over 6,000 sites nationwide.

Developed Best Practices Program and authored guides for anti-virus, firewall, VPN, PKI, encryption, penetration testing, and vulnerability analysis product delivery and configuration.

Trained and mentored junior CISSP consultants and sales engineers to develop and deliver professional security services to Fortune 500 customers.

Developed and presented security certification training on VPN, vulnerability analysis (CyberCop), intrusion detection, PKI, PGP encryption, and firewalls (Gauntlet and Raptor).

Designed and developed custom security solutions for Fortune 500 corporate applications, Web-based e-Business, and B-to-B transactions.

WebLink Wireless, Inc., Dallas, TX

May 1998–Apr. 2000

Director, Corporate Security

Built corporate security organization and formalized security practices.

Instituted corporate security policies, procedures, and standards in line with business best practices.

Developed security training for new-employee orientation and ongoing awareness.

Architected corporate firewalls, networks, DMZ, VPN, and secure interconnect with competitors.

Led security investigations and advised CEO and board members on security issues.

Proactively dealt with security threats through extensive use of security vulnerability scans and monitoring. This resulted in no downtime during Melissa virus attack or subsequent attacks.

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