Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)
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“What happened?” he gripped her cold hands in his under the quilt and massaged vigorously.

“…Was calling on your cell…Sophia said they hadn’t seen you in two days…Was worried that you might be hurt”

His frozen heart thawed a bit
at her concern. “You crazy woman. Didn’t you hear about the storm?”

He had to get her something warm to drink, he decided as her shivering continued.

He cupped her face in his palms. “I’m going to make a cup of tea for you. I know you feel sleepy but don’t close your eyes. Do you understand me?”

She nodded
and he tore himself from her side and ran to the kitchen. His hands shook slightly as he dumped a packet of chocolate mixture into a cup and poured water from the kettle he had used a few moments earlier. Adding extra milk as he knew she liked it, since these past weeks in her company.  He sighed in relief when he returned and saw her awake; sitting beside her, he cradled her in his arms and placed the cup to her lips.

“Sip slowly”, he instructed as he patiently
fed her.

Her trembling lessened somewhat as she drank the warm substance and
once finished he lifted her into his arms and mounted the stairs two at a time. He laid her gently unto his bed and increased the heat, slightly, before adjusted the blanket around her throat.

“I’m…so cold”, her voice was a mere whisper and
a stab of pain lanced through his chest.

, he removed his slacks and silk shirt and crawled beneath the blanket and drew her shivering body into his arms; allowing the heat from his body to warm her. Her head fitted between his shoulder and neck and he stroked her cheeks soothingly until her shaking diminished and ceased completely.

er soft curves pressed into the hard length of his body and he sighed in contented bliss; burying his nose in her silky hair and inhaling the fresh, fruity scent. A strange peacefulness washed over him as he lay there in the semidarkness; the fullness of her in his arms. And for a moment he wished he could remain there in her arms forever.  His hold on her tightened as his tense muscles relaxed and sleep claimed him.

He awoke the following morning to the pleasant pressure of Paige’s body
slumped on top of his; her face buried in his neck. He had awoken several times throughout the night to assure himself that she was alright but he had no recollection of how she had gotten into her present position. She squirmed on top of him and his breath caught in his throat as her inner thighs pressed intimately into his hardened manhood; his snug underwear the only barrier between them.

He rolled them together, so that he
was on top of her, and she moaned groggily. He propped himself on his elbow and watched, fascinated, as she rubbed her eyes; moaning and groaning into wakefulness. Her lashes fluttered open, dazzling emerald green eyes pinned him to the spot and he forgot what he intended to say.

her eyes glazed with passion and he found himself lowering towards her lips.

He groaned as his lips gently caressed hers
and a tenderness he had never known, overwhelmed him. He caressed her limbs leisurely as the kiss deepened and she sighed into his mouth; her body melting into him. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids and her nose as he stroked her hair with his fingertips.

He wanted to touch every delectable inch of
her, please her in ways she’d never been pleasured before and never would again. He couldn’t begin to understand or explain the feelings coursing through his veins. He wanted her so badly; yet not in the way he was accustomed to. He wanted her light to seep into the dark recesses of his soul and chase away the darkness that dwelled there.

lips forged a path to her breast and she moaned in pleasure as he gently stroked each nipple with his tongue.  He smothered his face into her abdomen; tasting her navel with his tongue and she inhaled sharply. He flourished light kisses on the inside of her arms, her palms and lingered at the pulses at her wrists. Tears pooled in her eyes as his lips stroked each of her fingertips and spilled over as he travelled to her legs and toes. A frowned marred his perfect brow as he saw the tears and he slithered to face her.

He stroked her hair soothingly.
“Do you want me to stop?” her heart constricted as she saw the tenderness in his beautiful brown eyes.

And in that moment she knew
exactly why she’d travelled from Manhattan, all the way to Long Island, despite the threat of a storm, to ensure that he was unharmed. The startling affirmation brought fresh tears to her eyes. She caressed his face lovingly; tracing his lips with her forefinger before cupping his face into her palms and fusing her lips, gently, to his. Her tongue tangled with his and he growled into her mouth and gave in to the sweet pressure of her lips.

broke the kiss long enough to slide his boxers over his hips and retrieve a condom from the nearby nightstand. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes caressed his naked beauty and her chest tightened with apprehension as her eyes fastened on his impressive shaft. But as his lips found hers she forgot all else.

He caressed her body with featherlike strokes and as her tense muscles relaxed, he entered her slowly. Her
body stretched to accommodate him as he ground into her slick flesh with exquisite tenderness and delightful thrills shot through her body. He laced his fingers through hers; his strokes deepening but the motion of his hips remaining the same and she writhed beneath him.

He savored the languid pleasure
, marveling at the calm intensity. Never had he experienced pleasure so potent, yet so gentle. His body knew the ultimate bliss to be had but there was no rush to get there, no thought of the next moment. He was too busy basking in every second and, astonishingly, wishing that it would last forever.

As the storm raged outside, the fires of passion licked at his heels, not quite consuming him but scorching
him, nonetheless. He groaned in ecstasy as she begged him to end the wondrous torture as she didn’t think she could bear it a second longer. They rode the tides of pleasure together; their bodies so close it felt as if they shared each other’s heartbeat.

She crooned his name as her body unraveled in orgasmic bliss that seemed to last forever and he held her close as he felt the raptures starting within him.
A groan tore from his lips as he exploded inside her. The pleasure was so sweet he could taste it on his tongue as he collapsed on his back taking her with him; their breathing labored. Exhausted to the bone, but fulfilled beyond imagination, they fell into a light dozed; locked in each other’s arms.



untangled his limbs from hers and got out of bed. She feigned sleep as he secured the blanket around her and strode from the bed, a short while later she heard the spraying of a shower. She blushed as her body throbbed in reminder of their tender passion earlier.

She sank deeper into the bedding; her plight weighing heavily on her nerves. What was the meaning of the tenderness with which he had made love to her a few moments ago? W
as it purely physical? Or was it relief that she had survived the night? Her heart hammered in her chest as she heard him approaching and she willed her features to remain blank as she felt his eyes on her.

She almost sagged in relief when his fading footsteps indicated that he had left the room and she opened her eyes slowly.
The room wasn’t as huge or luxurious as the penthouse but it was impressive nonetheless, with a simple modern flair. She buried her face into Sebastian’s pillow; inhaling the musky scent that was his and his alone. Somehow she was scared of getting out of bed as she feared the fluttering of happiness inside her heart would shatter in the daylight.

she was forced out of bed by her growling stomach and she padded to the bathroom; a bit lightheaded from her ordeal the night before. She wondered if the storm had let up as she showered and headed towards his closet as she realized she had nothing to wear. After sifting through several outfits, she finally settled on a dress shirt that rested a little above her knee.

She resigned herself to going
without pants after donning one of his sweats and it pooled at her feet. Her legs wobbled as she descended the stairs and followed her nose to Sebastian. He was frowning into a pot on the stove; clutching a wooden spoon awkwardly and she couldn’t help bursting into laughter. His head snapped up at the sound.

“What are you laughing at?” his frown deepened but she didn’t miss the telltale twitching of his lips.

He was wearing a fitted, knitted sweater and slacks and he looked so gorgeous, she couldn’t help drooling.

“You”, she could barely contain her amusement, “what are you cooking?”

She drew closer to him.

“The label says canned soup…” he shrugged

“Well, it should be ready by the smell of it. Let me help you...”

“Like hell
you will”, he said sternly, steering her to the breakfast bar and seating her around it, “you need to rest. How are you feeling?”

His light brown eyes shone with concern and her insides turned to mush. Her stomach growled in answer and they both laughed
and he returned to the contour. Tenderness burgeoned inside her heart she watched as he peered closely at the array of utensils as if contemplating which to choose and sighing as he snatched the ladle from the rack.

“There”, he said
smugly, as he placed two steaming bowls of soup on the contour and joined her.

She was so hungry she barely tasted the food as she gobbled down every last morsel. Perhaps he wasn’t as angry with her for deceiving him as she had suspected.
After all, he’d made her soup. Either that or the possibility that she wasn’t whom she claimed to be hadn’t occurred to him. Instead of being relieved at the notion, she was somewhat disappointed as she had the sudden inclination that there should be no secrets between them.  But she also had to consider Joshua. Shrugging aside her sordid thoughts, she busied herself with clearing the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher.

“What time are we leaving?” she asked as she poured herself a glass of milk.

“Tomorrow afternoon, the earliest. The roads are blocked."

“Oh my God
! You’re car. I totally forgot, I left it yesterday about half a mile from here. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it”, he said casually, striding to the window and peering outside, “I’ll get it towed to the city once the roads are cleared”.

She sighed in relief
; diverting her attention to the cupboards in search of something to prepare for dinner. She needed a task to distract her from Sebastian’s hunky allure. She hadn’t realized that he had moved until he wound an arm around her waist and pressed a soft kiss to her nape. Liquid heat pooled between her thighs and her body tingled with excitement.

“You look so hot in my shirt I’m tempted to let you have it."

His warm breath made the tiny hairs at the back of her neck stand on end and her mouth dried as he pressed her buttocks into the rock hard bulge inside his pants. He cupped her breast through the thin fabric of the shirt; kneading rhythmically and her nipples tightened. Nibbling at her earlobes, he slowly unbuttoned her shirt; his hand slipping inside to stroke her bare breast and he growled in appreciation. She shivered with desire as he drew his lips along the silken skin of her shoulders; his fingers shifting to the dewy petals of her inner thighs and stroked expertly.

He groaned throatily
as he slid a finger inside her slick opening and she bucked against him; her mouth gaping open. He spun her to face him; capturing her mouth in a fierce kiss as he urged her backwards, until her back flattened against the refrigerator. A ferocious need exploded inside her as his mouth glided to her nipples; sucking hungrily and her hand knotted in his hair.

He tore his lips from her creamy breast to stare
with predatory intent at her expressive features. Damn! He could cum just by watching her, he thought; struggling to contain his turbulent hunger as she bit her full lips, moaning and writhing against him.

“Do you want me inside you baby?” He
sunk his finger deeper inside her and licked her lips.

“Yes…” she was breathless and panting and he felt as if he would burst from wanting her.

He increased the pressure of his finger; his free hand stroking her nipples. He loved the way her body melted to his command.

“Tell me
”, his voice rolled over her skin like a hot caress; spiraling the thrill.

"I…want you inside m
e”, her voice sounded as if it belonged to someone else.

“Louder!” his voice was hoarse with desire.

“Ahhhh”, she gasped as he fondled her clitoris with his thumb, “I want you inside me… now!"

She felt as if she would die
from the nerve-racking bliss if he didn’t take her immediately.

She barely heard the rustle of fabric as he undid his pants and the tearing of foil as he slipped on a condom.
He held one of her legs against his slim hip and drove inside her; hot and hard and she screamed as pin pricks of pleasure assailed her. Raspy cries of pleasure broke from her lips as he thrust within her slick flesh over and over, deeper, shallower and harder until her world tilted on its axis and she fell over the edge; taking him with her. She fell against the refrigerator, like a rag doll afterwards; her body quivering with reverberations.

BOOK: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)
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