Read Until Series: Box set Online

Authors: Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Series: Box set (49 page)

BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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He pulls his mouth from mine, leaving me breathless. “Now, behave yourself.”

I smile up at him, and when I glance around the bar, I notice that Jen and her crew had been watching our little spectacle. I smirk at them and toss my hair over my shoulder. What I really want to do is yell
ha ha he’s mine
and stick out my tongue.

“Fine,” I say, walking back to the table, noticing that November is drinking cranberry juice.

“Hey, are you okay?” I ask her, looking down at the glass in front of her.

“Oh yeah. I’m fine. I just don’t feel like drinking.”

“You don’t feel like drinking?” I ask, surprised. She always drinks beer when we’re out, except when she was—

“We’re pregnant.” Asher says proudly, puffing out his chest.

“Oh my God! Congrats!” I hug November, and then stand to hug Asher. “When did you find out?”

“This morning.” Asher puts his arm around her, kissing her nose.

“When do you find out what you’re having?”

“Not for a few weeks,” November says, rubbing her belly.

“It’s a boy,” Asher says, his hand moving to her waist. Trevor starts laughing, along with Cash and Nico. “I made sure to do it on the right side,” Asher says deadpan, glaring at his brothers. I start laughing so hard that tears slide down my cheeks.

“We know, honey,” November says, patting Asher’s chest.

“Well, whatever it ends up being, congrats, guys. That’s awesome,” Trevor says, hugging November, and then patting his brother on the back. When Trevor looks at me, he smiles, making a knot form in my stomach. The look in his eyes says a lot more than I want to hear. I try to shake myself out of the feeling.

“That’s so exciting,” I cry, clapping my hands. “Let’s have a drink. I mean, you can’t drink because you’re, you know, but I—um—I’ll be back,” I sputter out, needing to get away from Trevor and the look on his face.

“Are you okay?” Nico asks, leaning on the bar next to me.

“Yeah,” I say, signaling the bartender. When she finally gets to me, I ask for a shot of tequila.

“Tequila?” Nico asks, his eyebrows drawn together.

“Yep.” I tip the shot back without salt or lime, then tap the glass, signaling for a refill. I start to lift it to my mouth, when it’s taken from my hand from over my shoulder, and given to Nico. “That’s mine.” I pout as Nico takes my shot.

“We’re going home,” Trevor says, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“No, I’m spending time with everyone.”

“You were, then you ran off; now we’re going home.”

“Can you
be a jerk?”

“We have plans tomorrow morning, so we need to leave anyways.”

“I can have Nico drop me off at home if you’re leaving,” I suggest.

“No, you can’t have Nico drop you off at home,” Nico says, laughing.

“Fine.” I walk back to the table, grabbing my purse. “I guess we’re leaving,” I tell November, who looks at my face, then at Trevor, and starts laughing.

“That’s fine. We need to leave as well,” November says, getting off her barstool. “But we will see you this weekend for the party, right?” she asks, looking at me, and I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“What party?” I ask, then look around when I notice that everyone has gotten quiet.

“Oh, it’s not a party; it’s a—um—Bar-B-Que,” Asher says, cutting in.

“We’ll be there,” Trevor says, glaring at everyone before pulling me out the door behind him.

“I didn’t know we were going to a Bar-B-Que this weekend,” I tell him, as he lifts me up into the truck and buckles me in.

“It slipped my mind,” he tells me, kissing my forehead.

“Oh,” I say, laying my head on his shoulder, relaxing into his side once he starts the truck. The tequila is making me feel all warm and fuzzy. I’m such a lightweight.

“Why is it that every time someone talks about kids, you panic?”

I sit up; I knew this day was coming. “I told you before, I don’t want kids.”

“I want kids, Liz, and I know that you do too. I see the longing in your face anytime you hold July, or even when you met Kara and noticed she was pregnant.”

I do want them; deep down there is nothing I want more then to be a mother. But I can’t do it; I can’t have children, and then leave them behind. “I told you before, Trevor, that if that was a deal breaker for you, then you should get out before feelings were involved.”

“Tell me that you never want kids.”

“I…” I can’t say it; the words just won’t come out.

“We are going to make beautiful babies, and you are going to be an awesome mom,” he says, kissing the top of my head. My stomach is in knots, my palms sweating. I want to tell him so badly that I don’t want kids, but I can’t. When I think about having a little boy, with big brown eyes and long dark lashes, who looks just like Trevor, I can’t tell him that I don’t want that. I lay my head back on his shoulder, clearing my mind of everything except the alcohol coursing through my system. When we finally pull up to the house, I go straight to the bathroom, change into pajamas, and get into bed. When I’m almost asleep, Trevor gets into bed, tucking me under him like he always does. I feel him kiss the top of my head, and hear him tell me he loves me, right before I fall asleep.


“Tell me again
why I have to wear a blindfold?” I ask Trevor, who is carrying me somewhere. I had gotten up this morning, alone in the house. At first, I thought he was mad about last night and decided to cut his losses, but then I wandered into the kitchen and there was a pot of coffee waiting for me, along with a note telling me that he had gone for a run. I was on my second cup of coffee when he came into the house, his white t-shirt plastered to his body with sweat. He was pulling it off as he walked into the kitchen, without realizing that I was there, unaware that he was putting on a show.

I watched as he wiped his head, face, and then his chest without looking up. His baggy sweats hung so low on his hips that if you pulled down slightly, you would get the full experience of Trevor Mayson. When he lifted his head and his eyes caught mine, he smirked. Walking towards me, he kissed my forehead, and went to the laundry room, where I could hear him banging around, most likely destroying some innocent piece of clothing. The other day, he called and asked me if he could wash towels with other laundry. I told him yes, thinking he would know to still separate the dark and lights. Oh, was I wrong. He washed a red towel with the white laundry, turning all the white t-shirts he wears to work a nice light pink.

“Morning,” he said, walking back into the kitchen.

“Morning,” I replied, looking at his abs as he moved around, pulling things from the cupboards. I had no idea what kind of work went into looking like he does, but seriously, I loved looking at him.

“Stop looking at me like that, you little pervert,” he said, laughing and making my face heat.

“Stop walking around half naked,” I mumbled into my coffee cup, still looking over the rim at his body.

“Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “I like that look.” He kissed my head. “We need to leave in about an hour; be ready to go,” he told me, leaning against the counter to eat a bowl of cereal.

I glared at him, but agreed with an “okay.” I grabbed a banana off the counter. Peeling it, I slid it into my mouth, looking at him, watching his eyes darken, and then I took a big bite, and made sure that my teeth made a loud chomping sound.

“Ouch!” he laughed, covering himself with his hand. I smirked at him over my shoulder, walking out of the kitchen.

“Yes, you need the blindfold,” he tells me, bringing me back to the present. He’s holding me closer. I know we’re outside; I can smell flowers and feel the sun beating down on me. “I’m going to stand you up now,” he says, lowering me to the ground. I hold onto his shoulders, and as my feet touch the ground, my stomach fills with butterflies, and my pulse kicks up. “This is our first stop,” he tells me, taking off my blindfold. I look around seeing that we’re in the cemetery where my father is buried. My stomach drops when I look down at my dad’s grave.

“Why are we here?” I ask, looking at Trevor, who is now looking nervous.

“I wanted to meet him. You don’t talk to me about him very often, and I know that he was important to you.”

I nod in agreement. “He was my best friend,” I tell him, looking at my dad’s headstone. “No matter what happened, I knew that I could talk to him about anything, and he would listen. Or if I had a problem, he would help me find a solution.”

“He sounds like he was a good man,” he says, wrapping his arms around me.

“He was the best; he would have liked you,” I reply, and tears start falling from my eyes.

“I would have liked him too.” He holds my face in his hands, kissing each eye. “He’s one of the reasons why you are so beautiful on the inside, along with the outside. He’s one of the reasons I couldn’t help but fall in love with you.”

I sob, my head crashing into his chest; he holds me for a long time, just standing outside with the breeze blowing, and the sun beating down on us. When I finally calm down, he asks me to go wait in the truck, and says that he would be with me in a few minutes. I kneel down on the ground in front of my dad’s headstone and send him a silent message telling him that I am happy, and that I love and miss him. Then I stand up, kiss Trevor, and walk back to the truck to wait for him.

I watch him from the passenger seat as he too kneels down in front of Dad’s headstone. I can see his lips moving, but can’t make out the words. But then, he reaches out, pats the top of the headstone, stands up, and makes his way to the driver’s side of the truck.

Once back in the truck, he takes the blindfold out of his pocket, wrapping it back over my eyes. “One more stop,” he says. I feel the truck reverse, and we drive for a good while. When he parks the truck, he drags me out on his side, carrying me again, but this time, just a short ways. When he stops walking, he sets me on the ground, leads me by my hand, and helps me sit; I can tell it’s a swing I’m sitting on. When he removes the blindfold, he’s kneeling in front of me. I look around to see where we are.

“Why are we here?” I tilt my head back, looking up at the tree I was sitting under. The swing is one I used to swing on all the time when I was young. The old rope ties up high in the branches of the old giant weeping willow; the outer branches of the tree creates its own private escape for whoever was swinging.

“I talked to your mom, and she told me that the two of them would spend time here when they were dating. She also told me that this is where your dad asked her to marry him.” His eyes are warm when he’s talking about my parents.

“It is; this was my dad’s favorite spot,” I tell him, remembering coming here when I was little. “I used to make my dad push me on this swing for hours. Sometimes he would bring a picnic; once, he even had a tea party here with me and dressed up.” I laugh, and so does Trevor.

When he looks over my face, I see so much love in his eyes that my palms start to sweat and I hold my breath. “Your mom told me that this was a special place for you, a spot full of love and happiness. That’s why I wanted to bring you here.”

“Oh,” I say, watching Trevor lean forward and pull something out of his pocket, before returning to his kneeling position.

“You are my best friend. I can laugh with you—and fight with you—but I always know that I will be with you. You are the person I want to start a family with, grow old with, make memories with, dream with, cry with, and live this life with. Will you marry me?” He holds the ring out to me between two fingers. I cover my mouth, looking down at the beautiful ring with an emerald-cut stone my eyes shoot up to his. “This is the part where you say, ‘I can’t imagine living my life without you’…and say yes.” He actually looks nervous.

“Yes,” I struggle to get out with my mouth still covered. He takes the hand that’s covering my mouth, brings it to his, and kisses my fingers, before sliding the ring on.

“Perfect,” he says, kissing my finger before pulling me down to him.

“This has to be the best proposal in the history of proposals,” I tell him, laughing.

“I figured I fucked up the first one pretty badly; I needed to make up for that.”

“The first proposal was you,” I tell him, pulling my face away from his neck so I can look at him. “You’re very bossy and demanding; that’s one of the reasons I love you.”

“You’re stuck with me for life.”

“I know; maybe I’m crazy, but that makes me very happy.” I laugh when he starts tickling me.

“Let’s go home crazy girl.”

“Let’s go home and celebrate,” I clarify.

“Oh, we’re definitely going to celebrate.” He picks me up, tosses me over his shoulder, and walks us back up to the truck.

On the ride home, I ask him what he was saying when he was alone for those few minutes at my dad’s grave. He tells me that he was asking Dad’s permission to ask me to marry him. I didn’t think I could fall any more in love with Trevor, but apparently, I was very wrong. My heart swells with love for my fiancé—wow…my
—and when we got home, we celebrated all night long.

Chapter 9
BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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