Unbreakable (16 page)

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Authors: Leo Sullivan Prodctions

Tags: #leo sullivan, #unbreakable, #tynessa

BOOK: Unbreakable
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Fuck that, I still want to be with
he thought to himself. He never thought in a million
years he would be willing to raise another nigga baby but he knew
he loved Shaniqua and in order to have her back in his life he
would have to accept her daughter and he was willing to swallow his
pride and do it.

“What’s your lil sister name?” he asked
Ray’Shun as he put on his shoes so he could take him home.

“Niyah,” he said never taking his eyes off
the TV.

“You like being a big brother?”

Ray’Shun nodded his head. “Uh huh. She pretty
daddy,” he said smiling.

“I bet she is. Do she look like you mom?” he
asked getting him off the couch.

“Yes. Grandma says she looks like me,” he
said. Ronny smiled at his son. He would be four in a month and was
very smart for his age.

“Well you look like you mother too,” Ronny
said as they was walking out the door.

Ray’Shun frown his little face. “I look like
you daddy and Niyah look like mommy,” he said and all Ronny could
do was smile because his son did look like him.

Inside the car, he called Shaniqua to make
sure she was home and to let her know he was on the way. When he
pulled up to her condo all of a sudden, he became nervous. He sat
there for a minute replaying the conversation he was having in his
head the whole ride over there. He was planning oh telling her what
was on his mind and how much he miss having her and his son in his
life. He didn’t know how long she was playing on being in town so
he felt he had to hurry and tell her so she wouldn’t go back with
that fuck nigga.

He got out then got Ray’Shun out his seat and
they walked to the door. He heard her baby screaming to the top of
her lungs when they got to the door and he gave four quick knocks a
couple of minutes Shaniqua opened the door with her daughter over
her shoulders

“Hey mama main man,” she said as she bent
over to give Ray’Shun a kiss before stepping aside. “Hey Ronny,”
she said with an uneasy smile.

He cleared his throat. “What’s up,” he said
as he ran his hand down his face and Shaniqua saw hurt written all
over it.

“You wanna come in?”

He stood there for a minute. “Sure,” he
finally said.

Shaniqua turned around to walk towards the
living room with him right behind her. She sat on the couch and he
did the same. They were sitting there in silence until Ronny asked,
“So how long are you here for?” he asked eyeing her baby hard.

Shaniqua bite her bottom lip as she stared at
him before finally answering his question. “I don’t know yet.”

“You and old boy still together?” he asked
still looking at Shaniyah.

“Why in the hell you staring at my daughter
like that?” she asked.

Ronny smiled. “She’s beautiful,” his smile
widened. “She looks just like you,” he said with a wink causing her
to blush and turn her head.

“I wonder what our daughter would look like,
if we had one,” he said.

Shaniqua looked down at her daughter and
wondered the same thing. They sat and talked for a few hours. Ronny
and Ray’Shun played the game and before he left he surprised her by
feeding Shaniyah and putting her to sleep.

Chapter 15

Shaniqua decided to not
move back to Maryland with Dre. He hasn’t called or anything. She
was sure he would be blowing up her phone to at least check on
Shaniyah if nothing else being that she is his daughter. But he
hasn’t. Things between her and Ronny have been good. He has been
getting Ray’Shun every other weekend and some days during the week
and he even surprised her when he asked to take Shaniyah one
weekend. Shaniqua thought against it at first but her mind went
back to all the times Dre use to have Ray’Shun so she let her

“Are you going to Bino party tonight Shan?”
Star asked.

“Um, no. I don’t think I’m ready to party
with Ronny’s ass just yet.” They were on good terms but not that
damn good.

“Don’t Ronny have the kids tonight? So he
might not even be there.”

“Girl, come on now. Bino is his friend so you
know he gonna be there,” she said.

“Yeah you right. But I want you to go. We
haven’t ever clubbed together,” Star pouted.

“How in the hell are you gonna get in

“Oh baby you know my boo gonna get me in
there with him,” Star said smiling from ear to ear.

“I guess,” Shaniqua said rolling her eyes and
getting up from the couch.

Star got up as well. “Well I’ll come pick you
up cause I’m not riding with Nell ass. Be ready around 10,” she
said heading to the door. It was already five so Shaniqua headed
upstairs to take her a nap. First she texted Ronny to make sure her
babies were good.

Shaniqua: Wyd?

Chillin at my ma house.

Bout to take a nap. What my
babies doing?

My ma holding Niyah, she in
love with her and my lil nigga playing the game like always

LOL. I know… She told me the
other day that she wanted her to spend the night over there. I
don’t know why she keeps calling my baby her grandchild. But kiss
my babies for me.

I will do that

Shaniqua laid the phone down and before she
knew it, she was out cold.


“What’s up sis-n-law?” Cornell said hugging
Shaniqua when she got in VIP

She smiled. “Hey Bro,” she said. “Hey Bino,
happy birthday big head,” she said hugging Bino. Bino was one of
Ronny’s friend that she loved as a brother. He wasn’t like Vic’s
ass that she warned Ronny about. He has tried coming on to her one
time her and Ronny broke up. She knew how Ronny temper was and she
was pretty sure he would put a bullet in Vic ass and she didn’t
want him spending the rest of his life behind bars because of some
shit she told him about his grimy ass homeboy. She looked over at
Vic and Trish, smacked her lips, and rolled her eyes.

Bino quickly grabbed her. “Aye Shan chill out
ma,” he said laughing already knowing she was about to nut up.

“I swear y’all hang out with lames,” she said
shaking her head and saying it loud enough so they could hear

They was sitting chopping it up and having
drinks. Shaniqua wasn’t much of a drinker so instantly she started
feeling the two long islands she had drunk.

“Come on Star lets go dance,” she said
grabbing her sister hand pulling her away from Cornell.

Shaniqua and Star was out on the dance floor
getting it in. She was doing all her stripper moves and because
niggas already knew, she was Ronny’s baby mama all they did was
look and knew not to touch.

She stopped dancing and stood in the middle
of the dance floor tipsy but not that tipsy to not notice Ronny
walk in like he own the world. She watched as he hugged some light
skin chick. They stood there talking a while; he licked his full
lips and pushed his dreads back away from his face before hugging
the girl and walking off. Shaniqua shook her head. “
Damn that
nigga got me in a trance,
” she said then started back

Star had disappeared; Shaniqua assumed she
went back to VIP with Cornell. Shaniqua came to party and that’s
what she was planning on doing.

It had been a good two hours since she had
seen Ronny walk in and she wondered did he even know she was there.
She was shaking her ass but she kept having a strange feeling that
someone was burning a hole in her back. Whenever she looked around,
she didn’t see anyone or anything out of place so she thought that
maybe the alcohol had her tripping so she kept dancing.

“I like smoking weed, I like getting fly… I
like having sex I like girls who ride… I like my cup full I like
turning up… I like brand new shit, so this is what I love to do… I
like that money baby… That’s that shit I like,” blasted thru the
speakers, and Shaniqua wasn’t surprised to see Ronny, and his
niggas bum rush the dance floor. This was one of Ronny favorite
songs, hell he even had it for his ringtone. Out of nowhere, he
threw money in the air and his crew and she shook her head as she
watched ratchet hoes knocking people over picking up the money.

They were out there taking over the damn
dance floor but Shaniqua didn’t care as she danced because this was
one of her favorite songs also. She was in her own zone not paying
attention to the rowdy niggas when someone grabbed her by waist and
pulled her close to them.

Like good weed, I like bad bitches that
can roll it up. And a rider that’s gone hold me down no matter
he whispered in her ear. His lips brushed against her
ear with every word causing her to catch chills. She shivered in
his arms and smiled because she would recognize that voice
anywhere. It was Ronny. She kept dancing not turning around because
she knew once she looked into those green eyes she was gonna want
him right then and there.

When the song was over Shaniqua walked off in
search of her sister and found her in VIP.

“Bitch I seen you and Ronny out there,” Star
said smiling hard.

Shaniqua rolled her eyes upwards. “Girl bye,”
she said grabbing her ringing phone out her small purse. It was a
restricted number. She had been receiving those calls for about a

“Mmmhmmm,” Star sang.

Shaniqua and Star got up and looked over the
banister onto the dance flow. “Girl them nigga swear they the
shit,” Shaniqua said seeing Ronny, Bino, Nell, Vic and the Rest of
their crew on the dance floor with female surrounding them.

“Girl they are. I have to keep my eye on Nell
ass. I hate to show my ass,” Star said laughing. She was truly
Shaniqua’s sister.

Shaniqua looked at her little sister and
laughed. She couldn’t believe how much her little sister has grown

“Girl I…” she said stopping staring to the
other side of the room. “Girl is that Dre over there?” she asked
Star pointing in the other direction.

Star looked to see where her sister was
pointing to but didn’t see anyone. “Where?” she asked.

“Never mind he gone now. But that looked just
like his ass,” Shaniqua said before fixing her eyes back on Ronny.
He was out on the dance floor standing while a girl was grinding
her ass all over his manhood. Shaniqua instantly got mad and wanted
to go snatch that bitch off her man.

Star fixed her eyes on what her big sister
was looking at and knew it was time to go. “Come on Shan. I’m
getting tired, I’ll just text Nell and tell him I’m gone,” she said
and they were out the door.

Shaniqua enjoyed herself and was glad her
sister talked her into going. She missed going out. Her sister had
just dropped her off at home and all she wanted to do was take a
shower and sober up.

She undressed as soon as she walked into her
bedroom and headed straight to the shower. Inside she began to
think about Ronny and how good he was looking to her at the club.
She began imagining herself running her hands thru his dreads and
his lips kissing all over her. She closed her eyes and ran her
hands all over her body. She cuffed her right breast with her right
hand as her left hand eased down to her kitty. She smiled and
removed her hand.

Damn I got it bad,”
she said to
herself, shaking her head and turning off the water. She had just
finish putting on her panties when she heard someone beating on her
door scaring the shit out of her. It was damn near three o’clock in
the morning so she wondered who could be at her door that time of
morning as she put on her robe and headed to see.

Once she got to the door, she peeked through
the peek hole to find Ronny standing there. She slowly opened the

“Ronny what…” she started but was cut off
when Ronny grabbed her roughly by her waist and the back of her
head bringing her to meet him. He kissed her aggressively as she
parted her lips and accepted his warm wet tongue.

He shut the door with his foot and turned her
around so her back was against the door. Her mind was telling her
to stop him but her body was saying something totally different.
She waited to long for this to stop him. She knew she might regret
it in the morning but right then, she was going to blame it on the

He opened her robe and began to tease her
nipple with his tongue. Shaniqua threw her head back as her hand
went to the back of his head and she arched her back enjoying the
wetness of his tongue. He cuffed both breasts bringing them
together and began flicking his tongue. That shit was driving her

She closed her eyes as he kissed his way down
to her belly teasing her navel ring. He snatched her G-string right
off and raised her left leg over his shoulder. She began to breathe
heavily knowing what was next.

When Ronny lifted the right leg over his
shoulder, he picked Shaniqua up with one scoop causing her to gasp.
He planted small kiss on her wet pussy, teasing it. She loved when
he did that.

“Ronny,” Shaniqua moaned ready for him to
stop playing and make her cum. Ronny smiled already knowing why she
was calling his name.

He began tongue licking and flicking his
tongue on her wet pussy as she rotated her hips in circular motion.
Shaniqua felt as if she had died and gone to heaven. She hasn’t had
good head since she left Ronny and she was cumming seconds

“Ronny, I’m about to cum,” she moaned at she
grabbed the back of his head gripping his dreads.

“You already know what to do,” he said then
wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked on it taking her over
the edge. Once she was done and had calmed down from the shaking,
Ronny brought her down to his waist and she wrapped her legs around
him and hugged him tightly around the neck as they kiss and he
carried her upstairs where they made love until she tapped out.

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