Uncovering Hope (Uncovering Love Book 3) (25 page)

Read Uncovering Hope (Uncovering Love Book 3) Online

Authors: Kacey Shea

Tags: #Uncovering Love series, #book 3

BOOK: Uncovering Hope (Uncovering Love Book 3)
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“I already promised Liz we’d meet for a playdate with her boys. I’ll only be a few hours. It’ll be weird if I cancel. We’ve had the plans for weeks.”


I lick my lips and shut the bedroom door with a lock. I peel the clothes from my body and don’t break eye contact. This has to work and this is the only way I know how.

“I need you baby. Please fuck me.”

He growls and reaches inside his shorts to palm himself. His tattooed skin ripples with the movement and I can’t believe I once thought this man held the world. He makes me sick. I dip my fingers inside my panties and then walk to where he sits on the bed.

“Please, baby. It’s been so long. I need you now.” He loves it when I beg.

He grips my throat tightly and I try to not panic, to withhold the fear from my face, and remain steady as I meet his gaze. I must pass this fucked up test because after a few long seconds his fingers loosen and trace patterns over my breasts.

“Yes, you dirty cunt. You need me. Don’t you forget that.” His hand appears so quickly the pain across my face doesn’t register and before I know it he’s flipped me onto my stomach and moves behind me. I shut my eyes and try to relax. He’ll be rough. Mean. Unforgiving. But if it earns me a trip outside with the boys I’ll never have to see him again.

It makes my stomach roll. But I did what was needed and I only have a few short hours before he’ll expect me back. I’ve got one shot here. I can’t blow this. I pick up the phone from the community center wall with shaky hands and dial the number.

An automated answering service picks up with options to choose. I press seven and wait as it connects.

“Detective Freeman speaking.”

“Um . . . hello . . . I’d like to report a crime. Anonymously.”

“Go ahead, ma’am.”

Eli starts to fuss and Ezra pulls on my shirt. I hadn’t even realized he’d moved. I blow out a breath to calm my racing heart. I can feel it beating inside my throat. Am I really doing this? Is this what my life has come to?

“Ma’am, are you safe? Can I help?”

“Yes. I will be. There’s a man selling and using drugs from his home. His wife and two children are in danger. They’re not at the home right now.”

“Can they stay away for the next few hours?”


“Give me the address.”

“Thank you, Detective.” He takes the address to our duplex and my breathing normalizes. Maybe there really is hope. Maybe I can be free once more. Be granted a second chance. Raise my boys right.

“Ma’am, this woman who’s in danger. Will you give her my direct number?”

“I can, but why?”

“If she has a problem, have her call me?” I’m not an idiot, I’m sure he knows I’m the woman. I just can’t have Josh know it was me who did this. I don’t know what he’s capable of. I need to remain unseen.

“Okay, I will. Thank you, Detective.” He rattles off the number and I scratch it onto an old receipt from my purse. I end the call and fold the paper carefully into a small square and tuck it inside my change purse. I pray I never have to use it. The drug charges should be enough to put him away. And the gun . . . that will be my only leverage to make sure Josh never hurts me or the boys again.

“Carly.” I jolt awake and find Marilyn’s wry grin standing over me.

“Oh, my gosh. I’m sorry, I only meant to close my eyes for a second.” My heart races and I close my eyes a quick second to try and slow its rhythm.

“It’s okay, you were only out a few minutes. Everything okay? You seem upset.”

I retell the entire Dr. Brooks encounter to Marilyn. It feels good to get it off my chest. Katie and Rhonda wander over, their radar for a good gossip session always on point.

I should be more upset about discovering the truth about Garrett. At least disappointed, but instead I can’t get Derek’s face out of my mind. His confession that he missed me confuses me. I’m sure he doesn’t really mean it. The words he spoke, his declaration of feelings—part of me wonders if they were only fueled by jealously. Would he have felt the same if he didn’t think Garrett was in the picture?

The hard truth is I miss Derek. And that’s stupid. I shouldn’t have let myself get attached to someone who doesn’t fit into my life. His short leg of the tour was more difficult than I envisioned. I missed our coffee time. Our chats. His smile. The way he never fails to make me laugh. The way his kiss brands my lips.

And I miss Luis. I understand why his parents are keeping him home for the holidays. No more drugs, no more suffering.
They know he might not have much more and are going to create good, lasting memories with what they’re given. I’d probably do the same if Eli or Ezra were in the same position. But in a very selfish way I miss my favorite patient.

This is my first shift without him. My shift tonight doesn’t hold the same joy it usually does. I’ll move past this—I have to and I will—but for the moment I’m allowing myself a little wallowing. I glance at my phone for the hundredth time. Four more hours. I stride toward the breakroom. Coffee is a must, but four hours I can do.

I recount the Dr. Brooks debacle to Jenny. My gift to my bestie because I know she’ll enjoy spreading the gossip as an evil form of payback against the good doctor. I’ll enjoy the fact she and the entire nursing staff has renamed him Dr. Dumbass.

“Or Dr. Dickhead? Really, there’re so many options. But my mind is still reeling! How were we all fooled by him? Was it the smile? The dimples? Must’ve been the dimples. Damn them!” Jenny rants as I pull on my jacket.

I laugh and roll my eyes. “Dimples will be the death of me. I swear. This just proves further that I have no good sense or natural ability when it comes to men.”

She stares and then cocks her head to the left. “You don’t seem overly upset, though?”

“I’m not. He’s an asshole.”

“Yeah, but . . .”

“What, Jen? I know you want to say something, so just spit it out.”

“Is it because maybe you already suspected he wasn’t authentic? Or is it because you have a major crush on the dirty drummer?” I hate that she gets me. I shrug and roll my eyes.

“I don’t have time to share feelings, Jen. I need to get home and sleep before I have to pick up my boys.”

“You’re right. Scoot. Skedaddle. We can discuss lover boy another time.” She stands from her chair and practically shoves me down the hall.

“You’re crazy.” I laugh.

“And you love it,” she says, then gives a little squeal. “Girl, do you know how much fun we are going to have together? I can’t believe after all these years you’re finally switching to days. I thought for sure you’d retire a vampire.”

“I know. Me too. But once I move out of Tate’s—and let’s hope I actually find a house soon—I want to be able to take care of my boys on my own. I can get afterschool care but I don’t want to leave them with someone at night.”

“Hey, whatever gets you to days is good in my book.” She nods. I give her a hug and she walks back to the nurses’ station with a sway in her step. I give her two hours tops. The entire hospital will know about Dr. Garrett Brooks’ cheating ways.

The morning is freezing when I step outside. Even with my thick jacket, my teeth chatter as I nimbly work to stick my key in my car door. A shadow approaches in my peripheral vision and I lift my chin.

I try to scream but his hand clamps down over my mouth.

“Don’t. I just want to talk,” Josh says. Before he lets go he shows me his other hand, a pocket knife open and now pointed against my ribs. “Don’t scream. I mean it.”

I nod and he releases his hand from my lips. I take in his state. Hair clipped short, a few extra tattoos added to his neck since I saw him last. His eyes are clear, though hard as steel, and it gives me some courage to realize he isn’t high right now.

“What do you want from me, Josh?” I finally find my voice. I’m pissed at how weak I sound.

He lets loose a humorless laugh; his face twists into a menacing glare. “You have something of mine.” The gun. Of course he came back for it.

“When did you get out?” I straighten my spine and meet his hard stare. I will not let this man think he can intimidate me.

“A few months. You didn’t know?” He almost looks surprised.

“How would I know that?”

“I thought the penitentiary might inform you. That and I left so many clues.” A shiver runs up my spine remembering everything. The call from his dealer. The cut car battery cables. The man from Halloween. The note.

“Was that you? Halloween?”

“I wanted to see my sons.” His voice goes hard and he steps so close that the heat from his breath touches my skin. The knife pinches into my side and makes me wince. “They’re mine. You’re mine. You stupid bitch. I’ve seen you with that other man. You think he wants you? You’re used up. Nobody gets to have you but me. You think he’ll ever be man enough to replace me?”

“Carly?” I close my eyes and try not to scream at the sound of Derek’s voice. It’s too good to be true.
Why is he here?

“Carly. Who’s your friend?” Derek says louder but Josh dips his head and speaks into my ear at the same time he digs the knife in and gives it a twist.

“This isn’t over. I want that gun. Oh, and have a
nice drive
.” He moves away, slips the knife into his coat pocket, and offers me a sick smile. The smile fades as he nods at Derek and turns to stroll away.

My legs give out. My back hits the metal door of my car but Derek is by my side. Sturdy arms wrap around me and hold me up.

“Carly! Carly, are you okay? Who was that? I’m calling the cops.”

“No!” I snap out of my panic and pull myself to Derek’s chest. “No, you can’t call the police. No cops.”

“Carly. What’s going on?” He pulls back and assesses my face. His eyes are filled with questions and his brows knit, forming lines on his forehead. I reach one hand up to trace those worry lines with my finger. His eyes flutter shut.

“Derek. Can you take me home? That was my ex. I’m pretty sure he did something to my car again.”

His eyes snap open and narrow. “He was the one who cut your battery? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know. I mean, I suspected, but I thought it was impossible. He’s supposed to be in prison, for God’s sake!”

“Prison?” A look of hurt passes across Derek’s face and I realize he may not be on board for this mess. It’s dangerous and he deserves better. I shake my head and pull out of his arms.

“Look. I’ll just call my brother. You can go home. I’m sorry. My life is really complicated.”

“Carly.” He wraps one of my hands within his own, threading his long fingers between my small ones. “I’ll take you home. I’m just surprised and concerned. You haven’t said much about your ex and I wanted to respect that. Come on, it’s freezing. Let’s talk on the ride.” He pulls me to his SUV and I’m so relieved to not be alone in this.

I tell him everything on the drive. Everything except for the gun. He interrupts me twice to pull over and text. And when he circles the same block twice I start to worry.

“Why are we driving in circles?”

“To make sure your crazy ex isn’t following us.”



“You have experience running from deranged asshole ex-husbands?” I attempt a joke.

“No, but after touring with Justin Hill I know how to ditch screaming, psychotic, super fans, which is basically the same thing.”


“Shit. Tate. I need to tell him something. I’m not sure the house is safe.”

“Already on it.”

What? Derek glances to the right and catches the confusion written on my face.

“I texted Jon. Tate and Evie are picking up the boys and taking them to her parents. Jon’s calling in a favor to his buddy with the PD and they’ll check your car and house. I’m taking you home to my apartment until we get the all clear.”

“Thank you, Derek. I don’t even know what . . . if you hadn’t—”

“Let’s not think about that,” he growls, his knuckles white as he turns the steering wheel. “Let’s just get you back to my place.” He blows out a long breath. “We need to talk, Carly.”

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