Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)
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Her eyes drooped as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed
and drew the quilt over them both.




Paige said between mouthfuls of pizza, “even if it’s frozen pizza”.

She had been
stirred awake a few minutes ago by the aromatic scent of pepperoni pizza wafting below her nose. She blushed at the reminder of her wanton behavior earlier.

“I had to read the instruction twice,
not to mention that I’m not very proficient with a microwave”, his eyes shone with amusement.

“Soup for breakfast and pizza for lunch; I wonder what will be for dinner.”

“I was planning to quit my job and become a chef but after that question I’m not sure”, he laughed infectiously and she couldn’t resist joining in, “although I know exactly what I want for brunch”, his tone was seductive as his fingers stroked the swell of her breast above where she clutched the sheet.

“What..?” she asked breathlessly
; her head tilting instinctively to meet his lips.

“Let go of the quilt and I’ll show you”, he murmured against her lip as he pried the quilt from her grasp and cupped her breasts

There wasn’t an ounce of self-consciousness whenever he touched her rather it felt like the most natural thing in the world and she reveled in the heady feeling of being desired by him.
She released herself into the clawing talons of passion he ignited inside her as they made love; soft and sweet then scorching and all-consuming; repeatedly. Until they were too tired to move and they fell asleep; their limbs entangled.

They arose at dusk and showered together
between a cataclysmic bout of lovemaking after which they dressed and went downstairs. He insisted on assisting her in preparing chicken casserole for dinner and she found herself pausing to stare at his masculine radiance once too often.

They were a world away from Manhattan and for a moment she wished they’d never leave as she feared the dream that was the past day would wither and die.
She worried that Sebastian would return to his old self and prayed that it wouldn’t be so as she knew her heart couldn’t handle it.


Sebastian said as he clink his wine glass with hers.

“Here, here
”, she saluted as they ate chicken casserole and drank red wine; older than either of them.

There was something intimate about the moment that made her mushy inside. The candlelight cast a pleasant glow over his cheeks
and in that moment she decided that it didn’t matter what happened when they returned to civilization. They had now and she vowed to cherish every second as if it was their last.

“Is the house closed up when you’re in the city?”

“No. I have a housekeeper. She left yesterday to visit a relative not far from here. She called to say she was trapped in because of the storm.”

She frowned. “I don’t remember seeing any houses near here.”

“There are several houses about a mile or less from here and I’ve started a housing development a quarter mile from here. It should be completed within the next two years, two and a half tops.”

Impressive. This is a beautiful house. Is it a part of the project?”

The house had a cozy feel and she could easily picture a child or two seated around the dining table along with them. She trampled the thought; shocked at the image. Where in the hell did that image come from?

“No. I bought it last spring and couldn’t bring myself to resell it after I saw the gardens and meadows surrounding the property. It’s especially lovely during the spring."

Her smile faltered; she would never see
the property during spring, she thought glumly. She threw her napkin unto her plate and stood; her appetite all but vanishing.

“Are you finished with that?”

He nodded and she cleared the table and stacked the soiled plates into the dishwasher. Bake, she decided, searching the cupboard for possible ingredients, baking always calmed her nerves.

“Hey”, he grabbed her arms and forced her to face him, “what’s the matter?”

She almost burst into tears at the genuine concern she saw in his brown eyes, but she gritted her teeth against the inexplicable emotions charging through her. It shouldn't matter that he would be leaving her life in a few weeks.

But, strangely, it did.

“What are you talking about?” she forced a smile, “I’m fine”.

He pulled her close and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before burying his face into her hair
and her wayward body yielded.

“Hmm, you’re hair smells like my garden in spring
. Fresh and inviting”, his lips shifted to her forehead, her nose and finally her mouth.

She would think about all the reasons she should stay clear of him later or when her body didn't burn for his touch, she resolved, as they mounted the stairs to his bedroom. She watched
, enthralled, the ripple of muscles as he removed his clothes and shoved the shirt from her shoulders and propelled her into bed. He captured her lips in a heated kiss; his hands caressing her body. His fingers found the juncture of her thighs and she winced as he stroked her intimately.

He tore his lips from hers to stare into her eyes, “you’re sore?”

She blushed, bright red, “yes but…”

He placed a finger over her lips to silence her, “I’ve been a selfish lover. I’m sorry”.

He pulled her to his side so that her head rested on his chest, “sleep…” he ordered.

Her throat clogged with emotion. She hadn’t expected him to be so conscious of her reactions or so sensitive to
her feelings. Who would’ve thought the Manhattan playboy could be this kind and gentle? Perhaps aliens had inhabited his body for certainly the Sebastian Bradley she had known, up to a week ago, would never set foot into a kitchen with the notion of cooking, she thought with wry amusement as she drifted off to sleep.



Sebastian; her eyes fluttering open as the cold sheets greeted her. Her eyes darted around the room in search of him; her heart warming and her body tingling as she saw him standing in front of the closed glass doors.

” he turned at the sound.

He resembled a pagan God, standing there in his royal blue robe; the dim light of daybreak against the backdrop of the semi-darkened room silhouetting his powerful frame to perfection.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll be there shortly.”

She slithered out of bed; draping one of his night
robes over her nakedness and striding over to him. Her hands encircled his waist as she placed her cheek against his hard, warm back and pressed her softness into the muscular length of him; sighing in contentment.

She could feel the tension emanating from his coiled muscles and she considered releasing him but her traitorous body had other intention and her hold tightened instead. She held him, her embrace undemanding, offering silent comfort, for however long, she couldn’t say.

“I hate winters”, he said suddenly, his tone gruff and she could tell those words came from a dark place inside his soul.

“Why is that?” she waited with bated breath for his answer.

His voice was lifeless when he eventually spoke. “They remind me of my childhood; cold. Those endless nights I’d sit at the dining table awaiting dad’s return for thanksgiving…Christmas. But as usual he never came until I learned better than to expect him to.” His last words dripped with scorn and her heart broke for the lonely little boy who had grown into a bitter man, who hid behind a brusque veneer.

knew he didn’t want her pity so she did the next best thing. “Did you have other family?”

“Yes. My mother’s mother; Grandma Lily”, his tone mellowed with affection
, “She was stern but she always showered me with love. I lived with her until she died when I was around seven.”

“I’m so sorry”, her eyes stung with tears but she blinked them away.

“Perhaps that’s why I had such a hard time conforming to my father’s ways."

He was silent afterwards and she released him long enough to st
and before him. She met the agony in his eyes, wishing she could make the pain go away. He watched; an intense expression in his eyes as she lifted his hands to her lips and kissed each knuckle, tenderly.

“Sometimes we have to let go of the bitterness in order to app
reciate the good things in life.”

stared at her oddly for a moment, as if he hadn’t expected such a response from her. “And what do you do when there is nothing but bitterness..?”

“There’s always some good.
Sometimes we’re so busy focusing on the negatives that we often forget or simply overlook the positives.”

He smiled wistfully, “how did a smart girl like you end up in such a profession?”

She laughed nervously and released his hands; taken aback by the question. “Are you saying that all escorts are supposed to be dumb?”

What else was she supposed to say? T
he truth, suddenly, seemed as terrible as the lie.

“No, not at all
; I suppose we all have our skeletons in our closets”, his eyes bore into her as if he was struggling to understand the puzzle that was her.

She changed the subject quickly. “What time are we leaving today?”

“Not before I do this”, her breath hitched in her throat as his mouth covered hers.

Desire coiled inside her body as he slid the robe from her limbs; his mouth feasting on her tingling skin
until she moaned with pleasure. He perched on the bed, expertly flicked on a condom and lifted her astride him; gripping her hips, he guided her unto his rigid arousal, filling her to the core. Her breathing grew ragged as she rocked her hips back and forth; learning and matching his pace. He lay motionless, flat on his back on the bed; releasing her hips suddenly, and she slowed to an awkward pace.

"A little faster...Yes...Just like that, baby", he coaxed, his usually brown eyes, black with passion.

Emboldened by his obvious enjoyment; she flattened her palms on his hard stomach and moved against him, in a frantic pace. Until the pleasure got too intense for him to lye still and he moaned in pleasure; gripping her hips and thrusting into her silken heat.

Hmm Paige…I'm gonna cum inside you baby", he rasped and pleasure exploded inside her.

Her screams blended with his growls as pleasure consumed them and they fell into the bedding; their breathing labore

She traced the tattoo on his chest with her fingertips sometime later.

“What is it?”

“It’s a Celtic Tribal tattoo of an open flame. I got it when I was eighteen.”

She felt the rhythmic beating of his heart below her fingertips and wished, with all her being, that she was that tattoo so that she could remain on his heart forever.

“What about the one on your arm?”

“That’s a Fine Line tattoo of my mother’s face that I got when I was sixteen.”

“And what did your father have to say about that?”

“I doubt he even knows I have them. And besides I had moved out long before then”, he scuffed.

“You were living alone at sixteen!” she exclaimed, “That must have been tough.”

“Actually it was quite fun”, his eyes shone devilishly and she swat him playfully on the arm.

You’re a bad, bad boy.”

“You weren’t complaining very much a while ago”, he said rolling on top of her and she couldn’t think the moment his lips touched hers.

“Breakfast is on you”, he said much later after they’d hauled themselves out of bed to shower and dress, “I think I’ve exhausted my limited skills in that department”.

She laughed; following his lead downstairs.

He planted a swift kiss on her lips as they reached the foot of the stairs. “I have to make a few calls. I’ll be in my study.”

She felt bereaved as she watched him go
. She couldn’t remember being this happy in her entire life and she couldn’t help wondering how long it would last as she made her way to the kitchen.







urged; patting her legs.

Arggh, how many times do I have to tell you? I’m not a baby anymore”, Joshua whined as he flopped unto her lap and she ruffled his reddish brown hair.

“A man, are you? We’ll see about that”, she taunted good-naturedly, as she tickled his sides; careful of his swollen stomach and he dissolved into bouncing fits of giggles.

“Stop…it”, he yelled between gurgles.

BOOK: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)
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