Untamable (16 page)

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Authors: Sayde Grace

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Untamable
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Jasper twisted the knob on the door, hoping Sidda wouldn’t be too upset over what they’d seen.

“I’m fine, Jasper. That was bad, really bad especially, since I was supposed to have met the same fate. But I’m okay. Let’s find out what happened to the parents of those babies.”

“Yeah, let’s get to the bottom of this. Whoever killed those kids is a bastard that needs to be dealt with.” Cole stood beside Sidda. Both held their heads high.

“All right, let’s see what’s in here.” Jasper kicked the door in. Nothing.

“Shit.” Cole peeked past him to glance inside.

Sidda strode into the room, raising a hand to stop them. If there was a place in the warehouse for giving birth and holding the mothers, it had to have an entrance. This was the last room to check, it had to be there. “Wait, there’s gotta be more. Pull the rugs up, feel the walls. There has got to be an entrance to a place where they kept the wolves. We can check the warehouse part, but I doubt that would be it.” Sidda yanked at the carpet.

Jasper’s heart beat faster at her determination. She
find something that would lead her to her mother.

“Come over here, guys.” Cole turned, showing a small latch on the floor beside one wall.

Jasper stopped near Cole with Sidda on his heels. “Push it down. Let’s see what it’s to.” Cole nodded and, with his boot, pushed the lever to the ground. The floor beside them slid back to reveal a staircase. The dark abyss smelled of moldy, stagnant air. There was no rotted flesh or dried blood, which was a good thing.

“Sidda and I will be able to adjust our vision to the dark. Cole, you’re gonna need a light of some kind.”

“I brought my penlight in case I had to do some B and E.” He pulled a small black pen from his pocket. With a click, a beam of bright light shone from the end.

“All right then. Let’s go see what hell lies in this abyss.”

At the bottom of the stairs, Jasper growled. Five cages lined one wall while a table with straps sat in the middle. The table had straps at the sides where one’s legs would go. Between the leg straps was a strip of padding, the exact spot where a man would place his knees while thrusting into a woman.

Sidda’s voice broke behind him. “Damn. I’d hoped he’d artificially inseminated. I really didn’t wanna be a rape baby.” Blaming the deaths of those babies on herself was not going to help. Her birth was not the cause for Dane Velham’s behavior. “None of this is your fault, Sidda. Don’t ever forget that. The fault lies with someone trying to be God.”

“File cabinets.” Cole’s footsteps echoed against the cinderblock walls. “They’re locked, but give me two seconds, and they won’t be.”

Cole didn’t lie. By the time Jasper had stepped across the room, the filing cabinets had been unlocked. They held files and files of numbered experiments. Each folder contained a number and initials. The first he picked up read
Blue Moon Female 3
. Jasper sucked in a breath, his beast surging forward. Where were the files for Blue Moon Female One and Two? The folder crinkled under his grasp, and Sidda’s fingers laced in his.

“We need these. Let me have them. I’ll box up all the files and folders while you and Cole look over the cages.” She pried the folder from his fingers. “Jasper, it’ll be all right. Let’s get this and go. Velham will have realized that one of your father’s pups survived and that’s who is leading the Blue Moons. Come on.” She ran her warm, soft hand up and down his arm, comforting not only him but his wolf. Slowly his rage turned from a bonfire inside to a smolder. He’d get Velham, and soon enough, but his mate was right.

Ten minutes later, the cages had been searched and nothing found. He’d scented them, and yes, his mother and one other Blue Moon female had once lain in those cages.

“Was it my mother?” Sidda’s voice snapped his thoughts in two.

“Probably, your scent and the one in that cage has a close base scent. You’ll recognize her scent with a little more practice. I’ll tell you my theory when we get back. There’s someone else we gotta talk about too. Let’s get the hell outta here and get back to the house.”

“Yeah, you’re gonna need to lock her up,” Cole mumbled before turning and striding out of the room.

Shit, Cole had to run his fucking mouth. Beside him, Sidda stiffened. “Later, as soon as we get home, I promise. I’ll tell you everything I know.”

Whether she’d accept it and still want him was another thing. But he damn sure wasn’t letting her go. Even if he did have to lock her up, he wasn’t letting go.

Chapter Fourteen

Sidda hated the way Jasper’s voice grew slightly higher pitched than normal when he tried to hide something from her. He didn’t realize he did it, and most people didn’t either, but she knew. She knew almost everything about him. And he was right. Tonight she’d know everything, and if his ass blocked anything from her again, it’d be hell to pay. Alpha or not, he’d tell her everything.

The long, paved road leading to the large log Pack home which was hidden in the forest, reminded Sidda of the road leading to the cabin near her house. She’d felt so safe and loved there, not like how it felt to be in the Pack’s home. There, she seemed out of place. Everything belonged to Jasper’s mother, a woman who would no doubt be mad as hell for her son to be dating the daughter of the bastard who’d killed her mate, possibly her sons, and raped her.

The stone circular drive came into view as did a large white SUV. Sulfur filled the air before Jasper’s phone began buzzing.

“Is that who I think it is?” Jasper growled.

The black haired man glanced their way.

“Jasper?” Sidda shot a glance between the two wolves. “Who do you think that is?”

Jasper just shook his head. Sidda’s heart raged inside her chest alongside her wolf. Her mind raced. Who was this guy? She’d been hoping they would have a few days to get used to everything before the big guns showed up. But this threw a kink in that plan. Nothing like jumping in headfirst.

Jerking to a stop, Jasper growled when he flung the truck door open. The wolf’s eyes flicked to Jasper before Sidda opened the other door and eased out of it. She grabbed Jasper’s hand, hoping to calm him. They didn’t need an early fight.

His eyes met hers, and she fought not to look away. The odd violet color would have been stunning on someone not as hard-jawed or violent as him. His square jaw and broad shoulders tightened. He held her gaze, his eyes turning from a light violet to a nearly black purple. He flicked a glance down at Jasper’s fisted hands before he marched to them. When he came within inches, his large frame leaned toward her to inhale deeply.

“Stephan, back away from my mate before I rip your throat out right here on my lawn.” Jasper’s harsh tone had her cringing.

Stephan cocked his head toward Jasper before inhaling deeply once again. In a movement so fast her eyes barely followed, he jerked her shirt to the side to gaze at her Marking Bite. Beside her, sulfur radiated from Jasper just a spilt second before he snatched Stephan’s hand away from her.

Jasper stepped between Sidda and the strange wolf, shaking with anger. His wolf neared the surface, and his need to shift to fight for her surged to her through their bond. She placed her hand on Jasper’s back, sending calming thoughts to him, hoping he’d sense the need to not start a war at this moment.

“Touch my mate again and you will not see the next second.”

“Your mate?” Stephan shook his head. “Just because your Visioner spoke of one of the Gandillion pups mating with a pup from Scarlett Dowery doesn’t mean this one is the right pup. In fact, she’s rightfully my mate, and I will have her.”

This bastard was just trying to start something, and she knew it. She hoped and prayed Jasper would see through his talk.

A smug smile tugged at Stephan’s lips.“If I recall, you already marked Vivian Dowery.”

Jasper growled, his body radiating hatred. “Sidda is mine. She is the head of the female Alphas.”

“You’re right about one thing. She’s the strongest female of all the packs. No one else would try me the way a head female Alpha would, but she is not yours. How could she be when you already marked another mate before her?”

Sidda sucked in a lungful of burning air. Had Jasper done that? Was that what he’d been keeping from her?

Stephan strode past them. “This one is mine. I suggest you go find the sister your father boasted to the Packs about. The female you created a union with when you marked the first Dowery daughter.” Stephan’s eyes held Sidda’s. “I’ll be seeing you soon.” His smile took Sidda by surprise. It was warm, welcoming, and genuine.

For a second she forgot he’d threatened Jasper, forgotten he’d said Jasper had another mate, or that he made it sound like she might have a sister. “Wait. What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have a clue who you are, nor do I want to know. And who are Scarlett Dowery and Vivian Dowery?”

Stephan’s eyes flashed black, sulfur rolled in waves from him, and his lips thinned. “You’ll learn not to speak unless spoken to, mate. Now collect your things and be ready in the morning when I get back here.”

So much for the smile. “Fuck you. I’m not going anywhere with you, dipshit.” Her rage began to boil even as her wolf tried to cower. This wolf in front of her was strong, very strong, but Sidda wouldn’t back down.

“It’ll be fun breaking you, mate. But first, address all your questions to him.” He flicked a glance at Jasper. “Then tomorrow we will begin the breaking process.” A sadistic smile quirked his lips.

“Try it now, jackass, and see what happens,” Sidda snarled.

A bitter laugh rose from Stephan. “Your eyes burn as bright as your mother’s when she’s angry.”

Jasper growled and lunged, but before he hit Stephan, Cole tackled him. Sidda thanked god because they had some serious business to discuss, and that bastard had made one very important comment about her mother. First, though, she had to know about Jasper being with someone else.

Without glancing back at them, Stephan got into his SUV and drove away. Jasper flung Cole a good ten feet away from him coming up in mid shift. His hair had sprung all over his body, his hands now paws.

But Sidda didn’t care. All that mattered was that he explain what had just been said. “Jasper! What the hell was Stephan talking about? You marked someone else?” Sidda stomped to him, stumbling over an uneven stone on the drive.

Trembling all over, Jasper’s fur receded as his paws turned back to hands.“I’m gonna kill him.” He grunted out. “Yes, but not—”

“Yes?” Sidda reared back and punched him so hard he fell flat on his ass before she stormed away.

“I was a kid. Calm down, Sidda.” Jasper instantly regretted telling her to calm down. She spun around and landed a second blow just as hard as the first.

“Don’t tell me what to do. You don’t have that right, asshole.”

Maybe if she hadn’t hit him the second time Jasper would have let her go cool off, but instead his wolf raged. She was his, and he was her Alpha. He had every right in this world to tell her what to do.

“Stop. Move again and you won’t leave our room for the rest of the night.” He growled.

“Try it, you cheating mutt. Oh, wait, I guess you’re not a cheating mutt as you never really had a right to claim me.”

“Sidda, I’ve wanted…” Fuck. He should have told her a long time ago what had happened.

“Shut up. God, I can’t believe this. All the time I stayed around waiting for you. I could have had a normal guy, one who wouldn’t have brought out these feelings and led me on. How could you? Shit, I love you, and now I find out I can never have you. Well, fuck you. I don’t want your ass.” With tears streaming down her face, her sulfur nearly choking him, she spun away to storm off, but he called on his Alpha powers. The hum of energy crackled within him.

He rushed and caught her before she hit the ground. Her eyes met his.

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