United States Invaded (18 page)

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Authors: Ira Tabankin

BOOK: United States Invaded
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“Rash, I’m sure the Holy Father will read the facts. We’ve already shared some of our information with him. He thanked us. I don’t think the Holy Father is going to approve the Sainthood movement.”

“The LSA has declared war on every religion. In order to be fair to all, they are outlawing the displaying of religion. The Holy Father has already spoken out against the LSA’s new policy.”




At 5:00 PM EDT, Facebook explodes with hundreds of posts asking, “Who was President Obsma?” His college records flood the internet. Rash’s hackers use hacked email lists to send tens of millions of emails around the world. All ask the same question, “Who was President Obsma.”

The evening national news programs are sensing a major story use the developing story as their lead item. Many run banners under their normal programs so their viewers can be kept up to date on the latest news concerning President Obsma’s background. Media talking heads debate how real and truthful the information is when the second round of documents hits the web taking even the most pro-Obsma reporters by surprise. Even the most-progressive reporters start to question who was this man.




“Ron, you owe me $5.00! I told you back in 08 he was a lie. I won, pay up, Wait I have to add in the interest, you now owe me, $10.00.”

“Wait a minute, it doubled? I earn less than 1% on my savings, how can I owe you double?”

“I see you didn’t read the fine print on the agreement that went with the bet.”

“What fine print? We shook hands. Are you trying to bullshit a police officer?”

“If I am, are you ready to try cooking for yourself again?”

“Point made. We’ll roll the bet forward.”

“Deal. Seriously, do you believe it? Do you think these documents are real?”

“My gut says they are, however I really don’t know. The net is alive with people saying the documents aren’t Adobe creations, unlike the birth certificate he released; these documents don’t have any layers. Two Adobe experts have said the documents are real. If they are, I wonder how long it’ll be when additional documents surface.”

“Ron, legal question for you, let’s assume he wasn’t qualified to be President. What happens to all of the bills he signed into law? Do they go away? Is every law overturned? What happens to the people whose lives were turned upside down by the now bullshit laws?”

“Brad, if the documents are real, IF it can be proved he shouldn’t have been president, which I assume will have to go to the Supreme Court. They’re going to have to decide every law, every signing document, every executive decision he made. I can see hundreds of thousands of lawsuits being filed. I think the Democrat party leadership is in for serious pain. I bet we see a number of leading Democrats pack up and move to the LSA to avoid being sued.”

“Can President Brownstone block them from leaving?”

“Another good question. I really don’t know. I think the next couple of months is going to be both a real legal mess and also very interesting.”

“OK, here’s one for you as a police officer, how do you arrest someone for breaking the law today that may be overturned tomorrow?”  

“Today there’s a law on the books, so if I see someone breaking the law, I have to arrest them. If the law is overturned then I won’t arrest anyone for a law that doesn’t exist.”

“What happens to those already fined or arrested if the law is overturned?’

“Not my job. I really don’t know. I hope the courts start making these decisions very quickly. I worry that I arrest someone today, the law is overturned, and that person then sues me personally for false arrest.”

“Wouldn’t the county cover your legal bills, you know, indemnify you?”

“Would they? I really don’t know. Someone better start making decisions quickly. Frankly I’m very concerned. I’m supposed to support the laws on the books; however, I don’t know which laws will remain or be changed. What happens if he signed a change to a law that was on the books before he was elected? Does the entire law get overturned or just the change he signed? Will people who are in jail or who were fined under illegal laws be compensated? What happens to those citizens of the USA who lost everything and now live in the LSA? Will they be able to sue what in effect is now a different country? Will those who knew and covered it up be held responsible?”

“You have a good point about the LSA, I too wonder if any changes will reach into the LSA and what the impact of any laws overturned will have on the LSA, or if President Reid will just ignore everything. Here’s a real out of the box one for you to digest: if Obsma wasn’t President, hence he wasn’t impeached. Hence, he wouldn’t have started the LSA, should there be an LSA or was it too, started as a scam and fraud?”

“Brad, I’ve had enough for one night. I have a massive headache, so I’m going home and try to get some sleep. I’m trying to remember the cases I’ve worked the last six years; I’m trying to remember if any were related to the laws that may be overturned. I worry if the county will take it out on us, the officers, who followed the laws. Brad, I give up. I can’t figure out the various outcomes. Goodnight.”




“Premier Xing, the fleet is ready.”

“People’s Fleet Admiral Tag Son Yong, you have your orders, you may start Operation Dragon. You have weapons free.”

“Thank you Premier. We should make this a very speedy operation.”

“Admiral, do you think your troops will be able to meet the schedule?”

“Yes, we’ve reviewed every aspect of the operation. The Americans have pulled their carrier battle groups back to their coasts. If they were in the area, they could cause us many problems.”

“I can assure you the Americans won’t be a problem. Our timing is good; please keep the central committee informed of your progress.”




Sunday morning across the world, every Roman Catholic priest stands in front of their congregation. “My fellow parishioners, the Holy Father in Rome has asked every local priest to make a statement in his name.”  

This is a very unusual situation; everyone is fully awake, and paying attention to the message that is being read to them at the same time it’s being spoken around the world.

“The Holy Father has written that the time has come to address the situation of the request for President Obsma to be named a Saint.”

Many in the churches are excited, they hope their idol will quickly be appointed a Saint. This would be only part of the honors they know President Obsma is entitled to. They mourn his loss. Millions think he could have done so much if only he’s been allowed to live a long life. Some of them realize that the Lord wanted him upstairs, so he was called home early. The Saturday evening news reports of his college records don’t change many minds. Their minds were already made up; the truth doesn’t crack the wall they’ve already built. Many wipe away the college documents with the story MSNBX reports that the college documents must be photoshopped creations fictional creations from the USA.

The churches fall silent, when their local priest begins. “My fellow Christians, I want to share with you my thoughts concerning the very active campaign to appoint President Obsma to Sainthood. I’m sure many of you know that the Holy Roman Catholic Church doesn’t appoint Saints. Saints are born holy.” The priest has to wait for the church to quite down, many in the pews can already guess what’s coming; they’re excited and getting ready to cheer. After all everyone knows that President Obsma was born special. “Our Lord instills the Holy Spirit into the soul of special people. These Saints spend their lives doing for others. They give of themselves for others. They sacrifice for the greater good. Saints have a little more of God’s spirit in them. Study the existing Saints and you’ll see for yourself I’m correct. When I first heard the call to name President Obsma as a Saint, I thought to myself, why? What were his special deeds, how did he serve our lord Jesus? I spent two days fasting to review everything I knew about the man and his life. I asked my closest advisor for his input. I took the council of the College of Cardinals. In the end, I came to the following conclusion: President Obsma was not a Saint.

              “I know many of you are going to be dismayed and you might even be upset over my decision. I base it on that I met President Obsma, and I didn’t find he believed in the Holy Spirit or the Father or the Son. I don’t know if he believed in any God. I didn’t see an abundance of good in him. He had unique chance to bring America, and most of the world, together. Simply because of his skin color he could have been a voice of reason and love. He could have done so much to move the races together; instead, he tried to create a race war. He tried to create a class war. He tried to stop the many programs the Holy Church performs for local communities like yours. He tried to put an end to the Church helping the poor. He wanted everyone in America to be owned and a slave to the almighty federal Government. He wanted to replace the Holy Church with the federal government. He who should have understood so much about racism and slavery worked as hard as he could to enslave a country to the government. He worked hard to separate various people versus bringing them together. In all of my meetings with President Obsma, he spent the time lecturing me what I should do and how I should act. He wanted me to push for more income equality He wanted me to have the Church donate more to various causes he supported, including one that supported abortion. Let me repeat that, he wanted the Holy Church to fund abortion. In all of my time with President Obsma, I never found him to be holy or even sincere.

“I understand that many hearing my remarks will be upset with them. Many of you will think I and the Holy Church are completely wrong. I ask you to think about the late President. How did he help your life? Do you like him because of a certain skin color? Do you like him because he helped improve your life? Why do you like him? Why do you think he’s qualified to be a Saint? Why and how was he holy? Write me, maybe you know something I don’t. Maybe you know aspects of his life that the Holy Church doesn’t know. I’m serious about wanting your comments. Please give them to your local priest who will forward them to me in Rome.”

Before many of the local priests completed reading the Holy Father’s remarks, many walked out of the church. Many started rioting and protesting against the Holy Father.




“Harold, this couldn’t have gone any better. I don’t know how you got the Pope to write those words. It turned out perfect. He just turned a large percentage of the people against the church. We’ll use this in our campaign against organized religion.”

“Nanny, I’m having his speech printed and distributed all over the LSA. We’re going to use his own words against him and his so called Holy Church.

“Are you at all concerned with the release of his college records?”

“Concerned? NO. Upset? Yes. I want to know where those records came from, who was first to post the records, were they paid to do so. I smell Rash behind this. Their timing was very good, just not good enough. I still think we can win this and create enough confusion that no one will know what to believe.”

“What do you think is going to happen with the release of his records?”

“We’re going to dispute them. We’re going to say Brownstone had the documents created.”


Chapter 13

With the release of President Obsma’s college records, additional people who attended college with the President started to come forward.  They were saying they had been approached in early 2007; they were paid for their silence. Now that the documents are surfacing, they believe they can break the agreement and make public statements. Most confirmed that the President didn’t attend classes; he spent his time with far left wing radicals and smoking marijuana. None of his classmates can remember anything significant he contributed.

The net burns with comments both supporting and opposing the new statements. Those making negative Obsma statements are branded as racists. A few of the people posting negative Obsma comments have their businesses and homes set on fire. Some on the web refuse to accept anything negative concerning Obsma, others are angry the country has been defrauded by the President and his supporters. A common theme running through the net is people of all types and thoughts want payment for their problems.

Those whose taxes were increased want a refund with interest; those who had to close their businesses due to Obsma signed regulations want to be paid the value of their losses. Those who lost everything from his attack on the 1% want the government to compensate them for their losses and pain and suffering. Auto dealers who were closed in the GM and Chrysler bailout want to be compensated for lost profits and the loss on the devaluation of their real estate. Every minute someone else posts a demand for repayment of something one or more of Obsma’s programs and policies caused.

Every day more people take to the streets demanding compensation, others take to the streets demanding Obsma be named a Saint. A third group marched demanding the President resign for killing President Obsma, and a fourth group demanded the world disarm, they followed in the footsteps of their grandparents who marched in the 1950 and 60s to “Ban The Bomb."

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