Untamable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Untamable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony Book 2)
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She focused on something over his shoulder, and her eyes widened. A tremble started in her chin. “No—noooo.” 

He turned to look. Nothing but the cave wall. 

“I-I’ve got to…” She bolted for the entrance, crawling on her hands and knees. Dirt from the soft earthen floor kicked up in her wake.

“Aramie, no!” Demir grabbed her ankle just in time. 

She fought him, kicking her feet with a force he had to admire. Although she was strong, powerful, and full of tenacity, she couldn’t match his strength. He grabbed her other leg and pulled her toward him. “Stop—fighting.” 

She landed a heel to his head. The ringing in his ears sounded like a swarm of bees, and he loosened his hold. She bolted for the entrance once again.

He regained enough sense to snag her pant leg. She landed on her side, the air escaping her lungs with a whoosh.

In her effort to escape the small cave, she flailed on the ground, scratching at the dirt floor. Her head hit a rock near the entrance. The coppery scent of blood permeated the air. 

Fear gripped his chest. His breath squeezed from his lungs.
He crawled over her back and trapped her legs, capturing each of her wrists in his palms. With tender care, he cradled her in his embrace and protected her from further harm.

A small sob escaped her lips and wedged itself into his heart.

“It’s ok, tough stuff. I’ve got you.” 

Her chest hitched, her body still trembling. Several seconds ticked by. Finally, her tension subsided, and she relaxed in his arms. Soft strands of hair caressed his face and caught in his goatee. The sensation tickled his skin, teasing him.

“Did you…did you kill it?” The words were a mere whisper, a soft plea.

“Kill what, Aramie?” She feared something, and every male fiber in his being wanted to protect her.

“The s-spider.” A bead of perspiration rolled down her nose and dripped onto the soil. 

A wave of understanding hit him in the chest. He’d never known about her fear. She’d always put up such a strong front, he didn’t think she feared anything. A spider, of all creatures. 

“I’ll take care of it.” His voice sounded raspy, but he couldn’t hold back his compassion for her. “I’m going to let you go. You won’t run from me, will you?” He needed to be sure she wouldn’t bolt if her anxiety took hold again.

“No. I-I promise.” 

His shoulders relaxed. He crouched on all fours and helped her to sit. Small bits of rock clung to her palms. He wiped the dirt away, cleaning her, massaging her skin to take away the sting. Her brown eyes tracked his movements with catlike precision.

“Where did you see the spider?” 

She pointed into the dark corner. “It ran under that rock.” 

As he moved to take care of the little predator, her hands trailed along his arm, her touch lighting up his nerves. 

Demir lifted one of the rocks. Nothing. He looked at Aramie. Crouched near the entrance to the cave, she visibly shivered, her eyes wide. To see her so scared burned a hole in his gut, and a determination to protect her raced through him. It didn’t escape him that the threat was her own fear, but he’d find the spider, of that he had no doubt.

He returned to his search, moving rocks out of the way, one by one. At last, he came upon the small arachnid. He was in agreement with Aramie—he’d never much liked the hairy, multi-eyed critters. 

Demir took off his boot. The movement must’ve caught the creature’s attention, because it skittered across the soft dirt. 


With great care, he checked the entire cave, every nook and cranny. He’d killed two more before he was done. “Justice has been served.” 

“Thank you.” Aramie’s gaze bore into him. “I don’t like spiders.”

A smirk crept across his face, and he raised an eyebrow. “You don’t say.” 

Her own smile turned into a wide grin. She’d always liked his sarcasm, and he enjoyed her response. 

The pain in his hand and arm subsided to a minor ache, the skin knitting back together with his powerful Lemurian blood, but his shoulder pulsed with agony. Distracted by Aramie’s anxiety attack, he’d forgotten about his own injuries, but not anymore. A bead of sweat rolled from the tip of his hairline down his face.

“Demir?” Aramie crawled next to him. She wiped away the moisture from his brow. The arc of tension between them spiked, the pull almost physical in its intensity. 

“Aramie—” He touched her barrette and traced his fingers through her thick, glossy hair.

“Shh…” She placed her finger over his mouth, pushed him down, and straddled his lap. 

A strange thrill coursed through his body at her brazen attitude, and his stiffening shaft told him how much he was on board with this little exercise.

She tugged his shirt out of his waistband, her eyes focused on her task. The material bunched around his abdomen as she pulled. He lifted his arms, eager for her to eliminate this barrier between them. With one swift move, she ripped the shirt over his head.

Cold air hit him, cooling the sheen of sweat that coated his skin. The bite mark still pounded, but he was much more interested in the blood pulsing in his cock. 

Aramie leaned back, her palms resting on his forearms. Her admiring gaze roamed over his chest and abs. A sly smile pulled at one corner of her mouth. She grazed her hands up his biceps, her nails scratching his skin, sending a thrill along his nerves that made his shaft jump. 

When she reached his shoulders, he grabbed her hands. A warning growl erupted from his chest. “No further.”











Chapter Thirty-Three


Demir’s warning lifted the hackles on the back of Aramie’s neck. His firm but tender grip around her wrists held her in place. An ache of rejection clenched her chest, and tears welled in her eyes. She glanced away, pulling against his grasp. Instead of releasing her, he drew her hands to his lips. 

Tender kisses along her knuckles woke up her nerves, the sensitive skin alive and aware of every brush. The intensity of his gaze bore into her, roaming her face before returning to her fingers. “Don’t misunderstand, Aramie, I want you…I want you very much.” 

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Why did you stop me?” 

He sat up on his elbows, and focused on her eyes. “Call me old fashioned, but I like to be in control.” 

Her heart skittered a beat. She’d spent her whole life avoiding this very situation. To give up control went against everything she believed, but when she looked into his eyes, she didn’t see the burning need to dominate her into submission. What she saw was compassion, and his own need to be strong.

Unsure what to do, she remained tense. She wanted to give herself to him, yet she didn’t know if she could. A tear slid down her cheek.

He let go of her hands and traced the tear with the back of his finger. She leaned toward him, and his other hand cradled her head, his tender fingers massaging the base of her neck. Relaxing under his ministrations, her body’s hyper-sensitive senses reacted to his every touch.  

An uncontrollable purr radiated from her chest. The whiskers of his goatee tickled her skin as he smiled, and a warm chuckle filled with masculine pride eased from his throat. Her traitorous body shivered in response.

Without warning, he lay back down, pulling her with him. She hissed and her hands landed on his firm pecs. An appreciative growl reverberated from within him, the vibration causing her fingers to tingle. His breath smelled of mint and tea and mixed with his own masculine scent. Washed along by his tide, she couldn’t resist him. 

His powerful kiss was tender, yet demanding. The electric current between them spiked, pulling her further under his spell. Strong, sensual fingers tracked through her hair and down her back. He gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head. With practiced skill, he unhooked her bra. The confining material fell forward, revealing her breasts. He studied her for a moment before his gaze met hers. 

“Beautiful Aramie.” 

The words came out on a slow purr, and she loved how his voice resonated within her body, intensifying her own desire. He traced a finger over the side of her face, along the contours of her neck, and to the small “V” of her breasts, leaving small shivers of delight in his path. Cupping one of her mounds in his palm, her pert nipples stood at attention, ready for his touch. 

His cock jerked below her as she straddled him, his firmness making her wet with her own need. He raised his head, his breath tickling her breast. When he licked the fine bud, she shivered. Tension built within her, and the tips of her claws extended, digging into his arms.

Gently, he pulled her nipple into his mouth, circling the hard point with his tongue. The warm wetness and his nips brought her close to her climax. She’d never experienced anything this intense before, and a whimper born of need escaped her lips.

Without thinking, she trailed her hands up his arms to his neck, eager to touch every firm muscle under his taut skin. Before she knew what had happened, he flipped her onto her back. Dark and predatory, he consumed her with his yellow eyes. His hungry gaze sent a rush of pure, feminine pride through her body. 

With quick hands, he removed her shoes. She unbuttoned her jeans and he grabbed them by the waist, pulling them off in short order, panties included. He straddled her, placing his firm legs on either side of her thighs. She quivered with anticipation. 

“Strip.” The word came out a command, and she didn’t regret it. She wanted him as naked as she was. 

His eyebrows shot up and the skin around his eyes creased, his eyes glowing with admiration. He smiled, and the diamond stud in his upper lip glinted in the dim light.

Her heart constricted.
I love him.
She’d fallen for this strong, proud male, and fallen hard. 

They couldn’t be together, though. She wouldn’t bow down to a male, not even him. A deep cut shaved off part of her heart, and she’d never felt such a mixture of pain and regret. Her eyes moistened, but she gave him her best smile. They had today and she’d record every moment in her memory.

He unlatched his buckle, his abdominal muscles tensing against the pull of the belt. She traced her finger over each taut ridge, up to his pectoral muscles where the slightest tinge of dark brown hair curled between her fingers. 

His ragged breaths raced over the back of her hands, tickling the fine hairs. A low moan emanated from his chest, echoing off the rocks in the enclosed space. In a physical response to his call, her skin heated as a rush of desire overwhelmed her. 

He moved away from her long enough to kick off his boots and shed his pants. Careful in his movements, he seemed to hide something. She didn’t get time to think on it. A glimpse of his manhood and the heavy sac that hung below caused her to inhale. She’d fantasized about him for a long time, and the reality was more than she’d ever imagined. 

He must’ve noticed her attention because his cock pulsed. His low, sensual chuckle sent a rush of wetness to her core. She glanced at his face. A tic in his jaw and a furrowed brow indicated his fierce concentration. 

He was all male—tough, lean, and firm. 

She purred in admiration, aware that doing so invited him in.



Chapter Thirty-Four


Aramie’s scent cascaded over Demir’s senses, into his lungs and his bloodstream. She’d revved up his drive, good and hard, with that sensual purr. The pulse pounding in both his cock and his shoulder vied for attention, but with sweet Aramie sprawled naked before him, the pain faded.

A sheen of sweat had broken out on her body, her skin glistening in the dim light. She was beautiful, from her smooth dark hair to her crooked little toe. He admired the view and longed to make her comfortable, but the fine dirt lining the cave floor was all they had. 

“Gorgeous Aramie.” He liked the way her name rolled off his tongue as he accentuated the “r,” drawing it out.

She shivered under his attention, and her purr increased in volume, an open invitation. Pulling gently on his arm, she encouraged him. He straddled her hips once again, the length of him jutting out over her soft abdomen. With a firm grip, she squeezed the tip of his shaft.

He hissed. 

Her touch lit up his nerves, and he leaned in to kiss her, pulling himself out of her grasp. As he captured her mouth, their bodies brushed together. The skin on skin contact short-circuited his brain and his animal instincts took over. She responded under his onslaught, their tongues dancing together, their passionate kiss all about what was right between them. Tracing her fingers along his arms and into his hair, her nails dug into his scalp. Her rough claiming drew out his predator, and a low moan eased from his chest.

She arched into him, pressing against his arousal, driving him insane. When they came up for air, the tips of her fingers grazed down his neck. He ran his hands up her arms, entwining his fingers with hers. As he brought her hands over her head, he kept them away from his back, and the evidence of his weakness. He held both her wrists in one hand, locking her there. 

Her body tensed. She seemed frightened, and that wouldn’t do. He ran his fingers over the soft skin on the inside of her arm, tickling her. “What is it, tough stuff?” 

She shook her head and smiled, but the sly grin was forced. He looked into her eyes, searching for an answer. A fine warrior, not much scared her—except spiders and him, apparently. He stilled as the answer dawned on him.
She’s afraid I’m going to make her my mate.

His cat cried out.
That’s what he wanted to do, but he would never hurt her, never force her to bend to his will. The realization hit him like a punch. This high-spirited female with the dark hair and brazen attitude had crawled under his skin and touched his heart. 

I love her. 

His chest expanded, and he longed to make her his mate, but in doing so, he’d strip her of her identity, her need to be a warrior, and that would rip out everything he loved about her. He swallowed.
There was no way that would happen. He’d show her what was in his heart, even if he could never give it to her.

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