Undone (39 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hunter

BOOK: Undone
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After their little tryst in the bathroom the night before, Luke and Embry had managed to stay away from each other and socialize for the remainder of the evening. She left with Morgan in the limousine and met Luke at his house. He’d kept his promise, and they had made very good use of his bed. They were ready to enjoy their Christmas-filled weekend, just the two of them, before his family flew into town.

Luke came up behind her and kissed her cheek. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Yes, it was. They’re all so pretty,” she said, pouting.

“Well, I think you did good.” He squeezed her tight. “Where to next, Mrs. Claus?”

“Hahaha, very funny.”

“Don’t you mean ho-ho-ho?” he teased.

Embry rolled her eyes, and the salesman walked up interrupting Luke’s comedy routine. Luke followed the man inside to pay for the tree, and Embry took the opportunity to scoop up a handful of fresh snow and pack it into a perfectly round and lethal snowball.

Luke walked out of the shop and headed toward the car. He stopped and looked back at Embry, who was hiding her new weapon behind her back and smiling innocently. “You coming, Bree?”

“Yep, right behind you.” She waited for Luke to turn around before she launched the snowball into the air and right at the back of his head. Her aim was a little off, so the snowball hit his right shoulder and exploded in a shower of cold and wet all over his back. He stood frozen to the spot, shoulders tense, facing away from her.

Oh, shit
. Embry walked toward Luke, the snow crunching beneath her feet as she waited for him to react, but he didn’t. “Luke?” she asked, hesitantly.

He wouldn’t answer her, wouldn’t turn around. She watched him slowly bend down, but she couldn’t see what he was doing.
Did I piss him off that much?
She was so engrossed by his change in mood that she missed the fact that he had turned around with a large ball of snow in his gloved hand.

A devilish smile spread across his lips as he faced Embry and yelled, “Run!”

Embry squealed and took off for the other side of the Rover, her boots slipping and sliding on the snow-covered ground. She ducked down beside the front bumper at the same time Luke launched the snowball in her direction. It hit the hood of the car and exploded in a mist of wet snow in her face.

“Shit! That’s cold!” She popped up and scrambled around the SUV as Luke chased after her. Hitting a particularly icy patch, Embry’s feet slid out from under her and she landed on her ass in the snow, laughing hysterically.

Luke stood over her, fighting back a smile. “You all right?” he asked, offering his hand.


“You sure?”

Embry nodded and took his hand. He pulled her up and bent his head, bringing his mouth down on hers. She lifted up on her toes and dug her fingers into his hair as he pushed her against the back of the car and kissed her senseless.

Luke pulled back, rubbing his nose against hers. “Time to warm up by the fire?” he asked.

“Affirmative.” She grabbed his face with her cold hands and planted a wet kiss on his lips.



Embry carried in bags of decorations while Luke pulled the tree into the house and set it up in the living room. Bing Crosby sang “White Christmas” in the background as they decorated the tree together.

“Leave it to you to pick the biggest tree on the lot, babe,” he teased.

“Hey! You said to pick any one I wanted,” she said, stringing tinsel across the tree.

“I did. I’m just glad I have high ceilings.” He climbed on the step stool and hung ornaments on the higher branches.

They worked on the tree until it was covered in beautiful, white twinkling lights, tinsel, and ornaments. Luke dimmed the overhead lighting, and they stood back to admire their work, the giant tree glowing in front of them.

Embry wrapped her arms around Luke’s waist and laid her head on his chest. “Thank you.”

He tipped his head down, kissing her hair. “For what?”

“This. Everything.” She looked up at him. “I had a really nice day with you.”

“The day’s not over yet, sweetheart.” A mischievous smile crossed his lips.


“Hell no, baby. We can’t have our own Christmas weekend without presents.”

Embry perked up. “Yeah?”


“What about your family?”

“We can exchange with them on Christmas, but I want this time with you.”

“Okay.” She smiled and dashed upstairs.

Embry came down a few minutes later with her gifts for Luke and found him sitting on the couch, looking like … well, like a kid on Christmas. He had her gifts on his lap, and he looked as eager as she felt.

“Hi,” she said, sitting on the couch and tucking her legs beneath her.

“Hi,” he said, smirking.

Embry held out the first package to Luke. “Well, Merry early Christmas.” Nerves fluttered in her stomach as he took her gift and handed one to her.

“You first,” he said, nodding to the gift in her hands.

“No, you,” she argued.

“Same time?” he suggested, holding up his gift.


He smiled and shook the package, making a show of trying to guess what it was. Embry didn’t have his restraint. She tore into the wrapping paper and looked up to see Luke doing the same. She pulled out a pair of barely there red lace panties. They were cute, sexy. He knew she always wore lace, so she figured he was just adding to her collection—since he had ripped a few—until she turned them around.

Embry broke out into peels of laughter as she stared at the large, black G over the crotch. She and Luke were on the exact same page. She looked up to see him beaming at her and holding up a pair of blue and orange flannel pajama pants with a huge Gator on the leg.

“Same brain,” Luke said, smiling and leaning over to brush his lips against Embry’s. “But if you expect me to wear these God-awful pants, I damn well better see you in those later.”

He winked, and she melted. She’d wear whatever the hell he wanted if he kept looking at her like that. “We’ll see,” she teased.

“Next,” Luke said, handing her a long, thin gift.

She pulled the wrapping paper aside to find two envelopes.

“Top one first,” Luke instructed.

Embry opened the envelope and stared down in disbelief at two plane tickets to New Orleans. She looked up at Luke, eyes wide. “New Orleans?”

He nodded. “Ever been?”

“No! But I’ve always wanted to go. This is amazing!”

“There’s more. Open the second envelope.”

Embry slid her finger under the flap and looked into the envelope. Her jaw went slack, and she couldn’t speak. She glanced up at Luke for confirmation and a huge grin was creasing his face, the dimple in his cheek deepening.

“Is this for real, baby?” Embry asked, astonished. Her heart pounded with excitement. Inside the second envelope were two tickets to the Sugar Bowl, where the Gators were playing in a little over a week.

“If you’re up for it.”

“If I’m up for it? Are you kidding me?”

“Not kidding, babe. I booked us tickets for the thirty-first. We can fly down and spend New Year’s in New Orleans since the game is on the second. If you want.”

“Of course I want! Luke, I can’t believe you did this. Thank you so much!” She jumped across the couch and onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, and crushing her lips to his.

Luke smiled against her mouth. “I’m glad you like it.”

it,” she said, pressing her lips to his again. “I love you.” She returned to her side of the couch, grabbed a large, rectangular present, and placed it in Luke’s hands. “Now your turn.”

“Hmmm … it’s heavy,” he said, inspecting the package.

“Oh, just open it!” she urged, unable to contain her excitement.

Luke paused and raised an eyebrow at Embry. He slowly unwrapped her gift and pulled out a black gift box. He flipped the latch and stared down into the box, his eyes wide. “Embry …” he said, shaking his head.

She smiled, waiting. He pulled the bottle from its box and held it up to the light. Then his eyes found hers.

“Baby,” he said, his face softening, “you shouldn’t have. This had to have cost you a fortune.”

Embry lifted a shoulder and let it fall, unconcerned. She
spent a fortune, but she was able to cover it. She had her research paychecks, and Morgan’s parents hadn’t cashed a single rent check that she’d given them. It left her with extra money for the holidays, and she was happy to spend it on Luke. She’d bought a bottle of his favorite scotch-whiskey, Johnnie Walker Blue, and had it engraved with the words he’d said to her the night Jack showed up at her parents’.
I don’t work without you.

“You were worth it,” she said quietly.

Luke carefully put the bottle back in its case and placed it on the end table before pulling her into his lap. He cupped her face, his eyes boring into hers. “I love it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

He reached behind him and pulled out a small box, placing it in Embry’s hand. “I have one more.”

“Okay.” Embry stared at the glossy white box before pulling off the festive green and red ribbons. She lifted the cover to find a …
key ring?
She pulled it out of the box and turned it over to find a Bulldog hanging from it. “Um, thanks?” Embry straddled his lap. “I love you, but you know I won’t use this right?” she teased.

“Maybe if there was something attached to it,” he hinted.

She tilted her head, a quizzical look crossing her features.

“Ah, there’s something else in the box.” Luke said, his hand automatically going to the back of his neck in a nervous gesture.

“Oh.” Embry peeled back a layer of tissue paper to find a key nestled in the bottom of the box. She stared for a minute before taking it out of the box and rolling it between her fingers. She must have been quiet for too long because Luke wrapped his hand around hers, closing the key in her fist.

“It’s the key to my house,” he said.

Embry’s eyes widened. A million thoughts ran through her mind, making her head spin.

Luke lightly gripped her chin and lifted her eyes to his. “I love you, Embry. I want you in my bed and in my home.” She began to tear up as he continued. “I know it may seem too soon, but I know it’s right. I want you to move in with me.”

“Luke …” Her heart beat fast, excitement warring with anxiety. She had never lived with anyone other than college roommates. She had never had a relationship like theirs either, let alone any relationship since Jack. But she felt more for Luke than she had for anyone else, and a small part of her hoped that he really was it for her.

“I know you may not be ready yet,” he said, interrupting her thoughts.


“Either way, I want you to have the key and—”

“Luke,” she said more forcefully, grabbing his cheeks in both hands. She couldn’t believe she was about to agree, but he was right.
were right. She stared into his blue depths and believed she could see straight through to his soul. “Yes.” She ghosted her lips against the corner of his mouth. “Yes, I’ll move in with you.” Embry was on her back and his lips were on hers before she finished her sentence.

“I love you so fucking much,” he said between kisses.

“I know,” she replied.

His hands roamed her body, tracing slow, sexy circles over her clothes before slipping under her shirt and pulling it up and over her head. He dropped sweet kisses across her stomach and then made his way up to her breasts. He pulled down the cups of her bra and went to work kissing and teasing her nipples. Embry reached down and tugged at Luke’s shirt until he pulled away to help her get rid of the layer of clothing between them. He tugged the shirt over his head and came back to her, his chest rubbing against her heated skin and causing a moan to rise up her throat.

“I need to be inside you,” he said, joining his mouth with hers.

Embry nodded. Luke stood, removing the rest of his clothes, and set to work undressing her. He swept soft kisses across her body as he pulled off her pants and dragged her panties down her legs. He propped himself up on his elbows, cradled her face in his hands, and tangled his tongue with hers as he slowly slid inside of her.

There was something about two bodies connecting not just for pleasure but for love. Every touch, every feeling was heightened, intense. Luke’s movements weren’t rushed or rough. Although Embry loved that side of him, he was giving her exactly what she needed in that moment. He took his time, slowly dragging himself in and out of her while his hands traveled over her skin and his tongue stroked hers. Before she knew it, she was shouting his name and clenching around him as he let go inside of her.


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