Unexpected Mr. Right (16 page)

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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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"What if I'm not?” He whispered in a husky, sultry tone against her neck.

"What if you're not what?"

"Okay with this being a fling?"

Warmth spread through her body at the same time confusion slammed her head. He couldn't be saying what it sounded like. Nico suddenly wanting a relationship didn't make sense. It didn't fit who he was. “You aren't looking for a relationship. We want different things. You've said so and so have I.” The words didn't want to pass her lips. Why she didn't know. She wasn't in love with him. Sure she cared about him, liked him, enjoyed his company but she wasn't in love with him. She'd felt love before and knew how it felt when the emotion bloomed. Didn't she? Right now she wasn't so sure.

"I wasn't looking for a relationship but one found me all the same, Tesoro. I'm not ready to release whatever hold you have somehow put on me.” His hand moved up and cupped one breast. “You've bewitched me. Cast a spell on me. I can't make you any promises, Tabby.” His thumb rubbed her nipple sending shocks of delight through her body. “I don't know how good I'll be at this whole relationship thing but I want to give it a try. With you.

"I know I'm not exactly what you're looking for but we're good together.” His voice whispered a seductive song to her soul. “I want to be yours. To call you mine. To bust assholes like Lance in the face when they look at you the way he did the other night."

She knew what it sounded like he was saying but she had to be sure. She never expected this from this confirmed bachelor. Tabby rolled over. Their faces only a couple inches apart. “What exactly are you saying, Nico?"

"Live a little. Give me a chance. Let's see where this can take us."

She never expected this. Her mind struggled to understand how they'd gotten here. Nico flirted, not only with her but with women in general. She wanted that one special person who would make her number one in their lives. Someone who she could do the same with, someone who she could have a forever kind of bond with. The two just didn't mix. Or they didn't until she met him

Nico treated her like she was someone special to him, someone he cared about, and obviously someone he wanted to attempt a relationship with which happened to be a first for him. That made her special, didn't it? As much as she tried to prevent it he'd become someone special to her. He meant more to her than anyone in a long time. Nico was worth the risk. She just had to keep reminding herself he wasn't making promises. They could take it one step at a time.

He leaned forward lightly touching his lips to hers before pulling away. The kiss was sweet, sensual, melting what little resistance she had left. Please don't let this be a mistake. “So we're going to give this a shot? Officially date? With titles and everything?"

"Now don't start trying to scare me.” Nico laughed.

She could see a playful twinkle dance in his eyes. She loved that about him. He could always make her smile, make a heavy moment light with just a few words. “You try changing your mind now and I won't be responsible for my actions.” Tabby playfully made a fist and waved it in front of him. “You're stuck with me.” For how long, she didn't know. A leopard couldn't change his spots. He might decide this isn't what he really wanted, she might discover he couldn't give her what she needed but for the first time in a long time she felt hopeful. The emotion filled her up. He made her happier than anyone she'd ever known.

"Are you kidding, Slugger? I've been on the receiving end of your right hook before. You're one scary chick."

She tried to think of a smart aleck reply but before she could Nico rolled on top of her and kissed her. His tongue plunged into her mouth treating her to his addictive taste. He kissed her senseless, kissed all thoughts besides him out of her head. She knew she'd wanted to say something but at the moment she had no idea what it had been.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Ten

Tabby rolled over to hug Nico but she was alone. He'd thoroughly ravaged her last night. So much so that she slept so soundly she obviously didn't hear him leave. She felt a little bummed that he left without saying goodbye. Trying not to think negative she decided something came up, he probably had plans and didn't want to wake her. Or maybe he had second thoughts and doesn't want to hurt me. She pushed those negative thoughts from her head. If he changed his mind then she'd deal with it. No more broken hearts for her. No more crying over men.

After a good stretch Tabby stood up and padded toward her bathroom naked. As soon as she turned the corner into her hallway she bumped into a bare chested, sexy as sin, Nico. His hair was a rumpled mess, nothing new there. He had on his jeans, the button undone and nothing else. On auto pilot Tabby ran her finger under her lip to make sure there was no drool. He looked that good.

"I was just coming to wake you."

"Why? What's up?” A nervous quiver shook her voice. She tried to hide it to no avail. She didn't want him to know how strongly he affected her body responses.

"You need to pack a bag. We're going to Half Moon Bay for the night."

Trying to sound as light and carefree as he did she said, “A romantic night away? Are you sure you haven't done this whole relationship thing before?"

He bent and captured her mouth in a kiss, his lips seductively caressing hers to open. He tasted of mint and man. Tabby placed her hands on the smooth skin of his chest. His sinewy body sizzled with intense heat. Unable to hold back Tabby let her hands roam his body, not just his chest but his back as well. After an all too short exploration Nico pulled away.

"We better stop or we'll never get out of here."

She wasn't so sure that was a bad thing but then she remembered where they were going. If he planned to take her away for the night there would be time later to burn up the sheets with him. Anticipation raced through her body. She couldn't wait to find out what he had in store for her. What she knew about Nico told her it would be like nothing she'd ever experienced before. Everything they did together felt unique. He made even the smallest of things fresh, new. When they got to Half Moon Bay she'd have to be sure and show him just how much she appreciated him.

* * * *

For the first time in his life nerves ticked inside his body over a woman. Today needed to be special. He wanted her to know how much she meant to him. He needed to try and prove to her and himself that he could handle this whole relationship thing. “You're not afraid of heights are you?” Glancing quickly her way he saw her head shake no before he turned to face the freeway once again. They'd taken her car. She had one but rarely drove it in the city. Traffic made it much easier to take cabs in downtown San Francisco.


"Have you ever taken a helicopter ride?"

"No way?” Excitement laced her response making the blood in his own veins pump faster.

"Yep, Slugger, what did you think we'd do, go to dinner and the movies? Not on my watch, baby.” For some strange reason he wanted to impress her. He wanted her to know he would do whatever it took to make her happy and show her a good time. “In just a few minutes we'll be boarding a helicopter and taking a tour of the Bay area. I did this tour with Gabriella a couple years back. The city looks totally different when you're looking down on it."

"Ah, so this is how you show all the girls a good time?"

She had a small smile on her face probably meant to make her words sound playful but the small tug on her lips didn't fool him. “No Slugger, this isn't how I show all the girls a good time. Gabriella is my sister. She won it on some radio contest."

"I shouldn't have asked that."

"No biggie. I don't have anything to hide, Tabby. You asked a legitimate question. We both know how things used to be for me. There's no reason to shy away from the truth. But no matter what I've done, or who I've dated I want you to know that I'm with you and only you right now.” He wanted a future with her so he wouldn't hide his past, not that he could anyway. Of all things he wanted her to know the first was he'd always be upfront with her. If they wanted to give this a real go she had to know that his past was his past, his future was a different story. He couldn't change who he was and despite what people may think his actions meant, of all things he was honest and loyal.

He glanced at her again to see her eyes locked on him. Damn she had to be the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He hated sounding like a sap but she mesmerized him. He'd take a lot of shit if people knew how big a softie she turned him into. The Pillsbury dough boy had nothing on what Tabby did to him. You've finally lost it, he thought to himself but when Tabby reached out and stroked his leg damned if he cared.

* * * *

"So how many sisters do you have?” She needed to lighten the mood. Their brief but intense eye contact made her start thinking all sorts of things she knew she shouldn't. Not this soon. They'd just decided to officially be a couple. Who knew how soon it would be before Nico tired of the monogamy. He usually had a different woman every week. Would he be able to handle being exclusive?

"Three. I'm sure you've met Maria. She helps Kaylee out at her store when she's not in school. She's nineteen. Theresa is twenty one, and Gabriella's twenty four. They're great girls. I can't wait for you to meet them."

He surprised her with his words. Did he plan to bring her home to meet his family? She couldn't do the same. She had no family to bring him home to. She'd never had that but she wanted it. Tabby envied him that. Nico loved his family. Pride and love ignited in his words. She knew they felt the same about him. Who wouldn't? “I'm sure they are great. I bet you chased off any guy that ever looked their way."

"Hell yes. I know exactly how a man thinks and anyone who dares think it about my little sisters will have me to deal with."

He spoke with a smile on his face and laughter in his eyes but she knew part of him to be serious. Nico would protect people he cared about. He proved that with the way he pushed Luciano toward Kaylee. He wanted his cousin to be happy and he did everything he could to make it happen. “Big tough guy, huh? Afraid they'll bring home a guy like you?"

"Hey. What's wrong with me? I'm a damn gentleman. Here I am taking my woman on a surprise helicopter ride and a night at a bed and breakfast. I think I deserve a reward when we're alone tonight."

Her heart did a summersault in her chest. He called her his woman and damned if it didn't tickle her insides. She suddenly felt hot, like she was glued to the leather upholstery of her car seat. And she wanted to give him something special for what she knew would be one of the best days of her life. They hadn't done any of the things he planned yet and it already was. “You have yourself deal, Nico. I have a sexy surprise in store for you.” When she heard him let out a groan she continued, “You know before I met you I wasn't what you'd call, frisky. A couple nights with you and all that's changed."

* * * *

Tabby buckled her seatbelt and put her headset on. Her limbs shook slightly whether from nerves or excitement she couldn't tell. Both emotions flowed through her body as the helicopter lifted off the ground. A fluttering began to stir in her belly as they lifted higher. Nico grabbed her hand and squeezed. The gesture was so simple but yet so meaningful. It added an increased heart rate along with everything else she felt.

"You okay, Slugger?"

Oh yeah. Better than okay. As they lifted and the pilot's voice flowed through the earpiece she knew they were setting out on an adventure. A once in a lifetime kind of thing. Not that she could never do this again but it would be different. Today was a surprise, an idea that he had to make her day special, to make her feel special and that meant more to her than she could tell him. “Perfect.” On instinct Tabby leaned forward and placed a simple kiss on his lips.

Nico moved his arm around her and pulled her toward him so she could look out his window. He winked at her before turning toward the scenery that passed them. They passed over Bay Meadows Horse track, The Port of San Francisco, and the Bay Bridge before they headed over Alcatraz Island. Growing up here she'd seen in all before but not like this. The view couldn't be more amazing, looking down at beautiful San Francisco landmarks, calming music floating through her headset, Nico holding her tight. Amazing.

Her stomach felt fluttery, like the wings of butterflies tickled inside her. She'd never forget this day. A content calmness bathed her. For the first time she didn't feel like she had to prove herself, she didn't need to look for anything or anyone to make her happy because right now she had everything she needed. A friend who cared about her, someone who meant more to her each day they spent together, respect, happiness.

She had so much, a job she loved, two girlfriends who meant the world to her, yet she'd always wanted more. She wanted that unconditional, in sickness and health, knight in shining armor kind of love and she never thought she'd rest until she had it. Looking over the Pacific Ocean stretching beyond view she realized how insignificant her expectations really were. That perfect man didn't exist. But the man sitting next to her was pretty darn close.

She knew they had to take this one step at a time. Life threw curve balls but whatever happened she'd always be grateful for this time. She had everything she ever wanted within grasp. Too bad it took her so long to figure it out.

Nico tapped her shoulder shaking her free of the thoughts that grasped her mind. “Look, Tesoro.” He pointed towards the water at Montera Beach. “Do you see the whale?"

The beautiful, majestic humpback whale lowered in the water before floating to the surface again. It rolled over before disappearing beneath the blue water below them. “Wow.” All other words escaped her.

The helicopter began to turn. She leaned into Nico burying her face in his neck. “Thank you.” He kissed her forehead as the helicopter soared back to their take-off point. The simple kiss was more intimate than anything she'd experienced with him so far.

After their tour ended they drove into Half Moon Bay and ate at a small Italian Bistro with a cobblestone walkway and a patio decorated with tables and umbrellas. They both ordered cheese ravioli with pesto. When Tabby mentioned how much she loved pesto Nico bragged about his secret recipe that according to him made it even more mouth-watering.

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