Unconquered Sun (80 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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However, we a little bit ran forward.

The hall of Meetings was filled to the full. And therefore there was such noise that he resembled the buzzing beehive rather, than the building of justice. Similarity to a beehive was supplemented also that fairies, fiercely arguing with each other, continually buzzing wings flew up in air. It happened every time when the fairy categorically did not agree with the interlocutor. And such cases was very and very many.

The matter is that fairies tensely discussed a question of how they will vote when determining a sentence. According to jurisprudence of Community, guilt of especially dangerous criminal suspected of commission of crime against ALL Community is defined only by all Community. At first, of course, jurors (only from among Primogenital), then, Community in general, and then already and the permanent judge - their Knowledge express the opinion. Of course, their Knowledge expresses in the last turn that their decision could not affect objectivity of trial any more, their authority at fairies of Community - is boundless.

And so, one fairies flew up in air, proving that "this mean traitor", "feeubiyets" (even if and in thoughts) and "the bootlicker of the Yellow Witch", has to be by all means sprayed on quarks or is lulled, at least, on couple of hundreds of thousands of years, and even for bigger term. He threatened on sacred Saints - on Community, on Triune Knowledge and even - on all Tselestiya (what would be if they blew up the solar bomb?!).

Others - also flying up in air - with anger proved that the marriage bonds blessed with the Creator in the person of Triune Knowledge - are sacred, and therefore only the wife who was charged for the husband's life during administering the Sacrament, it is responsible for his life, only she can decide - to live to it or to die, but not Community and even not their Knowledge.

Here such here legal incident which fairies could not solve among themselves. Such they had no precedents yet! Happened, of course, that husbands fooled around, then their vicious behavior fell under court of wives as sovereign hostesses - and the Community did not interpose in this matter. Happened that someone attempted upon the fairy, for example, some vzbrendivshy person seduced with her beauty - and then he was judged by Community. But it that the husband of the fairy suddenly made IT … - never before was! And therefore fairies, shining from delight, to blue in the face argued with each other - they passion as adored any legal incidents - though some entertainment in this sad and boring Hera Poryadca and Prosperity when one millennium differs in nothing from the others …

When hum and noise reached apogee, suddenly in the Hall the Pearl-white fairy with a stripe on a shoulder and a medallion on a breast in the form of an angry bee seemed. Having three times clapped (of course, it is thousandfold having strengthened a sound by means of spells so at all rang out in ears), by the shrill voice which is (also strengthened) cried out:

- Attention, sisters! Rejoice and rejoice! Their Knowledge - already among us!

At the very same time as if on command the death silence set in. All fairies instantly fell by seats and with a sinking heart turned eyes towards the empty thrones in the center of stands.

And through couple of moments the shaded space among the live breathing blue columns left Three, dressed in purple tunics, long, to toe, purple cloaks fell from their shoulders, gold hoops shone on their heads - uncrowned queens of Community. There were They, as always, holding each other by hands.

Behind each of Three about two young servants followed, from among fairies of an initial, 14th rank who bore tips of cloaks, and on each side there was a solemn guard from five perfect fairies of "STING" in cream-white clothes with gold swords bare.

In the ringing silence the Triune Knowledge proceeded to thrones and with advantage sat on them. And only after it all fairies as one jumped from the seats and delighted started singing the solemn anthem "The Creator, Keep Knowledge!" from which they at all the present hail began to flow on cheeks of a tear of reverential affection.

When singing came to an end, all three Knowledge at the same time raised hands and all associates took the places again.

- So, - as always, took the floor Second from Three, expressing, however, thoughts of all Knowledge because They constantly stay in telepathic communication with each other. She spoke as always majestically, passionlessly, solemnly. - We are forced to start opening of this very regrettable action - Community of a case, unprecedented from the point of view of the right, - trial of the husband of one of fairies of the Community which encroached on the most sacred that only exists under the sun - on Community, on all Tselestiya, on the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity consecrated with will of the Creator of the visible and invisible Universe! - and as always at a mention Sacred the Principles and/or a name of the Creator all three Knowledge at the same time reverentially put hands on a breast and built a pensive and enthusiastic look somewhere up. The same was made right there by each fairy.

- … Yes, sisters and, - after a short pause the Second continued, - here we also lived before - up to the fact that the most sacred is trampled, the most sacred, sisters, and is trampled by WHOM - the associate - and besides WHAT - whom ourselves, sisters, lifted from nothing, from ashes terrestrial, from ashes - and ennobled to what? - to heaven - that also raised a hand against us … - at the last words Second rose and upraised hands to the sky, as if calling the sky in witnesses of the made lawlessness.

Death silence set in.

And then it was broken off by a shrill voice of one of young fairies from a back row:

- So let this damned hand will be cut from a body forever as infected with gangrene as a weed, as a parasite! Take out, about your incomparable and divine Knowledge, to it a fair sentence! Let it will be sprayed on molecules, on atoms, on quarks - and let it will be made publicly, at all and
yes justice will triumph
! Let the guilty person will be punished according to the fault!

The approving rumble swept on all stands. It was clear to all that this fairy showed an initiative by no means not incidentally, initiatives in the Hall of Meetings to be and could not. All meetings are under construction on the basis of accurately prepared scenario, and "initsiativnitsa" are the usually introduced confidential employees of ubiquitous "STING".

The Second it was worth upraising a hand - and the rumble right there stopped as though it also was not at all.

- Well as, sisters, you can speak so? - in a voice of the Second Knowledge notes of an easy reproach were heard - by such voice at people the kind grandmother reproaches played mean tricks the granddaughter. - Without court? Without consequence? The sentence is so not pronounced. You know that for our Community -
justice above all!
How we will face to the Creator in the Doomsday if we arrived against justice? How, sisters?

Fairies as if on command reddened, having bashfully stared in a floor. Probably, the Second because She with satisfaction nodded also tried to obtain this reaction, sat down on the place and continued:

- … And therefore, sisters, We are forced to open trial which under war laws will be short because war with an impudent renegatka is still far unfinished. Nevertheless, despite an emergency situation, We claim what
justice, I repeat, for us HAS TO be above all - above our personal ADDICTIONS.
And therefore, before hearings on business will begin, We once again urge you to mobilize all thirst inherent in our race for wisdom and justice and to judge as our ancient saying tells, sine ira et studio.

- … Well, and now, - having finished obviously prolonged interlude, the Second told, - We, on behalf of all Community, we order to enter the defendant! - and all three Knowledge clapped.

The booming sound of steps was distributed and in an aperture between two live celestial-blue columns seemed … Prince!

One of fairies of the latest number of stands even flew up better to see the prisoner. It was the Keeper of the Limit No. 4 who was eager to see Prinze after five years' separation. She saw and loudly gasped. And in a moment the death silence was broken off by shrill shout:

- Poor, poor Prinze! WHAT THEY WITH YOU MADE!

All Community angrily turned back on the impudent violator of etiquette and looked at her with equally disapproving look so that, having densely reddened, hurried to sit down on the place.

And Prinze really looked very miserable. It hardly went - hands and his head were chained in blocks with a magic castle, standing - the shackles publishing a disgusting ring. It was almost completely naked - only the loincloth was on it - is unshaven, not strizhen. Acted with all criminals this way - that in addition to humiliate them before all that to nobody was to oppose Community and its Sacred Principles not povadno.

Besides, his all body is covered with burns and reddish hems - result of the strengthened shokoterapiya which cleared his consciousness of the fairy-ekzortsistki from the 2nd special department of "STING". But the main thing - not in it.

The main thing was the fact that Prinze's look was absolutely empty, bessmyslenen, is badgered. He reminded more likely a look of a wild animal who was put only just into a cage and exposed on a review in a zoo. Any mind was not read in his eyes, and their pupils were expanded so that they almost completely hid an iris of the eye. In addition all of them watched time in one point.

On Prinze's neck the collar was put on, and the lead from a collar was held in hand by one of guards, of course, who was also belonging to number of sisters of "STING". In total guards was five. One went ahead and pulled for a lead of the defendant, two on each side and two - behind. In hands at all - metal rods on which continually with a crash ran blue-green electric sparks.

The prince was brought to thrones of their Knowledge and that that was held by a chain, sharply cried:

- On knees, kneel down before their Knowledge and moths about indulgence, contemptible!

One of guards right there ran up behind and thrust a scintillating rod to Prinze directly between shovels. The strong jolt of electricity shook all his body, began to smell something fried, Prinze screamed from pain and fell backwards directly before thrones.

- Stop! Stop immediately! Monsters! I cannot look at it, I cannot!!! - suddenly again stridently began to wail, having flown up, No. 4, breaking into tears and prayerfully stretching handles to Knowledge.

On it right there zashikat and hissed. But it, without listening to anybody, promptly flew to thrones and dropped to legs of Three:

- Your Knowledge! We for humanity … we for good … for love … - choking, the young fairy shouted. - Spare!

But fairies of protection already ran up to it and dragged it from Thrones. One of them something stuck it in a vein on a neck. The keeper of the Limit No. 4 at once calmed down and became soft, she on hands was carried into place - she had the right to be present at court, and laws in Skies were held sacred as anywhere.

But the Second of Three nevertheless considered necessary to interfere:

- Well you, sisters, the defendant it is not obliged to bite the dust at all! Who are We? We are only simple fairies, is a little more senior than all others, and so - We differ in nothing from you, unless not so at all? Our Community never knew despotism and unfreedom - we have the right it is proud! - again passed Knowledge to the favourite, pathos tone. - At us, glory to the Creator, not the monarchy, but the republic (an obvious prick towards eternal competitors - queens Laura and Cora!). At us all are equal, all are free … And therefore - get up, the defendant - get up and stand directly - your fault is not proved yet!

However the defendant could not get up. The current rush was too strong. His legs bent as if were made of straw, it aimed to fall. Guards had to lift it under hands and to put on the chair prepared to it. But also there he could not sit, being filled up on one side, on another so it was necessary to the guard, having got up behind a chair, with a force to pull "lead" that he sat exactly.

- We give the floor to charge! - Three Knowledge clapped at once.

To the middle of the arena, directly to Thrones, left Pearl-white - Elder Sister "REAPED" which undertook a role of the public prosecutor. For all attendees became obvious what importance their Knowledge gave to this process. Never before in the history of Community the role of charge was undertaken by the person of Community, the second for hierarchy.

- My word, your Knowledge, will be short as charge - is obvious - also, as, I hope, and wine of the defendant. So, I will not pull, - it is laconic, in a military way abruptly and accurately, spoke Pearl-white. - The defendant, he is the "Prince" who is the lawful spouse Hranitelnitsy of the Limit No. 3, it is accused under three articles of the Code of laws of Community:

1. Article 34, point 5. "The perjury which entailed harmful consequences for the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity";

2. Article 13, point 3. "Cooperation with forces hostile to Community, the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity menacing to the existence";

3. Article 3, point 6. "Infringement of life and safety of fairies in especially large sizes".

According to the Code of laws of Community, under the first article it is provided, the softest, compulsory re-education on Islands Blissful without the fixed term, the heaviest, 500 years of a lulling to slip with the subsequent re-education for up to 50 years on the same Islands. Under the second article, the softest, 10 000 years of a lulling to slip with the subsequent re-education for up to 5000 years, the heaviest, compulsory transformation in a being of the lowest order (a herbivorous mammal) on 5000 generations. Under the third article, the softest, compulsory transformation in a being of the lowest order - insects, worms, mollusks and so on - during 100000 generations, the heaviest, - dispersion on quarks.

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