Unspoken Love (23 page)

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Authors: Lynn Gale - Unspoken Love

BOOK: Unspoken Love
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Nicholas stole into the house and looked in on his precious twins. “You’ve grown,” he mused, placing gentle kisses upon their brows. Assured they were thriving well, he left the room and went out the back entrance. When he entered the garden, he overheard Lily and Waoota discussing Blake Preston’s ball.

“Jenny is long overdue for a pleasurable evening,” Lily said. “I’m sure Nakao will be the perfect escort for her.”

“And they will stay the night?”

“Yes, Blake wants his guests to stay until breakfast. I’m sure Jenny will have a delightful time. It will be a nice respite from the many hours she puts in at
Ladies’ Delight.”

Lily returned to the house, and Waoota went to the stables.
So Blake Preston resides in Vicksburg now, and Jenny is to stay the night along with Nakao. This day has indeed been full of revelations.

Nicholas went to Pier Tavern and pumped the gents for information. He learned all that he needed to know about Blake Preston and the mansion in which he lived.

With invitation in hand, Jenny and Nakao arrived at the palatial mansion on the hillside overlooking the harbor.

James, the prim and haughty servant showed them to the parlor, then excused himself to take Jenny’s valise to her prearranged room.

As the crowd gathered, they milled about the gracious reception room, sipping champagne. Soon, everyone had arrived.

“My friends, thank you all for attending.” Blake announced. “Let’s proceed to the dining hall.”

After the large party had seated themselves, Blake ordered dinner to be served immediately. During the meal, Jenny glanced at Cora as she sat beside Blake and noticed the smug expression on her face. She was already acting as if she were his wife and owner of the mansion. She watched as Cora cut into roast chicken and stole glances at Nakao. Obviously, she was still attracted to him even after he had scolded her the other day.

After dinner, the guests walked leisurely to the ballroom, giving Jenny and Blake a moment alone.

“I’m glad that you accepted my invitation, Jenny.” Gently, he squeezed her hand. Requesting a dance before the night ended, he released her and mingled with the other guests.

Jenny enjoyed the evening immensely as she conversed with other merchants and businessmen. Intrigued, she listened as they shared their insight, for she was open to new ways of keeping her business thriving.

As the evening wore on, jovial conversation and laughter set the mood. Soon, the orchestra played, and the guests danced across the floor.

Blake gallantly bowed before Jenny. “Shall we?”

“Yes,” Jenny breathed. She let him lead her onto the dance floor and took her position.

“I am in heaven,” Blake said, twirling her around the room, keeping time with the music.

“Don’t forget you are betrothed to another,” Jenny reminded him.

At the mention of Cora’s name, Blake glanced around the room in search of her. She stood among the large palm plants, her eyes raking over Nakao as he walked into the adjoining garden. Although they had their differences, Blake had no quarrel with Nakao. Yet, for the first time, he began to doubt Cora’s intentions and realized his own vulnerability. Brushing Cora from his mind, he lived only for the moment as he swung Jenny at arm’s length, then drew her back into his embrace.

When the music ended, Jenny graciously begged to sit out the next dance. As the evening progressed, she declined other would-be suitors, preferring instead to discuss business matters with some of the guests.

Gilbert Johnson stood in the garden and motioned for his unscrupulous friend, Terrence, one of Blake’s servants, to join him. Terrence had told him about Blake’s wedding plans, giving him a chance to enhance his coffers. Now he needed him for another service.

Carrying a tray of glasses filled with wine, he nonchalantly made his way over to him. “What do you want, Gilbert?”

Discreetly, Gilbert passed him a vial containing an aphrodisiac and pointed to Jennifer. “See that she gets it in her drink,” he instructed. He dropped several coins into the servant’s hand. “Also, find out where she will be sleeping.”

Terrence nodded and pocketed the money. He mingled with the crowd, keeping a tight rein on the wine glass with the sedative. Within minutes, he sent Jenny a cordial nod and handed her the wine. After accomplishing the task, he reported to Gilbert.

Nakao stood in the garden and chanced to overhear the remnants of Gilbert and Terrence’s conversation. At the mention of Jenny’s name, he became alert and listened intently.

“Jennifer’s room is in the west wing, the third door on the right,” the shady servant announced.

“Thank you, my good man,” Gilbert said, dropping more coins into his greedy palm. Leaving Gilbert to his fantasies, Terrence discreetly moved to other guests to offer them refreshments.

Nakao crept behind a tall shrub and watched Gilbert step onto the terrace. Having figured out that Gilbert and Jake were somehow connected, he disguised his voice to sound like Jake and called, “Gilbert.”

Fearing Jake had escaped prison and could bring him ruin, Gilbert strolled to the dense shrubbery.

“Is that you, Jake?”

Strong hands wrapped around his neck and nearly strangled the life from him. Within seconds, he lost consciousness and sank to the ground.

Nakao carried Gilbert into the forest and quickly bound his hands and feet.

Gilbert gasped for air and saw Nakao standing over him.

“You will not seduce Jennifer, now or ever. I will be watching you every step of the way,” Nakao warned, his voice as cold as ice. “You will stay here tonight. I’ll return at daybreak and release your bonds.”

“You can’t leave me out here alone!” Gilbert gasped. “What about the night creatures?”

A throaty laughter escaped Nakao. “You are bound. They will be safe from you.” Wadding a handkerchief into Gilbert’s mouth, he left him lying on the damp ground. “You are getting a fair punishment,” Nakao said, then returned to the house and festivities.

When the gala evening ended, the guests dispersed and retired to their rooms.

Nakao escorted Jenny to her chambers. Not wishing to upset her, he didn’t mention Gilbert and his now defunct intentions.

“I will see you tomorrow,” he said. Confident that she was safe, he moved on to his room.

“Goodnight,” Jenny said and watched him stride down the corridor before closing the door.

She stepped out of her gown and slipped into a negligee. Dropping onto the feather mattress, she closed her eyes and slept.

Shortly after Nakao bedded down for the night, he heard someone enter his chamber. As the moon shed light into the room, he lay silent, waiting and ready to catch the intruder. To his dismay, he recognized Cora. Uninhibited, she dropped her robe, revealing a shapely naked body, then slipped between the sheets and rubbed her breasts against his chest. Her breath smelled of liquor.

“You appeal to my senses and send romantic notions dancing in my head,” she murmured.

Undaunted by her feminine wiles, Nakao shoved her aside. “Leave this room now,” he said in a cold and threatening voice.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Blake stood in the entrance.

Cora gasped. Words failed her for being caught in a compromising position.

“How dare you intrude upon my guest?” Blake harshly admonished. “Get out of my sight, you little strumpet! I want you out of this house, now!”

Cora regained her composure. Her wicked mind raced with an explanation. “Oh, Blake, you have it all wrong. Nakao forced me into his room and was about to ravish me!”

“You are lying, Cora! I followed you to his room, and earlier, I saw you ogling him the whole time he was within your sight.”

Nakao said nothing as he listened to their quarrel. He recalled Jenny’s mischievous conduct the other day. She had planned for him to be her ploy in ridding Blake of Cora, knowing that Blake would refuse to marry Cora once he realized she was selfish and unfaithful. Inwardly, he chuckled. Jenny had approached the incident in a subtle way yet made her point without discussing it with Blake.

Blake addressed Nakao. “I apologize for bursting into your room, but I had to confront Cora. Goodnight.”

Blake tossed Cora her robe and removed her from the room. In the late hour, he refused to hear her pleas of innocence. Unyielding in his decision, he had her dress and then sent her on her way. Slamming the door behind her, he retired to his room only to find himself restless and unable to sleep. He went down to the study and poured himself a drink, then another . . .

Cora stumbled in the darkness, shocked that Blake would throw her out on the street like an urchin. She tried to make her way through the garden but was quite disoriented. She walked into the woods and tripped over something. She screamed as she realized she fell upon a body and thought surely she was lying on a corpse. Terror stricken, she was too afraid to move. As she lay atop Gilbert, warmth crept into their bodies. When Cora realized the muscular form she was lying upon was quite alive, passion stirred within her. She sought his lips but found them blocked by a cloth. As her senses cleared, she realized this strapping man was bound and gagged. Deftly, she worked to free him and lay atop his chest, waiting for a response.

In the moonlight, Gilbert grasped her thick hair. Reminded of Jenny, he captured her lips and kissed her fiercely, then ran his fingers over her soft curves. His pulse quickened, and he rolled her onto her back. Boldly he took what she offered.

Like a nymph never satisfied, Cora quivered with desire, clinging to him, begging for fulfillment. She raked her long fingernails down his back, stirring his passion, pressing against his hard-muscled chest. Grasping his thick head of hair, she moved to his rhythm, matching his lustful needs.

Having finished their liaison, Cora stood to bring some semblance to her disheveled appearance. She learned Gilbert’s name and locked arms with him, knowing she couldn’t let him go after finding someone her equal in unrestrained passion.

She pursed her lips and pouted. “Blake tossed me aside, but we can start a new life together.”

Gilbert locked fingers with Cora’s as they left the Preston grounds. “Our relationship has begun on a very delightful note,” he said huskily, failing to mention that he had planned her kidnapping.
Ah, the sweet taste of mistaken identity,
he reflected, a flicker of a smile crossing his lips.

Nicholas checked on his shipment and told a worker he would be at the Preston mansion.

Upon entering, he encountered Terrence.

“I’m looking for Jenny Grant,” he said.

“Isn’t everyone,” Terrence said snidely and told him where Jenny had retired for the evening.

In the darkness, Nicholas entered Jenny’s room. He prayed Thomas would forgive him for seeking Jenny out. But his need to have her back in his life was great, and he knew he couldn’t leave Vicksburg without seeing her. Upon closing the door, Jenny awoke.

“Who’s there?” she whispered, raising herself to a sitting position.

“Nicholas,” he replied and dropped beside her on the bed.

“Nicholas? Is it really you?”

He brought her into his embrace. “It is. I’ve missed you, Jenny.”

She reveled at being near him again. “Oh, Nicholas, I’m so glad to see you!” With passion reigning, he discarded her silky undergarments, then removed his clothes and shifted his body atop her. He kissed her on the lips and awakened her desire.

A wonderful sensation rippled through her, and she wrapped her arms about the man who gave her so much pleasure. Rapturously, she felt him thrust deep inside her softness. His smoldering green eyes devoured her. His flaming kisses consumed her very soul, and she heard him groan in pleasure. Deliriously happy, she fell into a deep sleep.

In the moonlit room, Nicholas held Jenny in his arms. He wondered if he could ever get enough of her.

He heard a faint knock at the door, eased out of bed, and peered into the hall. A worker from the dock stood in front of him, trembling.

“The boat transporting the cotton is on fire!” he gasped.

“I’ll be right out,” Nicholas echoed, shaken to the core. He closed the door, donned his clothes, and kissed Jenny goodbye.

“I’ll be back for you soon, my love,” he whispered as she slept.

He scrambled down the hillside and saw flames licking the sky as he raced to the steamboat.

“Get the bucket line started!” he shouted to the men. He and his workers strove hard to put out the fire. After hours of toil and sweat, Nicholas knew in his heart that it was impossible to save the cargo and watched bales of cotton go up in smoke. He took a took a step forward and slipped on a coil of rope and slammed his head against the side of the ship, rendering him unconscious.

The next morning Jenny awoke with a smile on her lips. Vaguely, she recalled talking to Nicholas and feeling his hands caressing her. He’d stirred her senses, leaving her wanting more. She rolled over to cuddle, but he wasn’t there.
Was I only dreaming?
The vision seemed so real to her, his passionate touch so familiar. She bolted from the bed when someone rapped on the door.

“Tis the maid, Ma’am. May I come in?” a young voice asked.

Jenny slipped into her robe and bade her enter.

The servant carried a tray with coffee and sweet rolls.

“Here’s something for you until breakfast is formally served,” the maid said. “My name is Flossie. Mr. Preston told me to take very good care of you. May I assist you with your bath?”

“Yes, please, I would like warm water for the tub.”

With a quick curtsey, Flossie left to do her bidding.

Jenny’s gaze fell upon her undergarments carelessly tossed on the floor. She had barely picked them up when she heard a light rap on the door. “Come in,” she said, thinking Flossie had returned.

Nakao stepped into the room with an amused expression on his face.

Jenny noted his cheerful demeanor. “Why do you look so chipper?” she asked.

“I have news that cannot wait, Jennifer. Cora Andrews came to my chamber last night and tried to seduce me. Blake caught her and banished her from the house. There will be no marriage between them.”

“That is good news,” Jenny said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“I thought you’d be happier. What are you thinking about, Jenny?”

“I had an unusual experience last night,” she began. “I dreamed Nicholas entered my chamber and—” Suddenly her cheeks felt warm as she realized how absurd she sounded and knew she couldn’t tell him the content of her dream.

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