Unleashing His Alpha (4 page)

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Authors: Ellie Valentina

BOOK: Unleashing His Alpha
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She grinned sourly at him and moved her hips forward, taking in the tip of his cock and she immediately had to clamp her hand over her mouth as she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. God, he was so big and he was so hard that she knew she wasn’t ready for this. She knew that no way she was ever going to be ready for this.


“Shhhh!” he hissed with a grin on his lips. “They’ll hear you.”


“Oh my God,” she panted, feeling his cock slowly pushing deeper and deeper into her pussy, spreading her open as wide as she knew she could comfortably go and press on deeper and deeper inside of her. The friction itself was enough to make her want to scream, but as she pinched her eyes shut and took him in as deep as he could go, she clenched her jaw and threw back her head, breathing heavily.


Shane’s arm was wrapped around the small of her back, and as she braced herself and pulled her thong aside so that it wouldn’t rub against his cock, he slowly pulled back out and the pleasure inside of her was enough to make her want to scream even louder. There was no way that she was ready for this. No one could have prepared her for how fantastic this felt. If someone told her today that she was going to get fucked by a god, she would have laughed in their faces, but here she was, feeling him squeeze her nipple as his cock thrust deeper inside of her again. She shuddered at the sensation and tried to get a hold of her mind that felt like it was on fire. She couldn’t handle this. No one could handle this.


“We’re going to get caught,” he whispered without a drop of fear in his voice. He sounded like he didn’t have a care in the world whether they got caught or not. She smiled and kept her eyes shut as his cock was shattering her entire world, slowly going in and out of her. She wanted so much more from him, but she didn’t know what to do. He was right. Someone was already walking down the hallway to the bathroom and they stood still, motionless with his cock inside of her.


“Faster,” she whispered quietly as the bathroom door shut.


“Are you sure?”


She kissed him on the lips and nodded to him.


He didn’t hold back. Inevitably, faster meant harder and as she pinched her eyes shut and clenched her jaw, she dug her fingernails into the wall and her whole body tensed as he fucked her harder and faster than she had ever been fucked before. Her breasts were jiggling, bouncing, and her whole body felt like it was crumbling in his hands. This was what it was like to get fucked to death.


She smiled and let the sensation wash over her, consume her, and fill her with a kind of penetrating heat and warmth that she had never felt before. Harder and faster, the ferocity of him was overwhelming and it was something that she didn’t think that she could handle much more of. She wanted to scream, but she didn’t dare open her mouth.


It wasn’t long. She tried to remember the last time she’d had sex and knew that it had been with Jake and that she had instantly regretted it. She hadn’t reached an orgasm without her own help in ages and when Shane drove his cock into her once more, she felt her whole body tense as her back arched, pressing her bare stomach against his sweater and she threw her head back as far as it could go.


She let go of her thong and held onto the sides of the booth, clawing and writhing in pleasure as it hit her like a torrent being unleashed upon her. The fact that he wasn’t done only made it better as every thrust and every pull made her whole body feel like she was going through a sexual earthquake of a proportion that could toss California into the Pacific. She opened her eyes and thrust her hips as well, humping and fucking him as much as he was fucking her.


“Did you?” he asked her with a grin on his face.


“Oh yeah,” she smiled, leaning back and enjoying the ride as he clamped his hands down on her hips while she braced herself.


It wasn’t much longer until Shane pulled her down hard on his cock and kept himself inside of her, holding her in place as he closed his eyes with fluttering eyelids, his whole body a fiery mass of muscle and perfect skin. She smiled and grinned at him as she felt him cum inside of her and she was so pleased with herself. This was exactly what she needed and she was devastated that it was over for now.


Katie looked at a small stash of napkins and cleaned herself up as she handed him a few. She thought that they were oddly placed and that someone had to know that people were using these booths to fuck each other. She was going to have to go home and take a nice, long shower after this.


“That was amazing,” he said, leaning in and kissing her again.


“Yeah, it was,” she smiled at him, wishing she could have more of him. She wanted to know what he tasted like, what his skin felt like, how he looked naked, and what other kinky things he was into. She wanted to know his fantasies and she wanted to be a part of them. She wanted to do anything they could together and she wanted to do it right now. “How long are you here?”


“Depends,” he said with a wry smile.


“On what?” she asked, willing to play along.


“How long you want me to be,” he said honestly, genuinely, and without a drop of guile in his voice. Most men would be done right here and she knew it. Most men would wipe their hands clean, slap her on the ass, and thank her for the fuck. But Shane, he was still here and he was wanting more, too.


She knew a lot of guys thought of her as a vending machine that they could just put the right combination of time, gifts, and compliments into and she’d put out for them, then they'd drop her and leave her behind in the dust. Men wanted to fuck pretty girls, not romance them. Shane was genuinely killing her cynical and jaded view of the world with each thing he did and said to her.


“We have a Christmas Party in a couple of days,” she said with a smile. “We’ll be back at the lounge for the after-party.  I’ll dress up nice for you if you want to make something special of the night.”


“You don’t want me to come to the party?” he asked her, raising an eyebrow that was too suspicious for her taste. She wanted to put her finger on it and push it back down.


“I don’t want to scare you off,” she said honestly to him. “I’ve never liked a guy this much after talking with him and I’ve never let a guy fuck me in a booth after just a few hours of knowing him. There’s something special about you—something I can’t resist.”


He looked at her silently for a moment and she could tell that he was thinking. By confessing that to him, she was afraid that she was doing exactly what she was terrified of doing in the first place. But while he was thinking, there was a calm over her. Being in his warm arms and against him, she knew that things were going to be okay. She pulled herself together while he looked at her and his response came in the matter of a kiss.


It was the kind of soft kiss that told her that everything was going to be all right and that she was with someone that actually deserved to be with her. She wasn’t playing around with boys anymore and this was possibly the real deal she wanted. That made her feel good. It was the kind of assurance that she had been hoping for all along.


She didn’t have an assuring past and she didn’t have the kind of record that would ever inspire any kind of confidence in others, let alone herself, but Shane was unlike anyone else she had ever spent a drop of time on. He was the kind of new that her life needed. He was quiet, handsome, strong, and successful looking, regardless of his independent lifestyle. She had seen all kinds of men in her life and she could honestly say that he was the first man she had come across that seemed like he was worth the time to get to know and the effort to be a part of.


He was the man that every girl dreamed about, and every little romantic cell in her body had hoped actually existed out there in the world. To have him here, right now, that was something she was extremely grateful for. This was the moment she knew she was going to look back and fantasize about if she screwed this up or things didn’t happen the way that she wanted.


“I’ll see you then,” he said with a smile.


“Great,” she grinned. “I should probably call it a night.”


“Too bad,” he said. “I’ll get a room here and explore the city a little more. Not a lot of people talk about it, so it might be a good chance to expand my reader sphere of influence. You’ll know where to find me, Katie.”


“I won’t forget,” she assured him.


“Can I walk you to your car?” he asked her, pulling back the booth’s heavy, velvet curtain that was probably there when they first built this place. She thought about how crazy they had just been.


“I can’t remember where I put my keys,” she said, trying to think if they were in her coat.


“I took them,” he said, producing them. “I’m walking you to your car, remember.”


She knew that he was taking her to a cab and it was the right call. She smiled and wrapped her arm around his and stood close to him, leaning her head on his muscular shoulder and wishing that she could take him home with her. She knew that Jake would probably be driving by or waiting for her when she finally got home and that would be the worst night of her life.


The pack of guys that were around April, Sarah, and Faith were as thick as a jungle and it was getting pretty rowdy. There were other women there, but they were scavengers, hoping to pick off the guys who were clearly not going to be making it home with one of the three beauties. There was so much competition here that it should have been a nature channel special. Those who were on the outside, pretending to be okay just chatting with new or old friends turned their heads and checked out Katie as she pushed through to grab her long pea coat.


Shane helped her put it on and made sure that everyone here knew that it was him that got to be a part of her life and that none of them had a chance in the world. She wrapped her arm around him again and walked toward the front of the lounge, wondering how long they’d have to wait for a cab to show up. He’d probably have to call one. This wasn’t New York City where the cabs ran all day and all night. She was sleepy and tired, exhausted from the incredible, sensational sex that she’d experienced too quickly. Her whole body was numb and tingly at the same time. She just wanted to curl up under the sheets with Shane and call it a night.


But things very quickly changed when they walked out into the lobby and she found Jake standing in the doorway. He looked drunk and he looked like he was getting confirmation for every little conspiracy that ever ran through his head. She wanted to scream at him and tell him to get lost, but she couldn't find the words to say right now. Part of her wanted to shove Shane away and to protect him from the drunken assault that was undoubtedly coming for him right now.


“You slut!” Jake shouted at the top of his lungs. “I knew you were fucking around with assholes. Who the fuck is this? What’s he, some rich dick with lots of money? Huh?”


Jake was closing in on them, moving quickly to either slap her or get into a fight with Shane. Katie struggled with Shane to get in front, but Shane was a lot stronger than he appeared and he forced her behind him. He raised his hands slowly, trying to calm down the rampaging bull that was coming for him, but she knew that it wasn’t going to work.


“You need to calm down,” he informed Jake, which was probably the last thing that he should have said. Katie wished that he’d let her handle this.


“Calm down? Calm down when you’re fooling around with my girl?” Jake stopped and acted like he was bewildered by the accusation.


“I’m not your girl, Jake,” she said to him. “When was the last time we even went on a date? Did we ever go on a date? I’m not something you bought and just call dibs on.”


“It’s okay, I’ve got this,” Shane said to her calmly, way too calm for this kind of a confrontation. He turned back to Jake whose eyes were full of all sorts of crazy, electric hate. “Sir, this woman clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you. You’re being confrontational, aggressive, and insulting to both yourself and her. I think that the smartest thing to do right now would be to get in your car and go back to wherever you came from.”


“You say one more god damn word to me, boy, and I’ll put my fist through your teeth,” Jake growled at Shane.


“That would be a very stupid thing for you to do,” Shane said. “You’re escalating a simple situation and you need to calm down.”


Jake wasn’t listening.


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