Uncensored Passion (Men of Passion) (5 page)

BOOK: Uncensored Passion (Men of Passion)
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She placed a hand on his groin, and the way he reacted—his immediate hard-on and an intake of breath—made her pussy flutter in response. “Just as I thought. You’re quite a stud.”

“Damned glad to hear how you feel about age, because I feel the same way. About it’s being just a number, I mean. I’m nineteen, but I’ll be twenty in a couple of months. My mom and dad live in San Antonio, Texas. No brothers or sisters, which is a rarity among Catholics. Seems my mom couldn’t have any more kids after me, so they hung all their dreams on my shoulders, but what they wanted for me wasn’t what I ever wanted.

“Right now, my parents aren’t even speaking to me because I dropped out of Vanderbilt and blew their exorbitant tuition, not to mention embarrassed them before their university connections who pulled a lot of strings to get me in—or so they keep telling me.”

“What were you going to study at Vanderbilt?” Kayla asked.

“I didn’t have anything special in mind, actually. My dad is a doctor and decided, probably before I was even born, that I would be a doctor, too. Something I never wanted to be. Actually I always thought I would be good at dabbling in the real estate market—you know, like buying fixer-upper properties, remodeling them, and reselling at a profit. Flipping is what they call it, but when I told my father that, he blew a gasket. Way beneath my station in life, he said.”

“What about your mother? Can’t she see things your way?” Kayla wondered.

J. J. scoffed, “Fat chance! My mother always sides with my father. She’s a teacher, very strict and straight-laced, so in that respect, she and my father are alike. She thinks if someone, including me, just buckles down to expected responsibilities, they’ll ultimately meet their goals, or the socially accepted goals anyway. And they’re both really into the social scene, putting up a front and conforming to society. Most important of all, to their way of thinking, is walking that tightrope line of religious hypocrisy,” J.J. said bitterly.

Shrugging, he added, “They’re devout Catholics, so I won’t lie to you—they’d probably have a conniption fit if they found out I’ve embraced a polyandry lifestyle. If they even would know what that means, which, frankly, I don’t think they would. But like I said, I’m old enough to live as I please. I take it you don’t go around admitting you’re into polyandry, so they don’t even have to know. Right?”

“No, our lifestyle is not something any of us speaks of outside this house. What we believe and how choose to live our lives is our personal preference and no one else’s business. That is spelled out in the agreement you’ll be asked to sign if you decide to join us. By the way, I pay for the upkeep of the mansion and grounds. Everyone else chips in on food, liquor, and other expenses.

“And as far as the public knows, especially our neighbors, you will be just another tenant, since I have purposefully made it known that I subdivided the mansion into several apartments that I rent out. So that alleviates questions regarding the men who reside here,” Kayla added with a smile. “It’s a clever subterfuge that I detest having to play, but it’s better than having wagging tongues that eventually could lead to problems.”

J.J., with a slight shrug and a chuckle said, “Works for me.”

“So I guess it’s settled. We’re all one big happy family here, J.J., so if you can accept those conditions, the next step is the medical evaluation. I can set that up for you, if you like. Or if you don’t find me attractive enough, or for some other reason find the arrangement uncomfortable and unsatisfactory after our first confirmation night, just say so and we part as friends. But I would expect your continued discretion.”

“Are you kidding? I think you’re the most beautiful woman who has ever come on to me, and I can’t believe you have. Hell, this is every man’s fantasy. I’m one hundred percent in, Mi—ah—I mean, Kayla.”

J.J. gave her another fantastic, sparkling white smile.

“Shall we seal it with a kiss?” Kayla whispered, leaning into him.






Passion personified

The commitment ceremony between Kayla and J.J. was performed on a Friday night, two weeks after his medical report had cleared and they shared their first night of passion. Both of them considered that sexual confirmation night a lustfully exhausting success. After the disclosure documents had been signed and the ceremony completed, Harm tattooed J.J.’s ring finger and they all celebrated with champagne and caviar.

It was explained to J.J. that Saturday nights were left open to preferences where all were together to view movies or whatever entertainment they chose.

Since their bonding had occurred on Friday, it was agreed that she and J.J. would, this one time, also share the following Saturday.

Sunday was, as usual, cleared as a day and night of abstinence and rest.

As they retired to Kayla’s suite that first night, both slightly tipsy from champagne, J.J. swept her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold, amidst laughter and kisses.

Placing her gently on the bed, he declared, “I can’t believe how happy I am. I hope I don’t disappoint you, Kayla.”

“Tell you a secret, J.J. You’re the first of my mates to remember the tradition of carrying the bride across the threshold. You won’t disappoint me, my handsome young hunk.”

He wanted to undress her, so she let him, their eyes holding in heated anticipation, until she lay naked before him.

J.J. stared down at her, shaking his head in wonderment. “You take my breath away, lady.”


“Wife,” he amended with a wide smile.

“That’s better. Now it’s your turn, husband. You are grossly overdressed. Let me see that fantastic body of yours,” she urged with a wanton smile.

He stripped and stood before her, his throbbing shaft hardened beyond what he had imagined it could be and standing erect. He was unable to stop the flash of intense desire and inner trembling as Kayla scooted to the edge of the bed and reached out to fondle him, pulling him closer as she examined him. Her hands went between his legs, her finger gently rolling his balls as her tongue flicked out to tease the tip of his cock before pulling back to exclaim, “Lord, J.J., you are magnificent.”

She ran her hands down his thighs, urged his legs farther apart, and stroked the inside of each before leaning to kiss and lick where her hands had been. She felt his involuntary lustful shudder as he tangled his hands in her hair when she began licking the length of his shaft, her agile tongue teasing the slit opening and the velvet head before taking him fully in her mouth to suck hungrily.

“Kayla!” His cry was a ravaged plea for her to continue.

Just the one word was all J.J. managed to utter as he tightened his hold in her hair, fighting to withhold premature ejaculation.

He pulled back from her sucking mouth and struggled for a minute to regain his composure before gently lifting her to stand before him. He kissed her then urged her back onto the bed, settling beside her, kissing her eyes and nose and lips before sliding down to suck her breasts, then farther down to delve his tongue into her naval.

Feeling on fire, he rose up over her, kneeing her legs apart.

Kayla opened gladly for him as he positioned himself to enter her slick, wet channel. With a single thrust he was deep inside her core, and she received the impressive full length of him with a pleasured groan as J.J. cried out, “God, have mercy!”

Kayla knew enough Spanish to know he had said Lord, have mercy.

In his urgent race to experience the ultimate climax, J.J. pounded into her, losing sight of his earlier, silent resolve to be gentle and easy. But he could tell Kayla didn’t care how rough he was. That, in fact, she wanted it that way.

He had been with other women—or, rather,
as he now thought of them in his fevered mind—but he believed that he had never experienced, nor would he ever again experience, the lustful satisfaction of being with a woman as sensual as Kayla.

J.J. was overwhelmed with the thought that she was now his “wife,” and as he felt the intense heat of her channel claiming his pulsating cock in a resolute holding pull with each thrust, he tried to slow down, to fight for a grip on his raging senses, in order to prolong and savor the best fuck of his life.

Kayla gave him that brief hesitant respite before once again demanding every inch of him. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him to her depths. And when he thrust into her again, he couldn’t hold back. He slammed into her, fusing them together in their mutually brutal, frantic climb to the edge of orgasmic release.

J.J. felt her nails clawing his back. Her words of affirmation seemed to reach him through a vacuum.

“Yes, yes,

He knew she was beyond ready herself as they shared a mind-blowing release.

Both breathing hard, they lay within each other’s arms afterward, kissing and fondling. Within ten minutes, J.J.’s renewed arousal became apparent.

“My, my, husband number four, you are quite the prize, just as I suspected you would be,” Kayla declared as he rose above her, parted her legs, and entered her once again with a hungry, decisive thrust. Only this time he managed to keep the coupling slow, rhythmic, and to Kayla’s delight, awesomely fulfilling.

Comfortable now with taking the initiative, J.J. positioned her feet on his shoulders, lifting her enough to receive his extraordinary cock fully yet again, pumping and grinding their bodies together with ever-increasing urgency until they were both covered in sweat.

Groaning in euphoric joy, they fell simultaneously over the precipice of shuddering satisfaction once more. Then, pleasantly exhausted, they disentangled.

Kayla made a quick trip to the bathroom and, when she returned, crawled into the circle of J.J.’s waiting arms and slept.

Twice during the night, J.J. woke her up, rock hard and demanding in his youthful enthusiasm. Each time he took Kayla to sensual heights she had not experienced with any of her other partners, and she reveled in her choice to bring him into her circle, as together, after their fifth coupling, they watched dawn beginning to filter in through the gossamer-curtained window.

“This has been the best night of my life,” J.J. exclaimed fervently as he kissed her good morning. “
Te adoro
, Kayla.”

“I adore you, too, J.J. You are unspeakably perfect. And speaking of perfect,” she said with a wry smile as she reached to fondle his impressive cock, for the first time placidly limp. “It’s been a great night for me, too. You are as much of a stud as I thought you would be. I’m glad I decided to give you this Saturday. Remember, usually the rule is Saturday is our day to do things together as a family, and I never break rules. Except this time and you are worth it, my Spanish stallion. Damn, five times! Unreal. You are passion personified and quite a find.”

J.J. said, “If you don’t stop fondling me, it’s gonna be six. And thank you,
for last night and for what’s coming tonight. I never knew lovemaking could be that fantastic.”

“No, it is I who should thank

“There’s only one thing that bothers me, Kayla. You know, there was something none of us discussed and I have to say it’s uppermost on my mind at the moment.”

“Really? What's that?”

“Who makes breakfast? I’m starving,” he asked with a crooked grin.

Kayla laughed. “Me, too. Great sex will do that to you. As far as breakfast goes, whoever makes it to the kitchen first is responsible. Usually that’s Lee. He’s a great cook, which is why I dubbed him unofficially as chef, by the way. How are you in the kitchen?”

“Pretty bad, I have to say. My mom never let me near the kitchen after the one time I tried to make spaghetti and nearly burned the house down.”

“Well, why don’t we shower and find out if Lee has made it there yet?”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Laughing, they walked arm in arm to the luxurious en suite. They showered together, J.J. soaping her all over, Kayla soaping him. As they rinsed beneath the deluge created by the multiple shower heads, J.J. started kissing her again, his hands roaming over her wet, enticing skin. He suckled each full breast before kneeling and sliding his seeking tongue into the silky patch between her thighs, teasing her clit as he felt her shudder in anticipation.

When he stood fully aroused, he asked, “Are you ready for number six?”

“I’m ready,” she answered as he lifted and impaled her, bracing against the marbled backdrop, ramming his throbbing rod to her sensual core. As she wrapped her legs around him, they melded into each other, both lost to the sloshing symphony of the cascading water as they rocked to yet another crescendo orgasm.

After emptying his seed in hot gushing waves, J.J. withdrew, put her down, and lifted his face to the water, exclaiming, “Whew, wife, loving you just might be the death of me. But what a way to go. It would take two undertakers to wipe the smile off my face.”

Laughing, Kayla suggested, “Let’s towel dry and try to keep our hands off each other long enough to have breakfast. How does that sound?”

“Sounds good. My stomach is beginning to think my throat’s been cut. That champagne and caviar last night was good but not very filling.”

“Let’s hope Lee is in chef mode and in the kitchen.”

They toweled each other dry again, then donned the bathrobes they had laid out and made their way to the kitchen.

Lee was indeed there and had already started making pancakes and frying bacon.

As they walked in, he took one look at them and declared with a chuckle, “I don’t have to ask how the newlyweds are doing, do I? Hungry?”

“Starving,” J.J. said with a sheepish grin.

“I knew you would be. Hope you like pancakes.”

“Right now I could eat the north end of a live cow going south,” J.J. said. “But I prefer bacon and pancakes. Kayla tells me you’re a good cook.”

“Don’t mean to brag, but I am. You?”

“Sorry. Can’t boil water.”

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