Unconditionally (Brown County #4) (6 page)

BOOK: Unconditionally (Brown County #4)
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I wedged myself in between Tracy and Sheridan before any fists flew or hair was yanked. Taking a deep breath of relief because luckily that bullet was dodged, but it was what was taking place behind me that I didn’t foresee happening.

“Oh that was rich, Tracy. What you couldn’t afford an entire dress, you had to wear one that practically showed your uterus? I believe you’ve just messed with the wrong group. I’ve been waiting a helluva long time to put this bitch in her place. Maggie hold my earrings, they were a gift from Brock and I don’t want anything happening to them.” I heard Tessa go on behind me but was too late when I turned around Tracy had already lunged towards Tessa pushing her back into the throng of people.

“Oh hell no!” Tessa screamed as her face morphed into something that I had never seen before. She looked as if she had been taken over by the exorcist and it really wouldn’t surprise me one bit if she started spewing split pea soup from her mouth.

Tessa was straight up something out of a horror film. Remind me never to cross her because those images in itself may haunt my sleep for weeks.

A split second later Tessa was on Tracy.

And I didn’t mean just throwing punches, she was actually
her. Long lean legs were wrapped around Tracy’s torso while her head was in the crease of Tessa’s elbow. Tracy must’ve been one tough broad to be able to remain standing.

The crowd erupted in extensive loud chatter, chanting for their pick to win.

I raised my eyes to the bar to capture Grady’s attention but he was already mid-hop over the bar, a skill that he has used before so it came in extremely handy.

Turning to Maggie whose eyes had gone to the point of nearly bulging out of her head, I had to shake her from her trance to tell her to call the Sheriff’s Department.

Grady was finally over to the fight and he was busy trying to pry Tessa off of Tracy so since no one else was stepping up to the plate I decided to try my hand at pulling Tracy off to the side.

This action proved to be no easy feat. I don’t know if you were aware but I was a slender man with feeble legs. I mean normally I could attempt to hold my own, but not when a pissed off woman was busy kicking and scratching. Oh good Lord, was she scratching, she was the type of woman who got her nails professionally done every other week, and let me tell you those bitches hurt! My strength and virility was a proven testament to the ferocious beast with manicured fingernails!

I knew once this encounter was over I would have claw marks running up and down my arms.

“Tracy, calm the hell down!” I tried screaming in her ear but to no avail she kept on trying to get out of my clutches.

It was when she proceeded to dig her heel into my brand spanking new Cole Haan loafers did I lose my shit.

“Hell to the no, woman!!! You did NOT just step on my brand new shoes! For the love of all that is holy, calm your shit!” I tightened my arms around her and finally felt her begin to relax about the same time I heard Ethan’s voice in front of me.

“Tracy, I’m going to need you to go sit at the bar while I get the rest of this sorted out.” He said to her as I loosened my appendage made noose from around her body. She went willingly doing as Deputy Bradley instructed, not even putting up a fight or looking in the direction of Tessa, wherever she went.

Gaining back my wits I had to straighten my button down shirt and then my vest because it was messed up and stretched way out of proportion. And my shoes, oh my new shoes were scuffed up. “Stupid bitch,” I muttered under my breath. Normally I didn’t get all bent out of shape, but these suckers weren’t cheap and they were my new favorites.

I looked up into the twinkling green eyes of Ethan Bradley as he held an amused expression on his face with his arms crossed in front of his wall of a chest. Leaning to the side, I noticed that Tessa and the rest of the girls were back at the table.

“Had you already talked to Tessa?”

“I did,” his voice boomed throughout the now quiet room.

“What the hell?” my voice raised a few octaves. “Why didn’t you pull that crazy bitch off of me first? I know Grady can handle Tessa but that vile woman ruined my new pair of shoes.” I pointed down towards the evidence. I knew by now I was screeching at the authorities but I didn’t care, he obviously stood there getting a kick out of Tracy trying to maul me.

There was one thing that someone once told me that had stuck with me ever since, if you were to tie my hands behind my back I wouldn’t be able to talk. My arms were flying around in the air going every which way. If this was me being overly theatrical then so be it.

The corners of Ethan’s mouth drew up in a huge smile revealing a perfect set of sparkling white teeth and a single dimple on his left cheek. I was stunned into silence by the beauty of his smile and I was sure that my face turned the deepest shade of red as I recalled my shower excursion from earlier this morning. I had to get away from him.

I quickly shuffled with my scuffed Cole Haan’s over towards the table my friends were occupying, grumbling under my breath when I heard Deputy Bradley calling after me, “It was nice to see you again, Toby!”

“Ugh, jerk!” I uttered as I sat back down in my unoccupied seat resting my cheek in the palm of my hand. Taking a long look at Tessa she really looked no worse for wear. If she combed through her matted hair you probably wouldn’t even be able to tell that she was involved in a fight. Me on the other hand, I must’ve gotten all of the battle wounds. I stretched out my arms surveying the deep scratches that scathed them. “What a crazy woman!”

Ethan came over several minutes later taking each of our statements. Grady made it known that Tracy wasn’t allowed in Emmy Lou’s again which resulted in the biggest smile I had ever seen come from Tessa, she was basking in her apparent victory. She may not have won against Tracy during the battle, but she annihilated her during the overall war.

I on the other hand had my fill of excitement for the night and was ready to reunite with my pillow and sleep forever.

“Well, ladies, thanks for an…uh…interesting evening, but I’m ready to blow this popsicle stand.”


“We Are Family” by Sister Sledge began infiltrating my mind interrupting my deep sleep. It took me a minute to realize that was my phone actually ringing and not my dreams bringing me back to the 1970s. Once I was somewhat awake, I knew that it was Emmalynne as the distinct song was set to her number.

So I had a thing for personalized ringtones, there were other socially inept crimes that were insanely worse that I could take part in…like for example socks with sandals…I rest my case.

Rolling over to fetch my phone from my bedside table I connected the call then brought my phone to my ear, “Yup?” I said, my voice still heavily laced with sleep.

“Toby did I wake you?” Emmalynne sounded a bit worried. Surely she didn’t feel bad for waking me up, it wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Of course not, I just naturally sound this groggy in the morning.” Sitting up in my bed, allowing my sheets to fall around my waist I ran a hand through my disheveled hair. “Ok I’m up. What’s going on?”

“Lottie has an ear infection and I was just able to get her to sleep for the first time since last night.” Her voice was hushed almost to a whisper as she continued, “Tucker has a ball game in a little bit and Grady has to be at the bar. Can you meet Grady at the ball field, please? I’ll owe you one.”

“Pssh. You owe me nothing, you know I’d do anything for Tuck. And besides I really didn’t have anything going on today, I don’t mind watching Tucker’s ballgame.”

“Toby you really are the best!”

“You don’t have to tell me that, I already know.” I chuckled as I hung up the phone, promising to meet my nephew at his game in an hour.

Pulling up to the ball field I got out of my Jeep and spotted Grady and Tucker right away. The crunching of rocks underneath my feet and the smell of hotdogs and popcorn permeated through the air instantly took me back to my childhood. I remembered being continuously dragged here when I was younger to watch my brother play. My parents tried to force me to participate in the sport but that didn’t last long as I would cry whenever dirt covered my cleats. Being able to tolerate getting dirty was a must in order to participate, so my t-ball career was extremely short lived.

“Hey, Uncle Toby,” Tucker yelled from across the lot as he tried to run through the gravel with his cleats on. I had to give the kid credit, he was more coordinated than me. If I even attempted that, I would find myself flat on my face with a mouthful of rocks.

“Hey, Tuck,” I moved to ruffle up his hair but stopped short at the last minute. He got his love of his hair style from his Uncle Toby and got extremely frustrated when anyone tried to touch it. I knew better than to upset an eleven year old boy especially before a game.

“Toby, thanks for looking after Tucker at his game and then taking him to one of the teammate’s birthday party afterward.” I looked over at Grady who was armed with a wrapped present and a duffel bag.

“Back the truck up… No one told me about a birthday party.” I threw my hands up in front of me and desperately tried objecting. Watching a few kids run around a baseball field was one thing but to actually participate in a birthday party was something that I didn’t sign on for.

“Oh, Uncle Toby, it’s just at Jump Around, the new inflatable place. You won’t have to do anything but sit there.”

Yay for me. I got to sit there like a boring wallflower. Why couldn’t Tucker be into shopping or makeup? I couldn’t wait until Lottie got older, she would be my own personal sidekick for sure.

I was a sucker for this kid and there was absolutely no way I was going to let him down, so I decided to suck it up and be a man. Albeit a beautiful, delicate man who enjoyed expensive Italian loafers and a good cold cream, but a man nonetheless.

Allowing myself to grimace for only a split second, I wasn’t going to let him suffer any longer, “Of course I’ll be happy to take you. It’ll be no problem at all.”

He did some sort of little jump in the air, “That’s great! You’re the best, Uncle Toby!” Then he spun around on his heel to go get warmed up and prepared for his game.

“You know that’s the second time I’ve heard that I’m the best today, y’all continue to tell me that and I’ll get an overinflated ego.”

“As if you don’t already,” Grady chuckled before handing me Tucker’s bag and present.

“Laugh it up, but you guys owe me…
And I’m thinking that I might be collecting it in the terms of a huge party at Emmy Lou’s. I mean we are talking a huge rave with The Nation’s Capital performing. Oh yeah…” I tapped a finger against my chin. Sometimes I got some of my best ideas just off of a whim and this one circulating in my head sounded like it would be a great one. A rave of epic proportions with The Nation’s Capital at Emmy Lou’s. I mentally patted myself on my back for that one.

Toby, you sure do know how to out-do yourself.

The announcer started introducing each team so I knew I had to hurry and find a seat. The poor guy had a supremely monotone voice, I was surprised to see that people weren’t actually falling asleep by the lull of his tone. I knew one thing for certain, I would rock at announcing the players. Adding my own personal flare to it, I bet more people would come to these events. Taking one step at a time, I carefully climbed the metal bleachers, found a lone opening and it just so happened to be next to the one and only Ethan Bradley.

I took a second to raise my head towards the sky.
What did I do in my past lifetime to deserve this?

Briefly making eye contact before I reluctantly lowered myself onto the below meager seat, “Ethan,” I said curtly with an eye roll. I didn’t know whether I was going to be able to endure this game or not. I supposed only time would tell, but I did know one thing, small talk was going to be the name of the game. If I answered him with unenthused answers maybe he would get the hint. To tell you the truth I don’t know why I was so turned off by him. I think it just royally pissed me off because I could only get off by the distinct image of him. Sure I supposed he was cute in a husky-esque sort of way and to top it off I really didn’t know the man.

“Toby, what a pleasant surprise.” Genuine happiness was portrayed on his face and the same level reflected in his voice. I really wished that I could convey that same degree of excitement.

Leaning into my side I felt his hot breath on the outer portion of my ear, “This may come off as a bit abrupt, but are you following me?”

I immediately scoffed, appalled at his audacity and cocky attitude. “I assure you that I am NOT following you.” I couldn’t believe that he was placing me into a stalker like category right off of the bat. If I had known that he was going to be here I would’ve at least brought my own lawn chair so I wouldn’t have to submit myself to such absurdity.

“I honestly had no idea that you would be here. Emmy called me this morning because her daughter has an ear infection, so my being here wasn’t even planned until an hour ago.”

“Toby, simmer a bit, seriously there is no need to get all worked up about it,” he tried suppressing a grin but the edges of his lips ended up turning up resulting in his mega-watt smile. The sad thing about it though he was right, the ass knew how to rile me up without batting an eyelash or even having a conscious effort of doing so.

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