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Authors: Dianne Stevens

Unbroken Promises (31 page)

BOOK: Unbroken Promises
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Jesse poured her a glass of champagne. Beth accepted the glass and took a small sip. Then she reached for a strawberry and bit into it. A small flake of strawberry stuck to her bottom lip, which she automatically licked away with the tip of her delicate pink tongue.

Jesse’s heart lurched at the gesture, his sex filled and lengthened, and his balls scrunched and tightened. “Turn around and let me look at you,” he whispered, desire lacing his voice.

Beth finished the strawberry, set her glass down and gradually pivoted in a circle, watching his face from across her shoulders as she circled. When she stood facing him again, she gathered her hair, pooled it on top of her head, and performed a few sensual poses as if she were a lingerie model and he the photographer. Jesse thoroughly devoured each inch of her. He inhaled deeply through his nose trying to gain some control, but losing even more because, in doing so, he inhaled the intoxicating scents that exuded from her warm body. Beth was beautiful, sexy as hell, and His.

After Beth posed for him, she went back to the bed, threw one knee across his waist, and straddled him, her heat nestling flat on top of his lower stomach. She slid her hands leisurely up through his crisp chest hairs, loving the way they felt between her fingers. After she was settled, she looked down into his eyes. “Okay, Jesse, you mentioned you wanted to teach me something…” Beth purred in her most seductive voice. “So-o start teaching,” Jesse groaned. “Oh, baby, this night might not be as long and slow as I had hoped,” Jesse said in a strained voice.

After he gained control of his pulsating body, he brought Beth’s lips to his. She was so soft and smelled so good. He wanted this night to last forever. He gently rolled her under him without breaking the kiss. He kissed her lips and slowly made his way to her neck. Then he stopped and lifted his head to be able to look into her beautiful blue and silver eyes.

Her head was lying on his pillow with her raven hair spilled out around her. It was the vision he had dreamed of many times. The little thing she was wearing didn’t leave much to the imagination. It was sure sexy but not as sexy as what he knew lay beneath it. As pretty as her little black piece of material was, he wanted it gone.

He wanted to gaze upon the beautiful white flesh so he pulled Beth up gently and pushed the material off her shoulders. Her full breasts were bared for his pleasure. They were gorgeous; heck, everything about her was gorgeous. He slid the material off her hips and down her long legs. He pulled her shoes off and, one by one, kissed each toe as he did so.

Jesse stepped off the bed to look down at the image before him. He had never seen anything so lovely. He stepped back, undid his pants, and pushed both pants and underwear off at the same time. After stepping out of them he stood before her unmoving, poised superciliously, so she could see him, all of him.

Jesse watched Beth the whole time as he waited for her to get a good look at him. He knew he shouldn’t act so juvenile but his male pride wanted her to know that Clay wasn’t the only one who was ‘hung like a mule.’”

Beth allowed her eyes to savor each inch as they made their way down his body. He was as magnificent as she had dreamed. The candles flickering across his granite-cut muscles made him seem even more domineering than she knew him to be. Her eyes stretched wide, as she gaped at his sex. “Oh dear gussy,” Beth whispered . Her eyes darted to his smoldering ones then quickly back to his proud thick, heavy erection in disbelief. There was quite a lot more of him there than she had seen in her dreams. She knew they were made big but just not quite that large. The thing rose past his belly button! She seriously doubted her fingers would touch if she circled it.

“No wonder it killed me when he shoved that monstrous thang in. It’s a wonder I’m still alive.” Arrogantly satisfied with Beth’s reaction, Jesse climbed in bed beside her and pulled her into his arms. He began to make slow tender love to her, not wanting to be brutal as he was the first time. He was determined to save his more randy behavior for when he knew Beth was more familiar with lovemaking. Jesse did not leave a placed untouched. He massaged, kissed, licked, and pampered everything from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.

He slid his tongue up the inside of one thigh and then the other, getting closer each time, but always stopping short of her sex. He knew Beth was unconsciously moving her hips closer to his lips in hope of easing her building need. Finally, he hovered, his nose nestled in her crisp curly hair that smelled of an alluring body oil, which had been placed next to the curls in the crease of her thighs, Jesse liked the fragrance, but he would have preferred to only inhale her body’s natural scent. He pursed his lips and blew out a long stream of hot air across her sex, then he cocked his chin forward, and thrust hard, centering her with his firm smooth wet tongue. Beth bucked hard against his mouth. Jesse tilted her hips and angled his head in order to give the most pressure as he began a rhythmic jabbing slide from the bottom of her crisp curls downward to her tiny center, crossing over her hidden heart of pleasure with each stroke.

Beth’s hips came off the bed and she cried out a deep moan. Her sultry moan and the taste of her addictive juices nearly caused Jesse to come but he held his body in firm control never once letting up on his assault on her sensitive nerve endings. He pressed his lips firmly against the throbbing skin containing her clitoris. He sucked the surrounding flesh into his mouth and pulled his head back slightly. When he released the suction, he rolled the tip of his tongue in rapid tiny circles around and around her pulsating jewel.

Jesse felt Beth’s body stiffen and tense. He felt the sheets being tugged as Beth grabbed fistfuls of it in each hand, releasing and grabbing, releasing and balling it up again. Jesse reached down with his left hand and folded it over her curling toes. He then shoved that leg a little further apart to give him more room as he continued the torturous ecstasy. When Beth began shoving her pelvis crazily against his face, he pushed one long finger into her tight heat.

He pulled and pushed one finger, then inserted two; she clenched tightly around them.

“Jesse? Jesse!”

“Beth, baby, don’t try to stop it, just go with it. I’m here with you.” Beth screamed a low gut wrenching moan, her body undulating fast against his mouth. “Yes. Yes baby, that’s it, don’t’

hold back.”

After Beth rode the orgasm to the limit, she fell back lethargic, unable to move. Jesse slid up and lay beside her. “Oh-my-gosh, Jesse, that was unbelievable! That was the most pleasurable thing I have ever felt.”

Jesse chuckle softly at her awe. “It was nice for me, too.”

“You? But you didn’t get to do anything.”

“Baby, watching you come was, as you put it, unbelievable. And you taste so good.” Jesse licked his lips, as if searching for another taste. Beth’s face turned red from her neck up, not used to such raw talk coming from Jesse, but he didn’t seem to notice her embarrassment. “Oh, baby, I don’t think I will ever get enough of you.”

Jesse leaned over her and ran his hand over her smooth skin. “I love every inch of you, from the top of your glorious black hair to the bottom of your bottom of your pretty feet and everything inbetween, most definitely everything inbetween,” Jesse said with crinkling eyes and devastating naughty grin. “I will never be able to get enough of these big luscious breasts.” Jesse lifted and molded them together; he pinched and rolled the left nipple and placed his mouth over the right and circled it with his tongue before sucking it forcefully in his mouth. Both of them groaned as he did so. “You know, Beth,” Jesse pulled up and looked into her eyes, a glimmer of seductive mischief shinning in his; he glanced again at her large breasts and pushed them together. “Sometime before morning I want to slide and pump my dick inbetween these babies.”

“Jesse!” Beth said in shock but, just as quickly, burst out laughing.

“But right now, I can’t play anymore. I’m so thick and hard, I’m throbbing. I have to have you now before I embarrass myself.” When Jesse adjusted and rose above her, he saw a slight fear come into her eyes.

“Baby, with us only making love one time there still may be a little discomfort with me stretching you but it will not hurt as it did the first time. I’ve already taken you cherry so we don’t have to worry about that. You’ll just feel a heavy pressure until you get used to me.

You’re already hot and dripping wet for me so that will help to ease me in.”

“You promise?” Beth asked a little shaky. “The first time was extremely painful. It felt as if fire had burned me from my entrance to deep, deep inside.” Jesse grimaced at the reminder of their first time together, feeling like a dog but more determined to make this time good for her. “Yeah, I promise,” Jesse, said as he pushed slowly, steadily, into her tight, hot welcoming body, all the while watching her face. The clenching pressure was so astonishingly intense Jesse reflexively held his breath. It was a tight, tight fit with her muscles firmly gripping each hard inch, trying to prevent their stretching. After he butted against her cervix, he pulled back a little. He knew her flesh would give a little and she would eventually take all of him but he didn’t want to risk bruising her tonight. He consciously adjusted the depth of his push as he drug out each inch and shoved in again, gritting his teeth against the tortuous pleasure.

“Well?” Jesse said as he began slow easy strokes.

Beth looked adoringly into his heavy lidded green/gold eyes. “Well, I say you have yet to break a promise. There is still a little stinging and I definitely feel full, almost too full, but now, with each stroke, it feels as if the full pressure is stimulating each nerve ending with an exquisite building pleasure.” Beth panted her words slightly but held a seductive little smile on her face as she began to move with him.

“That’s good, let me know if I hurt you. I want you to feel nothing but pleasure tonight,” Jesse said huskily. He felt lost looking into her eyes; it seemed tonight under the flickering candle light, the silver and royal blue fought for dominance. It was unreal how he loved this woman. With each gentle stoke he gave of his love.

He was doing his best to be gentle but Beth seemed to want nothing to do with gentleness.

She met each of his tender thrust with a force of her own, surging forcefully up against him.

Jesse, wanting to give her what she wanted, reached above them and grabbed two of the pillows.

He came up on his knees, lifted Beth’s hips, and shoved them underneath her. He placed his hands on each side, grabbing her hips and butt and jerked her up his lap onto his stone-hard erection.

He slid his right hand over her black crisp curls and began rotating his thumb steadily and firmly over her hot spot of pleasure while never missing a stroke with his huge member. When Jesse felt her body tense, he quickly scanned her body and saw her breathing short little panting breaths, her fist clenching and unclenching the sheets and all her toes were curling in fan-like waves.

He knew she was about to come again and he was so ready. He strengthened his piston-driving thrust and the pressure of his kneading thumb. Beth’s little moans that grew louder and deeper sent him over the edge. He roared his release as he pulsated into her. His climax was so powerful he thought he might not survive. He collapsed on top of Beth then pulled her into his arms. “Aw, baby, that was, that was, that damn near killed me it was so good.”

“I know what you mean.” Beth tugged the pillows out from under her and rolled closer to Jesse. “I love you, Jess.”

“I love you too, Elizabeth.” He waited only a heartbeat later, then grinned that mischievous, naughty grin. “Ready to go again?”

It was a long night of exquisite lovin’—lovin’ in many different positions and different degrees of passion. Beth was totally exhausted when Jesse finally had enough and pulled her into his arms and pulled the cover over them.

Beth knew that Jesse had to be almost dead from all exertion he put into their lovemaking, but she couldn’t resist one last taunt. “Jesse?”

“Humm?” Jesse said in a deadened voice.

“I want to put my mouth on you and suck and lick you the way you did on me.” Beth waited several seconds before he said in disbelief.

“Tonight?” Oh, dear guzzy, have mercy.” Jesse cocked his eyes toward her. “Honey, that sounds mighty, mighty tempting, but I’m going to have to take a…”

“Don’t you dare say raincheck. And that’s gussy, not guz-zy.” Beth poked him teasing in his ticklish ribs. “If you’re going to say my favorite saying, say it right. Okay, I’ll practice on you tomorrow night.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything about raincheck. I was going to say, I’m gonna have to—to take a few moments to recuperate. Yep, that’s what I was going to say and that’s what I’m going to do, so pucker up, sweetheart.”

When Beth woke up the next morning, she was so sore she could hardly move. She turned and looked at her husband, who was awake and looking back with a humorous sensual grin.

“Jesse, we can’t have sex like that every night or we won’t be alive to celebrate our first much less 50th wedding anniversary.”

“Ah, darlin’, we just got started. Stay right here and I’ll get up and start us a bath of hot water to soak in. I’m a little sore in places myself.”

“Yeah right, I just bet you are. You’re probably-”

“Ah ah aah, none of that,” Jesse said as he got up and went to the bathroom.

Beth watched his backside as he walked away. His butt looked as good unclothed as it did in his Levis, a full tight-muscled butt. His back was broad with muscles rippling everywhere. His legs were very long and cut with granite-looking muscles. She could see every muscle tighten when he walked. He looked almost as good going as he did coming.

“It’s ready, little darlin’.”

Beth wanted to ask him not to call her that because it was what he had said to Stacy and Lacy, but she knew she would get “ah ah anh,” so she just smiled sweetly and eased off the bed.

“I’m coming, baby, just as soon as I can get my legs to move.”

“This ought to help. The temperature is perfect.” Jesse waited by the tub to help her in, then he climbed in behind her and pulled her to him. Beth leaned back against his chest as he soaped up the washrag and began to bathe her.

BOOK: Unbroken Promises
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