Undone (43 page)

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Authors: R. E. Hunter

BOOK: Undone
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She shook her head slightly, unable to speak. Luke strode right into her personal space, and his hands cupped her cheeks as he crushed his lips to hers.

“You own me, Embry,” he said, his eyes pleading. “I’m yours. I’m not letting you run.”

“I don’t want to own you, Luke,” she cried. “I don’t want any of this.”

Luke flinched as if he’d been slapped, but that wasn’t enough. She needed him to hurt like she was.

“Ever since I saw you walking down that hallway, my entire life has been turned upside down. I can’t seem to escape you. You’re everywhere I turn, and no matter how hard I try to fight it, you’re just … It’s destroying me, Luke. I can’t do this anymore,” she sobbed.

“Embry, don’t.”

She looked at Jeremy, who stood as still as a statue, his mouth hanging open. “Jer, can you get me out of here?”

“Baby, no,” Luke pleaded.

Her eyes came back to his, and she lost it. “I’m sorry. I just need time. Please, give me time.”

Jeremy came up behind her and took her hand in his. “I’ll take you anywhere you want,” he said glaring at Luke. “Let’s go.”

Her eyes locked on Luke’s as Jeremy towed her to the car. He opened the door and slid into the backseat, waiting for Embry to follow. She held the door and stared at Luke. The agony on his face ripped her apart, but she needed this. She wasn’t running; she just needed time and space.

“Luke,” she whispered.

He met her at the car door. His arms wrapped around her and he brushed his lips against hers. “I love you. I’ll let you go if that’s what you need, but I’m not giving up on us.”

Embry nodded. He let her go, and she slid into the car with Jeremy. She fell apart in her friend’s arms as she watched Luke fade away out the window.



Fireworks always had a way of making Embry feel small, bringing her back to a time when things were simpler, easier. No matter how old she was, when she heard that boom and crackle, and saw the explosion of light across the night sky, it opened up something inside of her that time had taken away. Suddenly she was young again, sitting on her father’s shoulders, completely enamored with life and filled with that wonder and curiosity that only children had. It was that feeling of knowing she was right where she was supposed to be, sharing something so special with the people she loved.

Embry felt none of that as she watched the New Year’s Eve fireworks over New York Harbor. It was a new year, and she sat on the rooftop of Jeremy’s penthouse, his arms wrapped around her as she cried more tears over Luke. The tears would stop eventually; she knew that. But the pain, that would stay with her for a while. If Jack had taught her anything, though, it was that she would survive. She’d get past it, eventually, and she’d be stronger for it.



Luke watched her drive off in the arms of another man, and it nearly broke him.

He had been ready to give it all up for her. He was in the Dean’s office, about to sacrifice himself and his career for her, when his phone buzzed. If she hadn’t sent that text … he couldn’t even think about it. He’d almost thrown everything away, and for what? To lose her anyway.

He hadn’t just planned to resign; he was going to tell all. Save Embry from having any of it come down on her head. He was prepared to twist the story in any way necessary to protect her, even if it meant he’d never be able to teach again. He would have done it for her. He’d do anything for her. But to his broken girl, the only thing that mattered was the truth he had kept from her. The truth he’d hidden to protect her. Because if she knew the truth about his past, she would come undone.

He’d never felt that way about a woman before. He would do anything to protect Embry, putting her before him without a thought. But he hadn’t protected her from himself. He’d been too selfish. He’d hidden so much of himself out of fear that she’d leave. He thought about all she’d shared with him. All they’d been through.

At the very least, he’d owed her the truth, but he couldn’t make himself come clean. Looking back on the past few days, he realized some things were so much bigger than what had happened in his past. Like watching the love of his life turn her back on him. Watching the resolve in her eyes as she decided she’d had enough.

He’d never forget that look for as long as he lived.
had put that look there. He knew how strong she was, even if she didn’t believe it, and he knew she wouldn’t be easy to win back. But he would do whatever he had to do to make things right with her. Anything to show Embry she was the only thing that mattered to him.

But fate seemed to have other plans.

Luke pulled into his driveway, and was so consumed by his thoughts that he didn’t notice the car parked on the street in front of his house. He got out of his truck, his head hung low, and headed toward the front door. When he looked up, he froze. He stared, unbelieving, at the girl sitting on his doorstep.

Long blond hair pulled back into a messy bun. Blue eyes filled with mischief and desire.

“Hey, Professor,” she rasped in her sweet southern accent.




This book would not have been written without the help of so many. Let’s hope I can keep this somewhat short and sweet.

To my amazing husband, who dealt with me writing and publishing my first novel during our first year of marriage. Thank you for all of your love, support and understanding, and for inspiring me to write this story. I love you.

Lisa Maurer

My José. There are no words. You’ve been there since the beginning, and I don’t think I could have gotten through this book without you. From our epic voxes to our out-of-control chats, you kept me sane or got a little crazy right along with me. Your amazing ideas and input, and your encouragement, kept me going when I didn’t think I could do this. You somehow always know whether to reassure me or to give me a swift kick in the ass. You know Luke and Embry as well as I do and helped me make this story the best it could be. You’re the best beta that never reads. QBB for life. I’m memorializing it for all to see, Lucas Brody is yours ;) I love your face.

My Luke Lovers
Stephanie Johnson, Stacia Newbill, Andrea Kelleher and Denise Tung
—Thank you for your time, your amazing insight and for being my constant cheerleaders, always encouraging me and dealing with my nerves and my baby author freak-outs. I could not have done this without you girls. Thank you for sharing in my excitement and loving Luke and Embry as much as I do. I can’t wait to continue this journey with you in book two!

ALBW’s/CCBW’s—If it weren’t for you girls, Embry would have jaundice and a caterpillar eyebrow. Just sayin’. Every time I have anything funny or exciting to share, you hear it first. Or, let’s be honest, if I’m super excited that I’m drinking a margarita, you know who I’m going to tell. You girls are absolutely amazing. Thank you for making me laugh every time I needed it, for convincing me to always keep going and for threatening to sell my MS and publish without me when I got scared!

Amy McAvoy—I have one word for you: QUOTES!!! I am
happy I met your schmexy ass in Vegas! I adore you. You came in at the last minute and saved the day in more ways than one. Thank you for listening to me whine, reassuring me, taking the time to put together an amazing trailer and for holding my hand through release day. And most of all, thank you for letting me use your husband as the butt of so many of the jokes in
High five!

Laura Dunaway (Lala)

I’ll never remember how we started talking (or who is Kathy and who is Sally in this scenario) but I’m so glad we did. Thank you for reading and loving my story and for being so incredibly supportive and encouraging in every way possible. I’m so lucky to call you my friend - ssbgf. I live for our voxer karaoke and can’t wait to kiss your face in March.

Ana Zaun, Mimi Abraham, Nikki Narvaez—Thank you for reading, helping, encouraging, listening and just being there and understanding exactly what it feels like to be on this crazy ride.

To my cover designer, Regina Wamba, from Mae I Design and Photography. You are absolutely amazing. Thank you for creating such a beautiful and unique cover and putting up with all of my nit-picky little changes. You went above and beyond and captured exactly what I wanted. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with the rest of the series!

Tomasz Zienkiewicz, the photographer responsible for my gorgeous cover photo. Thank you for being so amazingly kind and easy to work with. I cannot wait for everyone to see the photo for book two!

To my editor, Cassie Cox, thank you for whipping me into shape and making time for me even though I kept freaking out about my deadline and pushing back my release. I look forward to working with you and learning so much more from you in the future!

Angela McLaurin from Fictional Formats—Thank you for being so sweet and flexible, and dealing with all of my schedule changes and fitting me in when I needed you. I can’t thank you enough!

To each and every blogger who took a chance on me, shared my page or teasers, took the time to support me, read
and participated in the cover reveal and/or blog tour or helped promote me in any other way. I know the amount of time and effort it takes to run a blog, and read and write thoughtful reviews, and it’s often a thankless job. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I am forever grateful.

To my friends and family who have been nothing but excited and supportive, even when I’ve completely dropped off the radar and gotten lost in my characters. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all.



R.E. Hunter is a native New Yorker and lives on Long Island with her husband and their crazy kitten. She works as an attorney by day and writes every spare second she gets. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her somewhere near a beach with a book in her hand. She is currently working on the sequel to
, which will be released sometime in 2014.

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