Unexpected Mr. Right (22 page)

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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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He knew enough to know that relationships took trust and no matter how much he showed her he cared she didn't believe him. Her actions today showed him that. Nico couldn't live like that. He loved her but he needed her to trust him. He needed her not to doubt him. Part of him thanked God she hadn't heard him tell her he loved her. Not that she would have believed him anyway but if or when he told her he wanted to be sure they were on the same page. That they both knew what it took to make a relationship work and they believed in each other. Not just him believing in her.

As hard as it would be, he wasn't going to call her. He couldn't. If this relationship had any hope of lasting she had to give him a little bit of faith.

* * * *

Tabby set a brown paper grocery bag on her kitchen counter and unloaded their “girl's night in” necessities. Instead of going to Luciano's tonight, she, Bri and Tabby planned a sleepover at her house. Yeah, kind of silly but they didn't care. Tonight would be Kaylee's last Friday night as a single woman and they wanted to celebrate no men allowed. Not that any of them had men to worry about except the bride herself. Bri didn't have a man and Tabby lost hers.

Nico hadn't so much as called her and the sad part is he didn't even know she'd caught him with Cindy the serpent. Obviously when propositioned by another woman he quickly forgot he'd been the one to suggest they have a relationship. And he'd also been the one to return her vow of love if only when he didn't think she heard him. Tabby pulled out a bottle of rum, strawberries, and daiquiri mix. Usually she'd drink wine but tonight called for the big guns. She had a sexy Italian to drink out of her mind.

Yeah, like that will work. She left the alcohol on the counter and put the rest of the food away before trashing the bag. She really did look forward to tonight. Nothing helped get her head on straight like spending time with the girls. Tonight they'd talk, laugh, and probably cry celebrating Kaylee's goodbye to bachelorettehood. Who cares that that bachelorettehood wasn't even a real word. That's exactly what they were doing. She only hoped along the way Nico would slip out of her head. Because so far he hadn't left since she heard him in Luciano's office on Wednesday.

She didn't understand the whole situation. They'd gotten to know each other. She thought she knew him well. Never would she have expected him to do something like this. Sure she wondered if he'd get tired of dating her, if he'd realize a relationship isn't what he really wanted but she'd never thought him the type to sneak around behind her back. She never thought he'd drop her and never even pick up the phone to tell her.

Her fears already crept back into her heart. She had a feeling they'd now be taking up permanent residency there. No one would give her that unconditional, forever kind of love that her heart longed for. Had she really expected anything different? The sad truth is she did. Nico started making her hope that the man she loved more than anyone else would feel the same about her.

Before she started to cry and ruined her best friends party before it had the chance to start, Tabby, pushed a button on her stereo, Beyonce filled the air as she headed to her bedroom to change. She needed to stop thinking of Nico. She had a bachelorette party to get ready for and this weekend a wedding to help run. And it would be perfect. If she couldn't have her dreams at least Kaylee could.

* * * *

Tabby hit the puree button on her blender, one drink already in her system. As the loud spin of blades filled the air chunks of ice, strawberry and rum began to fly as well. A chunk flew at Bri hitting her in the face as she reached to grab a bowl from the cabinet next to her. Oops. She felt a slight buzz already. She could have sworn she'd put that lid on the blender.

"Girl, thank God you never tried to be a bartender,” Bri wiped off her cheek and picked up the lid. “See this? It's called a lid. You put it on top of the blender.” She gave her friend a laugh and a wink.

Bri went back to standing on her tiptoes and trying to get into the cabinet. Tabby grabbed an ice cube from the tray and stuck it down her friend's shirt. “Oops. Damn I'm clumsy tonight."

Brianna started to do a bouncing dance in the middle of her kitchen reaching for the ice cube that must have somehow gotten stuck in her bra. When she pulled it out she started chasing Tabby around the kitchen threatening to retaliate, cube in hand. When Tabby rounded the kitchen she slipped in some daiquiri mix that made it to the floor and went down, Bri was right behind her. And that's when the laughing fit began.

They rolled on the floor, Bri still trying to get Tabby back with the ice cube. A second later, Kaylee came in.

"Damn, I always miss the fun."

"Help me up.” Tabby tried to fight Bri off while reaching up to Kaylee. Gullible she reached down to help and Tabby pulled her down with them. When she did, Kaylee's hand caught on the blender knocking it over and spilling the rest of the strawberry daiquiri mix on top of them. They all sat there quiet for a minute, Tabby on the bottom, Bri had a hold on her shoulders and Kaylee had fallen onto her lap. Daiquiri mix dripped from Tabby's head, down Bri's arm and over Kaylee's back.

Tabby shook her head and the excess liquid flew in droplets at her friends. The flood gates opened bringing a wave of loud, joyful laughter. God if anyone walked in right now they'd think them crazy, a sticky strawberry pile of women laughing on the kitchen floor. A few minutes later, when her cheeks started to hurt Tabby finally slowed her laughing. She loved these girls. A few hours ago she'd never imagined laughing like she was right now. They were the only one's who could make her laugh like this despite the way she felt.

"Um, I'm not even going to ask how this happened.” Kaylee stood up. Both Brianna and Tabby were right behind her.

"Get three women, and empty house, an upcoming wedding and alcohol together and things are bound to get a little bit crazy.” Brianna added.

"Yeah I hope your future husband knows what he's in for. I say next month we take this to your house.” Tabby teased Kaylee.

"I think the wrestling on the kitchen floor would have turned out a little bit different if men were here.” Kaylee said.

"I'd like to get my wrestle on with one man in particular.” Bri made a fist with one hand and punched her other bouncing on her toes like a boxer.

"Whatever you say, Brianna. I think you want Jackson more than you want to admit. I have a feeling if the two of you got together it would be the same kind of wrestling I like with Luciano or the kind Tabby and Nico have been doing lately.” Kaylee laughed. Tabby socked her in the arm.

"Puleeze girl. I wouldn't want Monty if he was the last man on earth."

"Monty?” Both Kaylee and Tabby said in unison.

"His last name is Montgomery. I call him Monty just to piss his Majesty off."

"You're so bad, Bri. We'll let the whole Jackson thing go for now because we have bigger fish to fry with Tabby. I need the 411 on what's been up with you and Nico lately. You haven't been quite so moony eyed lately."

Tabby turned for her kitchen door. “There's nothing to know. I'll be right back. I need to get changed."

* * * *

A few minutes later they were cleaned up, changed into their night clothes, had a new daiquiri in hand, and sat cross legged on Tabby's living room carpet. Tabby took a drink, the cold briefly shocking her mouth before she set her glass down on a coaster on her coffee table. Neither Bri or Kaylee had said much since they finished changing.

"Let's play sleepover games like we used to when we were younger.” Kaylee suggested.

Surprised, Tabby turned to Kaylee and said, “You want to play sleepover games at your bachelorette party?"

"Sure. I'm having a sleepover so why can't we play the games. You know, kind of as a goodbye to adolescence and hello to Holy matrimony.” Her eyes held a curious glint that made Tabby wonder what she was up to.

"You're the one taking the plunge from a cliff. I guess you should get to pick your last meal.” Bri smacked her own hand. “Oops. Did I say that? I never know when to keep my mouth shut."

They all giggled before agreeing to Kaylee's wish. “So what are we going to play?” Tabby asked.

"Truth or Dare."

Oh boy. What did Kaylee have up her pajama sleeve?

"And since I'm the woman of the hour I get to go first.” Kaylee turned toward Tabby. “Truth or Dare?"

Oh shit. She should have known this had more to do with her than Kaylee's sudden urge to pretend to be a giddy sixteen year old girl. “I don't want to get into this tonight, Kaylee. It's your night."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Truth or dare?” Kaylee asked again.

"Fine. Dare.” At least she wouldn't have to answer questions this way.

"I dare you to call Nico.” Bri high-fived Kaylee at her request.

"Agh. I'm going to get you guys back for this. I change to truth.” The words grudgingly fell from her mouth.

"Did something bad go down with you and Nico recently?"

"Yes,” Tabby replied simply.

"What?” they both asked.

"Nope that was your question. My turn. Brianna truth or dare?"

"I'm not the one who picked on you. You should have chosen Ms. Ball and Chain over there.” When both girls gave her the don't go there look Bri, said, “Fine. I'll go with truth to."

Two could play at this game. “Do you find Jackson attractive?"

A look of dread came over Bri's face but she quickly hid it by shrugging her shoulder nonchalantly. “Yeah. Who wouldn't. The man is fine with a capital F. That doesn't mean he's not an asshole who I wish would fall off the face of the earth though."

"Yeah sure,” Kaylee added.

"Whatever.” Brianna turned toward Tabby. “You know the drill, Tab, truth or dare."

"What about Kaylee?"

"I can take a turn if it makes you feel better."

"It does.” Tabby took another drink before crossing her arms.

"Come on, Tab. We all know this game is really about you. Might as well just tell us what we want to know."

"You sound like a B rated cop flick. What are you two good cop bad cop? Or bad cop and badder I should say since this was Kaylee's idea anyway.” Both girls just looked at her waiting for Tabby to give in and tell them what happened. “Fine I'll tell you. I went and fell in love with him. Stupid I know."

"No one said that, Tabby.” Kaylee looked at her with sensitive eyes.

"I know but I'm sure you're thinking it. I know I am. It's just,” Tabby let a rush of air leave her lungs before continuing. “We were spending all that time together and he showed me how sweet he can really be. He's so different than any man I've ever known. I thought I got to know the real him. I thought our friendship led to something. He makes me feel special, makes me laugh, and there's such a physical connection between us. I've never felt anything like it."

"So what's the prob?” Bri asked.

"I walked in on him with Cindy."

For some reason, Kaylee didn't sound convinced when she asked, “Walked in on them doing something they shouldn't or you just assumed they were?"

"Well I didn't actually see anything. I overheard them and left before I had the chance to see him with the skank."

"Oh, harsh, Tabby. What did he do to make you think he'd cheat on you? I can't really see Nico doing that."

A tidal wave of guilt washed over her. Just as quickly it drifted back out to sea. He'd always told her he never planned to settle down. From the get go she knew they were only biding time. He'd get bored and move on quickly. She didn't need to see it with her own eyes to know what happened after she left. Just like with everyone else she wasn't enough for him. She knew that. The time had come to move on. “He's always been a ladies man and you guys know it. I got myself in over my head. I think somehow I hoped I could change him but I couldn't."

"So you're giving up? You decided you didn't really love him?” Kaylee asked.

Tabby couldn't believe what her friend said. Shock made her words stumble from her mouth. “Of course I really love him. He's the complete opposite of what I always thought I wanted but my heart tells me he's everything I need. He's fun, playful but can also be serious. He has a kind heart, tries to make me happy and the fact is just being around him makes me happy. He's everything to me."

And that's when it hit her. Not just a little love tap either. A knock-out punch to the heart and mind with the strength of a Mike Tyson punch. Even though in the beginning Nico wasn't what she thought she wanted he was exactly what she needed. He gave her that unconditional love that she wanted. Who knows if he knew it or not but he did. She claimed to love him but she ran at the first little setback. She cowered and believed the worst in him without giving him the benefit of the doubt.

How could she expect him to fall in love with her, to give a real relationship a try if she didn't love him enough to fight for him, to believe in the man she knew him to be? He told her he loved her when he had nothing to prove, nothing to get out of it and she'd thrown that away because of half a conversation through an office door. His small day to day actions told her his true character and she'd denied that because she was scared.

She made herself doubt him, when that's the one thing he'd asked her not to do so that she could walk away before he had the chance to hurt her. He'd given her clues all along. Even before his whispered words of love in bed a few nights before. He'd asked for a relationship with her, he'd spent all his time with her, he'd made her see how much she deserved to be loved. And she'd thrown it away. Inside she knew she looked for a reason to run but not anymore. She loved this man and she would fight for him. “Kay, ask me again."

"Um, I'm a little lost here. Ask you what?"

"Truth or dare."

She looked a little confused but Kaylee asked her anyway, “Truth or dare?"


As if a light clicked on in her head Kaylee told her. “I dare you to go and talk to Nico."

Tabby jumped to her feet the blood pumping vigorously through her veins. She turned to Bri, “Call me a cab.” Then she hugged Kaylee, “Sorry I ruined your night but I have to do this. You know I love—"

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