Unbound (41 page)

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Authors: Cat Miller

BOOK: Unbound
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“Hey, I hear she’s awake. You are a miracle worker, Chase,” Doc said. Dani still didn’t move or open her eyes.

“She’s still in and out and not fully awake yet,” Chase replied. “She was very lost and afraid.”

“I can take over now,
” Cayden growled, tossing Chase’s shirt over his shoulder. Chase go
t up from the bed. Just as he’
d suspected, the swarm of people quickly pushed him to the back of the room and Cayden took his place within a moment’s time.


* * *

Ever since her last brush with death a week ago, Dani had been camping out at the
. She moved out of the infirmary and into a private room with its own bathroom. It was meant for high-ranking visitors to the
. It was like a nice hotel room but more comfortable, with a sofa and a little kitchen area.  Koren had it all arranged for her. Dani believed Koren had picked up on the tension betwe
en Cayden, Chase and her. She’
d graciously found a way to give Dani some space to breathe. Cayden had expected her to stay with him and his family when she told him she wasn’t going back to Chase’s place. She explained that it made more sense to stay on the
so she didn’t need a twenty-four hour a day guard. It wasn’t that she didn’t adore Cayden. She did, but she needed some time alone. Cayden was none too happy when he was removed from her detail. His father had said it was
a conflict of interests. Gage told Cayden they
couldn’t properly protect a person you were so attached to. Cayden was going out on patrols with other warriors and rotating the duty of guarding the
homes as well.

She was assigned to Darren, who only aggravated Cayden more, but she c
ouldn’t find a fault in the guy
other than his conceited nature.  Cayden was leery of the reasons why Darren was her guardian. Darren was a Wrath team leader and by rights shouldn’t be expected to take on a charge.

Dani found him to be pleasant, and appreciated the fact that he didn’t hover. He checked in with her several times a day and only really followed her when she needed to leave the
, unless she was going to Cayden’s house, in which case she had Cayden and Gage to baby-sit her. She didn’t resent being followed since t
he day at the dress shop. She’
d climbed into that van believing she was going to die. She didn’t die, but not waking up had been even more terrifying. Darren was teaching her to use a gun in his spare time.

“Anyone you can’t stop with that pretty little brain of yours will stop when you shoot them,” he told her.

Dani was anxious beyond all reason. She was invited to be Cayden’s date to the bonding ceremony of his cousin. She couldn’t wait to get out of there for a while. It was also exciting to see how the bonding thing worked and Cayden promised to explain everything to her. She was nervous about meeting so many of his family members and other vamps in general, because she was still expecting some super vamp to come along and know with one look that she was a fraud. She tried to remember she had never claimed to be anything other than herself. Everyone just assumed, and she went along with it, but that wouldn’t matter much when it all came out.

The ceremony would be a formal affair so she decided on a tea length, deep purple dress with intricate beading on the bodice for the evening event. Koren said it was a perfect choice and gave Dani a gorgeous up-do, braiding the streaks to show them off in an elegant twist she arranged effortlessly. Jus
t as she slipped into her heels
there was a knock at
the door. Her date was right on time,
but as soon as she opened the door, it was obvious there was a problem. Cayden was leaning against the door jam in his fatigues, not at all appropriate wedding attire.

“Good God, you’
re gorgeous.” He swept her up into an embrace and kissed her hard and deep.

“Why aren’t you dressed?” she asked, trying to catch her breath.

“I have to go cover for a warrior whose wife is having a baby. They told me an hour ago. Being the low man on the totem pole really sucks.” He began to lead her in a dance to music only he could hear. They spun around her room and laughed.

“I can’t believe I have to let you go out looking like this without me.” He poked out his luscious lower lip in a cute little pout.

She was totally charmed when he looked at her so adoringly with those beautiful hazel eyes. He had been sweating, but his natural woodsy scent was still wonderful. Dani couldn’t help putting her face in his chest to breathe him in.

“I guess I’m not going either, Cay. I can’t go alone and I don’t want your Dad to have to worry about me all night, instead of dancing the night away with Koren. She’s really looking forward to the evening.”

“Fine by me,” he perked up, “Do you need help getting out of this dress?”

Things between them had been progressing quickly and she was considering getting intimate. Cayden was a gorgeous man and he knew how to use that to get a girl really warm. She was ready for the next step, and judging by his hard length pressing against her hip, so was he. She took a deep breath and gave in to their need.

“No. This thing just falls off.”  The spaghetti strings slipped from her shoulders and the dress fell to the floor. She stood before him in heels, a black thong and matching push up bra. He sucked wind. She turned slowly and bent over to pick up the dress, making sure to expose her bottom. She crawled up on the bed, making a slow sensual show of it.

“Oh well. We have that dinner at the Stafford’s and the gala coming up, so we have things to look forward to. I guess you have to go to work now, huh?” she was all innocence and doe-eyed charm.

A low growl came from him that was actually frightening. He pounced on her before she even saw him move, pressing her into the mattress and crushed her lips to his. His sweet tongue explored her mouth, tasting her thoroughly. The growl became a purr, and he licked down her neck to the cleavage overflowing the bra, and nibbled her ample curves. Cayden paused to look up for permission. He’d been so patient. She granted his request and just as he pressed his mouth to her breast, a loud knock at the door shattered the trance. 

“Ignore it.” He unclasped the front closure of her bra like a pro and began lavishing her beaded nipple with his tongue. The growl was back but this time it resonated from her. The knock came again, more demanding this time.

“Danielle, are you ready to go? We need to leave if you don’t want to be late.” A deep voice vibrated through the door.

Cayden froze.
“You have got to be kidding me.” He went to the door with his shirt untucked and in obvious disarray, he cracked the door. “What are you doing here, Darren?” he scowled.

“I was directed by Gage to accompany Danielle to a bonding tonight and try to blend in so as not to embarrass her. Since you’re not going and Gage’s attention will be on his mate, he wants her to be escorted. Your parents are waiting for us in their car. Tough break for you, dude.” Darren was smug.

Cayden clinched his teeth, “She isn’t dressed. Give us a minute.” And he slammed the door.

“What’s that about?” s
he asked from the bed.

He lifted her off the bed and fixed the clasp on her bra, taking great care to adjust her breasts. He nuzzled her neck and pulled the dress back over her head, careful not to mess up her hair before looking her over appraisingly.

“You are perfect. Are you ready, my love?”

“Will you walk me out at least?” she pouted, and grabbed her clutch and shawl.

“Yes. I’m leaving anyway. Did you hear what Darren said?”

“If you want me to stay home, I will. It’s not a problem.” She assured him looking toward the door. She knew he hated the time she spent with Darren.

“No, I don’t want you to sit here bored because I have to work. Besides, I know Mom is looking forward to introducing you to her friends and our family. Apparently no one believes I’m capable of maintaining a steady girlfriend and she’s very proud to have such a lo
vely example to rub
their noses
.” He brushed her cheek and continued down her collarbone to the swell of her breast, testing the weight and kissing her senseless.

“If he touches you, I’ll kill him,” he whispered against her ear.

“I won’t be allow
ing anyone but you
to touch me.” S
he nipped his ear lobe.

“Gage is about to leave. Should I tell him we’ll drive separately?” Darren bellowed, rapping hard on the door.

Cayden shot an angry look at the door and hissed, “In your dreams.” He lifted Dani against his chest and walked to the door, nuzzling her neck and making her squirm. Darren moved from the doorway to allow them to pass. Cayden carried her halfway out of the building like that until she lost a shoe. He went down on one knee to put it back on for her, like she was Cinderella. Darren was rolling his eyes and made impatient noises. Cayden was showing off to prove a point but Dani didn’t mind. After the way Darren had acted the first time she came to the
, he deserved to be put in his place.

Driving away from the
as Cayden watched from the curb hurt her heart. He looked so downtrodden. Dani nearly asked them to stop the car so she could get out but Koren was happily chatting away about all the people she couldn’t wait to introduce her to. Cay
den was
Koren would have been upset if she’d stayed behind. It wasn’t a long ride to the place where the bonding was being held. The house reminded her of the Vaughn estate but Koren said it was a country club of sorts. It was a member’s only club to keep out unwanted human witnesses to blood exchanges and feedings that happened there regularly.

They were escorted to their seats in a room that was similar to a chapel. It was beautifully decorated with bare white trees from the last pew all the way to the front on both ends of each row. Entering the center aisle reminded her of the trees at school that arched over the walkway and touched like lovers reaching for one another. Everything from ceiling to floor was covered in sheer white fabric and all of the flowers were white. The whole room was illuminated by white candles. The effect was stunning. It was like a winter wonderland by candle light.

She couldn’t help noticing the way Gage and Koren snuggled together and looked at each other lovingly. She wi
fervently that Cayden could have been by her side. When the music started and the doors in the rear of the chapel were opened, everyone stood and turned to see the bride. She was gorgeous in a white, old Hollywood style gown. It was beautiful, not puffy or frilly but elegant and sleek. Her short brown hair finished the look with finger waves. She carried no flowers but her left arm from the elbow to her wrist was weaved with white ribbons hanging at long lengths. The bride held the loose ends between her hands. The groom also wore a suit of pure white. He waited anxiously at the front of the chapel. There
were no bridesmaids or grooms
men. Just the bride and groom stood in front of their friends and family to share their devotion to each other. There wasn’t even a preacher, but an elder member of the
, who introduced himself as Lloyd Vaughn, standing before the couple. Dani realized suddenly that he must be her grandfather, and had to catch her breath.

“Friends and family, we are here to witness the bonding of these two people who have agreed to enter into a union of mutual love and spiritual solidarity of their own free will for eternity. In this life and the next, they will nurture one another’s mind, body, and spirit. Please join me in celebrating the miracle of their love and the future they will build as mates and best friends for all time.”

His rich, joyous voice was so sincere. It made everyone smile at the honest beauty of the coming ritual. He bowed to the couple and left them at the altar. When he stepped down, she saw the white draped table displaying two small ornamental daggers.

The bride and groom faced each other with bright smiles. Dani had to pull out a tissue when tears of joy began to slide down the groom’s face. They joined left hands like they would shake hands. The bride wrapped the lengths of white ribbon hanging from her arm around their joined hands and up the groom’s wrist and forearm.

“Elliot, I vow to love you for the whole of my existence. I vow to protect you to my last breath. I vow to cherish the gift of your returned love for all time. I vow to always remain grateful for the man that will from this day forth be the one and only mate of my soul.” She smiled through happy tears and beamed up at her mate.

The groom smiled down into the face of his bride with unmistakable admiration. He wrapped the lengths of white ribbon that hung from his wrist around her arm and up her wrist and forearm before he began to speak.

“Krista, I vow to love you for the whole of my existence. I vow to protect you to my last breath. I vow to cherish the gift of your returned love for all time. I vow to always remain grateful for the woman that will from this day forth be the one and only mate of my soul.”

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