Unridden: A Studs in Spurs novel (15 page)

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“Yeah, I’m done. Chase frigging Reese.” Slade shook his head.

Mustang laughed again. Nothing like some good old fashioned jealousy to make a man see clearly. “Yeah, I know. The kid’s got balls. I’ll give him that. I guess we better show her what real men can do for her, huh?”

“Oh, yeah.” Slade let out a snort. “
You get a buckle for that
you know
. Yeah. I bet he made sure she knew that.”

With a laugh too loud for a hotel hallway at midnight, Mustang slapped Slade on the back as they both watched Jenna in front of a door, struggling with her key card and grumbling. “Come on. Looks like she needs help getting the door open.”

Then they could help her out of her clothes and help throw any memories of Chase and any possibilities regarding his buckle right out of her head.

Chapter Fifteen

“I know you think I’m drunk,” Jenna announced, right after she fell over and landed on the bed while trying to get her shoes off.

Mustang laughed, “Don’t worry, darlin’. We’ve all been there. Lucky for you, we’re here to take care of you.”

Slade curled his lip.
Take care of her.
Yeah. That wasn’t all Mustang had in mind.

Mustang pushed Jenna’s hands aside and knelt to unbuckle the ankle strap on a pair of the sexiest red, high-heel sandals Slade had ever seen. Unfortunately, any enjoyment he may have gotten from seeing Jenna in them was ruined by the thought of that rookie Chase Reese enjoying the view first.

Slade crossed his arms and watched Mustang fling one shoe into the corner of the room and move to free the other foot as Jenna continued to protest. “No, really. I’m not drunk.”

Slade let out a snort. At least he knew she didn’t have a car here so she hadn’t driven in this condition.

“All right, darlin’. You’re not drunk. Now scoot forward so I can get your dress off.”

She did as Mustang instructed, sliding to the edge of the bed as he wrapped his arms around her to unzip her incredibly tantalizing red dress.

Jenna peered over Mustang’s shoulder and her sleepy-looking eyes met Slade’s. “Why is Slade standing all the way over there?”

Mustang turned to glance at him before he went back to wiggling the tight fabric up and over Jenna’s shapely hips as she held onto his shoulders for support. “Because he thinks he’s being a gentleman by staying all the way over there.”

Slade scowled at that as Jenna frowned at Mustang. “What?”

“He thinks you’re too drunk and we’re taking advantage of you, darlin’.”

Just like Chase probably would have taken advantage of her if she stayed at the bar any longer. Slade shot a less than friendly look at Mustang. “I don’t
she’s too drunk. I know.”

“I told you, I’m not.” With that, she let out an incredibly adorable beer and shot-fueled burp. Eyes opening wide, Jenna’s hand flew up to cover her mouth. “Oops. Sorry. Maybe I am a little bit drunk.”

Slade raised his brow. “You think?”

Her eyes narrowed at him. “That doesn’t mean I can’t make a rational decision.

Slade glowered. “That’s exactly what it means.”

“Nuh uh! I was sober all day long and all I could think about was having sex with you two again. That’s why I went to the bar in the first place. To find you. So there!”

Mustang’s face broke out into an amused grin. “So there you go, Slade, she made the decision before she got drunk.”

“Exactly!” Jenna nodded her head so hard in agreement with Mustang that she lost her balance and barely caught herself before she fell over sideways on the bed.

Slade shook his head and sighed. She looked so damned tempting, perched on the edge of the bed in nothing but lacy undies and bra. It should have been easy to just let himself sink into her. Any other time with any other woman and he would have. Why did the fact this was Jenna and not just some random, nameless woman make him change his rules? He was afraid to answer that question.

Jenna reached one wobbly arm out toward him. “Come here.”

Against his better judgment, Slade did just that, letting her grab his hand and pull him closer.

“Kiss me.”

Slade glanced at Mustang, who, finished undressing Jenna, was now seated in the chair just off to the side of the bed so he could pull off his boots. Raising his brow, Mustang said, “Better do as the lady says, Slade.”

Looking down at Jenna and seeing the need in her face, Slade gave up the fight.

He glanced at Mustang again. “You come prepared?”

Mustang snorted. “Of course, I did. Who do you think you’re talking to?”

Dragging in a steadying breath, Slade gave in. He pushed Jenna back onto the bed, climbed on top of her mostly naked body and did as she asked, kissing her with all he had, knowing he’d lost not just the battle, but also the war.

Slade finally opened his eyes, coming back to reality again when the mattress dipped and Mustang crawled onto the bed. Mustang placed both a tube of lubricant and a strip of condoms on the spread next to him.

Swallowing hard, Slade glanced at Mustang, suspecting what his friend had in mind for Jenna judging by the items laying so innocently on the bed. The thought had Slade so excited he could feel his rapid heartbeat all the way down into his erection.

Slade looked again to Mustang. “You sure she’s ready for this?”

Mustang nodded. “I think so, and if she’s not, she’ll let us know. She’s a big girl, Slade.”

Meanwhile, Jenna was struggling to get Slade’s jeans off, proving Mustang’s point that ready or not, she was at least willing.

After the slightest hesitation, Slade stood and quickly undid the buttons of his shirt. His belt and the fly on his jeans soon followed. Slade sat in the same chair Mustang had occupied and watched Mustang crawl further up the bed.

Slade’s eyes never left the bed as, with a grin, Mustang rolled on top of Jenna and slid one hand between her legs. Bending both knees, Jenna spread her legs further apart for Mustang. Slade swallowed the acid in his throat as Jenna raised her hips off the bed and groaned while Mustang stroked her.

Yanking his boots off in record time, Slade dumped them on the floor, stripped off the rest of his clothes and made his way to the bed just in time to see Jenna start to shake. With one had behind her head, Slade clamped his mouth over hers and kissed her for all he was worth. It may be Mustang making her come, but she was kissing Slade while she did.

Her tremors subsided and Mustang shifted on the bed. “Roll on up there on top of Slade, darlin’.”

Slade lay on his back as Jenna rolled boneless on top of him, straddling him as Mustang had asked.

Jenna braced on her arms and leaned down to kiss Slade again, which was fine with him, except that it also thrust her beautiful ass right up in front of Mustang. Knowing Mustang, he was going to take full advantage of that fact.

Slade’s heart beat faster as Mustang reached between Jenna’s thighs again with one hand while struggling to blindly find the lube with his other.

As Mustang kneeled on the bed behind Jenna, his hand finally connected with the tube and he grinned. Mustang’s hand withdrew from Jenna as he opened the cap.

Slade tried to ignore the slight tremble of his hands as he tangled them in Jenna’s hair and held her head to kiss her deeper. He closed his eyes, knowing what Mustang was going to do, and not wanting to see it.

He felt her body still, heard her breath catch in her throat and Slade pictured Mustang’s cold, slick finger pressing against her anus. The slightest pressure would have the tip of the slippery digit slipping inside her. Slade felt Jenna tense above him, felt every muscle in her brace and tighten, and heard her take in a sharp breath.

“You all right, darlin’?” Mustang asked from behind her.

Jenna nodded but still held her body stiff above Slade.

Slade grabbed Jenna’s face and made her look at him. “Are you sure, Jenna?”

“Yes.” She drew in another quick breath as Mustang’s finger pushed deeper. “I’m okay.”

Mustang reached around the front of Jenna with his other hand and connected with her clit. “Just relax, darlin’, and let old Mustang take care of you.”

Jenna’s eyes practically rolled back in her head and she started to moan from whatever Mustang was doing to her between her thighs. Slade felt the tension leave Jenna’s muscles. The more Mustang worked, the more she relaxed until her chest was laid flat out on Slade’s, her ass still in the air for Mustang’s taking.

Looking past Jenna’s body as she writhed on top of him, Slade watched Mustang slide in a second finger. Jenna’s back bowed, pushing her back against his hand and forcing the two digits deeper inside her while he worked her clit.

Slade swallowed hard as he felt her body began to tremble. She was close to coming again from Mustang’s attentions and once again, Slade wasn’t involved in it.

He saw as, one-handed, Mustang squeezed more lube and spread the stuff on himself as best he could. Mustang withdrew his fingers and replaced them with the head of his cock, pressing slowly against Jenna and Slade had never felt so jealous in all his life.

Slade knew exactly what was to come. He’d been party to it enough times. As Jenna started to come, Mustang would push inside her before she had time to get nervous and tense up.

Jenna gasped as the wide head breached her tight ring of muscle. He braced a hand on each of her gorgeous hips as Mustang pushed deeper, past the resistance. Once there, Mustang held himself motionless.

Slade felt Jenna breathing heavily above him as she adjusted to the sensations he suspected she wasn’t used to.

“You okay?” Slade asked.

She held perfectly still and breathed deep. Eyes squeezed tight, she nodded.

“Have you done this before?”

Opening her eyes, Jenna let out a breathy laugh, suddenly sounding pretty near sober. “Which? The anal? Or two men at once?”

As Mustang held himself pressed deep inside her, ready to pounce, Slade kissed her trembling mouth. “Both I guess.”

“Yes to the first, no to the second.” Then she laughed again. “But never with anyone as big as Mustang.”

Mustang chuckled at that though his face showed the strain of staying still inside her when he wanted to move. “It’ll be fine, darlin’. I promise. Just relax.”

“We don’t have to do this if it hurts you. Mustang can pull out.” Slade liked that idea more than he could say. What he would have given to be alone with Jenna tonight, or even to just swap positions with Mustang so he could be the one taking her instead.

Mustang leaned over her back, moving her hair as he kissed up and down her neck. One hand moved to thumb her nipple while the other began moving on her clit again. “You’re okay? Right, darlin?”

Jenna nodded, trembling slightly beneath his hands.

Tired of being left out of the party, Slade reached over, grabbed a condom and ripped open the foil.

He felt Jenna draw in a sharp breath at the sight. “Think you can handle Slade too, darlin’? If not, we can come up with alternate arrangements. It’s up to you.”

She slowly straightened upright and had Mustang drawing in a breath of his own as Slade could only imagine what her body was doing to him as she squeezed him in new and wonderful ways. Slade waited, unmoving, impatient for her answer before he entered her.

Jenna sounded totally lucid now as she said, “No, really, it’s okay. I want this. I want to feel both of you inside me. I’ve been thinking about it a lot the last few days.”

That was all Slade needed to hear.

Jenna leaned back against Mustang and Slade watched the hand Mustang had wrapped around her roam up from her clit to her belly while one hand cupped a delicious breast. She was so beautiful, even with another man’s hands on her.

Jenna’s body jerked when Mustang’s tongue made contact with her ear, and Slade took the chance to move inside her, sliding deep into her tightness.

Feeling himself beginning to slip out of her as she tensed up, Slade held her hips and pushed a little deeper. He felt her breath quicken.

Slade managed to detach his brain for a moment and just feel what it was like to love Jenna for a few brief, blissful moments, until Mustang’s hands tightened around her and he positioned himself to begin moving as well.

Holding himself motionless and deep within Jenna, Slade grit his teeth, bracing for what he knew was coming. The already tight quarters inside Jenna were even tighter with both Slade and Mustang contained there.

Mustang started to move, slow and deep, and every stroke rubbed against Slade. Separated by only a thin wall of muscle, Slade felt Mustang’s cock rub against his inside Jenna and he remembered exactly why they rarely did this. It was a little too close for comfort.

Slade reached his hand between Jenna’s legs, about to try and make her come, when he realized Mustang’s balls were pretty much right there. He pulled his hand back and left it on Jenna’s waist instead. “Make her come, Mustang. Please. I need to feel something besides you in there.”

Mustang chuckled and slid a hand around and down to find Jenna’s swollen clit.

Slade closed his eyes, and moved in a rhythm opposite of Mustang’s, deciding things were better if he was pulled out while Mustang was in, but once Jenna bent low over Slade’s chest and he felt the orgasm start to rock her body, none of the rest mattered. He held on tight and enjoyed the ride, finishing himself with one hell of a body-rocking climax.

He shuddered and then pulled out gently, sad to leave her warmth, but staying inside after he’d come and feeling Mustang rub against him was just too much.

Slade was even sadder when he realized what Mustang had in mind now that Slade had backed off. He watched Mustang pull out and adjust Jenna’s position, flipping her over onto her back so she lay on the bed. Mustang pushed her knees up to her chest, his length poised again at the entrance he’d just vacated. “I like watching your face, darlin’.”

Jenna throat worked, swallowing hard as Mustang pushed back inside.

“You feel so damn good. I need to move more. I wanna fuck you fast and hard. Ah, Jenna. Please? Can I?”

Jenna took in a deep shaky breath. “Can we use some more lube first?”

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