Unleashing His Alpha (6 page)

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Authors: Ellie Valentina

BOOK: Unleashing His Alpha
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She looked at him and would smile, but she made sure that she kept busy so she wouldn’t get caught in his orbit. If you got caught in that orbit of his, you were susceptible to being groped and fondled by his friends who were hanging around like vultures. She didn’t need creeps digging their fingers into her ass or trying to slip lower for a feel of something else.


Most of the girls tonight would end up sleeping with men they didn’t like but the mixture of booze and pressure would get them in bed with Mikey or one of his friends. Katie was grateful that she had Shane as an alternative. The only way out of this was if you had someone you were going with.


While she made sure to be busy, picking up the slack happily from any of the other waitresses that were caught by Mikey or his friends, Katie kept looking at the clock, begging for it to go faster. Naturally, they would have a toast and start the party here, then they would move on to somewhere else, usually carted around in a van while Mikey showed off his pretty little ladies to his enemies or rivals around town, spreading his influence and his importance. It was the most desperate and pitiful thing that Katie had ever seen. She noticed that Sarah had showed up in time, already wearing her slutty Mrs. Claus outfit. Katie smiled and waved to her.


When Katie looked back over to the bar area, she saw that Faith had accidentally been caught and was sitting on Mikey’s lap. Katie cringed at the sight of it and wanted to make it as quick as possible when she was inevitably taken by him. God, she wasn’t looking forward to this at all. She just wanted it to be over already and she was willing to pay good money for it to be done with. Once they were done with being paraded around, they’d end up at the Valdez Lounge and that was when she would be free.


Around ten, the restaurant was emptied and the only people who were left were the ones that Mikey had invited to come with them and the girls that were in his employment. Sure, Vance was there, but he was never really comfortable around Mikey. The other managers were definitely ready for tonight, hoping to get a chance with whatever server or hostess caught their eye.


Basically, this was one of the many nights out of the year where Mikey hosted a party in hopes of getting his employees to fuck each other. It was like they were all part of some sort of strange and twisted zoo in Mikey’s head.


Katie made sure that she was helping out in every way that she could, keeping her distance from Mikey and his friends. She had absolutely no interest in this night other than getting to Shane. If she could get through the night without getting groped or cornered by a drunken douche past his prime, she was going to count it as a blessing, a major blessing. She looked around as everyone grabbed a drink. She looked at Vance as he handed her a dirty martini and she smiled at him.


He knew what she liked and she liked what she liked. Taking it gratefully, she hoped it would take off some of the edge of the night. No matter how much she prayed, she knew she wasn’t going to magically turn invisible and be able to escape this night. Nope, there was no avoiding this.


“I know this isn’t the most glamorous job,” Mikey said, holding up his glass of whiskey and looking around at the girls who worked for him. “But I never said it would be glamorous. We are what we are and we use what we’ve got to our best advantage. That’s always been my motto and I made a promise a long time ago that even though this job wasn’t glamorous, I could at least make it fun.


“So I wanted to thank you all for the hard work you’ve put in this year and I want you all to know that you’ve earned your bonuses and then some. So, tonight, drinks are on me and I want all of you to have the best night of your lives. Remember, nothing’s more important than friends and family. Hell, they’re one in the same after a certain point, aren’t they?”


Everyone agreed with him, just some were more vocal about it than others were. Katie looked at Sarah and April who shared the same underwhelming agreement, as they raised their glasses and cheered with the rest of them. They weren’t interested in making a scene or being part of the drunken loudmouths who were shouting.


“Now, the rest of you,” Mikey said, draining his whiskey and running the back of his hand over his glistening lips, “you can carpool or take your own cars and follow us. Vance and the ladies are coming with me in the van. It’s time to get this party on the move.”


There was another extremely loud cheer about that as well and Katie was just glad to get out of the same room with a bunch of guys who were looking at her like she was some piece of candy that they needed to unwrap. Katie took another drink of her martini and set it down, vowing that she wasn’t going to drink much until she got into the company of the man who had become her possessive obsession. She didn’t want to get drunk and she didn’t want to be distracted by anything other than him. It was a simple enough vow and she knew that while everyone else drank more and more, she’d find it easier to pretend like she was drinking a lot.


This year, Luke, the cook, had agreed to be the designated driver, which meant that he was probably going to be the only other person who remembered anything tomorrow besides her.


When they were in the van, Katie wondered where they would be going today. Last year, they’d been to a strip club that Mikey was constantly at odds with, a bowling alley, and three other bars before they ended up at the Valdez Lounge. She hoped that it wouldn’t be anything that stupid.


They ended up at the strip club again and once more, the manager got furious when a bunch of women that were more attractive than the actual dancers showed up, but Katie and the other girls weren’t interested in a confrontation or a brawl. There were plenty of men already at the strip club who thought that it was their lucky day. They looked at the influx of new women and thought that they’d just been given the best Christmas gift in the world. Katie was glad that they were a disappointment, just another bunch of cruel women teasing them.


It didn’t take long before the owner showed up and Mikey got into a shouting match with the owner of the strip club. When they were done measuring their dicks and shouting at each other, she tried to just remain invisible in the background with Faith and Sarah. April had already been picked up by one of Mikey’s friends and she was more than excited to be treated like someone who mattered to them just for one night. It was something that made Katie sick just to look at. She didn’t like to think that this truly was the only aspiration April had for her life. Who thought that things could only be this good?  She wanted to make sure she never thought this was the best that she could do. No, she wanted to be way better than all of this.


When they finally gathered everyone up and loaded them back into the van, Katie couldn’t be happier. Everyone already had a drink or two when they’d been at the strip club, and so far, everything was going just right for her. The faster they all got intoxicated, the better for her.


She looked around at the new bar they were visiting.


She didn’t know the name of it, but it was nice and strangely out of place for Mikey and his group. She was glad that they were here and once more, people downed at least one drink, maybe two if they didn’t care. Katie nursed something with plenty of ice so that she didn’t actually end up drinking a lot. All she cared about was getting to Valdez.


It was easily three more bars until they ended up at the Valdez. Katie was more than excited and Luke was the only person here that was actually sober. He looked at her and could tell that Katie was the only person who wasn’t actually drunk like the rest. Sure, she tried to blend in with the rest of them, trying her hardest to look like she was a drunken slut like all the others. She didn’t care if Luke could see behind the curtain; she wasn’t truly hiding it. She just wanted to get to the final stop and she wanted to be the one person who actually captivated Shane.


That was all she wanted and she was ready to be here. As she looked at the Valdez, she felt something exciting inside of her, something warm and glowing. All she could think about was that there was some hope and lust inside of her breeding into something else.


Walking into the lounge, there was a lot of noise and a lot of desperate lust inside of the room when they entered into the lounge. For whatever reason he saw fit, Mikey believed in coming to the classiest place for the final stop on his party train. It was easily after midnight when they rolled into the Valdez and as Katie walked in, she immediately searched all of the faces, begging for the sight of Shane. She would cut off her own arm if it meant being able to find Shane faster and be able to spend the night with him.


Standing at the bar, she ordered a dirty martini and realized that there was something that she was missing right then. It was the simple fact that Shane wasn’t here. She was completely on her own here, isolated and cut off. She looked at herself in the reflection of the glass, but that was when she figured she was truly alone.

She was as alone as things could get right now and she felt her heart start to slump. All she wanted to do was sleep and cry. All night, she had been thinking about how eagerly she wanted to fuck him, let him ravage her body and do all the things that he dreamed of, but that was all gone. Everything was lost right now and her heart felt like it had been liquefied and crammed inside of her.


“Hey there,” a voice said from behind her.  She turned around and looked at the person who had spoken to her. She didn’t have to look at him. She didn’t know how he’d done it, but he had totally sneaked up on her and it was something that caught her completely off guard. She looked at him with a frown on her face.


“Well, look who showed up,” she said sternly, turning and looking at him. She wasn’t happy with him one bit. He had been lurking, hiding in the shadows somewhere, waiting for her to show up. She looked at him and realized that there was nothing going on but a little playful flirting. She wasn’t sure she understood entirely what it was he was doing, but she assumed that it was pretty innocent.  “I thought you were just going to split on me.”


“Not in a million years,” he said with a grin. “Can I buy you that drink?”


“How about the next?” she asked him with a grin. “You got a table?”


“Yeah,” he said, nodding his head toward the lounge. “Are you going to be okay splitting off from the pack?”


Katie looked over at her friends and her coworkers and knew that she wasn’t going to miss them in the slightest. In fact, she was glad to be rid of them. The next thing that she wanted to do with herself was to get in bed, but they weren’t going to be any help with that next step of her plan. Faith and Sarah smiled and waved at Shane while he gave them a little wave back.


“Yeah,” she said with a cheeky smile. “Let’s get out of here.”


The little table reminded her of a secret garden that was locked away from the rest of the lounge. She sat down across from him, sipping her martini and staring at him. He was wearing a black suit that looked like it had been personally tailored to his body, unlike anything she’d seen a man here wear before.


Most men here assembled their suits at delusional stores that pretended they were someplace better than they were. She looked at him and the charming smile on his face. She was totally captivated by him. All she cared about was kissing him right now. Looking at his red shirt under his suit, she knew that there was nothing more glorious than a well-dressed man. A well-dressed man who knew how to carry themselves was the sexiest thing she could think of and Shane completely defined that to her.


He wasn’t lazy and his suit wasn’t ill fitting, it was just the kind of suit that you’d expect someone like him to be dressed in. All she could think about was ripping it off of him and seeing what was underneath.


“You look really great,” Shane said to her with a smile.


“I look like a slut,” Katie informed him, unable to really understand what was happening between the two of them. All she could really think of right now was the sex that she would inevitably feel consumed by.


“You look sexy,” Shane assured her with absolute confidence.


There was a look in his eyes that made her feel a little more confident in herself, but at the same time, it wasn’t really fair. She wanted to look sexy for him and not have it all hanging out for everyone else to enjoy. She wanted to look this way in the privacy of their own room or her own home.


This wasn’t something she felt like showing right out in the open. It was hard to explain. All she knew was that she wasn’t comfortable being eye candy for everyone. She’d been eye candy for everyone her entire life, but she wanted to get personal now. She wanted to be owned by just one person who loved and cherished her and she very deeply wanted that one person to be Shane—even if it were just for a few minutes or hours.

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