Unstoppable (6 page)

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Authors: Scott Hildreth

BOOK: Unstoppable
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“Lay your chest on the countertop and spread your legs a little,” he said as he motioned to the kitchen’s island.

“Don’t touch me. Don’t talk to me, I need a minute,” I sighed as I placed my shaking hands on the counter.

“Hell babe. We ain’t even got a good start. You ain’t fuckin’ some punk MMA fighter. We’re Chuck Fuckin’ baby. Spread your legs,” he laughed.

To anyone who has ever jumped rope, this may make a little sense. Jumping rope, in a matter of thirty seconds, will exhaust you. It might take fifteen minutes to catch your breath after a minute and a half of exercise. Boxers jump rope for an hour on end. The stamina a boxer has is incapable of being compared to any other athlete. While I recalled just who it was I had signed on to have sex with, he began to stroke his jewelry filled cock. 

I leaned my chest onto the countertop and laid my face down on the cold surface. After a second of catching my breath, I spread my legs somewhat, and arched my back. As my ass lifted in the air, I felt his fingers begin to slide in and out of my pussy. I got lost as he gently and slowly worked two fingers in and out of my pussy.

God this feels good.

His fingers working in and out of my wet pussy began to feel so good, I felt as if I could fall asleep. My eyes closed, and my body exhausted from half a dozen intense orgasms, I relaxed my muscles and exhaled. The cold counter felt relaxing on my nipples.

“Ready?” his warm breath against my ear startled me.

“Whaaaa?”  I muttered as I opened my eyes.

“For?” I drug the word out for a good three seconds.

“The cock, baby. I need to show you a trick,” he breathed into my ear.

“A trick?” I raised my head from the countertop.

“Kinda like Lickle?” I asked over my left shoulder.

“Yup,” he answered.

We all yearn to be satisfied - to have that earth shattering orgasm - to feel as if we have been teleported to sexual heaven, but I felt as if I was way out of my league with Ripp. I had no idea what else to do. I lowered my head onto the counter and nodded my head.

“Do it,” I whispered.

I suppose all along he knew how important the preparation was, the lubrication. The extreme wetness. The opening up of my pussy like a flower to prepare for him to enter me. His Lickle trick was just that, a necessary preparation. In no way, however, was it enough.

“Oh my fucking
.” I raised my head from the countertop and slapped my hands against the surface.

His cock slowly started to force itself inside of me. The pain wasn’t really a
, but a pleasure combined with an odd feeling of pain. I felt as if I were sixteen again, losing my virginity to Reece. As my eyes opened wider, I felt his balls pressing against my swollen clit.

“We’ll go easy at first, then I’ll show ya,” he gripped my waist in his hands and slowly slid his cock out of my pussy.

As he carefully slid in and out of my pussy, I decided regardless of where this ended, whatever we were to have after this night was over, I could never ever be satisfied again by any other man who didn’t have a massive cock. Having your pussy full - absolutely stuffed absolutely
of cock, was like - I’m sure, drinking a fine Cognac. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll never be satisfied by the cheap shit.

“Oh my God, Ripp…I’m gonna…” I opened my eyes, unsure of what was about to happen.

“Scream,” he insisted as he continued to fuck me slowly and steadily.

His cock slowly worked in and out of my dripping pussy as my body began to shudder. As I felt his hips press against my ass, his balls massaged my clit. I closed my eyes as he slowly slid it out and prepared for the in-stroke. Slowly, he began to force himself inside again, as I tried to take a breath. A short and choppy one was all I could get.


“Fuuuucccckkkk!” I screamed as my legs began to shake.

My body exploded with an orgasm to end all orgasms. Simply and slowly fucking me after a few minutes of
, and this man owned my pussy. My legs shaking and my pussy throbbing, I opened and closed my eyes, once again, to spots.

Owned it.


The sound immediately beside my head frightened me. I turned to the right, somewhat startled by seeing his very large canvas Chuck Taylor sneaker right beside my face.

“What the fuck?” I screeched.

“Dekk’s girlfriend read it in a book.
Head steppin’
,” he said.

“Uhhm, no,” I mumbled.

“I ain’t steppin’ on your head babe. But this shit’s awesome. Just hold on,” he explained.

With his right foot beside my head, and his left on the floor, his hips were at an awkward upward angle against my pussy. My position, however, had not changed. As his hips slowly worked up and down, I was quickly reminded the bottom of his cock was pierced.

Oh. My. God.

At this new angle, his Jacob’s ladder was just that - a fucking ladder leading to the land of orgasmic pleasure. Against my clit, the pieces of steel banged. On the in stroke; tap, tap, tap. And. On the out stroke; tap, tap, tap. I bit my bottom lip and counted as he gripped my hips and did what he seemed to do oh so well.

One. Two. Three. I inhaled sharply. One. Two.
Oh my fucking God.
I exhaled, followed by a severe head-rush.

His hips pressed against my ass.


With my eyes closed and my mind in suspension, I tingled. Over and over, with each stroke, my clit pulsated as his piercings tickled me into a heavenly bliss. Small orgasms continued, one after the other. I lost track of time, my existence, and specifically what was going on. I wasn’t
orgasms. I
an orgasm.

“What are we doing, babe?” he shouted as he worked his cock up and down, in and out.

“Whaaa?” I opened my eyes and exhaled sharply through the small opening between my teeth and lip.

“Chuck Fuckin’,” he hollered.

I closed my eyes and began to feel faint. The steel rods banging against my clit as his massive cock filled the inside of my soaking wet pussy, sliding in and out, tapping my clit further into ownership. The speed in which he was fucking me increased as the seconds passed. As my body started to tingle, the sound of his voice brought me back to earth.

“What are we doing?” he asked again.

“Chuck Fuckin’,” I screamed.

“God damned right, we’re Chuck Fuckin’ baby,” he yelled as he continued to pound in and out of my pussy.

My nipples began to tingle and my butt felt as if it were being electrocuted. I felt my pussy swell as if it were going to explode. I bit my lip harder and grunted, never having felt quite like this before.

“Oh God Ripp…”

The feeling of pleasure was more than I felt I could enjoy without collapse or brain damage. I was actually scared I was going to squirt cum it felt so good. Uncertain of what was happening, my mouth and eyes opened at the same time.

“Cum, I’m going to cum,” I stammered.

“Fuck yes. Do it,” he demanded as he slapped his hand against my ass.

As his massive cock filled me, the steel piercings made me melt. I never want a man without a piercing ever…



“Ahhhhhhhh Fucccckkkkkk,” my eyes opened and closed repeatedly.

My hearing went completely blank. He fucked me deaf. I opened my eyes, and saw nothing. Not even spots. Deaf and blind. As my ears began to ring, my vision repaired itself to seeing spots. A steady dull ring from my ears was a reminder of the intensity of the orgasm. I raised my hand from the countertop and looked at it.

Shaking uncontrollably.

“Get out. Don’t touch me,” I whispered as I pulled my hips toward the counter.

“We’re just getting started,” he laughed.

As his cock flopped from inside of me, I reminded him.

“Do not fucking touch me. Jesus. I need,” I paused and looked around the room, “I need a minute.”

I looked down at my shaking legs. I turned to face Ripp, who stood smiling, his foot still fixed firm on the countertop.

Limber bastard.

“I need a minute, seriously,” I sighed as I attempted to catch my breath.

“Lickle time,” he said as he lowered his foot to the floor and scooped me from my feet.

He raised me over his head and ducked under my legs, resting my thighs on his shoulders. As his mouth smashed against my soaking wet pussy, I felt the tingle against my clit, and heard him begin to hum and groan.  Closing my eyes was the only thing I knew to do. I bit my lip and felt my eyes roll back into my head so far I felt they’d dislodge.

And. I. Came.

I have no real complete recollection of how long this lasted, or when for certain it stopped. Although I had not had any alcohol or drugs, Ripp later told me I was
Fuck Drunk
. I’m sure he was right, Fuck Drunk I was. When I came back to consciousness, I heard him in the kitchen.

I looked around the room, confused.

“What happened?” I asked across the room.

“I walked in here to cook some eggs, I got hungry after you rode my cock while I was on the floor,” he said over his shoulder.

Standing naked at the stove, wearing only his Chuck’s, I wanted to take a picture of him.

“How’d I get here? To the couch?” I asked.

“You just sat there when I walked in here. You’re Fuck Drunk. Too much good sex,” he responded as if it were normal.

Light-headed, I walked to the kitchen and stood behind him.

My vision was blurred. I felt as if I had run six miles as fast as I could, and had stopped immediately and unexpectedly. Full of endorphins, emotion, and wonder, I wrapped my arms around his back and slid my hands to his stomach. I nudged my hips closer to his tight butt muscles and sighed.

I had never had so many orgasms in my life.

This was crazy, but one night of sex.

Just one.

And I was falling for Mike Ripton.

Well, at least falling for

As he stood naked and scrambled the eggs, I hoped for a sign.
. I wanted him to tell me I was different. That something had happened in this night filled with orgasms and sex which would separate me from the many others.

“Barbee,” he paused as he stirred the eggs.

“Yeah Ripp?” the words hung on my lips for a long second.

“You think your sister would be up for a three-way?” he asked without looking up from the stove.

Not exactly what I was hoping for.

My heart sank a little bit, and I fought with what I wanted to say. My response needed to be something that might preserve a possibility of seeing Ripp in the future. I opened my mouth and closed it a few times, incapable of speaking. Finally, the words came.

“Brandee,” I screamed over my shoulder, “come in here for a minute. Mike and I have a question.”

As I heard Brandee’s feet coming down the hallway, an almost inaudible sound came from where Ripp was standing. I’ll never be one hundred percent certain, but it sounded like…

Fuck yes.


“Fuck drunk?” Dekk said as he pulled the onion from his sandwich and dropped it on his plate.

“Yup,” I said over the top of my beer bottle.             

“Out of all your stories, that’s a first,” Dekk shook his head and took a bite of his sandwich.

“Shit, happens all of the damned time, bro,” I assured him as I placed my beer bottle on the table.

“I think it was the head steppin’ that did her in,” I laughed as I thought about my foot startling her as it hit the counter.

“You didn’t?” Dekk shook his head and dropped his sandwich onto the plate.

“Son-of-a-bitch, Ripp. You kidding?” he asked as he wiped his mouth with his napkin.

“Not even a little bit,” I laughed as I pulled the skin from my chicken breast and held it suspended over my mouth.

“From…” he shook his head and rolled his eyes as he thought.

“Yep. From the book where Kace got mad and tossed her Kindle deal across the room, remember?” I smiled as I dropped the skin into my mouth and began chewing.

“Yeah, I heard about it for a week. She should have never brought it up to
, that’s for sure,” he said as he scowled at me and picked up his sandwich.

“That’s what I like about Shorty; she’s like one of the fella’s. She can talk about whatever and she ain’t embarrassed,” I picked up my beer and took a drink as I swallowed the chicken skin.

“So anyway,” I said as I placed my beer bottle onto the table, “she came like a faucet. Maybe fifty times.”

I picked up my chicken breast and nodded my head jokingly as I gnawed the meat from the bone. If there was anything more satisfying for a man than actually fucking, it was telling your friends about it after it happened. I always seemed to make an event out of fucking, so my stories were generally pretty damned good. For me, the look of shock on Dekk’s face was a form of assurance I did my job well with Barbee.

“And I’m sure you wore your shoes the entire time,” although he tried to remain serious, Dekk started laughing as he finished speaking.

“Yep,” I said as I reached for a toothpick.

I pulled my beer from the table and leaned back in my chair, picking the chicken from my teeth. From the time I was a kid, I have spent the majority of the time in my home naked. My first recollection of doing so was partially a recollection, and partially a memory of a story which was told to me over and over by my parents and family members.

At the age of three, on an early summer day, my mother was trying to get me dressed. After throwing quite a tantrum, I took off through the house, stark naked. Out the back door I went, and into the yard. My father at work, my mother was my only worry. As she attempted to catch me, I would run, screaming the entire time. Eventually, she gave up and went inside the house, attempting to wait for me to give in and give up.

Part of what makes me a good boxer is the fact I am stubborn. This characteristic started at a very early age, and I certainly wasn’t immune to it at three years old. I refused to go inside, and refused to get dressed. At lunch time, when she came outside to get me, I took off down the street, still as naked as the day I was born.

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