Unknown (12 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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“I’ll be all right now,” she said softly. “Thank you for being so kind—and understanding.”

Ashley stiffened. “Yes, I suppose I do understand. This is goodbye, then. Remember me to Pieter.”

The door closed. Lorna put out a hand as if to call him back, then let it fall limply to her side. This was the end as far as she and Ashley were concerned. No point in prolonging the agony. He had seemed as though he cared.
Genuinely cared.
Yet she couldn’t be sure. It was too great a risk to take.



LORNA stood beside her luggage watching the loaded taxis disappear, wondering what to do next. Alone in this strange city she realised just how much she had depended on Ashley to get her around. Now, with not the slightest hope of finding an empty taxi, she had to make her way to the airport—with two heavy suitcases.

Suddenly a well-known voice hailed her and a sleek blue Mercedes pulled up alongside. “You’re looking very sorry for yourself. Jump in, I’ll give you a lift.”

“Ashley!” Relief forced an involuntary smile. “Are you sure it’s no trouble?”

“None at all,” loading her cases into the boot. “I have to go to the airport anyway.”

“I’m very grateful,” said Lorna as the car slid smoothly away. “I thought I’d miss my plane.”

Ashley smiled but did not speak. The heavy traffic took all his concentration. In the close confines of the car the scent of his aftershave became more noticeable. Lorna closed her eyes, memories of that evening coming unbidden to mind and a sudden overwhelming desire to go with him to his home. Then she cursed herself for her stupidity. The whole situation was of her own making. It was her own fault that their friendship had ended almost before it began. This was the way she wanted it. There could be no turning back.

“You all right?”

Dragged back from her thoughts, Lorna nodded. “Yes, fine.”

“It’s probably the heat. Never mind, it won’t be so unbearable on Verva.” He whistled to himself as they drove along and Lorna wondered what had caused this sudden happiness. She was soon to find out.

They had barely stepped inside the airport building when Ashley was almost knocked over by a sophisticated blonde in a figure-hugging pink dress. “Darling, I thought you were never coming!”

He kissed her soundly. “Don’t I always keep my promises, sweetheart? We only docked a few hours ago.”

“All that time on a smelly old ship.” She clung to his arm wrinkling her nose in distaste. “I said we should have flown together.”

Her brittle blue eyes darted to Lorna standing a few feet away, embarrassed by this display of affection and not a little jealous of this vaguely familiar figure.

“I’m sorry, Avril.” Ashley suddenly remembered the two girls were strangers. “This is Lorna Ridgeway —we met on the boat. Lorna—Avril Vickers.”

So that was why she had thought she knew the other ‘woman. Avril Vickers! Margo’s successor—a brilliant actress in many ways but the last' person Lorna wanted to meet.

“H—hello,” she managed to stammer. “I trust you enjoyed your flight.”

“I dislike any sort of transport,” Avril replied tersely. “But it’s a necessity I have to endure. What brings you to this part of the world?”

Lorna guessed it was more than just idle curiosity that prompted this question, but before she could reply Ashley answered for her. “Lorna’s visiting a friend in the Seychelles. She’s catching a plane here.” Avril did nothing to hide her relief. “I see,” she drawled. “How interesting. Let’s hope your flight’s less eventful than mine. We ran into some awful weather, Ashley darling. I was
terrified. I thought that if only you’d been with me everything would have been all right.”

Ashley was hardly listening, his ears were attuned to a message being relayed over the loudspeakers. “Did you hear that, Lorna? Your flight’s been delayed for twenty-four hours. Wait here. I’ll try and find out what’s happening.”

Avril looked furiously at Ashley’s retreating back. “I don’t know what’s gone on between you two,” she said viciously, her honey-sweet attitude disappearing abruptly, “but be warned. He’s mine and I intend to keep it that way. Don’t be flattered by his attention. He’d do the same for anyone.”

Lorna flinched at Avril’s unfortunate choice of words but returned coolly, “Don’t worry, I don’t want him. He’s not my type,” thankful now that she hadn’t agreed to go to Ashley’s villa. It would have been no pleasure with Avril Vickers there.

After that Avril lost some of her hostility but still eyed Lorna warily as Ashley returned.

“There’s nothing I can do, I’m afraid, but there’s no need to worry. A hotel room has been booked for you. You can leave your luggage here—I’ll check it in. You’d better send Pieter a telegramme as well, we don’t want him sending out a search party.”

Lorna missed the sarcasm as she hurried away to the nearest telephone, but Avril looked far from pleased to be left standing alone and made no effort to hide her annoyance when Ashley returned.

Within a few short minutes they were at the hotel and Lorna was surprised to find that he had booked rooms for Avril and himself as well.

“Really, darling,” said Avril icily, “there’s no need for us to stay here. I’m sure Miss Ridgeway is perfectly capable of looking after herself.”

“I’ve no doubt she is,” replied Ashley equably. “But I want to make sure she catches her flight in the morning. After all, this is a strange country. It can be pretty terrifying.”

“Well, how about me? Aren’t I in a strange country too?”

He smiled, an oddly disturbing smile that tore at Lorna’s heart. “You have me to look after you. Lorna has no one.”

“I’ll be all right,” said Lorna, not wishing to be the cause of dissension between Ashley and Avril. “I know my way to the airport, so why don’t you and Miss Vickers—”

His hand on her arm hurt. “No arguments. Understand?”

Lorna nodded, their eyes meeting and holding for one explosive second before he gave her the key to her room. “Go and get freshened up. We’ll meet in the lounge later and have a look round Durban while we’re here.”

Intensely aware of Avril’s malevolent scowl Lorna crossed to the lift, thankful for its swift appearance. Once in the room which had been allocated to her she lay on the bed allowing this fresh wave of misery to engulf her.

Avril Vickers had certainly been a surprise. Lorna had not really thought much about her except as the woman who had usurped Margo. Somewhere in the depths of her mind she must have presumed that Avril too had been used and discarded. Yet apparently she was still very much in favour. Lorna wondered with a flicker of amusement what Avril would think if she knew exactly what had taken place between herself and Ashley, and then discarded the thought as unworthy.

That she was jealous of Avril she could not deny, but her appearance had cemented more firmly in her own mind the fact that Ashley could never remain faithful to one woman.

She stared at the ceiling, noting inconsequentially a hairline crack that led from one side to the other. Ashley knew how to pick his friends. Avril was every bit as beautiful as Margo, except that hers was a brittle kind of beauty that Lorna suspected would not last. It was surprising Ashley had taken any notice of her own lesser claims to prettiness, she thought, not realising that in a different way she was every bit as attractive.

Sighing deeply, Lorna dragged herself to her feet. I suppose I must get ready, she said to herself, or they’ll wonder what’s happened to me.

At first the lounge appeared deserted until Ashley’s voice came from behind a high-backed chair. What he was saying caused Lorna to stop dead in her tracks.

“Of course I played her along. What else could I do? The poor girl had no one, and if I let her down—”

Humiliation burned Lorna’s cheeks, to be swiftly replaced by raging anger. So that was what he thought of her! She had been right to distrust him. Right all along. Oh, how nearly she had been taken in. He had almost convinced her.

Blindly she turned away, out of the hotel and into the streets; walking, running, not caring where she went, intent only on putting as much distance between herself and Ashley as she possibly could.

Eventually she slowed down and stopped. Finding herself in some public gardens, Lorna sat on a bench to try and sort out her muddled thoughts. During these last few days she had wanted so desperately to believe in him; riot knowing what held her back except Margo’s own experience. Now she was glad. Her hatred of him returned with an intensity that frightened her. She had not asked for his attention. How dare he say he could not let her down? Who did he think she was? An infatuated schoolgirl? She had been perfectly happy until he came along with his arrogant ways, and even then she had made no secret of his dislike for him. Ashley himself had brought about their friendship—such as it was—so what right had he to tell Avril that he had been obliged to dance attendance on her? For one brief second Lorna wished she had confronted him instead of running away like a wounded dog. Then common sense told her that no good would have resulted. She would only have succeeded in humiliating herself even more—and what was worse, in front of Avril Vickers too.

She rose and wandered aimlessly through the town, thoughts whirling chaotically. It was not until her footsteps faltered and weakness overtook her that she realised she had not eaten all day. Turning into the nearest cafe, Lorna ordered a sandwich and coffee, feeling instantly better once the edge was taken off her hunger.

When night fell and Lorna decided to return to the hotel she discovered that she was lost. She had walked, heedless of direction, for many hours, and now did not know which way to turn. She could not even remember the name of the hotel. Every street looked the same in the darkness, every towering hotel block like the one she was seeking. It was nearly midnight when she spotted the airport, and tears of relief ran down her cheeks. She knew her way from here. If only she had had the common sense to ask someone to direct her to the airport earlier, she could have been safely in bed by now. Instead, her bemused state had sent her round in circles and she was so tired she could hardly stand.

How she covered the last few yards Lorna did not know. She pushed open the swing doors, her eye already on the lift that would take her to the comfort of her room, unaware of Ashley striding towards her.

“Where do you think you’ve been?” He was furiously angry, his voice cold and an ominous glint in his blue eyes, now like polished steel.

Lorna stiffened, her tiredness left her miraculously. “I’ve been walking—not that it’s any concern of yours.” She did not intend letting him get the upper hand this time.

“No concern! I’ve been half out of my mind with worry.” He caught her arm roughly and swung her round to face him. “What made you do a stupid thing like that?”

Lorna wrenched herself free. “Don’t touch me, you swine! I don’t ever want to see you again.”

She turned and ran towards the stairs, but he was there before her, barring her way. With eyes narrowed he said, “The least you can do is give me an explanation. I’ve been all over town after you.”

“I bet you have!” Lorna’s eyes flashed. “Well, let me tell you,
Ward, I don’t need you to look after me. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

“You could have fooled me,” he snapped coldly. “No responsible young woman would run off like that not caring that her friends might be worried.”

—worried? Don’t make me laugh! You know very well you’ll be glad to see the back of me.” Lorna began to laugh hysterically, her taut nerves almost at breaking point.

Ashley’s hand across her face brought her back to her senses. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I had to do that.” He caught her arm, more gently this time. “Come on, I’ll take you to your room. You’ll feel better after a night’s sleep.”

Once again Lorna pulled away. “Keep your hands off! I can manage without your help.”

She must have finally got through, she decided, as he allowed her to climb the stairs alone, dragging one weary limb after the other. Had she looked back she would have seen how grey and drawn was his face, how deeply she had hurt him. But intent only on escaping as speedily as possible, Lorna saw none of this.

Far into the night she lay awake. The heat was oppressive and coupled with her present dazed state of mind sleep evaded her. The first fingers of dawn stole across the sky before she eventually fell into an uneasy doze, but again at six she was wide awake.

Not wanting to see Ashley, Lorna washed and dressed, hesitating for only a second before snatching the silver rose from her suit. She wanted nothing to remind her of him. Leaving the brooch at reception with the message that it was to be handed to Ashley Ward, she ate a hasty breakfast of rolls and coffee and left the hotel.

After checking in at the airport she found there were still three hours before her flight. Restlessly she wandered about the buildings, drinking coffee and trying to concentrate on a magazine she had purchased at the bookshop. She felt uneasy, fearing at every turn to bump into Ashley; relieved only when she was actually sitting on the plane waiting for takeoff.

The flight to Mahe was uneventful and it gave Lorna the opportunity to calm her shattered nerves. Ashley was a good actor, she’d give him that. Right to the end he had put on a convincing performance. Yet all the time he had been no more sincere than she was—over Pieter. What was it he’d said?
Of course I played her along. What else could I do?
What else indeed ! He could have left her alone in the first place. It would have spared her the agonised hours she had spent yesterday, the exquisite pain of falling in love and last, though by no means least, this searing hatred that ran through her like a red hot knife. It was not a pleasant feeling, knowing that you despised someone with every breath of life, especially when the painful memories of her near capitulation were so near. That would have been the last straw, the final humiliation in the game he had played. Thank goodness some inner sense had warned her in time.

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