Unbreakable (15 page)

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Authors: Leo Sullivan Prodctions

Tags: #leo sullivan, #unbreakable, #tynessa

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“So what she say this time?” his mom asked
sitting down at the kitchen table.

“Man she promised she was gonna bring him in
2 weeks. I promise for real this time ma. If Shan doesn’t have my
son here in 2 weeks I’m taking her ass to court.”

“Do you think that man stopping her from
bringing him?” Debbie asked.

“I don’t know what the fuck going on. But let
my son not be here in 2 weeks that’s her ass,” he said angrily.

“Well I’m pretty sure she has a good reason,”
she said getting up from the table.

Ronny ran his hand down his face “Fuck her,”
he said getting up from the table. “I’m out ma,” he said. Leaving
with nowhere in particular in mind.

Chapter 14

Shaniqua had already
called her father once she got to the airport and told him that she
was on her way and what time to pick her up. She warned him that
she had a surprise and to not tell her mother that she was on the
way. When she walked out the airport, she spotted her father’s
truck smiled after seeing him by himself. Once he spotted her, he
got out. He walked around the truck to help her out never noticing
the care seat she was holding.

“Grandpa!” Ray’Shun screamed loudly as he
jumping in his arms “I miss you”

Her dad hugged him back “Grandpa missed you
too man,” he said smiling before looking over at Shaniqua. Once he
finally noticed the infant seat, his eyes widened and she nervously
smiled. “I want you to meet your granddaughter daddy,” she

“What? When?” he asked walking over looking
at Shaniyah.

Shaniqua laughed, “This is Shaniyah dad. I
had her almost 3 months ago.”

“How did you keep this a secret Shan?”

“Believe me dad. It was hard,” she said as he
opened the car door to put Ray’Shun in. After getting Ray’Shun
settled in, he grabbed Shaniyah car seat “She is Beautiful. Look at
those pretty eyes,” he said smiling

“Thank you,” she said helping him put the
bags in the car. Once they was finished they got in fasten their
seatbelt and headed to their destination. When they pulled up to
her parents’ house her dad got out the car and opened the back door
to get Shaniyah out while Shaniqua got Ray’Shun out of his car
seat. She began grabbing their bag and her dad stopped her “I’ll
come back at all that. Let’s just go in so I can see your mother
face when she see she has a granddaughter,” he said laughing

“I hope she doesn’t have a heart attack,” she
said laughing as they walked to the door.

Her father opened the door and entered first
“Samantha,” he called out. Seconds later, she came in the living

“Grandma,” Ray’Shun ran up to her jumping in
her arms.

“Oh my goodness. Where did y’all come from?”
she said walking over to Shaniqua with Ray’Shun still in her arms.
She hugged her and kissed her on the cheek “Why didn’t you tell me
you was coming?”

Shaniqua shrug “I wasn’t planning on coming
this early,” she said as Shaniyah started whining. Samantha eyes
widened and she looked from the car seat her husband was still
holding to her daughter then to Ray’Shun.

“Surprise,” Shaniqua said getting her
daughter out the car seat

“What in the world? When did this happen
Shaniqua and why you didn’t tell me? Well first of all is this your
baby?” Samantha asked in one breath.

Shaniqua laughed, “Of course it’s my baby

“Why you didn’t tell me you were pregnant?”
she asked putting Ray’Shun down so she could hold her new

“I wanted to surprise everyone,” she

“Yeah grandma we surprised y’all and daddy
too,” Ray’Shun said.

Samantha looked at her husband then at her
daughter, “Ronny didn’t know either Shan.”

“No,” she said walking over to the couch. Her
mom was asking questions after questions.

“Lord I have a granddaughter and I don’t even
know her name,” Samantha said smiling looking at Shaniqua

“It’s Shaniyah Desiree Mitchell,” she said
proudly “So where is Star?” she asked changing the subject.

“Honey your sister done moved in with that
boy she so crazy about.”

“Who Cornell?” she asked with a frown.

“Yes child,” Samantha said shaking her head.
“That boy has her head over heels.”

“Dang, I just talked to her the other day.
Why she didn’t tell me,” Shaniqua said. She was hurt her little
sister would keep that from her. But who was she to talk when she
kept her pregnancy a secret.

Samantha called Star to let her know her
sister was in town and so she could meet her new niece. Ray’Shun
was happy to see her as well but he was ready to see his dad.
Shaniqua promised him that he was going to see him in the morning
and he was satisfied with that. She decided to spend the night at
her parents’ house instead of going to her condo so they could
spend time together.

The next morning Ray’Shun woke Shaniqua up
bright and early ready to go see his daddy but since Dre talked her
into letting Star have her car before they moved to Maryland she
was carless and since Ronny had been depositing thousands of
dollars in her bank account her father agreed to take her to find a
car. After getting dressed, she walked in the living room where he
mother was with the kids

“Good morning sweetie,” he mom said to her
“Star went to work; she said she’ll call you later.”

She nodded her head. “Morning,” she said
flopping down on the couch. “You want me to get her?” she asked
reaching for her baby girl.

“No child. You can go ahead, look for you a
car, and take my grandson to see his dad. I’m keeping my
granddaughter today,” she said kissing Shaniyah on the cheek “I
have to go show her off… She so beautiful.”


Samantha was staring at Shaniyah smiling
before looking up at Shaniqua. She cleared her throat before
speaking “Look Shan, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way. But
are you sure this Dre baby?”

Shaniqua was speechless for a minute. She
couldn’t believe her mom would asked her a dumb question like that,
like she wouldn’t know the father of her own baby. But to be honest
she had asked herself that same question a time or two.

She smacked her teeth. “Yeah ma. Why would
you ask me something like that?” she asked with a frown.

“It’s strange how much she looks like
Ray’Shun and everybody knows who he looks like,” she said. “You and
Dre don’t have those eyes.”

“Ronny doesn’t either,” she shot back.

“Okay I was just asking,” she said as her
husband walked in the living room.

“She’s not Ronny’s,” Shaniqua said before
asking her father was he ready.

Shaniqua found her a newer dodge charger,
although she rather for it to be red she settled for a black one
instead. After thanking her dad and getting Ray’Shun settled in her
new car, they headed to Debbie house. The thought of taking
Ray’Shun straight to Ronny house crossed her mind but she didn’t
think that would be a good idea. So she just headed to his mom
house where she was more than likely sure, he would stop by there
being that he’s a big mama boy.

Once they pulled up to Debbie house and she
got Ray’Shun out he took off running to the front door and once
Debbie opened it hugged her legs so tight “NANA,” he screamed. She
was so shocked to see him she had tears in her eyes as she bent
down to pick him up kissing him all over his face

“Nana missed you man,” she said between

“I missed you too nana,” he said

Debbie looked at Shaniqua “When did y’all get
here?” she asked hugging her.

“Last night,” she said as they walked

“Do Ronny know y’all here? She asked sitting
down with Ray’Shun still in her lap.

“No I was gonna go by his place to surprise
him. But I didn’t think that would be a good idea.”

Debbie waved her off. “Child he would’ve been

“Nana we have a surprise for daddy,” Ray’Shun
said looking at Shaniqua smiling

Shaniqua wanted to tell him to hush but he
was only repeating what she had told him so she gave him a weak

“Oh for real? Can you tell nana?” Debbie
asked being nosey like always.

Ray’Shun whispered in her ear and her eyes
widened. “WHAT?” she asked with a smile. “Girl you had another

Shaniqua smiled and turned her head and
Debbie already knew the answer.

“Boy or Girl?” Debbie asked, “Is it Ronny’s
baby or your boyfriend?”

Shaniqua looked at her as if she had two
heads. “It’s not Ronny’s!”

“I’m just asking. I’m about to call him and
tell him to come over,” she said grabbing her phone.

Shaniqua sat there a little upset. She felt
Debbie had asked her a dumb question just like her mother did
earlier. If it was Ronny baby, she wouldn’t have stayed away for so
long and she damn sure wouldn’t have hide the pregnancy from

“He’s on the way. I didn’t tell him that
y’all were here. But he said he’s not too far away and he was on
his way over anyways,” Debbie said kissing Ray’Shun on the cheek
Shaniqua shook her head “He still a mama’s boy, huh?’ she asked

“Girl you know that’s my baby. Him and

Shaniqua shook her head once again getting
off the couch. “I’m going to the bathroom,” she said disappearing
down the hall.

She had just finished washing her hands when
she heard her son yelling “Daddy”

All of a sudden she began to tremble and it
felt as if she was about to faint. She didn’t know if she was
nervous to see him after all this time of nervous about the whole
baby situation but whatever it was had her feeling scared. She was
about to open the bathroom door when she heard him asked Ray’Shun
where she was. She closed her eyes took a deep breath before
opening the door and head to the living room. She walked in and all
eyes were on her.

“There she is daddy,” Ray’Shun said pointing
at her.

Shaniqua gave a quick wave and a nervous
smile as she stood there staring at the man that still makes her
heart skip a beat.

Ronny sat on the couch in a daze. Shaniqua
was looking so beautiful to him in her ripped jeans and her red and
white Baby Phat shirt that hung off her right shoulder showing off
her butterfly tattoo and her white and red Chuck Taylors. Her just
black hair was longer than before, her C cup breasts was now a D
cup, her hips had spread and she had ass for days. Although she has
always had a nice shape, Ronny loved the new her.
“Damn that’s
my baby,”
he thought to himself.

He slowly smiled and stood up still holding
his son “You brought him,” he said walking over to her giving a
hug. He hugged her for a good five minutes until Ray’Shun had
enough and tried to get down. He put Ray’Shun down and hugged her
once more as she inhaled his cologne.

Damn he smells good,”
she said to
herself. Ronny was looking damn good to her also and he only wore
grey sweats, a black polo shirt and black and grey air max with his
dreads freshly twisted

My baby is the shit,”
she thought to
herself with a smile.

“Come on y’all and sit down,” Debbie said to
them. “Ray’Shun has to tell you their surprise Ronny,” she said
being messing as always. Shaniqua smacked her teeth and rolled her
eyes at Debbie

Damn bitch, can I tell him myself?”
she thought to herself as she turned her head towards the other

Ronny looked at her then looked at Ray’Shun
‘What’s the surprise?” he asked smiling. Ray’Shun ran and jumped in
his lap “I’m a big brother,” he said happily playing with one of
his dad dreads

Ronny blinked his eyes a few times “Huh?” he
asked Ray’Shun trying to see if he heard him correctly. Ray’Shun
repeated himself. Ronny tilted his head and looked at his mother,
searching her face for answer as she nodded her head letting him
know it was true. He then looked at Shaniqua who was looking down
playing with her fingernails. He then looked back at his son “Oh
yeah? Where they baby at?”

“Grandma got her,” he said

Ronny looked back at Shaniqua who still
haven’t said anything “So that’s why you been acting all funny with
me? Not bringing my son here to see me and shit,” He said putting
Ray’Shun down “Why you didn’t tell me Shan? When did you have…?
Her?” he asked.

“Yeah, I had her March 9
,” she

“Why you didn’t tell me you were pregnant?”
he asked looking at her sadly.

She finally looked up at him and stared him
in those big green eyes. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“You were already hurting me by keeping my
son away from me. It couldn’t get any worse than that,” he

“I’m sorry,” she said in a whisper.

“There’s no need to be,” he said standing up.
“You kill my baby but you turn around and have a baby by this
nigga. I guess I brought it on myself. Come on Ray’Shun,” he said
and walked out the door with his son right behind him. Shaniqua saw
so much hurt in Ronny eyes she had to fight the tears that was
trying to escape her eyes.

“Let me tell you something Shan, I’m not
gonna say my son isn’t hurt that you had a baby by someone else but
I do know that he loves you and he’s just mad right now. But he’ll
get over it.”

“It don’t even matter anymore Debbie. I’m so
tired of trying to make everyone happy. I’m about to focus on me
and my babies,” she said getting off the couch.

“Bring the baby by tomorrow so I can see
her,” she said.

“Okay I will,” and with that Shaniqua was out
the door. She was kids free and all she wanted to do was go to her
condo and take a much-needed nap.


Ronny been having his son since he walked out
on Shaniqua after he found out she had a baby by Dre and that was
three days ago. He was hurting on the inside even though he knew he
pushed her right into the arms of the next nigga. However, he never
thought she‘d have a baby by someone else, hell he didn’t even
think she would really ever leave him but she did.

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