Read Until Series: Box set Online

Authors: Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Series: Box set (47 page)

BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he coughs out when I loosen the hand around his neck.

“I don’t know what I’m talking about? I’m the one she cries to,” I retighten my hold around his neck. “Don’t tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“I didn’t have a choice. I need the money. I found out that Kara was pregnant and had to pay off some debts.”

“So you stole from your family?”

“You don’t have a kid on the way; you don’t understand.” I shove away from him, walking into the room.

“You’re right. I don’t have a kid on the way. But I’ve got a girl and a family, no way I’d put either of them in the middle of my shit.”

“Oh, the great Trevor Mayson is all of a sudden better than everyone.”

“You don’t know anything about me.”

“Oh, but doesn’t everyone know about you?”

“Did you really come find me to talk about this shit?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. My blood is boiling. If it wasn’t for my promise to Liz, his ass would be hanging over the balcony.

“I want to know what you’re doing with my sister.”

“You don’t get to ask that; you don’t get to play the role of the big brother.”

“I love my mom and sister. You may not believe me, but I do.”

“Prove it. Come back to town and earn back the money you owe her.”

“I have Kara. I—”

I take a step towards him, cutting him off. “That’s your choice; but I’m telling you now, if you push me, I will insist that Liz press charges.”

“I can’t come back to town right now. I’m working undercover.”

I shake my head in disgust. “That lie might work on your mom, but it’s not working on me.”

“Fuck you,” he shouts, his face turning red.

“How long are you going to keep that lie up for?”

“It’s not a lie. The people I owed money to trusted me. The cops had no one on the inside, and when they found out about my debt, they offered to pay it off in exchange for me going undercover.”

“If they paid off your debt, why did you take the money from your sister?”

“The money I took from her paid the debt; the money the cops gave me paid my interest.” I watched him start to pace, his hands running through his shaggy blonde hair. “I had been seeing Kara for a while when she told me she was pregnant.” He stops, his eyes meeting mine. “This was around the time that I lost my last bet. I knew I needed to get out from under the people I owed; no way was I going to have a kid and have to look over my shoulder.”

“So you took the money, started working for the cops, asked Kara to marry you, and went on your merry way. All the while, your sister is staying in the back room of her store after losing her apartment, working for Mike so that she doesn’t lose her dream, and you’re living it up, not wondering about the damage you left behind?”

“If you’re with her, then why the fuck was she working at a fucking strip club?” he yells.

“Me working for Mike had nothing to do with Trevor,” Liz says, walking into the room. She sets her bag down on the bed, coming to my side. Her arm goes around the back of my waist.


My girl must not be in the mood to listen. “You need to leave, Tim.”

“What?” Tim asks, looking at me. Wrong person. I would always side with Liz; even if I liked him, I would still side with her.

“You need to leave,” she states, more firmly this time.

“We need to talk.”

“The only thing that I want to hear from you right now is that you’re coming home to pay off your debt.”

“I can’t do that right now.”

“Well, then, we have nothing to talk about.”

“Sis, don’t do this,” he pleads, his face looking panicked.

“You never took my feelings into consideration when you did what you did to me.”

“I want you to have a relationship with your nephew; you can’t just cut me out.”

I look down at Liz when her nails dig into my side. “That’s not fair,” she whispers.

“You need to go,” I tell Tim, stepping in front of Liz.

“We’re not done talking.”

“Until you’re ready to tell your sister that you’re going to pay back the money you owe, I don’t think there is anything for you to talk about.”

“Tomorrow is the wedding.”

“Do you see the look on your sister’s face?” I point towards Liz. “I don’t like my woman looking like that, so you need to leave. Tomorrow, if she feels like it, then she will find you; if not, then you need to back the fuck off,” I say, pushing him towards the door.

“Who do you think you are?” he asks, making me smile. “I’m her man; and as her man, I can do whatever the fuck I want to anyone I perceive as a threat against her.”

“I’m her brother,” he says, sputtering as I slam the door in his face. When I turn around, I’m surprised to see Liz smiling. I figured she would be pissed that I just kicked her brother out.

“Thank you,” she says, throwing herself into my arms.

“For what?”

“For getting rid of him.” She tucks her face into my chest, and I pull her small body tighter against mine.

“I will always protect you.”

“I know,” she says softly, making me squeeze her a little tighter.

“Did you have a good time with you mom?”

“Yeah,” she giggles. I pull her face out of my chest so I can see her.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” she says, her face turning red.

“What did you do?”

“Nothing,” she says again, taking a step back.

“Your face is bright red,” I tell her, looking her over. Her hair is the same as when she left, her skin looks smooth, and she smells like lavender. “Did you get a massage?”

“Yes,” she replies, looking down at the ground.

“What else did you guys do?”

“Got manicures and pedicures,” she mumbles, still not making eye contact. Then a light bulb goes off, and I’m very interested in finding out if my hunch is correct. I step towards her, my hands going to her dress, and I rip it off over her head. “What are you doing?” she screeches, trying to get away; but I have her trapped.

“I want to see for myself what you had done,” I tell her, pushing her back until she has no choice but to sit on the edge of the bed. Dropping to my knees, I pull her foot up towards my chest. “I like this color; what is it called?” I ask, inspecting the light pink color of her nail polish.

“Passionate pink,” she says, trying to pull her foot out of my hand.

“Passionate pink,” I repeat. I kiss the top of her foot, before setting it on my shoulder. I run my cheek down the inside of her calf, then up her thigh. “Your skin is so soft.”

“I…I had a body scrub done.” Her voice is breathy; I look up and see that her eyes are hooded and dark, and her cheeks are flushed.

I pick up her other foot, setting it on my other shoulder. My hands pull her knees apart, and I run a finger down the center of her panties. Her hips lift slightly. I lean forward, opening my mouth over the thin cotton that’s covering her, and bite down slightly, making her moan. “You smell good.” I press my tongue in, making her moan louder. “Tell me you want me to eat you.” I look up her body; her head is back, eyes closed. My cock is begging me to pull her down and impale her, but I want her taste on my tongue. “Say ‘Trevor, please eat my pussy’.” Her eyes open, and she looks at my mouth. Then I bite down again, making her squirm.

“Trevor, please.”

I run my finger along the edge of her panties and dip in slightly, feeling her smooth skin, knowing I was right. “Say it. Say ‘Trevor, please eat my pussy’,” I growl.

“Trevor, please eat—”

I don’t even let her finish. I slide her panties to the side and attack her, licking, biting, and devouring her. “So sweet,” I mumble against her. Her hips raise, and her fingers dig into my scalp.

“More,” she whimpers, circling her hips.

“My greedy girl,” I mumble against her, sliding two fingers deep inside her tightness.

“Trevor!” she screams, her pussy convulsing around my fingers. Her feet try to push me away, but I hold her tighter, wrapping my arms around her thighs, and keeping her in place.

“Stop!” she cries.

“No. Give me another one.” I lick her, circling her clit, then sucking deep. Her hips buck, trying to get free. I pull her harder against my mouth, my tongue moving faster until she comes, screaming. I crawl up the bed and pull her body against mine. “There is nothing more beautiful than watching your body being taken over by what I’m doing to you,” I say, sliding between her legs. Her hands go up the front of my shirt, sliding down to the waistband of my shorts. I sit back on my knees, pulling my shirt off over my head. She sits up, unbuttoning my shorts, and tugging them down my hips, her mouth against my abs.

“I love that you’re so hard and smooth at the same time,” she says, her hands traveling over every inch of skin she can get her hands on.

“I have something else for you that’s hard and smooth,” I tell her, making her flop back against the bed laughing. “You don’t want it?” I ask, smiling. I love that I can laugh with her during sex. I grab my cock, sliding the tip through her pussy. I bite back a groan when I feel her wetness against me. She uncovers her face, and I lean forward to kiss her, nibbling her lips, her tongue touching mine. Her nails dig into my sides, pulling me forward until I slide inside. “Jesus,” I say against her mouth, pushing the rest of the way in.

“Yes,” she hisses when I feel myself touch her cervix. I don’t want to hurt her, but I swear, she loves that shit.

“Who does this tight little pussy belong to?” I swivel my hips, picking up speed.

“You! Oh God! Don’t stop,” she cries.

“Easy, baby.” I lick up her neck. “I love the way you taste.” I feel her tighten around me at my words. I bend my head forward, taking her nipple into my mouth and tugging with my lips. “Tell me you love it when I’m inside of you.”

it when you’re inside of me,” she moans. Her legs wrap around me, her hips meeting mine as I lift one foot up onto my shoulder, spreading her out, watching myself disappear inside of her. “Oh! Right there; don’t stop.” She lifts her hips, using my shoulder as leverage. Right before I feel her come around me, her eyes focus on mine; her bottom lip is caught between her teeth. A few more strokes and I follow behind her, groaning her name against her lips. I flip us over so she lands on top of me, running my hands down the smooth skin of her back. After a few sated minutes, she whispers, “I’m sorry about my brother.”

“Don’t be. I’m sorry that you have to deal with him at all.”

“I hope that he’s okay. Kara seems sweet; she was at the spa with us, and I really like her. I hope he doesn’t get her mixed up in anything.”

“Me too, baby.”

“Do you think he’s telling the truth about what he said?”

The truth is I do believe him. I don’t know why he made the stupid decisions that he did, but I believe that he is really working undercover for the cops now. “Yeah, I do believe him. I don’t know what happened to get him to this point, but I do believe what he’s saying about working for the cops.”

“Me too,” she whispers. I look out over the water, listen to her breathing even out, and I eventually fall asleep, still in my piece of heaven.


“I’m so happy
that you came with Liz,” Rita says, resting her hands on my shoulders. I look across the dance floor to see Liz dancing with George.

“There is nowhere else I would want to be,” I tell her mom truthfully. My girl looks beautiful today. Her hair is all up, with small pieces braided throughout, and tied in some kind of knot to the side of her head. Her dress is strapless, and hugs her breasts and waist. The color is a dark green, bringing out the color of her eyes.

“She loves you,” Rita says, watching Liz and George dance.

“I know.” I smile. I know it’s cocky, but who fucking cares? Rita starts laughing, her face going into my chest, just like her daughter’s does when she laughs.

“I can see she has her work cut out for her.” She looks up at me smiling.

“I love her too, more than I even thought possible,” I tell her mom.

“I’m glad she has you.” Tears start filling her eyes. “When John died, she took it hard. They were so close; she was a daddy’s girl from the day we found out we were having a little girl. Her dad would lay with his face on my stomach, telling her stories. When we brought her home from the hospital, she wasn’t happy unless he was holding her. Even as she got older, if he was going somewhere, she wanted to be with him. I know I messed up with her and Tim, but I was so lost in my own grief that I had a hard time seeing that there were other people who were missing him as much as I was. I didn’t realize how badly I messed up until the day of her graduation,” she says, looking across the room at Liz, who’s still dancing with George, smiling up at him. “I had been depressed all morning, thinking about John missing out on one more thing that he would have loved to be a part of. So that morning, I decided that I was going to do something I never did, and went to his grave. When I got to the cemetery, Liz was there in her cap and gown, laying in the grass on top of his grave. I knew then that she must have spent a lot of time there. That’s when I realized that I needed to pull my head out of my ass and fight for my daughter, who was just as lost without her father as I was without my husband. I know I will never completely get over losing him, but every day it becomes a little easier, and my heart fills with a little more light. George is wonderful, and I’m blessed to have had two men who have loved me so completely, even with all of my faults,” she says, just as George starts walking towards us with Liz.

BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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