Unconditional Love (10 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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Me: Just wanted to say I won’t be able to text ya for a few days but know I’m thinking of you. I’ll text you when I’m able to.

Azurdee: Okay. No worries. I’ve decided to head back to Austin tomorrow and check on things at the new restaurant.

I took in a breath.

Me: I’m really sorry I had to leave you like that, Azurdee. I hope you know I had no choice.

Azurdee: I understand, so please don’t worry. I’ll be thinking of you, Lark.

I took a deep breath and decided to just be honest with her…and myself.

Me: I miss you, Azurdee. I just got you and I had to let you go. It’s killing me inside because I want to feel your body next to mine. I want to breathe in your smell and get lost in your kiss.

Azurdee: I miss you too, Lark. I feel the same way. I’ve been trying to shake this feeling all day. I’ve just missed your touch. The sound of your voice and what you feel like inside of me. But just think how nice it will be when you get back!

Me: I’ve got to run. I’ll talk to you in a few days.

Azurdee: Okay. See ya in a few days.

I tossed my phone aside and put my head in my hands. “Fuck!” I called out. The second I read her response back to me I had to stop talking to her. I can’t let this girl affect me like this. I didn’t want to care about Azurdee, but I did. More than I wanted to admit. I cared enough to be exclusive with her and just like that, she was missing me today. Missing my touch and what I felt like inside of her.

Son of a bitch.
I needed to forget about her for just a few days. My phone beeped and I was afraid it was Azurdee. I picked it up to see I had a text message from Sherry.

Sherry: You in town? I need to release some stress and I need a good hard fuck right now.

Sherry had been my fuck buddy since before I joined the Marines. Neither one of us wanted a relationship with each other. It was purely sex and a way for both of us to release stress.

I clenched my jaw as I wrote back.

Me: Sorry. Out of town working.

Sherry: Can you Face Time, baby? Come on…I need you.

Me: I can’t. People are around. Go find that guy Mark you’ve been fucking.

Sherry: Lark. I don’t want Mark. I want you. Please baby…I have my dildo right here and I know how you like to watch me use it. I want to hear you get off to me getting off.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. Now that Azurdee was in the picture, I wasn’t sure how to handle the whole Sherry thing.

Me: Sorry sweetheart. I’ve got to run. Have fun!

I turned off my phone and set it on the side table. I needed to get my head clear. I lay down and slowly began concentrating on my breathing to relax myself. Before I knew it my head was completely clear and I was drifting off to sleep.

We had begun our hike up Pico Bolivar early this morning. I had Jason Philips with me, and a new guy, Ricker. I’ve worked with Jason many times, but never with and Ricker. I stopped and looked back at them. They might be expert riflemen but they sucked at physical endurance.

“Come on ladies, my mother could move up this mountain faster than you pansy asses.”

“Fuck off, Lieutenant,” Sergeant Philips said. I smiled as I made my way up to our check-in point.

I sat down and began glassing the area we were headed. “Sergeant, call in our location,” I said in a low voice.

“Yes sir, calling in our location.”

We sat there for a few minutes so they could both drink and get rested up for the rest of the hike up. I could have kept going but these two pussies needed a break. I let out a deep breath and wished they would give me a Navy SEAL to partner up with. Those bastards are in-shape motherfuckers.

I stood up and grabbed my shit and kicked Sergeant Philips. “Let’s go.”

One of the things I liked about my job was the fact that I could sit for hours in silence and not think about anything but what I was set to do. We’d spent the night up here and that was exactly what I needed to clear my head. I glanced down at my watch. The target should be showing up soon. I looked through my scope at the small village below. Things seemed to be normal and nothing looked out of place. The target was supposed to show up with limited bodyguards and in an open jeep. That made my job a hell of a lot easier. I put my headphones on and hit play on my iPod. I listened to the same song every time, “Gotta Be Tonight” by Lifehouse.

I looked back and gave them the signal to the countdown. Five minutes later, my target was pulling up in a jeep. I settled into position, looked into my scope, and let out the breath I was holding as I squeezed the trigger.

Two minutes later we were humping back out as fast as we could, making our way to the extraction site.

As we made our way down, the new guy, Sergeant Ricker said, “Shit. If my girlfriend ever found out what I did for a living, she’d probably leave me.”

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him. “What?”

He held up his hands and said, “Oh no sir, I don’t talk to her about what I do. She just knows I’m in the Marines.”

I shook my head and said, “No, why would she leave you?”

He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know. To me, killing someone like that douchebag is no big deal, but I’m not sure how she would feel. Ya know?”

“Lieutenant, we have to get a move on to make it to the extraction site on time,” Sergeant Philips said.

I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling I had as we made our way down the mountain.
If Azurdee ever found out what I did, would she leave me?
I was so lost in thought I wasn’t paying attention and slipped on a rock and tumbled forward, hitting the side of my face on a rock as I made my way to a stop.

“Fuck, Lieutenant Williams, are you okay?” Ricker asked.

“Shit, Lark, what the fuck?” Jason said.

I wiped the blood away and kept moving. “I’m fine. Let’s just get the fuck out of here. I’m ready to get home.”

As we sat in the helicopter and made our way back to the base, Ricker leaned over and said, “Lieutenant, I just wanted to say I’d never in my life seen anyone shoot so damn accurate at that far of a distance. No wonder they say you’re the best.”

I smiled and nodded my head and closed my eyes, giving him a sign I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. My head was killing me and I knew I was going to end up with a black eye all from a stupid-ass mistake. I couldn’t afford to make mistakes in what I do. I knew Skip would give me hell about this and ask a million questions. To him I was perfect and never made a mistake. Bad enough I was a Marine, but I was a Marine working for the CIA.

As I jumped off the helicopter and made my way over to the medic, Skip grabbed my arm and pulled me off to the side.

“What in the fuck happened?” he asked, with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. Skip was five years older than me and was a built motherfucker. He stood about two inches shorter than me, with brown hair and blue eyes. The girls went crazy for him.

I pulled my arm from his grip and asked, “What do you mean? I did the job. Target is dead and we extracted with no problems. I’m ready to get the fuck home.”

He looked up to the cut above my eye. He reached for my chin and grabbed it and turned my head as he pointed to my right eye. “This. What the fuck happened to you? You never called in that you were hurt.”

I pulled my head back and took a step away. “Jesus Christ, Skip. It’s just a cut.”

“It’s Agent Martin, Lieutenant Williams.”

I let out a sigh and shook my head. “I tripped and fell. It’s nothing.”

He just looked at me. “Something hasn’t been right with you since I first saw you a few days ago. You want to tell me what’s going on?”

All I could see was Azurdee’s eyes as I made love to her for the first time. I shook my head and cleared the image from my thoughts. “I just need to get laid, sir.”

A smile slowly spread across his face. “That’s it? I was thinking that wedding was messing with your goddamn mind. Making you think you might want what your friend has.”

I laughed and said, “Fuck no. Marriage is the last thing on my mind.”

He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small shake. “Good. Lark, you can’t afford to be having some girl get in the way of what we do. Trust me. It fucks with your head and before you know it you’re fucking up left and right. I picked you for a reason, son. Your time is almost up in the Corps and I want you with us in the CIA. That means money and more action.”

I nodded my head and he winked as he said, “Go get your head checked out. That bitch looks bad.”

As I walked over to the medic, I let out a chuckle. Fuck, I didn’t care about the money. Tristan and I had inherited more money than we would ever need from our grandparents. Plus with the trust fund from my other grandparents, I had more money than I knew what to do with. It was never about the money. It was always about the job and the thrill I got from the danger of it all.

Something was slowly starting to shift ever since the day a beautiful brown-haired beauty smiled at me and woke something up deep down inside me.

I stood and looked at myself in the mirror.
Fuck. How was I going to explain this to Azurdee?

I didn’t need stitches, but my eye was swollen and starting to turn black and blue. I flopped down on my bunk and let out a sigh. There was a knock on my door and I yelled, “Come in.”

Skip poked his head in and said, “We leave at oh-six-hundred. Make sure everything is ready to go. We’re heading into town. If you want that pussy, I bet we could find you a sweet little
to help ya out.”

“Nah, I’m exhausted. I think everything from the wedding is catching up to me. I’ll make up for it when I get home. Besides, Sherry wants a FaceTime fuck session.” I had no plans on FaceTiming Sherry, but Skip didn’t need to know that. I’d told Skip about Sherry a while back, so it wasn’t something he would question. I’d turned down going out before to FaceTime with her.

“All right, but I bet a real woman with her lips wrapped around your dick is just what you need.” He laughed and shut the door. I let out a sigh and got up and walked to the shower and turned it on hot. I turned my cell phone on and then stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower.

Damn, it felt so good to have the hot water run over my body. My eye stung like a son of a bitch, but I quickly got over it. I closed my eyes and pictured myself fucking Azurdee against the wall in the shower. I let out a moan as I could practically feel her body against mine. I moved my hand down to my dick and began stroking it as I thought about Azurdee. The look in her eyes when I came inside her for the first time. The sweet little noises she made while I fucked her hard from behind.

I began stroking myself faster and could feel the build up. Fuck I was getting close. My damn phone rang and for some crazy reason I thought it might be Azurdee. I quickly jumped out of the shower and about busted my ass as I swiped my finger across the screen without paying attention to who was calling.

“Hello!” I said, as I panted hard and fast.

“Michael? Are you okay? Oh God, am I interrupting you having sex?”

Wait. What in the hell?


“Hello, darling. Am I interrupting anything? Do you have a girl with you?” she asked in the most nonchalant way.

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