Unconquered Sun (84 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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After that all three went home, passing on the cozy paths covered with the white fragile sand on both sides surrounded with palm trees with the speaking monkeys and parrots running on them. The prince held the Fairy by a hand and was silent. And the Fairy unceasingly told about how she brought from their old lodge to the yard of their Knowledge of children as they there live now as they grew up as Oslenok already taught to read them and to write and even to do the elementary spells, the girl should be trained slowly for receipt in School of fairies as they miss the father and draw it on paper colored pencils … At the same time she out of the corner of the eye watched Prinze, but he only quietly smiled and was silent, occasionally inserting, under terrible views of the Teacher, little significant phrases, it seems "as it is healthy, madam", "I am so glad, madam", "I too very much miss, madam".

From such "conversation" the mood of the Fairy little by little began to spoil. She just did not recognize Prinze! If by the ship it was clear - it was necessary to clear it of consequences of sorcery of the Invincible Sun - then here it looked very strange.

So they reached a hut. Importunate "Teacher" continued to follow them as a shadow, for a minute without letting to the Fairy to feel Prinze's wife. And all the time drilled it eyes as abnormal. At last, they reached "ground", entered in a hut and sat down at a table. More precisely, mudflows only of the fairy, and Prinze suddenly began to be engaged in what was done usually by Animals - to serve at a table, and cheerful muzzles of Animals in comparison with a face of the Prince looked just an example of intelligence.

The prince automatically put plates, cut vegetables, poured juice, tied up napkins …

At last, the Fairy did not sustain:

- Darling, sit down at last, I also can put to myself! And, better, give I I will make everything, - and right there began to pour pink juice in Prinze's glass and itself to cut to it big pink fruit. The prince it is indifferent villages, having obeyed to the order, and only with admiration looked at easy and confident movements of thin feiny handles, but in this admiration there was no thought sparkle even - with such expression of eyes the dog who is hotly loving it usually looks at the owner.

- Dear sister, - suddenly interfered the Teacher who turned white from indignation, - I will dare to report on you that the educational and medical program means that the husband of the fairy has to acquire absolutely opposite role in a family, a role …

But the patience of the Fairy which was already tense as a string, now finally burst.

- The sister, I do not understand something?! Who solves how to arrange my family life - you or I?!

- You, of course, but …

- No but's. I, both only I, and more anybody. Our marriage is blessed with Triune Knowledge, and I took responsibility for this person, and only I carry her - and nobody more. And in general, expensive, really I cannot stay with the husband at least several hours alone? Unless it not my appointment? - Cheeks of the Fairy lit up a crimson flame, from eyes sparks just about will escape, and her hands angrily rested against sides.

- Yes, of course, elder sister, - scaredly murmured the Teacher, getting up, - allow me to go?

- I resolve. You have a day off, till the morning today. I wish you it it is most useful to carry out and it is pleasant, expensive, - the Fairy already quietly said.

The teacher bowed, saluted and quickly left, having resolved to reflect for herself everything told by the Fairy in the report to higher instances today.

And the Fairy, having already forgotten about importunate "teacher", rushed to Prinze, sat down near him at a table and that was forces embraced him and kissed in both cheeks, breaking into tears.

- What, well, what they made with you, darling?! Oh, the Creator what they made with you?!

But Prinze only with mute delight looked at the Fairy, not in forces of nothing to tell. Pink fog did not want to leave his heads in any way, in it any rudiments of thought irrevocably sank.

The whole day without a break happy spouses walked. On the coast, on the palm wood, came even into the foothills, and then together lay on the beach and floated in light green, warm as pair milk to lagoon water. The fairy tried always when it was possible, to hold Prinze by a hand and spoke, spoke and spoke, without waiting for the answer. The prince did not understand her speeches, and just listened as the dog listens to the owner, joyfully and delightfully. And then they returned in the evening to a hut, and the Fairy did not allow Prinze to lay it the table, to prepare an aromatic bathtub from pink water and pink petals and even, oh, horror, did not allow it to shake up feather-beds and to lay sheets on a bed! The prince apprehended it absolutely quietly - the main thing was to obey the wife and that she wants - to prepare a bathtub or not to prepare is already and not very well. And when Prinze fell asleep, the Fairy long did not sleep yet and looked at such his quiet, such childly kind face, ironed it thin fingers on the person and on her cheeks warm tears were shed …

And were heavy farewell in the morning. The fairy all road sobbed, without hiding got down as the little girl schoolgirl, and Prinze only quietly stroked it on a hand, again not in forces to pronounce words, but his look expressed almost animal melancholy, melancholy of a dog for the hostess.

- I … it is obligatory … surely … I will achieve … yours … early … releases … the road … surely … I will make … I will make … … possible … I … have all … communications … - sobbing and wiping eyes a kerchief, by a faltering voice the Fairy spoke. - You suffer still a little, darling, suffer … I will surely take away you from here, surely, here will see, and all at us will be good how earlier, here you will see!

In reply to Prinze slightly nodded it - on his cheeks crept too, leaving damp paths, two large tears.

The teacher standing here looked at this scene with undisguised surprise. She in general for the first time saw that the fairy cried because of the man, and here also the man cries on the fairy, - it is absolutely impossible!

"It is necessary to reflect surely it in the report, by all means!" - the Teacher thought. - "Let it and the maid of honor of their Knowledge, but from the point of view of pedagogics - it is absolutely inadmissible!"

And after that the Fairy stepped into the deck of the ship, and it right there sailed away, but for a long time Prinze saw a small fragile figure, waving to it the handle squeezing the white silk kerchief seen from far away against the quiet blue sky and bright green sea water.


What is the time passed after appointment to the Fairy, Prinze did not know. Days were similar at each other as like as two peas. Everything was as usual. The teacher did not abuse it more for mistakes and did not even remember to it his behavior during visit of the wife. And Prinze felt just remarkably. The melancholy for the Fairy was forgotten soon, tasty and sweet air of Islands Blissful did the part. There was no wish to think of anything - only to obey the fairy and to enjoy life.

However that morning everything changed. Suddenly, after a breakfast when it with the Teacher came for walk, they directly at a threshold were met by the fairy of the 2nd rank in a golden short tunic. She raised the right hand in ritual welcome gesture.

- Group "STING", 1st department, special instructions No. 3-68 agent, fairy of the second rank. I arrived with the order on an early release of the patient in connection with a satisfactory condition of its health. Immediately hand over affairs, the sister.

Eyes of the Teacher were rounded from surprise. Really after its last pessimistic reports on a state of health of his her patient could release so quickly? It is impossible!

"Probably, - she thought, however, - communications of this arrogant woman maid of honor really were well very much strong!"

She silently nodded and, having taken out from the trunk a small crystal with records of reports and a personal record of the patient, gave them to the been employee of "STING". Then she pressed a stick a rim, the invisible lock and a hoop worked, having undone, fell directly on the Teacher's hands. And the zolotovolosy fairy, in turn, having hidden a crystal in breast a dress pocket, took Prinze by hand and put on the golden and red mantikora sitting before a hut, villages ahead of it and right there soared up into air, promptly gaining both height, and speed. Soon the hut of "ground" became of the size of a nail, and all Island turned into a big indistinct green spot in the middle of the light blue sea. And then they rose above clouds and the jail of Prinze forever disappeared in a blue distance.

On the first pink cloud the fairy ordered to land a mantikor and literally by force pulled down Prinze, the wadded, soft and released directly on a surface cloud. Then, the fast movement it pulled down from it clothes. The prince was not surprised to it at all - it is the fairy, and all actions of fairies is a law for it. It continued to lie as a log, having stupidly stared somewhere up, obediently expecting the future.

And the fairy, without thinking twice (and without being confused at all as the doctor at the patient's bed would not be confused nakedness), got a small vial of some brown ointment and began fast dabs to rub with it Prinze's body - from the head to the heels. In air began to smell the pungent, unpleasant smell similar to sal ammoniac, and began to burn down Prinze's skin intolerably. Still a couple of minutes, and Prinze already jumped on legs as scalded and began to scratch and jump fiercely on all surface of a cloud as though it was bitten by the whole army of bugs.

The fairy just swept with laughter, looking at Prinze, even a mantikor and that laughed a shrill voice, atypical for a mantikor. The prince stopped jumping and began to ride directly on a cloud. At last, he cried at full blast:

- What happens to me?! You what, went crazy, the fairy, and?! Murina you loss! Well, make something, painfully!!!

The fairy suddenly stopped laughing and with relief sighed:

- Well, at last, you recovered, the road! Means, worked after all! Welcome, on freedom, my
spouse! And now lie quietly, let me grease calming you, and then you will be able already and to put on. And well, lie quietly and suffer, you are a man, in the end of the ends!

The prince opened a mouth from surprise and, having forgotten about the burning-down pain on all body, a sharp stench and own nakedness of which it usually hesitated, puzzly asked:

- Invincible Sun, you? Lily?

The fairy grinned enough and told:

- Well, and who else? So, all right, will be enough to delay, or you here stark naked will roll all day? Give I you I will grease, properly, at us not enough time!

And with these words the fairy got other ointment from a pocket, soft yellow and honey color with a honey smell and began fast and sharp dabs to rub it in skin. Burning gradually died away, and Prinze hasty began to pull on himself a tunic, to prepoyasyvatsya by a belt, without reducing absolutely surprised, but at the same time and absolutely reasonable and intelligent look from the unfamiliar fairy who suddenly turned out that absolutely it is improbable, the Invincible Sun!

Chapter 22. Transformation of the Invincible Sun.


This night was especially dark. Practically nothing was visible, it's pitch dark. Only vaguely it was possible to guess the coming mountains under dark stains. Yes several stars stubborn sent beams of faded silvery light which, however, did not do from it night of lighter.

The patrol of "STING" consisting of three fairies of the 2nd rank from the 1st department specializing in investigation and diversion astride three mantikor flew about the western sector of blockade of the Gold Hall. In general, patrols left in air seldom - fairies not really loved such affairs - at night, on cold to fly somewhere … They were such mollycoddles! They preferred to send avatars or to scan space by means of Analyzers. But this time devices indicated some activity in this sector, and here avatars will not manage - it is necessary to check. In the previous campaign they proved to be insufficiently effective.

However, the group of "STING" always consisted of very prepared fairies who could stand for themselves - it were the fairies of the top skills capable to alone resist to couple in one hundred ogr, a Cyclops or even to a cave dev - and therefore hardly someone thought that any danger can threaten patrol. Besides for these weeks activity of the Invincible Sun decreased almost to zero - she hid at herself as the badger in a hole, and was not necessary to expect from it any serious actions for blockade break.

The patrol of "STING" flew by over one of mountain peaks, in only one and a half miles from the Gold Hall. The peak differed in nothing from others - the same huge dark stain against a black firmament.

Suddenly, somewhere in the middle of the mountain something flashed - some greenish flashes, it seems as gloss of glowworms in a dark night grass.

- Sisters, it is necessary to look that there for gloss. The analyzer shows that exactly from there are waves of magic energy, - one of fairies told, glancing at the device attached to a wrist by a leather thong.

- Wait, the sister, it is dangerous. Let's cause avatars intelligence agents and we will scan this sector with their help, - another told.

- On it not less than half an hour will leave. Be not such cowards, sisters! Cover me if that. - And, without waiting for the answer, the fairy directed the mantikora to that place where noticed greenish flashes.

The fairy wanted to find out by all means the nature of these flashes most. If to cause avatars, then all work will be done by others, and near the Oversea country still there is a lot of not studied and curious!

It flew up closer, waved a magic wand and the small ball flaring bright light yellow light departed forward, povinuyas to its mental order. It lit a piece of the rock, and the fairy noticed the mouth of a wide cave which huge mouth as if some huge animal, appear, it was ready to swallow everyone who will step there.

The fairy flew up to a cave and carefully descended about mantikor. Other fairies flew up, but did not risk to come inside. The bright yellow operated ball departed in a cave, but could not light it up to the end in any way - it seemed, the stone belly of a cave is simply infinite!

- Sisters, you see? This cave - not simple. Even ogra never dig such deep caves! It is obviously pass somewhere, can be in some vaults, you hear? It is necessary to report urgently "upward"! Perhaps, it is an entrance to the Ant hill, sisters! And if it so …

- … that it is necessary to leave urgently from here, the sister! Murin are very strong also to us three together not to cope with them! Let's go, we will cause group of avatars and we investigate this cave remotely, - by a scared and alarmed voice the second fairy told.

But the first fairy only waved away.

- If it is really an entrance to the Ant hill, you represent
great contribution we will make in a victory over powers of darkness?! We look for the Ant hill so many millennia … Wait, sisters, it seems to me here someone is … - the Fairy raised a hand with a magic wand; other fairies also prepared for fight.

Some time the fairy listened, and her shining ball took couple of detours in width and in height, without having found anything.

- No, sisters, it seemed, there is nothing here, it is only wind …

The fairy as something white and sticky fell to her from above did not manage to finish speaking, having instantly stuck together her hands and legs with a trunk, and also lips. The lightning movement - and the stick from her hands departed to a chasm. Even a moment … and the fairy disappeared. Its mantikor scaredly rushed to an exit and headlong departed away.

Both fairies were so struck with the events that did not manage to undertake anything for rescue of the girlfriend. And into the next instant on them from where from above disgusting black arachnoid creatures jumped off, sticking the disgusting predatory zhvat in thin white necks of fairies from which the fountain hot blood - directly on golden tunics began to flow. Mantikora took a nap was, but the fast prick of tail stings of monsters forever calmed these peace and harmless animals.

And in a couple of minutes everything abated. And nobody could tell any more that there was a patrol of "STING". Everything was silent, quiet and dark, as on a cemetery. The source of magic energy ran low, and on screens of Analyzers in the Command center the same dead, as before, silence set in.



Watched the invincible Sun elimination of patrol of "STING" with undisguised curiosity. Murin as always worked purely. Something - and from round the corner they are successful attacks best of all. It is a pity, of course, that two fairies - it was necessary to offer them - but there's nothing to be done? Business is business. Here all risk the life for the sake of a victory, and often this risk turns in death.

"They would not spare me too, - the Invincible Sun came true, - so we are quits".

Out of a mental trance she was brought again by Azail who got into the Malachite room through a ventilating outlet.

- Vs-s-s-s-se it is ready, gos-s-s-s-spozh-zh-zh-zh-a, Is-s-s-s-stochnik zakh-x-x-x-hvachen, yes-sss! With - with - with - with - with - eychas it will be dos-s-s-s-s-stavlen to naz-z-z-z-z-z-value mess-s-s-s-s-tu, yes-sss!

- Remarkably, Azail. I always knew that it is possible to rely on you. I already go there.

- Podoj-@-@-di, dorogush-sh-sh-a, podoj-@-@-di … - suddenly followed her ways Azail, in the manner of the mantis having raised forward pads. - You vs - with - with - with - se h-h-h-h-horosh-sh-sh-sho considered, dorogush-sh-sh-sha, yes-sss? You ponimayesh-sh-sh-sh-, sh-sh-sh-sh-shto, having found a body, a usual body, you utrati-sh-sh-sh-sh-almost vs - with - with - with - with - yu s-s-s-s-svoyu s-s-s-s-silu, not so li-s-s-s?! Under z-z-z-z-zashch-shch-shch-shch-shchitoy my zerkal-s-s-s-s you are a goddess, besssssssmertny boginya-s-s-s-s, yes-sss. Nikto-sss, yes-sss, nobody-sss will touch you and a finger-sss, even a "triune" finger-sss, khe-khe-khe! And s-s-s-s-s-tav fairy, you stanesh-sh-sh-sh-sh-vulnerable-sss, sssssmertnoy-sss, sssslaboy-sss … Luchsh-sh-sh-sh-sh-e let's strike-sss s-s-s-s-seychas-s-s-s-s-while you are s-s-s-s-s-s-ilna-sss, we will finish with belobrys - with - with - with - with - with - ymi in one blow-sss, and? In one blow-sss, for everything-sss, for
! - for an instant disgusting cold whitish facet eyes of Azail took some voluptuous and pensive form when he thought of blow the bomb filled with solar juice (it was his idea, he very much was proud of it), with which all these vile tow-haired letun led by their self-satisfied three-headed "Knowledge" will be burned, but vision quickly was gone.

- No, Azail, I solved everything and I will arrive as I wish. I am ready to leave invulnerability of the ghost to become the woman, Azail, understand, the REAL WOMAN, from flesh and blood. Also can then he … will look at me in a different way, and we will be able to implement our plan.

- Vzdo-r-r-r-s-s-s-s, vzdor-s-s-s-s, dorogush-sh-sha, vzdor-s-s-s!!! You prekrasssssssno znayesh-sh-sh-sh-sh that this malchish-sh-sh-sh-sh-@ will not fall in love with you-ssss, you tseplyaesh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shsya for s-s-s-s-solominku-ssss!

- Let so, - the Voice unperturbably answered, - but so far there is a hope, for the sake of it it is worth living! And I do not want to be the sexless goddess and all eternity to operate heartless slaves to one any more and I will not be!

- Z-z-z-mey you loss, glupysh-sh-sh-shka in love! - hissed, letting out viscous yellow saliva Azail. - You are s-s-s-stavish-sh-sh-sh on s-s-s-s-s-voyey pri-h-h-h-oti card ve - with - with - s Zamys-s-s-s-s-el! Foo-at-at! And the victory was so blizka-s-s-s-s, so blizka-s-s-s-s, improbable sss, and mozh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-et uzh-zh-zh-zh-zh-e will never-sss be so close-ssss, okhkhkhkhkh!

All three of his heads without restraint rotated, without finding rest, and short moustaches-vibrissy shivered for nervousness.

- Become silent, a damned insect! If you want to be all eternity an animal, be it, and I do not want! And you will not overpersuade me! And now go and bear the Source in laboratory, and do not ask excess questions, and that you will finish me - I will burn all your garbage can, in two winks! - roughly the Voice answered and Azaila the invisible flame so suddenly singed that it even jumped up and skipping the cockroach who is running away from the person who switched on light in the dark room rushed to a ventilating well, exactly.

With these words the Invincible Sun invisible hands opened a secret door in the Malachite room and went down a ladder to the secret laboratory in which there was the last, however, incomplete as everything was made hurriedly, in the conditions of approach of enemy armies Prinze's transformation.


On one of tables of laboratory, bearing a faint resemblance to operational, the fairy lay. It was in a coma. Her face was pale as a cloth, on a face and a neck and hands bruises and bruises are visible, hair are confused, and on a neck - the big hem which is hardly tightened by something sticky. The fairy was completely naked and her thin white, such gentle and air body was fastened directly to a table. Near this table stood at the left and on the right other two twin tables settled down. All three tables connected among themselves some wires and tubes.

Suddenly eyelids of the fairy trembled, and she began to recover gradually. Breath became frequent, on muscles the spasm swept. From lips easy semi-groan semi-sigh reached.

- Where I? - half-whisper said the lips baked by blood.

- Where you never and would like to appear for anything, the darling - aloud, without any telepathy, triumphantly said the Invincible Sun.

- H … what it … means? - disturbing, but silent and such weak voice the fairy said, endeavoring to rise, but handcuffs and a collar with a magic castle chained her to a table at all.

- Anything. Just you fell into hands to me, to the Invincible Sun, and I swear that your destiny will be from now on unenviable, - and metal hand bells rang out so loudly that almost deafened the fairy.

But the captured fairy on whose beautiful face at a name of the Invincible Sun the disgust grimace ran, quickly got it together and, having executed courage, most passionlessly and cold told:

- To you not to intimidate me, the Invincible Sun. Whatever prepared your artful mind poisoned with rage and envy, know that my blood and all dead from your hands of fairies will fall on you and your name will be damned forever! The intuition of fairies never deceives, as well as the Law of Balance which you constantly break! - with these words the fairy as it is possible above having lifted the fine fair-haired head, contemptuously spat in the estimated location of the hostess Golosa.

- The worthy answer, you will tell nothing … - yours faithfully the Invincible Sun answered. - However, not to me to altercate with you about different metaphysical matters here. Let's better pass directly to business - time presses. So, what body you want - choose - an animal, Murin, an insect, a plush zverenk, a human cub or the dwarf? Or perhaps you want to live without body, the ghost? I swear, I can suit all this to you right now! Also do not forget to thank me for the fact that you will survive unlike your girlfriends who pleased directly for breakfast to a gang Murin! - the gold hand bell rang out again, but already not so stridently and long.

At these words a face of the fairy, already pale as the cloth, became some cyanotic and besides became covered by red spots, and on a forehead the perspiration acted. Hands and her legs moved, as in a spasm. And at the word "girlfriends" from a breast the squeezed groan was distributed, and eyes were filled with tears.

- Disappear you, a monster! You be damned also all your accomplices, you hear?! I damn you! Let my body which you are going to steal will serve you in death, the yellow witch, in death! - the face of the fairy, such fine, became vile and terrible from the grimace of fierce hatred which distorted it. And the Invincible Sun internally shuddered - the damnation of fairies is unusually strong thing, as well as their intuition! And some sixth sense she felt that words of this fairy by all means will come true, and this stolen body will serve to her death - and Azail hinted at it, and he feels even more thinly, than fairies.

But the way back was not. All was solved, and solved finally and irrevocably. Without body she cannot live any more, a body - its only admission to the world of happiness and love, and therefore it has to get it ANY, even the most terrible, the price.

- Well, we will consider that the exchange of courtesies is finished, - gloomy summed up the Invincible Sun. - And now - we will start. If you refused, expensive, the choice offered you, I will make it for you. I think, the body of a bat will just suit you. And what? Wings are - you so got used to fly! Ears, eyes are - you so got used to spy on me! Teeth are - you so got used to bite! And as it is beautiful, a flying mouse, just gloss! I think, it for you ideal option. Also thank me, the darling that for your mean behavior I you did not make Murina! Though, strictly speaking, you deserve it!

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