Unearthly Power (26 page)

BOOK: Unearthly Power
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With walls as high as twenty feet, and the borders stretching at more than forty, it was no wonder they failed to hear their host enter.

“Would either of you care to join me for a drink?” Silas Chandler asked as he walked in from one of the doors opposite from where they had entered.  

“No, thank you,” Dee said.

Tori just looked at him with hate-filled eyes.

He shrugged as if
unconcerned and then poured a dark colored liquid from a glass decanter into a very wide snifter. He was indifferent to the reaction from the James girl as he felt quite safe in the presence of three members of his security team.

Dee noticed them too. It seemed odd to her that he would think they posed such a threat that he would need three men to watch over them.

He lifted the glass, swirled the liquid around its core and then briefly inhaled its bouquet before swallowing. A mild look of satisfaction washed across his face before he allowed himself to take a seat a dozen feet from where the women now sat.

“I think we should be concluding our business rather soon. I have had to interrupt my schedule considerably due to this . . . this . . . matter.”

Tori was about to get out of her seat when Dee put her hand on her leg to keep her in place.

Chandler saw the display and seemed amused by it. He used the moment to think of the co
ntrasts between the two women. They were both very attractive and intelligent in their own ways. For their ages, they were also quite accomplished in their specific fields of interest. The difference was the inner person, the inanimate part of someone he considered to be the soul. While Tori leaned toward the typical emotionally charged creature, Dee was quite controlled, almost reserved. She was also very dangerous because of this. He was impressed by this young lady each time he had the opportunity to interact with her.

“As I was saying, I think we will soon be seeing the last of each other so I wouldn’t want either of you doing anything foolish before that time comes. I would suggest . . .” He started to say when the sound of automatic gunfire shatte
red the serenity of the moment.

He stood up quickly and thrust his head toward the front of the house, indicating to the man nearest him that he should see what had happened. At the sound of additional gunfire, two
additional members of his security team ran into the room and stood near Mr. Chandler.

Everyone in the room looked surprised when they saw a man standing at one of the open archways into the great room with a wooden staff in one hand and a silenced pistol in the other. His first gaze was directed at the man on the opposite end of the room
who he decided could be none other than Silas Chandler. Surrounding him were men holding formidable automatic weapons. Between them were the unarmed and unprotected girls Sean had come for.  










~ Eighteen ~


ean, Leandro, and one of his men started toward the front entryway. Leandro sent the rest of the men to the back of the house and waited until they were in position. When they gave him the signal, he reached into his pocket and took out his cell phone. He flipped it open and sent the prewritten text to the man controlling the entrance to the driveway and the remaining members of his team who were waiting in place on the opposite side of the residence. He placed it back in his pocket and pointed forward in a sign signifying they should move out.

When they rounded the corner, one armed guard could be seen walking with his sub-machine gun hanging from his shoulder. Leandro’s man raised his arm, aimed, and fired one silent round which caused the guard to fall immediately to the ground. The deliberate execution of the man made the reality of the situation all the more clear for Sean. He followed them to the front door as it was held open for him and Leandro to enter.

Inside, Sean walked off to the right while Leandro moved up the stairs, followed by his man. He would need the extra support as this was the main access point for the second floor. Sean would meet up with his support as they filtered in from the other first floor entryways. He just hoped they realized who he was before they started shooting.

As soon as he walked into the room, he noticed several men standing at the far side. He stopped. A second later, the sound of gunfire could be heard from outside the house. It was not the silenced weapons of Leandro’s men, but rather, the staccato sound of machine gun fire. He froze in place as did those inside the room. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion at that point. He could see a dignified, well-dressed man giving orders to three other men who held similar looking weapons as the man at the front of the house had. They stood together before two of the men started in his direction.

Without thinking, he too moved to one side, drawing closer to a white marbled colonnade. In doing so, his attention was slightly distracted by a movement between him and the other men. Two women were sitting on a couch in the center of the room with their backs to him. He could tell instantly that it was his sister and Tori.

His movement must have finally attracted attention as the older man on the far side of the room was pointing at him and shouting something he couldn’t understand. Two of the men raised their guns and began to fire. He rushed the last several steps to seek cover behind the wide column. He let go of the wooden staff, wrapped his pistol in both hands, and turned the corner to select a target. As soon as he did, he was greeted with a hail of gunfire. By now the sounds of weapons being fired were everywhere. He saw a glint of movement reflected by a mirror on the wall closest to him, turned around the other side of the column and fired two quick shots at a blur that raced toward him. He heard the sound of a muffled crash as he assumed the rounds had found their mark. The single thought that was taking precedence in his mind was that the girls were between all of the people with the guns. He was determined to see that they would not get hurt.

He reached down for the rod, placed it in his left hand, gripped his gun with the right, and without regard to his own safety, ran out from behind the protection of the marble column while fragments of stone chipped away repeatedly as a result of the dozens of rounds impacting it from the opposite side. It was a frightening sound. When he was finally in the clear, he raised his right hand and started firing continuously until the man before him collapsed in a motionless heap. He heard the sounds of ricochets and what could have easily passed for noisy bees rushing past his head as he continued forward. He was knocked off balance twice as if he had stumbled over something. He noticed one man lying on the floor to his side, evidently the one who had been coming toward him earlier. He was moving, but only barely. The other movement that caught his eye was further along the wall. The man raised his weapon and stopped firing.  He had an incredulous look on his face. Not missing his opportunity, Sean raised his gun and fired. The man fell against the wall and then slumped to the ground, leaving a thin trail of blood behind him as he went.

Sean felt strange. It wasn’t the fact that everything still appeared to be in hushed tones and in slow motion, but as if something was happening to him. He shook it off as he made his way to the couch. He could see that the two women were holding each other tightly, as if the action itself provided a measure of safety, as he made his way to them. The older man who he had seen when he first entered was no longer
in the room.

He looked down at them for a moment before speaking. “Dee, it’s me,” he shouted. The sound of his own voi
ce brought everything into real time for him.

They both looked up in surprise. A second later they had him engulfed in their arms. The action caused him to drop the wooden staff and adjust his hold on the pistol. He didn’t want them to be hurt by accident.

“We need to get you out of here,” he said as he broke free from their grasp.

“What’s happening?” Tori asked in shock.

“I have some men with me. Don’t worry about that now, let’s get out of here!” he said with a sense of urgency.

They both nodded as the reality of the situation settled in. When he stood from his stooped position, the rattle of gunfire filled the room once again. He couldn’t see the person firing at them, but he could tell the direction it was coming from. He pushed the girls in front of him, stooped over in a hunch, angling them toward the protection of the bar. Bullets smashed into the furniture around them as they went. Tori made a sudden move as if to turn away, revealing herself fully, but at the last second she continued in the direction they were headed.

When they were all safely behind cover, Sean peered over the top of the bar only to be greeted with another fusillade. He heard the shout as soon as he ducked his head. “There it is. Get it!”

Attempting to peer around the corner, he was again met with gunfire. Only this time, it was from a handgun. He briefly caught sight of three men standing in the room. One of them was the older man who had apparently returned from wherever he had gone. It was too late when he realized what it was that was happening. He had left the rod by the couch when he reached the girls. He took a quick look over the top of the bar which was soon followed by two bullets impacting much closer than he e
xpected. A few seconds later there were no more sounds coming from inside the room itself.

On his last look, he noticed that the man with the machine gun, the first one who had fired at them, was Marcel. He was also the one who had been directed to the staff. Sean sat with his back against the wall. He decided Leandro and his men would have to get the staff back as they were sure to have the house surrounded. His part was over.

He looked to his side as the hand which held his pistol was resting in his lap. He had never shot at anyone before. Today, he not only shot at people, he killed at least one man and possibly another. When his mind cleared, he noticed there were now only sporadic gun shots resonating from outside the house. He was reasonably sure they were safe. He offered a brief smile to his sister. The look he received in return was filled with worry.

Dee was holding Tori in her arms. Unlike when they were on the couch, this time Tori was not returning the embrace. Sean crawled the few feet to where they were and pulled at Tori’s shoulder. She moved backward into his arms. There was a pained expression on her face. She tried hard to smile at him but it was forced at best. Sean looked down at her stomach and saw the blood seeping out from between her fingers. Her breathing was weak and shallow.

“I knew you’d come,” she said weakly.

“Just hold on. We’ll get you to the hospital as fast as we can,” he said while trying to help her up.

She let out a cry and shook her head violently. “No. I can’t move. Just let me down,” she pleaded.

Sean looked at Dee in helplessness. He couldn’t send her for help, and he wasn’t about to leave them alone. She returned his look with both understanding and s
ympathy. He held Tori in his lap and ran his hand alongside her head in a comforting motion.

She looked up at him and smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I have no fear of what’s to come. Just do me a favor, don’t let that man win,” she said with such an intense stare that he thought would be impossible for her to muster in such a condition. “Promise me,” she demanded as she gripped his arm.

He looked her in the eyes and said, “I promise.”

She nodded once in acceptance
and then turned her head as if to say something to Dee. Nothing came from her mouth as she took her last breath.


Dee was finally able to make Sean release his hold on Tori’s lifeless body. His side was covered in blood but she knew it was not his own. The room was empty and quiet as she helped him stand. He was dazed as he stood and looked down at her body. Dee saw two round holes on the front of his shirt over his heart.

“What happened here?” she asked, as she poked at the holes with her finger, in concern.

“What?” he replied as he looked to where she was pointing.

“Here and here,” she said as she touched each hole. “How did that happen?”

He traced the holes with his own finger realizing that they were not there before he entered the house. He dismissed it as if it didn’t matter now. He thought he knew the answer, but there was little reason to talk about it now. He shrugged it off without saying anything.

They heard the sound of someone coming from the same direction Sean had, which caused him to raise his weapon out of reflex. When the person came into view, he saw that it was Leandro. Dee stood behind her brother, not knowing the other man, as he lowered his gun.

“Is everyone okay?” he asked with a troubling voice.

“No.” Sean said almost in a whisper.

Leandro looked them over and saw the blood on Sean’s shirt. When he came nearer, he saw the body of a woman lying on the floor behind the bar. He placed his hand on Sean’s shoulder and nodded in indication of his feelings.

“We must go. I’m afraid the police will be here soon. There was much more resistance than we had anticipated.”

Sean looked him in the eyes wondering what any of that had to do with him now.

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