Unleashing His Alpha (17 page)

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Authors: Ellie Valentina

BOOK: Unleashing His Alpha
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“I will not let you down,” Shane told Priss as he hugged her. Katie watched as he hugged the one remaining member of his family he had left and she knew there was no way she could let him down. There was nothing she could hold back from him and she knew she was going to give him everything he needed for this fight. The only thing that mattered was that he walked away from it and at the end of the day, she had Shane by her side.


When Priss was gone, they both sat down on the bed of the old man. She had found the sheets that he had told her she could have and she had already changed the bed for them. He was a kind old man with excellent taste and she actually liked these new sheets better. As she sat on them, staring at Shane, she knew there was nothing she could say to him.


The only thing that mattered was that he survived this and if that meant letting him fuck her like she’d never been fucked before, then she would gladly do that multiple times. She wasn’t afraid of him. She wasn’t afraid of giving herself to him. She wanted him to have every last moment of pleasure that he could with her.


“I want you to come back to me,” she said, putting her hand on his chin and turning his head to look at her. “I want you to come back to me and I want you to spend the rest of your days with me. I want to be the one person who lights your way in the dark and I want to be the love that you’ve always hungered for. Do you understand, Shane?”


“I do,” he said, kissing her tenderly on the lips. “I have to beat him tomorrow, no matter what. I don’t care what happens, I have to get to him and I have to crush him before he can trick me or use his experience against me. There’s no other way.”


“Then let me give you the strength to do that,” she said to him softly. She kissed him tenderly on the lips and felt his whole body melt in her hands and she could feel their forces merging together, like their souls becoming one. There was something about the kiss that was beyond spiritual and beyond physical. It was the kind of kiss few people ever got to experience in their lifetime.


It was the kind of kiss that poets wrote about and that singers pretended to know about. It was the essence of art in that kiss and it was the definition of hope and love. It was all the things she had ever wanted in her life coming together and merging into a singular being. She kissed him and their tongues softly pressed against each other, greeting and sharing the moment together.


They kissed for a long time. She lost track of everything and she didn’t have the slightest idea of what was happening. With each of the kisses, each time their lips pulled apart and were magnetically drawn back to each other like the power of gravity itself was at work within them, she knew that it was the perfect moment. His hands moved over her body, feeling her thin shirt that she was eager to get rid of. It was like worthless skin that she was ready to shed on account of him.


She wanted to give it all up for him and she wanted to tear it off and throw it away, casting it aside so that he could have everything that he wanted from her. She wanted to give him the power he needed and the power he wanted. She knew it was inside of her and with each heated kiss, she could feel the hunger rising inside of him. His body was like a furnace and she could feel the sweat beading on his skin. As she kissed him, she longed for him.


Her body felt like it was slipping into a sea of lust and as she found herself stroking his cock, she knew that she had to put it in her mouth. She had to taste it. She had to draw his cum out of him and she wanted to know what it was like to taste him again, to swallow him and see the fiery look in his eyes. She threw his belt and his pants aside. It was Shane who ripped his underwear off and threw them at the far wall, letting them crumple to the floor and his enormous cock sprang free. As she looked at it, she felt like it was harder than she’d ever seen before. It was massive and it was swollen, begging for her to lick it.


When she licked it, it was hot and it was like licking molten iron. She smiled and moaned at the sensation it sent through her tongue and through her mouth as she took it into her mouth. Lying on the bed, she let Shane stand and slip his hand underneath her jeans and her underwear, hunting down her pussy as he followed her ass and found the hole that he was hunting for. He rubbed the hole and sent lightning bolts of lust shooting through her with ravenous and fiery purpose.


She moaned and kept working his balls and his shaft. She licked and kissed and felt the power of his cock inside of her mouth and she knew this was everything she had ever wanted. This was the power she wanted to give him and that he needed. This was everything he wanted. She was going to give it to him and he was going to take it from her.


She kept working his cock and he moaned along with her as he slipped his middle finger into her pussy and she could feel it getting wetter and wetter every time he moved his finger. God, she wanted to have him inside of her and there was nothing she could do but scream and moan, begging for more and more. She closed her eyes and took his cock as deep into her mouth as she could and felt it brush the back of her throat, but it didn’t bother her.


She could feel it touching her throat and she kept going, trying to take as much of him in until there was no way that she could possibly squeeze another half inch of him inside of her. She closed her eyes and felt him tense up as his cock bucked in her mouth and she moaned with him. She could feel him unleashing every molten ounce he had inside of her into the back of her throat and she swallowed it willingly, with pleasure.


Before she could say anything to him, she sat up straight and she felt him grab a hold of her shirt and rip it open, letting her bare breasts fall free and she smiled at the ferocity inside of him. His eyes were icy blue and she knew that the animal inside of him was taking over and he was going for whatever it wanted. It was coming for her and it was hungry for her. She smiled and let him come for her.


She moaned as he grabbed her breasts and threw her on her back, licking her nipples and sucking on them as though they might hold the key to immortality. She moaned and writhed with the sensation of his tongue on her nipples and she knew there was nothing more perfect than this moment. He squeezed her breasts and gripped them like there was nothing more sacred, more important to him right now, in that moment, than her breasts. As he sucked on her nipples, she closed her eyes and screamed, moaning as she writhed under the pleasure and the euphoria running through her. She wondered how a man’s tongue and lips could do such wonders, but when his fingers slipped slowly down her stomach, finding her pants, they were set to their true task.


He pulled her pants down and slipped his hand under her thong and started to touch her pussy, rubbing the lips of her pussy and teasing her clit with the kind of cruel temptation she had come to accept as normal from him. This was the kind of behavior she longed for, that she had come to expect from him. When his fingers found that she was soaking wet, dying for him to tease her and to ravage her body, that only encouraged him more as he kissed her neck, tearing her shirt even more with his other hand.


She moaned and writhed against his fingers, begging him for more and knowing there wasn’t a thing she would change about him. There was something truly perfect and immaculate about the way that he operated with her. She smiled and ran her hands over his body, blindly feeling and feeding on the curves of his muscles and the strength under his skin. He was so hot it was impossible for her to comprehend how a man could be that warm and still be alive.


She moaned as he kept rubbing her clit with his thumb and sticking his index finger into her pussy, slipping it in and probing her as she moaned and kissed him, begging him for more as she arched her back. It wasn’t about her, but she wanted more. She wanted him to have everything he was ever going to need from her. It was vital that he was given all he could possibly want.


As her hips began to work, humping and thrusting at his hand, urging him to keep doing everything he was giving her, she could feel his cock growing harder and harder through her jeans on her thigh. She squirmed out of her boots and her pants, kicking them aside on some subconscious level as her whole body went into critical overload. She couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t handle everything he was giving her, but she wanted more.


She was a junkie for his body and she screamed as he brought her to her first orgasm and she felt the injection of pure euphoria all over her body, causing her to freeze and take it all in as she moaned and stared at the ceiling of the camper. God, he was amazing.


His powerful arms slipped under the small of her back as she arched her back in her orgasmic delight and he picked her up. She could feel herself being lifted through the air and as she was hugged against him, she laughed at the ease with which he’d just picked her up. God, he was an amazing man. This was what she had wanted all of her life, she just didn’t know it. She had no clue that this was what she had been desperately hunting for and longing for when she was a young woman, searching the world for the right man.


He drove his cock into her soaked pussy and she threw back her head and moaned with a shudder of pleasure running through her, rippling through her arms and legs as she closed her eyes and took him into her. He was in charge now. All she could do was hold on for the ride and as he picked her up and pulled back from her, she moaned and had complete faith in him. He wouldn’t drop her.


She was going to be just fine. There was no way that she was going to hurt herself, so she gave herself over to the pleasure of his cock ramming deep inside of her. She moaned and begged him for more, chanting his name like she was channeling some kind of pagan god and trying to invoke his powerful name.


She felt the buildup, the roiling lust and the euphoria coming for her again, coming for her with a vengeance as he drove his cock up, into her again and again with her screaming.


When he was done with her that way, he dropped her back down on the bed and rolled her over. She didn’t have time to recover or to even think about what was happening. All she could do was spread her legs and lift her ass for him as his cock found her again and drove into her with a ferocity and perfection that made her scream and tangle her fingers up in the sheets as she moaned with pleasure and delight at the feeling of him inside of her.


This was the definition of paradise for her and there was nothing more she wanted in her life right now. The power of his thrusts shook her entire body and rocked the camper as she moaned and braced herself, wrapping her legs around the backs of his thighs and holding him close as he pounded her from behind. Moaning and screaming at the top of her lungs, she knew it wouldn’t be much longer for her again.


The orgasm flooded over her with blinding white light and as he wrapped his arms around her stomach and lifted her, she tried her hardest to brace herself as he continued to ram her, not stopping for the sensation of bliss and the fireworks display of pleasure going off all over her body right now. It felt like the best kind of torture she had ever experienced before.


It was the most magnificent thing she could ever imagine and as he kept fucking her, she closed her eyes and slipped into the trance of lust and pleasure that washed over her. There was no escaping from this and she didn’t want to. There was no reason why she would ever want to slip out of this.


Eventually, he hit the point where he could handle no more and he pulled her onto his cock and held her there, throwing back his head and moaning as he filled her with everything that was left in him. Katie couldn’t even remember what the world was like without him inside of her and she felt a sad longing that he had finished already. His tolerance for her was getting better and she liked that their sessions were lasting longer and longer. She liked that he could bring her to orgasm so easily with his thick, hard cock that was made just for her body. As he let her go and fell to the bed next to her, she stroked his cheek and kissed him tenderly on the lips, feeling the burning heat radiating off him.


“How do you feel?” she asked him, genuinely concerned that she hadn’t done enough yet to prepare him for everything that was coming his way.


“Powerful,” he exhaled with an exhilaration in his voice that encouraged her. “I can do this,” he told her adamantly. “I’m going to stop him and I’m going to take control of the pack. Everything changes tomorrow.”


She kissed him on the lips softly and passionately.


God, she hoped so.



Katie watched as he got ready in the morning and couldn’t stop from trembling with terror for his safety. There was no way she could let him just march off into the wilderness and fight a man who was experienced in killing plenty of men with his bare hands. Sure, Peter Vincent was a shadow of the past and she had given Shane all he could possibly ask from her, but there was no doubt in her mind that it was still going to be a challenge.

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