Underneath (7 page)

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Authors: Andie M. Long

BOOK: Underneath
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I go in, and I’m immediately approached by a Shop Assistant. ‘I’m just looking thanks.’

She moves away and leaves me to browse. The vibrators are situated at the back of the store, obscured by a corner so you can’t be seen by outside shoppers. There are rows upon rows of them in assorted shapes and colours. I don’t know where to start. I look at the Assistant and she must be used to reading faces like mine because she heads straight back over.

‘Bit overwhelming isn’t it?’

I nod. ‘I’ve had one before but ...’

‘Not a first timer then, that’s useful to know.’ She looks through the racks and hands me a few to look at, describing what they do. I decide on a simple pocket rocket after finding that some of them quite frankly scare me. I feel empowered when I’ve bought one and leave the shop proudly clutching my carrier bag. My stomach growls, so I walk quickly towards the restaurant.


I turn around slowly and look at Seb. He looks at my carrier bag. My face reddens to a deeper shade than ketchup.

‘Normally, I would have to say something lewd and witty, but seeing as it’s you, my mouth is closed.’ He makes a zipping motion with his fingers across his lips.

‘Well of all the people I could have met at this exact moment, of course it would have to be you,’ I huff.

‘Could’ve been Mrs Sullivan...’

The thought of Mrs Sullivan near a sexy store reduces me to laughter and the awkwardness evaporates.

‘Right, well I must get going before I faint with hunger.’

He raises an eyebrow. ‘You haven’t eaten yet?’

‘Niall and Joe are out, now don’t think I’m being rude, but I need to get going.’

‘Well that’ll definitely get you going,’ he nods towards the bag. ‘Sorry, sorry, couldn’t resist it. I saw an opening and had to take it. Oh my God, I actually didn’t mean to say that one,’ he says with a hand across his mouth, doing his best to hold down a smirk.

‘There’s obviously an underlying sexual repression or something with you,’ I state. ‘Go home, have a wank, and get it over with.’

. I am shocked that you said that to me, a teacher at your son’s school.’

I close my eyes for a few seconds and wish myself somewhere else. ‘You’re right, that was inappropriate, I’m sorry.’

‘I promise not to tell Mrs Sullivan, but only if you eat with me.’

‘What? Don’t be ridiculous, you’re not going to tell Mrs Sullivan.’

‘I’ll just follow you then, and sit opposite you anyway.’

I sigh. ‘Oh my God, you are so annoying. Whatever, come on then, before I come to my senses and change my mind.’

I no longer need a corner table for one as I don’t want it to look like an illicit encounter, so I ask for a seat in the middle of the restaurant, near several noisy children and infants in high chairs. The smell of garlic and tomato permeates the air. It makes my stomach rumble and my mouth water. I so need to eat. ‘Are you going to behave normally?’

He holds up three fingers. ‘Scout’s promise. I’ll even talk about the summer fair.’

The waitress comes to take our order. I ask for a plain Margarita and a coke. Seb orders the same.

‘So I gather there’s no significant other in your life, with your persistent need to annoy me?’

‘Nope.’ He sits back in his seat, legs wide open. ‘I can’t be doing with serious relationships. It gets to six months and then the pressure starts.’

I raise an eyebrow at him.

‘I’m being serious. One kept inviting me to her friends’ weddings and always managed to catch the bouquet. Another tried to make my mother her best friend. It does my head in; I’m just not that kind of guy. It’s why I started having affairs with married women. I like non-committal sex, but sometimes even they get carried away.’

‘Have you listened to yourself?’

‘I’m just being honest.’ He opens his hands apart in gesture.

The waitress brings our drinks and I have a long sip of mine.

‘Are you enjoying being at Woodley?’ I think a change of subject is a good move.

His face opens up into a large smile. ‘I love it. The kids are mainly awesome.’

‘It’s nice to enjoy a job as well as just earn money from it,’ I say.

‘Absolutely. Total bonus. I love looking at a kid and seeing how there’s all this information about the world they don’t know yet, and I can teach them some of it. Some of those kids might make decisions in the future based on what I’ve taught them. It’s just amazing. Sometimes I can’t get up fast enough in a morning.’

I smirk and he realises what he’s said. ‘Oh, so now you’re starting with the innuendo, steady on Mrs Lawler.’

I pick up my drink quickly and lose my grip on the glass. As it starts to drop his hand hits mine as he reaches over to catch it. We place the glass back down whilst somehow still having our hands touching. I move my hand away. I can’t look at him as my traitorous mind thinks I actually wouldn’t mind touching him again. He hesitates and then leans over the table. I look up at him and I don’t know what to say.

‘You careless sod,’ he chucks me under the chin and the mood is broken, which is just as well as our pizzas arrive.

Seb insists on paying the bill and walking me to my car. The shopping centre closes at eight pm, except for the restaurant area, so there aren’t many cars left around.

He breaks the silence. ‘That poster you drew is really good. You have a talent for art.’

‘Thanks, I love doing anything like that.’

At this point I realise I’m swinging the carrier bag containing my vibrator around.

Seb nods towards it. ‘Is that vintage patterned as well then?’

I roll my eyes at him. ‘Thanks for walking me to the car,’ I say, and open the driver’s side door.

‘My pleasure,’ he says, looks again at the bag and I feel my breathing get heavier.

‘Well, night.’

‘Good night Lauren.’ He walks across the car park his hands in his pockets. I try not to notice that this causes the material of his trousers to pull tight, displaying a mighty fine bottom.


I get home feeling wired. Niall has not yet returned home from work. I go upstairs, remove the packaging from my new toy, clean it and put batteries in. It has noise reduction and whirrs quietly. I feel stupid as I lie back against the pillows and shut my eyes. Thoughts of Seb come into my mind and I drop a hand to my breast and imagine he’s touching me with those soft fingers. I stop; feeling guilty. I’m thinking of a man who’s not my husband. It’s not even a movie star, which I’d give myself a pass for, but my son’s next teacher. I turn the vibrator off, jump out of bed, and throw it at the back of the wardrobe. I’m tired, and feeling foolish. I decide there’s no Facebooking tonight. I’ll go straight to sleep. I didn’t manage to get on Facebook last night either, so I know Monique will be waiting for an update on things. I go to turn my phone off and see I have a message from her asking to know what happened at the fair meeting. There’s another text message from a number I don’t recognise. I open it and read;

Remember your phone can vibrate too, so I might have to keep texting. Keep it in your pants ;)

I switch it off and get into bed for what turns out to be a most restless night’s sleep.









Chapter 5


I spend Friday wasting time on the computer and watching daytime television, which is the one thing I have never succumbed to before at home. At three-fifteen I arrive at school and take Joe and Tyler home. They had an amazing time the previous evening and can’t wait for round two. I’m just dropping the schoolbags into the house when my mobile rings.

‘Lauren?’ The voice is so loud I wince. ‘Oh my God, Lauren, Tyler’s missing. The teacher didn’t see who took him. I’ve called the police. I think Danny’s got him.’ Bettina is sobbing hysterically down the phone and I have to shout to be heard.

‘Bettina, I have them. It’s Friday, remember? You’re going to the cinema with Monique.’ There’s a pause.

‘Oh my God’, she bursts into tears down the phone. ‘I totally forgot. Oh my God. I’ve rung the police. I reported him. I—’

‘Take a breath, ring them back and then ring me and let me know you’re okay.’

‘I… I’ll, yes, I’ll do that now.’

She puts the phone down and I get the children a drink and a snack. When she phones again she is much calmer.

‘I’ll come through and see him, if that’s okay. It’s really,’ her breath catches, ‘got to me. I thought he had him.’

‘Well of course you can. I was sure Mrs Baxter had seen me, you know.’

‘As long as he’s safe I don’t care.’

‘But doesn’t Danny see him every other weekend anyway? Why would he pinch him?’ I know I should be apologising. How would I feel if it was Joe? But how can she have forgotten? Surely Tyler and Joe would have been talking about it this morning?

‘He threatened to do it before. He told me he might just take him and go abroad. It’s not like he couldn’t afford it.’

‘I’m sorry Bettina, I didn’t know. Okay, get yourself round here and I’ll get the kettle on.’ I end the call and sit on the bottom step for a few moments.

When she arrives at the house she’s shaking and teary. I keep her in the hallway for a minute, apologise again and get her to compose herself. Tyler will only worry if he sees her upset.

‘I don’t think I can go out now. I’ll stay here with the kids. You go.’

‘Not a chance. Everything here is okay; it was just a mix up, that’s all.

‘I just want to be with Tyler.’

‘He’s fine, and he’s with Joe. Look, I think you need this night out, get a break from things. Plus there is no way on this earth I am seeing that damn film, and Monique will kill you if you don’t go. So cup of tea coming up, and you can have something to eat here if you like. Its casserole, so there’s plenty, and you’ll be able to meet Niall as he’ll be home from work soon.’ I shut up as I realise I’m rambling on and she’s only half listening.

She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand and draws in a deep breath. ‘Thank you. I just… I panicked. I keep thinking Danny’s going to pull some kind of stunt to get Tyler.’

‘Right, come through to the living room.’ I say, ‘but mind where you’re walking, cos there is Lego everywhere and it flipping hurts when you step on it.’ I wait for her acknowledgement. Mothers have a universal hatred of Lego on the floor, but there’s nothing. She rushes straight for Tyler, who endures a hug from his mum, which is obviously so not cool in front of his mate. I see him look over her head and roll his eyes at Joe. I head into the kitchen to warm through the casserole, and decide to give the kids their meal first as they’re complaining they’re
. We can wait for Niall to arrive home from work.

Kids seated and eating, I’m about to sit down when the phone rings. I curse under my breath but pick up anyway. ‘Hello?’

‘Hello Mrs Lawler, are you okay to have a quick word?’ It’s Mrs Sullivan.

‘Yes of course.’

‘It’s about the incident at school tonight. We are obviously going to have to look into it because it could have potentially been very serious.’

My brow furrows. ‘I understand, and I’m so sorry. I was sure Mrs Baxter had seen me.’

Bettina comes and hovers nearby.

‘You may have actually done us a favour. At least this time it was a mum from school and everything was alright. I just need you to tell me exactly what happened.’

‘Of course. Well it’s very simple really, Joe came out of class with Tyler and I took them both home. I’d made arrangements with his mother for Tyler to stay for tea.’

‘Hmm, well obviously security has got a little lax. We’ll be reviewing our procedure, and will be making sure Mrs Baxter or her assistant are standing at the doorway at home time to ensure each child is collected by a person they know, which is what should happen anyway.’

‘I should have made a point of telling Mrs Baxter I had them.’

‘Not at all. The teacher should have been paying more attention. The situation won’t arise again, but I do need you to pop in tomorrow to fill in an incident report.’

‘Of course. Is there anything else?’

‘Not at the moment Mrs Lawler. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

I put the phone down and exhale sharply.

‘I gather that was the school?’ Bettina says.

‘Yes, they’ve got to do some kind of report about the incident.’

‘Oh, well good. They can’t be letting kids go off with just anybody.’

‘Bettina,’ I say. ‘It was a mix up, and anyway it sounds like its Mrs Baxter who’s in trouble.’


‘For not paying attention to who’s collecting the kids. Anyway,’ I say as a thought occurs to me. ‘Why weren’t you at the school gates if you’d forgotten I was getting Tyler?’

‘I was running late. I’d had to get the bus from town and it took forever. By the time I’d got there, hardly any parents were around.’

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