Unconditional Love (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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After the last person walked out the door, I walked upstairs and got out of that damn dress I’d been in for hours. I left my lace bra and panties on, but put jeans and a T-shirt on over them and made my way back downstairs.

I wasn’t sure if Lark’s brother Tristan was still here or not. He had been the last person talking to Lark. Their conversation seemed to be a serious one, so I was hesitant to even go outside.

When I stepped outside and made my way down the steps I looked over at Lark and Tristan sitting down talking. Lark looked up at me, and the look on his face when he saw me was one of disappointment. I stopped in my tracks.

He’s regretting what he said earlier.
He doesn’t really want to be with me.

I swallowed hard and wished I hadn’t even come back out. Tristan turned and saw me and smiled. “Well, it looks like you decided to get comfortable.” I smiled and nodded my head. When I looked back at Lark he seemed…angry. He was regretting what he said. He was probably pissed at himself for saying he wanted to make love to me.

I looked around and quickly walked over to a table and began cleaning it off. I tried desperately to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over.

Oh God. How stupid could I be? He had so many girls asking him out tonight and here I was stupid enough to think he wanted to be with me.

I began piling everything up and was about to pick it all up and toss it when I felt a shock run up my arm. It didn’t take me long to figure out Lark had grabbed my arm. He pulled me to him and said, “What are you doing?”

I still had been fighting the tears in my eyes, so I didn’t want to look at him. I kept my head turned. “Cleaning,” I said as my voice cracked.
Damn it, why he had such a hold over me was beyond me. I hated how weak I felt when I was around him.

“Look at me, Azurdee,” he whispered.

I turned and looked at him and he sucked in a breath. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

I shook my head and said, “Nothing.” I pulled my arm out and picked up the trash and quickly headed to the trashcan.

“Azurdee, put that stuff down and just let this go. Y’all can clean up in the morning,” Tristan said.

“The wild animals might make a mess of things if we don’t get…” I looked around and saw all the food was gone. That’s when I noticed the only table that had any trash on it was the table I just cleared off.

“Who? When did this all get taken care of?” I asked as I looked over at Lark. He smiled and said, “I hired someone to come in and take care of it. They were cleaning up as we were trying to get everyone the hell out of here. It ran over later than I thought, so they said they would be back tomorrow.”

I wanted to run over and kiss him I was so relieved. But instead I smiled and said, “Thank God. I’m exhausted.” I looked at Tristan, who was looking back and forth between Lark and me. When Lark looked at him they exchanged a look and the next thing I knew Tristan was saying good-bye.

No! No, don’t leave me alone with Lark.

“Um…are you sure you don’t want to stay the night, Tristan. I mean, it’s a long drive back to Austin and it’s so late and all.” I peeked over at Lark, and now he really did seemed pissed. He walked up to Tristan and slapped him on the back.

“He has a hotel in Fredericksburg,” Lark said as he looked back at me.

Tristan laughed and shook his head. “I better get going, I’ll be back tomorrow to help with anything that’s left to do.”

I wanted to scream out for him to stop, but I just stood there for a second before I followed both men into the house. Tristan headed to the stairs as he called back over his shoulder, “Give me two seconds, I need to grab my stuff.”

I watched as Tristan took the stairs two at a time. My eyes wandered over to Lark, who turned and stared at me. The way he was looking at me had me confused. He began walking over to me, and I instinctively began backing up until I backed right into the wall.

He stopped just short of me and put his hand on the wall, then looked down into my eyes. They weren’t filled with lust like earlier. My heart began pounding and I wished like hell we weren’t staying here together in this house.

“Why did you take your dress off, Azurdee?” he hissed.

What? He’s upset that I took off my dress?

My eyes quickly moved around his face before I looked back into his eyes. I slowly took in a deep breath and said, “I, um…I was uncomfortable and wanted to take it off. Lark, are you upset with me about something? I mean, if you’ve changed your mind about wanting to be with…um…with me, then…”

Something about his eyes changed and he looked down at my lips. He slammed his lips to mine and I was quickly lost in his kiss.
Oh my.
The way he tasted…the way his tongue danced with mine had me feeling light-headed. He slowly pulled away and I wanted to tell him not to stop.

He smiled and said, “Azurdee, I haven’t changed my mind. I wanted to peel that dress off of your body myself and I’m pissed I won’t get the chance to now.”

All I could say was, “Oh.”

Tristan cleared his throat and Lark took a few steps away from me before he turned around and said, “Well, big brother, not to rush you out the door or anything…”

Tristan looked over at me and his smile faded for a brief second. I’m sure I looked a mess. The emotions playing in my heart right now had me more confused than ever. I smiled and began walking toward them both.

As they both made their way out to the front porch they talked about heading to their family ranch for Christmas. I tried to listen, but I kept thinking of what Lark said.

I wanted to peel that dress off of your body myself and I’m pissed I won’t get the chance to now.

I stood on the porch as I watched Lark talk to his brother. Tristan turned and waved to me and yelled, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Azurdee. See ya tomorrow.”

I waved back. “The pleasure was all mine.”

Lark took a step back and we both watched Tristan’s BMW retreat down the driveway.

Lark turned and looked at me, and my heart began pounding in my chest. He walked up to me and when he started up the steps, the left corner of his mouth began moving up into that damn crooked-ass smile of his that caused the throbbing between my legs to grow stronger.

What do I do? What do I say? So, hey, are you going to take me to bed now and rob me of my virginity? Oh, I didn’t mention I was a virgin? Surprise!

Lark walked up to me and reached down and scooped me up. I let out a small scream as I wrapped my hands around his neck. He quickly walked through the house and up the stairs.

Wow…he certainly isn’t wasting time. Not even any romance? Foreplay? I guess I shouldn’t expect much more from him.

My heart dropped in my stomach just a bit as I thought about how Lark was probably going to just fuck me, and that would be the end of it.

He pushed open my bedroom door, walked us through and then kicked it shut. He slowly put me down as he began to push me back against the bedroom door.

I bit down on my lower lip as I looked up into his eyes. They were filled with passion and something else. I couldn’t really put my finger on it but it almost seemed like he was just as nervous as I was.

He pushed a stray piece of my hair back and smiled at me. “Are you scared, Azurdee?”

I swallowed hard and whispered, “Yes.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine and whispered, “
Te adoro
, Azurdee. I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I fought to hold back my tears.

“I’m going to make love to you for your first time, Azurdee. I wish I could make it more special for you but I’m going to take it slow and easy. But after I make you mine, I’m going to fuck you hard and fast. I’ve been dreaming of this night for months.”

I sucked in a breath of air and felt my stomach drop.
Oh. My. God.
I didn’t know if I was more shocked he knew I was a virgin or by what he said to me.

He licked his lips as he ran his hand up my neck and into my hair. He grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled my head back and placed his lips on my neck.

“Are you sure you want this, Azurdee?” he whispered against my skin.

I couldn’t even form words in my mouth, so I attempted to nod my head.

“Tell me what you want,
mi amor
. I want to hear it from your lips,” Lark whispered.

I swallowed hard as he pulled back and looked into my eyes. I knew there was nothing else I wanted more than for Lark to make love to me.

I ran my tongue along my top lip as Lark let out a small moan. “I want you, Lark. I want you to make love to me and…”

His eyes lit up with passion as he slowly smiled and said, “And what, Azurdee?”

He placed his lips on my neck again and began kissing me softly along my neck and up to my ear. “Ohh…I want you to make me…ahh…” He was driving me insane and all I wanted was for his lips to be on my body.
on my body. I had fantasies of Lark giving me an orgasm through oral sex. My core clenched at just the thought and my betraying body let out another moan.

“Azurdee, those little noises you’re making are driving me crazy. I really want to take it slow your first time but if you don’t tell me what you want soon I’m going to fuck you against this door.”

I let out a breath and whispered, “Oh God.”

He pulled my hair harder and the pain that raced through my body both turned me on and scared me.

“You! I want you and I want you to make me yours.” I yelled out in a shaky voice. “I need to feel you inside me, Lark.

The smile that spread across his face caused chills to run up and down my body.

“Take off your clothes, Azurdee. Slowly.”

Azurdee’s eyes lit up with fire when I told her to undress. I took a step back and watched her shaky hands reach up and pull her T-shirt up and over her head. I sucked in a breath of air when I saw her white lace bra. Her nipples were begging to be sucked on and now it was my turn to let out a moan.

She smiled slightly as she hooked her thumbs on her pants and slowly began sliding them down, never taking her eyes off of me. The second I saw her matching lace panties I felt my knees shake.

It had been years since a girl had this kind of an effect on me, but then again, Azurdee was no ordinary girl. She was different. She was the first person since Nikki to wake something up that I had buried so deep down that I almost forgot it even existed.

I licked my lips as she stripped her pants off and gently kicked them off to the side. She stood there in nothing but her bra and panties as she began ringing her hands and biting the hell out of her lower lip. She couldn’t have stood any taller than five feet five inches. You could tell she ran with how toned her muscles where on her perfect hourglass shaped body. But it was those caramel eyes that got me.

I wanted nothing more than to take her right there and have my way with her, but I had to take it slow. I ran my hand through my hair and watched as her mouth opened slightly.
She must like when I do that.

“Don’t be scared,
mi amor
,” I whispered.

She closed her eyes and said, “What if…I don’t know what I’m doing, Lark. I’ve never…”

I quickly walked up to her and picked her up. She buried her face into my chest and something crazy happened inside of me. My heart dropped and my stomach did a wild flip. She trusted me to not hurt her and take this slow and that was exactly what I was going to do. I cared too much about this girl not to take my time.

My heart started pounding as she placed her hand on my chest and whispered, “I’ve waited so long for this.”

I stopped at the bed and closed my eyes.

Recuerde guarder mi corazón.

I gently laid her down on the bed and watched as her chest heaved up and down. I moved my eyes down her perfect body as she began rubbing her legs together.

“Do you need to come,
mi amor
?” I asked as I watched her hand move down toward her panties. I didn’t think my dick could get any harder than it was.

Her eyes snapped open and she quickly brought her hand back up. I slowly began getting undressed. I unbuttoned each button slower than I probably should have as I watched her eyes light up with excitement and she continued to chew on her lower lip. I wanted those lips wrapped around my dick so badly.

I wonder if Azurdee has ever given a blow job before?
I secretly hoped she hadn’t.

I let my dress shirt hang open as I began taking off my belt and unzipped my pants. I leaned down and began taking off my shoes as Azurdee let out a frustrated moan.

“Are you trying to kill me slowly, Lark?”

I smiled and raised my eyebrow at her. “I want to take this slow, Azurdee.”

She smiled back slightly and said, “My grandfather undresses faster than you.”

I stood up straight and kicked my shoes and socks out of the way. I took my shirt off and tossed it on the chair that was sitting next to the side table.

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her look at me. I was glad I made the decision to go commando today as I pushed my pants down and my erection sprung free, causing Azurdee to let out a gasp.

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