Unexpected Mr. Right (3 page)

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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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She couldn't move. All she could do was stand there peaking out of the cracked door. What was he doing here? How did he know where she lived? Against her control her heart rate accelerated with excitement and fear. Oh God, it's going to be really hard to stay mad at him now.

"What are you doing here, Nico?” she whispered through the sliver between the wall and door.

"Interrupting something sexy from the looks of it,” he said looking her up and down in her robe. Tabby closed the door even more.

"Sounds to me like you were just leaving.” When she attempted to close the door, Nico reached out and held it in place.

"Wait. Just let me in, Slugger. We need to talk."

She pulled the door open, slowly, inch by inch all the while arguing with herself internally. What are you doing? Just tell him you're busy. “Five minutes,” the words slipped out of her mouth. Pushing the door open completely, Nico slid inside, obviously not giving her a chance to change her mind.

"Nice place,” he said looking around her large apartment. “It suits you."

Tabby looked around the apartment at her over-stuffed beige couches, at the fireplace lined with matching tiles. It was just the way she wanted it, which was important to her. She'd never been allowed to decorate her own room as a child. It was all about her mom and Mom wanted the whole house to coordinate in some way. The ideas of a child didn't go with her theme. “Thanks. I worked hard on it."

"That's what you do isn't it?” he asked. She knew he was just making conversation. They'd talked about their jobs a hundred times before at Luciano's.

"Yeah. That's what I do.” Tabby pointed to her couch, “Have a seat. I doubt you came over here to talk about my career and your five minutes is winding down.” Why are you being so harsh with him? So he was casually dating another woman when you kissed. It's not as if he had any commitment to you.

"You ever going to get over being pissed at me?” he asked sitting down.

"I'm not pissed. I just don't want to play the game anymore. What's the point in the flirting and you asking me out every time we see each other when we both know it would never work out anyway.” There, she finally said it. She finally let him know the score.

"Sweetheart, that's who I am. I flirt, I like to have fun. There's nothing wrong with that. Besides, I think you enjoy it a lot more than you're willing to admit."

He was right. She did enjoy their joking, all the winks, and sexy smiles he always sent her way. It felt fun and forbidden but she couldn't admit that to him. “You're full of yourself,” she took a seat on the other couch that sat across from his. “Maybe I just didn't want you to feel bad? Maybe I was letting you down easily.” There. How do you like that?

He turned into suave mode right in front of her. His dark, sexy, bedroom eyes taking her in. “I know women, Slugger. No one kisses someone the way you kissed me when you're letting them down easily."

Tabby stuttered, real words escaping her but only for a minute. “You're awful cocky. Maybe you think your player status is a good thing but I don't find it amusing."

"I can show you amusing."

She stood up annoyed. “You're a piece of work you know that? I think your five minutes is up and for the record I do know how to have fun.” She turned to walk towards the door but stopped when she heard him exhale a heavy, frustrated breath. His eyes held a different tone than she usually saw from him. He was so carefree and right now he looked like his mind was heavy.

After running a hand through his short hair he spoke. “Listen, I didn't come over here to fight with you. I came over to apologize again for what happened a few months ago. I'd canceled my date and didn't expect her to come to the restaurant that night. I'm really not the deviant you seem to think I am."

Tabby sat back on the couch. Guilt washed over her. He really didn't do anything wrong. It was her own hang-ups that made her so angry with him. She hated the feeling of knowing she expelled that onto him. “I guess I should apologize for being such a bitch lately. I shouldn't have made such a big deal of things."

A smile graced his face. “Before you forgive me, I'm saying I'm sorry for us being interrupted and for how that made you feel but I'm not apologizing for the kiss. That part I meant."

She didn't know what came over her but the words filled her head and she let them escape her lips. “I didn't ask you to."

When his smile grew she added, “But that doesn't mean it will happen again."

"Why not give me a chance? All I want is a date, not a lifetime commitment."

"You ever stop to think that maybe a commitment is what I'm looking for? When I go out with someone I want to know there's a possibility of a future, not just a good time.” They'd played cat and mouse enough, skirting around the issues without laying it all on the line and now she knew she needed to do just that. Then maybe he'd stop asking her out, making it harder and harder to deny him each time.

The silence stretched on, proving her point even more. They wanted two different things so what was the point in playing the game? The longer they sat there staring at each other she felt the need to make another excuse for herself. The need came out of nowhere and she couldn't explain it but she didn't want him to think she was some clingy woman who just needed a man. Plus she'd just decided to make some changes, didn't she? “Even if that wasn't the case, I'm not dating right now, Nico."

"Why not?"

She didn't want to go into the whole story with him. It was a little embarrassing to admit all her heartaches of the past. “I have some things I need to figure out. Until then I don't really want to have any kind of sexual relationship with a man.” He seemed so confused she couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?” He asked obviously not feeling her humor.

"You're acting like someone just took away your favorite toy. You have so many women lining up to go out with you that you don't need me."

The look vanished replaced by his predatory stare. “How does someone know a favorite toy that they've never had the pleasure to play with?"

Her laughter stopped. “You're proving my point further, Nico."

"No, I'm joking. Lighten up. I have a solution to our problem."

Tabby leaned back in her cushioned couch waiting for him to continue.

"Even though you're such a grouch,” he said the words playfully. “I like hanging out with you. We used to all have fun together on Friday nights. So, since I'm such a fiend and you don't want to go out with me, can't we just spend some time together as friends? No pressure, no promises, just a couple friends hanging out from time to time."

"Why would you want to do that? What's in it for you?"

"You know, I am capable of spending time with a woman without trying to get into her pants. We always got along well, what's wrong with us becoming better friends?"

Tabby sat there not answering, thinking about what he said. It was perfect, really. He didn't realize it but Nico had just given her a chance to prove herself. She didn't want to think of herself as the type of woman who always fell for the wrong men. By spending extra time with Nico she could prove to herself that she could become close to him without risking her heart. And maybe she could get some insight into how men like Nico thought. She might learn something about herself in the process.

But what about Kay and Bri? If she started spending any time with Nico outside of Friday nights no one would believe it was just about being friends. They'd worry about her, be afraid she would fall for him and end up getting hurt. The idea of spending time with him was too appealing. This was the right decision. She felt it deep within her heart. She'd never had a really close male friend before. And she liked him, as much as she didn't like to admit it. He was fun and made her laugh.

The only hard part would be keeping it from Bri and Kay. She hated the idea of lying to them, she told them everything but she really wanted to have a close guy friend in her life and she didn't think they'd understand. How could they? They were both so different than she was. So much stronger. She wanted to be that strong too.

"Are you sure this isn't just a ploy, Nico?"

"Yeah, I know a lost cause when I see one,” he said with a smile.

"Then we have a deal. The only thing is I don't want to tell Kaylee, Brianna or Luciano.” She felt foolish wanting to hide this from her friends but this is something she was doing just for herself. She had a lot of things to figure out and this was the best way.

"You embarrassed of me, Slugger?” Nothing seemed to faze him. He took everything with a light, happy smile.

"A little bit.” She couldn't help but give him a hard time. See if she could get a rise out of him.

"Was that a joke, Tabby? I'm so proud of you."

"Well someone has to be serious around you since you never are."

"Two in a row. How'd I get so lucky?” He seemed to be enjoying himself. She suddenly was too but she also wanted to make sure he knew she was serious.

"Kay and Bri won't understand. If they see us spending time together they'll assume it's romantic and that I'm going to get my heart broken. I don't want to argue with them about it.” She stopped for a minute before she continued, “plus, it's a little exciting to have a secret no one knows about, isn't it?"

Nico laughed. “I think you're more of a bad girl than you want people to think.” Mischief danced across his brown eyes. “Sure, I'll keep your secret."

* * * *

Nico left Tabby's apartment a short time later pissed as hell at himself. What the hell was that? He still couldn't believe what he'd said. Not that it was bad to be friends with her but it wasn't like him to beg for a woman's attention and that's what he felt like he did. She was right when she said there were plenty of other women who wanted him so why the hell was he making plans to be friends with a woman who didn't want to give him the time of day.

He didn't know where the crazy idea came from. All he knew was the words had somehow sneaked out of his mouth and she'd agreed. He couldn't for the life of him figure out why he was pursuing a woman who kept shooting him down, but he was. Actually, scratch that, he knew what it was. He liked a challenge, always had and Tabby was a challenge. It wasn't often that women challenged him. And no matter what she said, he knew she was interested.

He saw it in her eyes, the way she looked at him when she didn't know he was looking. She took things way too seriously and he wanted to be the one to loosen her up, to show her a good time. He knew a wildcat crouched beneath the surface, he just had to lure her out. He liked that. Liked her.

Not enough to propose marriage or start picking out china patterns and that's what she seemed to want. Mr. Dependable, boring, white picket fence kind of man and that wasn't him. The just friend's idea really was the best route. Hopefully they'd move to friends with benefits. Why try and be anything more? They'd be doomed from the start.

So now he had to figure out what men and women did together when they were just friends. Dinner? Movies? Concerts? Did men still take women to do those kinds of things when they weren't sleeping together? Pretty sad you don't know the answer to this, man. He'd never not known what to do with a woman before. He knew how to flirt with them, seduce them, and give them pleasure, all the while making sure they knew the score. Fun and sex, that's all he had to offer. Well, all he ever wanted to offer at least.

When he first walked in her apartment all he had on his mind was pleasure and sex. She always looked gorgeous but knowing she was probably naked under her white robe almost did him in. Her tall, dark body looked delectable in white. It took all the strength he had not to reach for the ties and unwrap her, inch by delicious inch.

It was the first time he'd seen her not completely put together. Her hair wasn't styled, her make-up wasn't in place but none of it took away from her beauty. In fact, it made her even more desirable. Her plump lips didn't need color to draw his attention to them. They were kissable enough as is. Her eyes were just as beautiful. Their greenish-brown tone drew him in every time.

Which is why you find yourself in trouble. She had him hard as nails without trying. For the first time in his life he was abstinent and it was because he only wanted one woman. She had him out of his element and he had to figure out what the hell to do about it. But he knew he'd figure it out. He always did. Tabby wasn't any different.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three

Nico still hadn't called but Tabby didn't let it bother her. She didn't expect anything from him. If he decided he wanted to spend some time together than she'd be up for it, if not, that would be cool too. She didn't want to stress too much on it. There would always be another way for her to experiment. The way she saw it, he probably realized it was too much work to try and build a friendship with her. They'd see each other tomorrow night at Luciano's and he'd probably call off the whole thing.

As soon as she got home from work she went in and changed into her light blue Juicy pants and a tight, but comfortable t-shirt. Her newly cut hair loosely framed her face at the chin. It had been a major decision for her to cut her locks. Years of growth littered the beauty shop floor but she liked the change.

Now she was home, relaxed and needed to get some substance in her stomach. Preferably something delicious and fattening. Tabby walked into her kitchen and opened the fridge. She pushed the yogurt out of the way, ignored the chicken salad leftovers from the night before then closed the door. Even though her stomach growled, nothing she had tempted her.

She took a couple steps towards the frosted glass doors on the other side of her kitchen marked Pantry when the phone rang. “Hello,” she said holding the cordless to her head while she continued her quest for food.

"I have homemade chicken parmesan, pasta, and wine. The only thing I'm missing is someone to share it with. You interested?” Nico's smooth voice echoed through the phone putting a smile on her face. He was offering food. Exactly what she needed.

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