Uncovering Hope (Uncovering Love Book 3) (11 page)

Read Uncovering Hope (Uncovering Love Book 3) Online

Authors: Kacey Shea

Tags: #Uncovering Love series, #book 3

BOOK: Uncovering Hope (Uncovering Love Book 3)
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The morning is perfect for a hike with slightly overcast skies. Cool air fills my lungs as I follow the dirt pathway with Garrett just behind. It’s a Friday and although we pass several hikers along the way, the trail isn’t crowded.

“Tell me, Carly, what made you decide to become a nurse?”

“Well . . . I’m from Portland, but I was offered a partial scholarship to ASU and that’s how I ended up out here. I was one of those freshmen with an undecided major.” I grin and Garrett lets out an exaggerated gasp.

“Oh, God! Not one of those! Please don’t tell me once you finally declared a major that you changed it several times.”

“Ah, but I did!” I giggle and he shakes his head.

“Let me guess . . . it was psychology at one point?”

I full on laugh. “How did you know? And anthropology, and then a brief stint in science before I finally discovered my calling . . . and went nursing.”

He laughs and those gorgeous dimples say hello.

“What brought on your discovery? I have to know.”

“Well, in the midst of trying to find myself I joined a women’s studies group.”

“Of course you did.” He smirks and I mock glare.

“Full college experience, right? Anyway, we met one morning to volunteer at Children’s and I just knew. From the moment I walked in I thought, these people are really doing something, helping people who need it most. I mean, I’ve always loved children, wanted to be a mother, have a big family, so I guess it was a natural choice. And honestly, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I get paid well to do something I love and I have the flexibility I need to spend more time with my boys.”

“That’s wonderful. What a different world it would be if everyone did a job they loved.”

The hike becomes more strenuous the further up we travel. I forgot how steep the end gets, and Garrett offers to help me at the narrow parts where I have to practically rock climb. The gentle, sure touch of his hand at my back gives me a little thrill.

We’re almost to the summit when I stop. The muscles in my entire body go taut at what I see. Garrett must not notice. His front slams into my back and if it weren’t for his arms wrapping around me, I’d fall flat on my face. I suck in my breath as my stomach fills with nerves, fear, anticipation, attraction, and lust all battling within. The sound of the rattler wins, filling me with terror.

“Carly,” Garrett breathes into my ear. “Is that a rattlesnake?”

I nod, unable to form words. I am terrified of snakes. Adrenaline pulses through my veins and my breathing comes in quick puffs, but I’m rendered still from the fear. Garrett, arms still bound firm around my waist, pulls me back inch by inch. The rattlesnake continues her warning tail shake.

It’s only when the damn reptile is out of sight that I’m able to speak again.

“Oh, my god! Garrett, I’m so sorry. I hate snakes so much!” My skin crawls with the memory and I can’t help the shiver that works its way up my spine. I give a shake with my limbs as if somehow that will discard the memory.

He chuckles and I’m met with those dimples, but his eyes are kind through his laughter. “You’re so adorable.” He pulls me into a side hug and kisses the top of my head. I don’t know if it’s my imagination that his lips linger a little longer than friendly. The heat of a blush works its way up my neck to my face. I hope my cheeks are already flushed from hiking and help hide my reaction.

“I’m guessing you don’t want to go back and climb to the top?” he says.

“Would it be selfish to say no? I guess I can if you want to see the view from the very top, but only if you promise to carry me, and I’ll close my eyes.”

“As tempting as that sounds, I say we just head back.” I was only joking about the carrying part because I don’t want to go near that snake, but part of me is a little disappointed at his answer. I turn and start down the trail, keeping on high alert for any more signs of wildlife. Garrett walks behind me when the path is narrow and at my side where it’s wider.

“Carly?” He studies the ground but keeps his pace.

“Yes, Garrett?”

“Would you like to have breakfast? When we get back to the car?” I try to school my grin so I don’t seem overeager, but inside I’m throwing up a fist pump.

“I’d love to.”

I spy his grin from the corner of my eye.


A few more minutes and we’re back at the car. He pops the trunk and pulls out two water bottles. He offers me one and then tilts his head back to drink. I take the opportunity to check him out. He’s tall and lean, waist trim and I wonder what he does to stay in shape. I know the demanding schedule of a hospital doesn’t support the healthiest of lifestyles. I bet he runs. He looks like a runner.

He smiles with a playful grin and I realize I’ve been caught ogling. I try not to look embarrassed as I drink from my bottle.

“What were you just thinking?”

“I was wondering if you’re a runner.” He laughs but then stops when I don’t join in.

“That’s really what you were thinking?”


“Oh. Yeah, I do. I train for marathons. Do you run?”

“Only if there’s food at the finish line.” My stomach rumbles loudly and we both laugh.

“Let’s get you fed.” He opens my door and waits until I’m seated inside before he jogs around to his door. “What sounds good?”

“There’s a place really close that has the best breakfast sandwiches. Does that sound good?” I offer. He starts the car and smiles a charming grin.

“That sounds perfect.” He pulls up the GPS on his dash. “What’s the name of it?”

“La Grande Orange.” I smile back and his grin falters a second.

“Oh, can we maybe not go there. It’s near my apartment. And I . . . uh . . . I’ve gone there so much I guess I’m sort of tired of it.”

“Oh, sure. Yeah, we can go anywhere you like. I’m not picky.”

“Thanks, Carly.” He smiles and places his hand over my own where it sits on my knee. “I’m having a really good time with you. Thanks for getting me out of the hospital.” He squeezes my hand before letting it go to turn the steering wheel and back out of our space.

“I’m having a good time, too.” Sans snake sighting.

“I know this great little smoothie shop and it’s close to the hospital. That sound okay?” He asks and I agree.

With his attention on the road I study his features. The strong jawline, his nose and how it juts out at the bridge slightly, the day old scruff and thick blond locks that just beg for a woman to brush her hands through them.

I shake my head and turn my head to watch the streets as they pass. Enough daydreaming. This is only one date. And while I’ve had a good time, I can’t tell if he reciprocates the attraction I feel. He’s been the perfect gentleman, which is refreshing, but I also don’t know if he’s only being polite. I’m so out of my comfort zone. Hell, I haven’t been on a date in nine years. It seems a lifetime ago, though I remember it clearly.

“Come on, Carly, you’re coming out with us tonight,” my roommate whines.

“No way. I’m studying.” I flip the page and start another notecard.

“Oh, my fucking God, you’ve done nothing but study since finals! We’re graduated for fuck’s sake! Life is too short! You need more excitement! Let loose and live a little! You can take one night off to celebrate.”

“Angie, I have nothing to celebrate until I pass my boards.” I blow out a frustrated breath. I’ve been staring at these study guides and making flashcards for a week straight. I really could use a few hours off.

“Pullleeezzz come out with us . . .” She bats her eyelashes and begs, falling to her knees before my bed. I roll my eyes and begrudgingly slam my book shut.

“Three hours. That’s it. Then I’m back here. No drinking, either.” She pouts and I amend. “No shots, then. Just beer.”

“Yay!” She hops up and claps wildly. “We’re going to some new bar off Mill. Get your fancy on, girl! We leave in twenty minutes!”

I pull on a pair of tight jeans, a black tank top, and heeled boots. I take time to apply smoky eye makeup and paint my lips a deep pink. With a little blush and a run through my hair with the brush, I’m ready to go.

I walk out of my room to find Angie and her friends doing shots of that sour apple crap in the kitchen.

“Fuck! Carly, you look amazing!” Angie shouts, and then teeters toward the door on her five inch heels. “Let’s go bitches!”

We walk the short distance to an Irish theme pub on Mill Avenue and the place is packed despite school being out of session. I guess not everyone has left for the summer yet. It’s weird, having graduated but not being done. I have to pass my state boards or I’m not a registered nurse. I have a job waiting for me so I feel the pressure to pass this test on the first round. That and the fact it costs a couple hundred each pop.

My roomie quickly makes her rounds and lands at a table with some of the football players I recognize from campus. She’s a ridiculous flirt. We met sophomore year in bio when she bet she could get the number of the hot guy sitting in front of us. Angie is fun and likeable and we became fast friends. Last year we found a place off campus together. I like hanging out but I’m not in the mood to hit on guys all night. This was probably a mistake.

I twist my beer bottle on the wooden bar and let my gaze wander across the bottles of liquor lining the mirrored glass. My mind repeats the list of normal lab values: calcium, cholesterol, creatinine, potassium, sodium . . . A person takes the seat to my right but I don’t pay them any attention.

“You look like you’d rather be anywhere else,” a deep voice says with a chuckle. I turn and I’m met by the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in real life. He has a deep tan, short black hair, and intense chocolate eyes. Tattoos cover both arms, giving him a sexy, bad boy appearance. He’s wearing a shirt with his name embroidered on the front and suddenly I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about getting back to studying.

“I don’t know, Josh, my night has some promise on the horizon,” I quip with a grin, and his lips pull into a smirk.

“How do you know my name?” he questions, and then squints. “Have we met before? ’Cause I feel like I’d definitely remember meeting you.” It’s lame but sort of cute and I bite my lower lip before I answer.

“Your name is on your shirt,” I deadpan. His throaty chuckle sends goosebumps over my arms. He leans in and scrunches up his face.

“I keep forgetting that. First week on the job.”

“Where do you work?”

“Tire and Turn for now, but one day I’ll have my own shop.”

“Nice. Congrats on the job.” I tip my beer and then take a few long pulls. The cool liquid soothes the nerves this guy kicks up.

“I feel like I’m at a disadvantage here.” He grins before adding, “What’s your name, beautiful?”


“Carly. I like that.” He takes a sip from his glass of water. “Carly, would you want to get out of here with me and go for a ride?” My eyes bug out with his question. God, he’s forward. I look back at Angie, suddenly worried about getting stuck with a psychopath for the night. He starts laughing and shakes his head.

“Oh, man! I just realized how that came out. Not that kind of ride. I have my bike outside. It’s a perfect night to just ride and let the world whiz by, and the only thing that could make it better would be a beautiful woman to share it with.” Josh makes it sounds fun, relaxing, and just a little wild. Things I never allow myself. What the hell, maybe I should do something crazy. Just this once.

“What do you say, Carly? You in?” He grins and it steals my last thread of uncertainty.

“Okay,” I glance back at Angie and she gives me two thumbs up and waggles her brows at Josh’s back. “Just one ride. Actually, that sounds perfect.”

“This is good, right?” Garrett sips his healthy protein smoothie with a grin. This place is not my usual kind of eatery. Chia seeds swirl around in my cup along with the magic twelve, a concoction of greens and super fruits. The barista promised it was the best tasting smoothie on the menu. If that’s the case, I pray I never come here again.

“Mmm, yeah.” This drink may be horrible, but the man sitting across the table is full on yummy. I can’t help but wonder about that smooth tan skin. His chest is strong but lean in his T-shirt and I wonder what he looks like naked. I bet he’s stunning. He gives the impression that he’d be a generous lover. And well endowed. Although I may be wishing those last two to be true. That’s exactly how I’ll imagine him later when I’m alone in my bed.


“Hmm?” Oh, shit. He asked a question, didn’t he? And I was off in lalaland. “Sorry, what?”

He smiles wide and those dimples pop. “I know. I’m exhausted, too. Next time we go out let’s plan it on more sleep and not after a shift. You ready to go?” I can’t help but grin back. He’s already thinking of another date. That’s good. I’d like to get to know him better.

“Yeah, let’s go.”

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