Underneath (6 page)

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Authors: Andie M. Long

BOOK: Underneath
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‘What exactly do you do on eBay?’ asks Bettina.

‘I have a little shop,’ I explain. ‘The overheads have gone up a lot recently, so I have to make sure I sell quite a few things a month to cover my costs and make a profit, but I do okay. I sell vintage looking items, as you’ve seen.’ I point to the bags.

‘She also plays with dolls,’ smirks Monique. ‘Buys them from car boots all bedraggled and unloved from little girls who’ve moved onto Monster High.’ She coughs and I elbow her in the side. ‘Ahem, I mean she
them, washes them, brushes out their hair and gets them looking absolutely gorgeous again. She’s like Extreme Makeover for Mattel. But it works, she’s got a good eBay rep and you do okay don’t you?’

‘Well, I’m not about to give Branson a run for his money, but it’s a bit extra that comes in handy for treats and holidays. I doubt we’d have got to Tenerife in May without my additions to the bank account.’

‘That sounds really cool,’ says Bettina. ‘I loved Barbie when I was little.’

‘They’re really popular,’ I smile. ‘Before you know it I’ll be on the run up to Christmas and it’ll really take off, like the Princess of Monaco on her wedding day.’

Monique groans.

‘So how much do you sell each month?’

‘About fifty items a month I guess, until the end of September. Then I can sell two-hundred a month in the run up to Christmas as it gets so busy. I’ve only got about twenty things listed at the moment, but I’ve got another couple of bags full to list now, so that’s my evening sorted. I hate listing though, it takes forever.’

Monique tilts to the side. ‘Nope, it doesn’t, look just took me a sec.’

‘You’re so funnneeeee,’ I state, ‘and you tell me off for my jokes?’ I shake my head from side to side.

Our food arrives at this point and we’re silent whilst we consume the deliciousness that is the Etta special.

We’re ready to leave and Monique asks me if I fancy going to the pictures on Friday evening to see the latest Romcom.

‘I can’t. Niall has a works leaving do,’ I state in a sad voice.

‘If it’s alright with you, I’d love to go,’ says Bettina, looking at me for permission. I turn to Monique who shrugs. ‘It’s okay with me.’

‘That’s great then,’ I say. ‘I can avoid the latest Romcom where it leads me to believe there are men in this world who
treat women like the most desirable objects on earth, only to go home and see the reality.’

‘Excuse me. Aren’t you the one with a solid fella and another sexy bloke who wants to get in your pants?’ says Monique. ‘Quit your moaning.’

‘I haven’t had a night out for ages. I’m really looking forward to it,’ adds Bettina, whose face then falls. ‘Oh no, I can’t. I’ve no-one to look after Tyler that night.’

‘I’m stuck in. Why doesn’t he come round to mine for the night? You can pick him up after the cinema, as long as you’re not going to be mega late.’

‘I was thinking a seven-ish showing,’ says Monique. ‘Then, if the Romcom gets me in the mood I can booty call Dr Love.’

‘Ewww,’ I say, trying to keep a laugh down, whilst making it look like I may vomit.

‘Thanks so much,’ says Bettina.

‘No problem. I’ll take him from school and give him some tea, so you have plenty of time to get ready.’

‘You’re such a pal. I’m so glad you’re back in my life, you’ve no idea how pleased I am.’

I smile at her and touch her arm. We say our goodbyes to Monique and head home.


Later that evening I’m back on Facebook to see what Monique made of our new friend.

‘She seems okay. Obviously got over the school victim thing to become another victim, which is a shame. You’ll have to introduce her to some school gate mums though. As nice as she seems, I don’t want her with us all the time. Three’s a crowd and all that.’

‘Well maybe you should have made an excuse for Friday instead of taking her to the cinema.’

‘Awww, you jel hun? I felt sorry for her, so just this once I’ve made an exception. Plus I really want to see the film and admit it, you didn’t want to go.’

‘I didn’t want to go.’

‘When you seeing Sexy Seb next?’

‘It’s the meeting tomorrow night, but I’ll be quite safe cos the other parents and helpers will be there.’

‘I’m going to call you Lo-is, as only you know his real identity.’

‘And Bettina.’

‘Yes, but only you have been charmed by Super Seb. Wonder if he has a muscly, manly chest under that nerdy teacher outfit?’

‘I am not going there with this conversation.’

‘I bet when they appointed him they went "this looks like a job for Super Seb"‘

‘*groan*, again, thought I did the lame jokes?’

‘I’ve obviously been hanging around you for too long. I can hear a noise ... Is it a bird, is it a plane? ...’

‘I’m going now.’

‘ROFLMAO. Love ya, Lo-is. I want any gossip tomorrow night. Hot off the press for the Daily Planet.’


‘Is that kryptonite in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?’










Chapter 4


Wednesday night. Six pm rolls around and I find myself once again entering the school hall for the summer fair update. I’ve dressed down in jeans and a t-shirt, my hair loose and I’m make-up free apart from foundation and blush. I spot Seb sitting in a chair with the Clark Kent look, alive and well, and see tonight’s nerd look is helped along by a maroon tank top. He gives me a nod and a small smile and looks away. I sit at the side of Bettina who has saved me a chair. Her hair has been cut to shoulder length and is now honey blonde. She looks really different. As I sit I notice her nails are French polished, rather than the pink I’ve become accustomed to. She’s dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, though I recognise her jeans are DVB.

‘You look amazing.’ She really does look fresher.

‘Thanks. I’m pleased with it.’

‘Did you go to Bella’s?’

‘Yes, who’d have thought you had such a treasure on your doorstep?’

‘Yep, well ssh, we need to keep her local.’

Bettina appraises my hair. ‘I’ve just realised it looks very similar to yours. We could be twins.’

I touch my hair. ‘Er, yes, well it’s similar, but mine’s lighter, and wavy. I like that honey colour she’s used though, it suits your skin tone.’

‘I’m going lighter once I’ve let the tan fade.’

I feel uncomfortable and at a loss at what to add. I’ve never understood people who copy others. I look around, inadvertently catching Seb’s eye. He gives me a wink.

Mrs Sullivan arrives dressed in a brown woollen suit that would bake anyone else half to death, and have them fainting, but she is as composed as always. Her hair remains in its immovable position as she turns to us like she’s about to give a presidential address. ‘Okay, so can everyone give me a progress update?’

Volunteers fill her in about where they’ve got to over the past week. Bettina has placed notices on the boards in the main building and in the classroom windows, asking for unwanted books and says that quite a few have been donated already. Of course the stocks are easy to set up and need no further discussion.

‘This week’s task is to create some posters,’ states Mrs Sullivan. ‘So if everyone can start by doing a poster for their own stall, and ensure it shows the price of the activity. Whilst you’re doing that, I’ll be having a think about any additional posters we might need, such as arrows for the toilets, refreshment signs et cetera.’

‘Right I’ll catch up with you later,’ I tell Bettina as I get up to make my way over to Seb. The paper for the posters is being placed on the tables. I’m pleased I wore my dodgier clothes as I know from previous experience with Joe that the paint is notoriously difficult to wash out, even though the school professes that it’s washable.

‘Ooohh, Sexy Seb,’ she giggles.

‘Don’t you start,’ I playfully hit her on the shoulder. ‘Just remember this is your entire fault for landing me in the water. You didn’t realise it was hot water, did you?’

A groan indicates Bettina’s response to my humour. ‘Monique is right,

I laugh and go over to Seb’s table.

He looks me up and down. I squirm under his gaze.

‘Well if it isn’t the lovely Lauren Lawler. Oh the alliteration. I could make a beautiful poem out of your name.’

‘Leave it out.’ I sit down at the table with my side to him so I don’t have to look directly at him. ‘Pass me the pencil to sketch out the poster before we paint it. The quicker we get this done, the quicker I get home to my family.’

‘So we’re not going to the pub then?’

I purse my lips. ‘We are so
going to the pub.’

Seb watches me outline the sign for the fair. I sketch out the words ‘get revenge on a teacher, sponge stocks, one pound for five goes’.

‘Twenty pence a throw? Dear God, I’ll be drenched,’ Seb says. ‘Then you’ll have to go in the stocks. Lauren Lawler all wet. I like the sound of that.’

I glare at him. ‘One more pathetic, lewd comment and I’m out of here. I don’t know if this ladies man charm works with other mothers or women, but to be honest, it’s as attractive to me as you in that get up.’

‘Ouch, that hurts.’ He makes a stabbing through his chest motion with his hands.

I push the poster towards him. ‘I’ve sketched it, you can paint it. It’s done.’ I get up to walk away.

He puts his hand on my arm. ‘I’m sorry. I can’t seem to help myself. In my defence it does usually work very well on the fairer sex.’

‘How many times do I have to point out I’m married?’

‘Yes, but are you happily married, Lauren?

I wince at his words.

‘You see if there’s one thing I’ve picked up on since I’ve been
the ladies as you so nicely call it, it’s which ones are happy, and my guess, is that although you don’t want to like me, you can’t help it. You’re getting attention from me and I’m guessing you’re not getting it at home.’

I clap three times, slowly. ‘Bravo. That deserves a standing ovation. What a crock of shit.’

He rubs his jaw. His usual patter not having worked, his shoulders slump. He fixes me with his chocolate eyed gaze. It hits me again just how attractive he is. It’s a shame his mouth doesn’t match up to his features.

‘Well, gosh, I don’t think I’ve ever been turned down before, married or not,’ he says. ‘I’m sorry Lauren. Can we just get on with the painting and forget about the total ass I’ve made of myself?’

‘That would be nice,’ I state.

We spend the rest of the painting time chatting about Joe, Seb’s job at the school and my eBay work. It’s companionable and pleasant, and I see a different side to Seb. He is so much nicer when the act’s turned off. Mrs Sullivan announces that we have five more minutes left.

Seb pauses from painting and looks up at me. ‘So you have a happy marriage then? I’m pleased for you.’

‘Some of the time he’s a complete arse.’ I state, placing my bag on my shoulder ready to leave. ‘And the last time I got a compliment was about 1995. But he doesn’t play games. No-one likes a player.’ He nods, his forehead wrinkling, as I walk away.

The following night I find myself at home alone. Bettina insisted on having Joe round at hers for tea, to take her turn before I had the kids Friday, and somehow Tyler and Joe have managed to negotiate a sleepover. Niall’s shift had been changed to afternoons, so I text Monique to see if she wants to meet up for tea, but she’s busy, which I translate as shagging Dr Love.

I sit on my settee, a coffee coloured, corner placement like the one in the café. It has lovely sink into it seats. I look around the house. We live in a three bed semi. The walls are painted a neutral beige at Niall’s insistence, so I’ve jazzed it up with abstract red canvasses and assorted cushions in different textures. I had to fight Niall’s obstinacy to get a rug in the lounge, a lovely thick brown one with stripes graduating into shades of red. He thinks they make rooms look too fussy. I like it because it makes the room cosier. I can lie across the rug, rise onto my wrists and read or watch TV. Once upon a time Niall and I would have christened such a rug within days of it being put on the floor, but I’ve had it over seven months now and its only other use has been as a racetrack for Joe’s cars. I realise I’m back getting maudlin and decide if no-one’s available to go out with me, I’ll just go on my own. There’s a pizza place in Meadowhall I go to frequently with Joe, and I reckon I can sit at a dark table at the back. I grab my book to read in lieu of a partner and head off.

After about six minutes walking around the shopping centre, window shopping on my way to the pizza place, I pass a shop that sells intimate items. Usually I pay this shop no attention and walk past. Today I stop. I haven’t had a vibrator for years. I think about how times change. I threw out anything dubious looking when Joe was around four and started going through all the drawers asking what everything was. I suck on my bottom lip. Maybe if I’m not getting much at home from Niall, it wouldn’t hurt to have a bit extra myself. I smile, thinking next time I’m home alone I might not feel the need to rush off shopping.

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