Read Untamable Online

Authors: Sayde Grace

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

Untamable (34 page)

BOOK: Untamable
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“I don’t want to mar your smooth skin.” His canines extended against her flesh. His tongue swirled around the tender skin of her palm before he bit.

Sidda screamed with pleasure and pain. She shook her head, silently trying to take control back over her body. She couldn’t let this happen. Stephan stiffened in front of her before his body was slung away from her. Her hand burned, and blood pooled at the top of the small teeth marks.

Jasper’s eyes met hers, glaring at her with rage and hurt. Damn, she hadn’t meant to do anything, but even now her body begged for something, anything, to stop the fire spreading inside her. An emptiness she’d never felt before ached throughout. Tears pooled in her eyes. She had to have something to fill the black hole throbbing in her. Her mind screamed no, but her wolf begged for a stronger wolf to come to her and fill her anyway he could.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Jasper sucked in a deep breath, and arousal filled his senses as did the heady scent of heat. Sidda’s wolf was slowly rising to the top and that wolf had began her cycle. Sidda had to get out of here and now. If not, any wolf around would be on her and she’d be helpless, as her body had no care for who mounted her. Beside him Stephan fought against his grip.

“She’s got to get the hell out of here, Gandillion. I didn’t know she was coming into heat until I smelled her changing scent. I’d never have let her around this many wolves if I’d known sooner.” Stephan jerked from his grasp.

“Mine. She is my mate, you fucking bastard. You’re a goddamn dead man for this.” Jasper turned to fight him, but Sidda moaned.

“Jasper.” She sank to the floor, her breathing heavy.

He bent, grasping her shoulders tightly. “Sidda, you’ve got to get up. I need you to run. You can’t be here right now. There are too many of my own wolves who wouldn’t be strong enough to fight off the urge to mount you. Not in the height of battle like this. You’ve got to run and hide before your heat cycle comes on full force. Once you’re in full cycle you won’t be able to deny your wolf the need to be mounted. The wolves fighting will smell your heat and be unable to stop from trying to mount you. It’ll be hell. Run, I’ll find you later, after I’m done here. Go find somewhere to barricade yourself in and don’t come out until I find you.” He jerked her to stand, meeting her eyes. He kissed her cheek and then shoved her toward the house.

He didn’t want her in Dane’s house. Every cell in him rebelled at the thought, but there was nowhere else for her to go. She wouldn’t make the tree-line, and even if she did, the wolves distracted by her scent would follow her. At least this way she could hide somewhere inside Dane’s house.

“She’ll be safe.” With that Stephan rushed toward the wall of guards, kicking and slinging punches the entire time. Guard after guard fell as he latched onto their throats, ripping and shredding their necks.

Jasper couldn’t be worried with Stephan’s motives for helping them at the moment. He had Dane to deal with. A few steps away, Dane glared at him. Behind Dane, Brockton lifted his nose to the air, sniffing and inhaling deeply. A sardonic smile spread across the bastard’s face then he ran toward the house, toward Sidda. Shit, Jasper’s stomach dropped, torn between rushing to protect his mate or to finish this with Dane. If he left Dane now to go to Sidda, he wouldn’t be protecting his pack. Dane had to die, and quickly.

Jasper stepped toward Dane, smelling the fear rolling off of him. Smiling, Jasper crouched. “You killed my father, stole my brothers and mother, and now have tried to steal my mate. It’s past time you say hello to the devil.” Jasper lunged.

He hit Dane with a force that knocked them both down to the ground. Dane rocked and bucked under him, but all the hurt and anger Jasper had held for years urged him to hold onto the wolf and not let go. Dane’s fist pounded into Jasper’s flesh, and one well-placed punch landed at Jasper’s temple. His vision blurred, and light darkened to black, but images of Sidda being savagely taken by Brockton burst through the blackness, and his beast wanted blood. He wanted all their blood.

Dane kicked out at Jasper, his fear hitting Jasper’s wall of fury and bouncing off. Dane’s wide-eyed gaze darted around the crowd searching for his guards to come help, but none came. They were all either fighting or dead. Stephan’s eyes collided with Jasper’s, and the unspoken command was issued. Stephan would go after the wolves trying to get Sidda while Jasper finished Dane. The wolf nodded before he spun away from the guard he was currently fighting and rushed to the house. Jasper jerked Dane back to him. With one hand Jasper twisted Dane’s neck to the side exposing his throat. Jasper craved blood, blood from the wolf who had his father slaughtered, kidnapped and raped his mother, and taken the Luna Nation from him. He growled as his teeth sank into Dane’s flesh. Blood poured from the wound, but not enough to satisfy the beast raging for revenge inside of Jasper. He tugged harder on the skin. Dane’s body slumped against his, the life slipping away just as the blood seeped down his neck. Dane’s eyes flittered closed, his body jerked with the cold grasp of death, and Jasper released him. The body thumped against the slate floor. Jasper’s anger relented enough for his brain to scream for him to rescue his mate. He turned and ran toward Sidda.

* * * *

Sidda’s heels clacked against the cement floor of the basement. She had to get into one of the cages, away from anyone who could use whatever the fuck was happening to her against her. Something was so wrong. Her body burned to the touch, yet nothing seemed to be enough to cool it.

The cages came into view, and Sidda sighed with relief. Jasper would find her, and help her. She would be safe inside the cage, alone. She grabbed the steel cage door and clanked it shut. The slam echoed through the large basement. Her breathing bounced off the walls, creating a rhythmic swooshing in the silence. Sidda trembled, curling into a ball in the corner of the cage. The cold cement floor eased some of the fire licking her flesh, but it did nothing for the fire within.

“Well, well, well.” Brockton’s harsh voice snapped Sidda’s eyes open. “The bitch is in heat. I’m going to enjoy fucking you, putting my pup in you, and never letting you go. You’ll pay for all the trouble you’ve brought on me, bitch. You’ll beg for my dick, beg me to fuck you harder and come inside you.”

Sidda shook her head. No, she wouldn’t. Brockton was a bastard. She’d never let him touch her. She heaved air in and out, trying to get it to her lungs. Her wolf’s presence surged forward, taking in Brockton’s large frame, strong inner wolf and aroused scent. Her wolf didn’t care at this point who it was. It was just someone to take her. Understanding ripped at Sidda’s heart. She was in heat, full-on heat. She had no idea what the hell that meant, but she’d seen dogs in heat, and yes, her wolf was definitely a bitch in heat.

“You smell so fucking good. Better than any of the others.” Brockton stroked his cock through his jeans, groaning loudly. “Fuck, you’re gonna feel good.”

Sidda pushed past her wolf, struggling to control her. “You dumb-shit, you can’t get in here, and if you do, you’ll be a dead man.”

A malicious smile spread across his face, and he raised his hand. On one finger dangled the keys to the door. Sidda scrambled off the floor, her body trembling, desire clouded by fear and disgust in her mind.

The steel door swung open, and Sidda burst into a run, rushing to get past Brockton and out the door. His forearm raised, hitting her across the throat, and knocking her to the ground. Her head crashed onto the cement floor, sending a shock of numbness then searing pain through her body. Brockton sprawled his large body over hers, trapping her beneath him. She tried to open her eyes to focus, but the now excruciating pain blocked her.

Brockton’s rough hands snatched at the fabric of her dress. The silk ripped as he yanked it past her waist. His callused hands jerked at her thong. Sidda had opened her mouth to scream at him to stop when her wolf and human united. Her wolf had no taste for rape, and although she wanted a strong wolf to mount her, Brockton had used too much force with her. Sidda bucked under him, screaming at the top of her lungs for help.

“That’s right, bitch, scream for me. But no one will hear you.”

“I did.”

Sidda gasped and shook her head no. He couldn’t be here. He wasn’t ready for this fight. “Get off my sister, you fucking bastard.” Zeke’s childlike voice trembled with rage.

“Oh look who it is. The whelp looking to protect his sister.” Brockton rose from her body. “No worries. After I kill the pissant, we can finish what we started.” Brockton faced Zeke in the cage’s doorway. “Ah, pup, I’ve wanted you dead for a long time.”

“Tough shit. It won’t happen anytime soon, you fucktard.”

Sidda groaned. Zeke was no match at all for Brockton. She had to get control over her body. Letting her brother die because she was in heat would not happen. No way in hell. Sidda rose, shaking her head and hoping to clear the red haze from her mind. She stumbled backward to the cot in the cage. Her heart sank with the realization she didn’t have the strength to fight, nor the power. Tears filled her eyes as Brockton lunged at Zeke. Zeke stepped to the side. Brockton smashed into the concrete wall before his body slumped to the ground. He lay there for a second before rising to glare at Zeke. In the next instant, he rushed the kid, but again Zeke surprised them both. He spun, sweeping his leg across the floor and knocking Brockton to the ground.

Pride soared in Sidda. The kid could fight. But he needed more moves than that to best a powerful wolf like Brockton. He also needed more rage, more than Brockton’s. Sidda focused, pushing with all her mental willpower to clear her wolf’s mind of the heat. Her wolf receded just enough for Sidda to open the flood gates of the energy she held. The anger slithering from the wolves above them rushed through her to Zeke. His eyes went wide and then he attacked. He jumped onto Brockton, pounding his fists down onto Brockton’s face. Blood splattered from his broken nose. Flesh snapped open, blood seeped, and Zeke continued to pound his fists into him. Brockton jerked and flinched under the kid. His head lolled to one side, eyes closed, and his breathing stilled.

Zeke rose, smiling and shaking with adrenaline. He spit on Brockton’s still body. Brockton’s heartbeat drummed in her ears. He was alive.

Brockton reached for Zeke’s leg, jerking him to the ground. The wolf jerked Zeke’s head back and then slammed the kid’s skull into the cement floor. Bones shattered, and all the while, Zeke flailed around beneath him. Brockton smiled as Zeke’s blood flowed from his head onto the floor. Sidda’s stomach pitched, her bile stinging her throat. Her brother lay lifeless on the floor. His heart slowed to nearly a stop. The bile at the back of her throat rushed out. Tears burned her cheeks. The hot acid liquid was fire in her throat and nostrils as it expelled from her body to splash on the floor of her cage.

“That’s just nasty, bitch.” Brockton marched toward her. “Now let’s finish this.” He punched her in the face, knocking her back onto the cot.

Sidda kicked and punched at him, but he only laughed. Tears flowed freely down her face. Her baby brother was dead because he’d tried to save her. She gasped, fighting for air. She continued to kick and scream harder as Brockton jerked his pants down. His cock pressed against her upper thigh. Her heart nearly beat from her chest.

He leaned down near her. “See, bitch, nothing you do can stop me,” he whispered close to her ear.

Sidda turned her head. His jugular pulsed against his skin. She smiled and lifted her head. Her canines lowered to wolf teeth. An instant later she surged forward, sinking her teeth into his neck. He howled with pain, and blood poured into her mouth, but she kept jerking on the vein.

He reared back, punching her in the head. She tugged on his neck, but he landed a bunch to her temple. Darkness seeped into her brain, blocking out nearly everything. Sidda blinked when Brockton’s body weight was snatched away from her. She gulped in air, trying to stay awake, to push the dark away and bring back the light. Beside her, a body fell, his head lolled to the side facing her. Brockton was dead.

Sidda’s body was lifted from the ground. Strong arms cradled her against a hard chest. She looked up into the eyes of the wolf who’d killed Brockton.

Stephan smiled down at her.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Jasper launched himself at Stephan and Sidda. Stephan held her pressed against his chest, cradling her as if she belonged there. Stephan glanced up at him. He strode toward Jasper, stretching out his arms to place Sidda in Jasper’s.

BOOK: Untamable
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