Underworld Champions (The MC Outlaw Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Underworld Champions (The MC Outlaw Series)
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Chapter Fourteen



Two days. That’s how long we have until the deadline is up. That’s how long we have until the
Demon Brothers come. Two days to prepare. Two days to call in as much help as we can get.

A general meeting is called. One that all of us are invited to. It’s held in the dining hall and my father stands up on a stage
, my mother at his side like his queens, as he addresses the Outlaw Riders, his family – my family.

“As you’re all aware, the
Demon Brothers are comin’ to attack. They want our Maddie. Now, any of you who don’t wanna be a part of this fight, you know where the fuckin’ door is. Any of you who think we should just hand her over, well, you can fuck off too. We are a family. We protect our own and we will fight until the Demon Brothers scum is so crippled that they won’t even be able to piss straight.

We need to send a message. You DO NOT come in to our territory. You DO NOT take our women. And when we’re done with the Demon Brothers. I want that pissy little drug dealer, Burke’s, head on a fuckin’ pike at the gates! NO ONE THREATENS THE OUTLAW RIDERS. NO ONE!”

whole compound roars in agreement. The air thick with tension and testosterone as they pump their fists and holler obscenities, getting pumped and ready for the fight.

“The threat is supposed to be at our door
in only two days. But we know those bastards never keep their word. So we need to be ready. We have twenty of our guys, stationed at the outposts right now. We’ll have plenty of warning before they come so we can keep them away from the compound.

You’re the fuckin’ glue that holds this group of ratbags together. We want you safe. So, you can leave now, or you can wait to evacuate through the tunnels when the time comes.”

“What if we want to stay and fight?” Monique, of all people, calls out.

“Some of you will be staying to help out with any wounded. But if it gets out of hand, you’re to evacuate. Understood?” My mother tells her in reply.

The women all nod, a few murmurs ripple through the crowd as my dad holds his hands up and calls for quiet again. It’s then that we hear it.


All eyes turn as the outside door bursts open and one of the young prospects bursts in, his eyes wide and his face white as a sheet.

“They’re fuckin’ comin’. Banger just called through, said they were on their way. And then… then….” He hesitates, shaking his head as if he can’t find the right words.

“What!?!” Cole yells, moving over
to him.

“I don’t know. I heard a thumping noise. And then he was gone.”

“Shit,” Cole hisses as everyone starts talking at once as the tension in the room increases.

“They said I had five days,” I say to no one. “Why are they here now?”

“Because they were always comin’, baby. Whether you went or not. They would have come here.”

My father calls the room to order again. “Alright! Calm the fuck down! Women, get to the fuckin tunnel. Men, you know the drill. We want all lookouts called and riders going out to help them hold the mother fuckers off. The rest of us stay here and prepare to fight
. Now go!”

Everyone starts to move, the sense of urgency in the ai
r palpable. The war is upon us.

“Please tell me you aren’t riding out,” I cry, grabbing a hold of Cole’s arm.

“I have to baby. But I’ll be back. Leave through the tunnels. I’ll find you when it’s over ok? You’re stuck with me baby. I’m not dyin’ today.” He grabs my face and crashes his mouth against mine, giving me a deep, urgent kiss. “I fuckin’ love you ok?”

“I fucking love you too. Be safe. Come back to me.”
He kisses me quickly one last time and I follow him out, watching him gear up and get onto his bike.

As the engines roar to life, my heart leaps up into my throat. “Be safe,” I whisper.

A scream erupts out of a few of the women’s mouths. I glance around, noting that they are pointing in open mouthed horror as something comes sailing through the air. At first I don’t register what it is. Not until it hits the ground with a thud and rolls to a stop.

“Oh god!” I gasp, clutching
at my chest as I stare, terror-stricken, as Banger’s head lays there, his eyes and mouth open in frozen horror. Poor gentle Banger. He didn’t deserve this. Oh god. This is all my fault.

the women out of here!” My mother yells. Just as another object comes sailing over the fence. But this time, it isn’t a head. It’s a fucking Molotov. It hits the ground and explodes at the feet of Mango, setting him and his bike on fire.

I stand there, frozen, watching as flames rain down from the sky and explode within the compound. It’s like the whole scene is happening in slow motion. There is fire everywhere. And screaming. So much screaming.

Gun fire erupts from our side of the fence, as we retaliate. “Get out of here!” Pip yells from behind me, grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the garage where most of the other women are running.

“I can’t leave him!” I yell, pulling back.

“You’re no good to him dead,” she yells. “We have to go.”

I turn with her and run, squealing when a stray bullet smashes through the glass window of one of the sheds.

“Come on!”

We find Cora
and my mother at the entrance of the tunnel, guiding all the women through, handing some of them weapons in case they’re needed on the other side. I stop and turn back to peek my head around the door. I just need to see Cole, I need to see that he’s ok. But my heart lurches, I can’t find him. What I can see is more and more of our men laying on the ground wounded as others try to drag them to safety.

“Oh god! We have to help them!” I cry out.

“Maddie. You need to get your arse into this tunnel, girl. If you stay here and something happens to you, all this will have been for nothin’. Do you understand that?” Mum beseeches, her face contorted with worry and strain. “Let me and some of the other girls help the men. You go. This is all to save you.”

“That’s exactly why I have to do something,”
I tell her, running over to the large red metal tool chest. I open the drawers, looking for something that can help me.

“What the fuck are you doing, woman!?!” she yells, as I hold a pair of
bolt cutters up in front of me before racing for the door.

“Helping,” I throw over my shoulder.

“No Maddie!” she yells after me.

They’re dying out there mum. I can stop this!” I sprint out the door. Running as fast as I can toward the living quarters. As I run, I keep looking and listening for Cole. I hear him yelling instructions to the other men. Thank god. He’s ok. For now.

Pushing through the door, I rush back
to our room, grab the bag that’s still packed from last night before rushing over to the drawer and removing the gun. Checking that it’s loaded, I shove it in my bag, and carrying the bolt cutters I make a run for the side fence.

Checking over my shoulder, I quickly cut through the metal fencing and pull it to the side so I can get through.
I push my bag through the gap and leave the bolt cutters on the inside of the fencing then slide through the gap, wincing when the metal catches the skin on my arm and draws blood.

My heart beats wildly in my chest as I sling my bag over my shoulder, heavy from the weight of the gun
, and make my way through the thick bush toward the fire fight. The air is thick with smoke and filled with the battle cries of the angry men, and the groans of the injured ones.

My stomach twists as my step falters. I’m petrified of what will happen if I go out there. But I have to. I have to stop this.

Just as I break the edge of the scrub, I’m spotted by one of the Demon Brothers. His gun immediately turns on me, ready to fire. That is, until he realises who I am. Then he looks like the cat that got the cream.

“I’ve got ‘er!” he hollers, walking over to me and grabbing me roughly. His arm slips around my shoulders and up into a headlock. “You’ve caused a lot of trouble bitch,” he spits in my ear.

My feet scramble beneath me as he drags me into view of the other’s, his gun pressed firmly against my skull.

“Hold yer fire Outlaws! Or I swear, I’ll fuckin blow yer little princess cunt’s brains out right in front of yer,” he yells.

“Maddie! No!” my father yells. “Get this fuckin’ gate open!” he orders before turning back to the Demon Brothers. “Don’t you fuckin’ harm her Viper. Or I swear to you, I will rain hell down on your house.”

“How are yer gonna fuckin’ do that. I got yer beat old man. I got yer girl too. She’s a pretty one.”
I close my eyes tight as he reaches his hand down and cups my breast, squeezing it roughly before he leans in and licks my cheek, his breath foul and sickly sweet as it heats the side of my face – just like Liam’s always was. I whimper. I didn’t want to, but I whimper. And the fucking bastard laughs.

That’s when I hear the click. “Fuckin’ let her go Viper,” Cole growls from the other side of the fence. In one hand he has
the keys and is unlocking the gate, and in the other he has a gun, trained on Viper.

“Yer not gonna shoot me, Cole. You could shoot yer fuckin’ bitch whore of a woman. You really gonna risk that?”

“I don’t miss.”

The sound of even more guns clicking ring
s out around me as every biker on both sides of the fence prepares to fire.

You willin’ to risk every one of yer men, just for this tight little pussy?” Viper sneers, dragging me another step back. “I promise you Cole, I’ll blow her fuckin’ head off. Burke never said she had to be alive.”

Lower your gun, Cole. I’ll be ok,” I call out.

“No!” he opens the gate and takes a
step out. Viper points his gun and fires, hitting the ground next to Cole. Guns move from person to person as everyone prepares for the next shot.

“Please Cole. I promise to find
a way to get back to you. We always come back Cole. Always.”

“Let her go!” he roars, moving forward again. Viper fires another shot that hits Cole in the shoulder, his body twists slightly from the blow as his face contorts with pain, and I scream.

“NO!” my legs give way beneath me, and I fall against Viper reaching my arms out for Cole.

“I fuckin’ warned yer,”
Viper spits. “Now back the fuck off, or the next bullet is goin’ in her head.”

My father and a few other men, rush after Cole,
as he growls and spits like a fierce animal, still trying to come after me.

Cole. Stop,” I beg, refusing to cry. Trying my best to stay strong despite the fact that my heart is being torn apart right now.

As Viper drags me over to his bike
, sitting me in front of him as he climbs on behind me, his gun stays against my head while the rest of the Demon Brothers follow suit, keeping their guns on the Outlaw Riders.

My eyes stay locked with Cole’s as he screams after me, howling like a man who’s just had his
still beating heart ripped out of his chest. It takes five men to hold him back, and even then they’re struggling.

We’ll fix this Maddie,” my father yells after me. “We’ll fuckin’ come and find you. This isn’t over.”

Viper removes the gun from my temple and trains it on my father. “It is for you old man.” He pulls the trigger, and in the blink of an eye my father’s head snaps back as a spray of red
bursts out the back of his skull, showering the men behind him.

He drops.
His body lifeless on the ground.

I scream, and Cole roars, the sound of our
pain, reverberating through the air as Viper revs his bike to life and roars off, leading the Demon Brothers away from the murderous scene.

Breaking free, Cole
takes aim, and fires, hitting Viper three times, square in the middle of the back. His body jolts against me, the bike wavering slightly. But he just grunts and keeps going as his men fire off ammunition as we ride away. “Kevlar,” he growls at me in explanation.

I close my eyes, not wanting
to look back. But I can still hear the gun fire, and the heart wrenching sound of my man screaming, as his life is torn apart. All I can think is that I did this. I brought this fire upon us. It’s all my fault.

Chapter Fifteen



Numb. That’s how I feel right now.
There is no hope for me anymore. Cole didn’t have Kevlar on like Viper did. I can’t imagine he survived that shooting match.

And my father… oh god, my poor father. He’s dead now, and it’s all my fault. I brought a war upon his house, and now, I’m going to get what’s coming to me. I deserve to pay for my sins.
I shouldn’t have run away from Liam in the first place.

After riding for a good hour, we pull into a dingy looking motel called ‘Paradise Sands’. I don’t get the name, because we’re in the country, and a good three hours away from any sea or sand. But they obviously don’
t care, half the letters on the sign aren’t even lighting up. So it just says ‘Pa a and’. It’s so lame, I can’t even make a joke out of it.

“Get off the bike, bitch. This is as far as we take you.”

I do as I’m told. Viper grabs my arm and pushes me ahead of him, the door to one of the rooms opens and an older woman with piercing blue eyes and pitch black hair steps out, and I just know that she’s Coles mother, Loraine. She’s covered in tattoos, they’re all the way up her neck and even on her hands, wears fitted leather and a hell of a lot of makeup.

“I hear you’re Cole’s Old Lady now.
Fat lot of good that did you. That boy was always such a fucking pussy.”

I just look at her, seeing nothing but an evil bitch standing against a door frame as h
er red lips suck on a cigarette.

“Bring her in here. I want to see what’s so special about her.”

Viper pushes me ahead of him into the room as Cole’s mother closes the door and flicks the lock. The only light comes from a couple of lamps beside the old double bed, meaning that the edges of the room are all bathed in darkness.

“So this is the little girl the Outlaw Riders were willing to die for
,” a male voice says as he steps into the centre of the room. As the light shines on his face, I see he has the exact same features as Cole, although he’s younger.

“Now, now
Cutter. Maddie here is family now. She’s your brother’s Old Lady. She’s not a little girl anymore.”

“No, she’s not,” he says, moving close to me, his eyes dragging over my body lecherously. As he gets closer, I see that has a massive scar running down the side of his face. It starts up on his forehead and
moves straight past his eye then runs jaggedly down his check.

He catches me looking at it. “A present from my father,” he tells me, his voice soft but menacing. “I can give you one to match if you like.” He produces a hunting knife and holds it near my face, scraping the tip over my skin, exactly where his scar is.

I can’t move, Viper is holding me steady as Cutter trails the knife down lower, sliding it under the collar of my shirt and slicing it straight down the middle. “Let’s see what has my brother so smitten.”

I try not to react, I don’t want him to know he’s intimidating me, even though I’m petrified right now.

Loraine moves into my field of vision, her arms folded over her chest as she watches Cutter pull at my bra and slice the small piece of fabric that holds the cups together, causing my breasts to bounce free.

“Nice tits,” she comments,
reaching into the pocket of her tight leather pants then throwing two black foil packets onto the bed. “Make sure you fuck her with protection boys. You never know what Outlaw Whores have inside them.”

“Sure thing, Ma,” Cutter says
, as he runs his knife between my breasts and down to my belly button, jerking it slightly so it nicks my skin.

She moves over and kisses his cheek, like what’s happening right now is completely run of the mill for her. “Have fun boys.”

With that, she leaves the room. At least she has the decency not to watch.

“We will,” Cutter whispers as he leans toward my ear. He reaches his hands down and undoes my jeans. “Take them off.”

I shake my head, not wanting this.

Viper,” he nods, looking at the big man standing behind me. Viper grabs the waistband of my pants and drags them down my legs. I think about fighting. But I’ve been here before. If I fight it will hurt. Instead, I return to who I was before. The girl who was numb. The girl who was used for pleasure. Used for pain. And I just take it.

As soon as they have me naked, Viper bends me over and enters me from behind, pumping vigorously as Cutter pulls himself out and strokes his hard cock, watching us as he keeps a hold of his knife.

“Stand her up,” he instructs, moving over to us. He places his hands on my hips as Viper pulls out and pushes into my rear then inserts himself in my front.

Together they pump, and grunt
, my feet come off the ground as I’m sandwiched between them. I switch off my mind and try to ignore the build up inside me. I try to force myself to think of anything that would distract me. But my body has a mind of its own. I cum. And as I do, a tear slides out of my eye. I think I just died.

“You dirty little whore,” Cutter grunts,
as he continues to pump into me. He shudders around the same time as Viper does. As he pulls out, he lifts my arm and studies my Old Lady tattoo. “This is why they call me Cutter. I love the feeling of flesh breaking open under my blade. Nothing in this world is sweeter,” he explains, as he sweeps his knife over my flesh, cutting an X over the top of my tattoo. “You won’t need that where you’re going.”

I clap my hand over my forearm as the b
lood starts to pour out of me and Viper pushes me off him. I fall to the ground, my breathing ragged as I refuse to let another tear fall. “Clean yourself up,” Viper growls, as he tucks himself away and spits in my face. I don’t flinch. I won’t give him the satisfaction of thinking that what he just did upset me.

The door
opens suddenly and Loraine appears, holding her phone against her shoulder. “Cutter, get your shit together. We’re leaving.”

“Whatever it is can wait. I’m just getting started with this bitch.”

“This can’t wait. Leave that bitch to bleed out for all I care. We’re done here.”

Cutter pauses, and turns back
, his eye drifting over me with utter disdain. “Viper,” he says, inclining his head toward the door to signal that he wants Viper to follow.

Gritting my teeth,
I just watch as they both walk out of the room and lock the door behind them.

My eyes drift over to the bed, sitting there are the two condom packets, unused.
I shake my head, my eyes burning with tears of rage. It’s not the sex that upsets me – I’ve been used so many times that it’s just what my world was always about. But he sliced my tattoo – the only thing I have left of the one life I wanted.

On top of that, t
he bastards still have my bag. The gun I brought is completely useless to me out there. But I want them dead. I want them all dead.

, I stand up and enter the bathroom, noting that all the windows are barred, so I have no chance of escaping out of any of them. Bastards.

I do my best to wash myself and wrap a towel around my bleeding arm
and another around my naked body. My breath catches. “Don’t cry Maddie. Don’t you dare fucking cry,” I say to myself, knowing that Liam will be coming soon. I want him to think he can’t hurt me. I want him to think I don’t care. And then I want to kill him.


A woman enters my room. In her hand is my bag, and a first aid kit. When she drops the bag on the bed, it lands softly. My heart sinks knowing that the gun is gone, and my plan to shoot Liam is ruined. I squeeze my eyes shut tight for a moment and look away.

“I was told to come in here and make sure you’re ready for Liam,” she says in a small voice.
She’s quite mousy looking and only thing giving her away as a gang member is a Demon Brother tattoo on the side of her face with the word ‘property’ underneath it.

“Are you someone’s Old Lady?” I ask, nodding toward her face.

“No,” she almost whispers. “I’m just club property.” Her eyes dart to the door, like she’s scared to be overheard.

“So they just get to do whatever they want with you?” I ask.

She presses her lips together. “Show me your arm.” I take this to mean she isn’t talking anymore and just offer her my wrapped up arm. Slowly she unwraps it, and studies the cuts over the top of it. “Are you club property too?” she asks, noting the tattoo that was sliced.

“No. I’m… I was, an Old Lady
. The tattoo was for my man.”

“Did they kill him?” she asks as she pours a saline solution over my arm to clean away the excess blood.

I close my eyes, remembering the gun fire as we left. “I hope not.”


She places steri-strips and gauze over my cuts to join them back together, saying that if I’m lucky, there won’t be much of a scar and my tattoo won’t be ruined. I don’t tell her that it doesn’t really matter. Liam won’t let me keep it. But it’s nice of her anyway.

When she leaves the room, I head over to my bag and pull out my clothes, digging inside
in the hopes the gun is still there. It’s not.

I hiss, annoyed at myself for hoping I could get myself out of this. Although for what? My father is dead, and I’m sure Cole is too. The compound is burning, and who even knows how many men are left. The Outlaw Riders could be done for all I know.

“Looking for this?” a voice says from behind me. I spin around, clutching the towel at my chest as I’m met with Liam, who’s standing in the doorway, brandishing my gun. “What were you going to do with it, I wonder?” He steps toward me
, and places the gun under my chin. “Where you going to shoot me?” He jerks the gun back a little and makes a shooting sound with his mouth. Laughing a little through his nose, he lowers the gun and drops it on the bed, before taking my face in his hands and kissing me passionately, as if I’m his long lost love.

The taste of him turns my stomach as he works his tongue against mine and reaches up to my towel and pulls it open, dropping it on the floor.
He steps back for a moment and admires my body. “I have definitely missed you, Sunshine. That sweet body of yours, always so responsive. It’s hard to find a girl who explodes like you do. I heard you gave the boys a little display earlier. Glad to see you haven’t lost your touch.”

He walks around me in a circle, running his fingertips over my body as his breathing deepens. “I’m sorry it had to come to this Madeline. It was obvious you weren’t coming to me on your own, and the
Demon Brothers, well, they were thirsty for blood. And now, there’s nothing left for you to go back to. You’ll never need to leave again.”

He stops in front of me, lifting his arm to show me something in his hand. A pill. Ecstasy.
For a moment, I close my eyes. I don’t want to get caught up in drugs again, but the idea of a life with Liam has me opening my mouth, hoping that one day, I leave this earth, just like my mother before me.

I swallow
the pill to the tune of him whispering about what a good girl I am. “Now, why don’t you go and take a shower. Clean yourself up for me. When you come out we can have some fun.”

Nodding, I make my way into the bathroom, and shower for as long as I can. I don’t want to go out there before the pill takes effect.
I think I’d vomit if he touched me again and I was sober.”

When it hits, a euphoria flows over my body and it’s as if the water raining down upon me are the caressing fingers of a lover. I lose track of time in there, just letting the drug do it
s thing. It blocks out all the pain of the last few hours. Actually, it blocks out all the pain of my life.

I must have been in here for too long as Liam’s arm reaches inside the cubicle and he switches off the water, holding out his hand for me to take.

“You feeling good now Sunshine?” he asks, towelling me off before taking me back in the bedroom and laying me on the bed.

He’s naked now, standing above me, his cock rock hard and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth
and my gun in his hand. He leans over me, the ash of his cigarette dropping onto my belly as he jerks himself off on top of me. With a moan, he spurts his cum over my stomach, mixing it in with the ash before taking his still lit cigarette out of his mouth and putting it out with a hiss in his juices.

The stench is incredible, it’s not something that’s easy to describe, especially when you’re out of it and your senses are heightened. I think this is why he likes me to drop an E, so I feel the pain more. He seems to delight in it.

As he positions the gun at my entrance, I close my eyes, even though I’m high, I still don’t want that inside me. I turn my head and wait. But instead, the gun drops between my legs and I hear a gurgling sound.

I open my eyes, just as a river of red splashes over my chest and Liam grabs a
t his throat, his mouth working up and down as he tries to gasp for breathe. His body gets tossed to the side and lands on the floor with a thud.

It’s then that I see my saviour. My champion. “Cole,” I breathe, bursting into tears at the sight of him
. My heart sings in my chest. He’s alive. Thank god.

BOOK: Underworld Champions (The MC Outlaw Series)
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